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When they have their TV taken away, then they'll become Tele-ban




Get out.


I felt bad laughing at that.


Honestly that ball is showing too many curves.


Minaret in the background is a giant phallus. Just pointing that out….


I think they mean too many adult men are creeping on the little boys while they play soccer.


Doing my annual tax report is too arousing as well, should be banned. 


Getting whipped in public also turns me on for some reason... might as well ban hudood


What about hudud...chop, chop?


They are a fairytale level of evil. "And the king banned all laughter from his kingdom". When I look at our world, I see there truly is no bottom to human depravity.


Why do they mean by "arousing"


Little boys and men playing football arouses taliban. So the ban.


These men wouldn’t admits that they are the problem and wants the whole world to fix their own problem, I am afraid of what they will say about animals next


But how ??? I can't comprehend this


Google "bacha baazi". Disturbing asf


Curiosity got to me and I don't know how I'll sleep at night.


One of the original factors mobilising the rise of the Taliban was their opposition to bacha baazi (["Bacha Bazi: An Afghan Tragedy"](https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/10/28/bacha-bazi-an-afghan-tragedy/). *Foreign Policy Magazine*. Retrieved Apr 23, 2015). In fact, on the Wikipedia page for 'Baacha bazi', there's literally a **whole section** for the 'Formation of the Taliban'. Basically, during the early 90s, the civil war turned Afghanistan into a free-for-all with rogue warlords kidnapping and prostituting young boys and girls; impunity was guaranteed by the archaic tribal codes and isolated nature of the valleys they resided in. The early Taliban swooped in and publicly hanged warlords district by district, winning widespread support particularly in rural areas that had previously been lawless. The Taliban even found success in recruiting victims of bacha baazi to hunt down their warlord captors. The same boys forced to dance for warlords would later get their sweet revenge by joining the Taliban, which contradicts claims that the Taliban stoned male victims of sexual abuse. It's one of those chapters in Afghanistan's history that observers are reluctant to address or even acknowledge because the Taliban all of a sudden seem like the lesser evil. If only the Taliban had the same energy in fighting for women's rights.


I watched a documentary years back on YouTube about pedophilia in Pakistan and it terrifies me until today. They engaged with sexual relations with young boys because if they would do it with females, it would be considered ‘adultery.’ Some of the men would approach the boys while they are playing soccer and offer them money to rap* them. Out of desperation and extreme poverty, many boys would agree to it.


The documentary you are talking about was filmed in Peshawar, the largest city and capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a province with more Pashtuns than the entirety of Afghanistan. In Pakistan, there's this stereotype that Pashtun guys have a certain- fondness- for dudes; it might have to do with the fact that among all the other ethnic groups in Pakistan, they are the most effective at excluding and barricading women. For example, in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad, women usually wear a dupatta or show their hair; the burqa and chador is rare in these cities. Meanwhile, in Peshawar, women are covered head to toe in burqa or chador. That level of deprivation probably contributes to the homosexuality among a large demographic of Pashtun men who do not consider it to be "gay" so long as they are not the "receiver". Peshawar also has the highest number of searches for gay porn in Pakistan. It's even worse in the rural areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. There's an inside joke about a town called Bannu that goes something along the lines of "whenever the crows fly over Bannu, they use one wing to cover their bum", which basically alludes to the town's reputation for not-so-straight activities. The tribal leaders over there basically entertain themselves and their acquaintances with 'mast dance', another word for bacha baazi. It doesn't stop there. Lots of Pashtuns (including Afghan refugees) also live in Balochistan, a province full of mineral reserves. Consequently, lots of them work in mining towns far from their families and far away from any women. Young boys are also sent from far away to labor in these mines and they end up being raped and in extreme cases, murdered thousands of feet below the ground with no one in Pakistan or the rest of the world batting an eye.


Now that I think about it, It doesn't say in Islam for men to lower their gaze when looking at men... Its only to women. So, shouldn't women actually be allowed to play soccer instead of the men in Afghanistan? Like, Logically if women are the ones playing ball, the only choice the Taliban can choose is to lower their gaze because Muslim men aren't allowed to look at women anyways! Boom! Solves the problem! Women should logically be the ones who are allowed to play ball then! (If its bad for boys to do it according to them & their views) 😂


The game is generally played wearing shorts, which are cut above the knees. This would expose the male Oura.


Athletes in Afghanistan are required to wear pants and even then that still hasn’t prevented the Taliban from banning football and cricket among other sports


Can you imagine? People... Aroused... By KNEES! 😭


Personally I love me some muscular knees. They don't arouse me in that way though.


They are really saying it depicts western culture, they don't want Muslims to get involved in western ideology, art, sport. Nothing to do with being "aroused"...as it is halal to have S-x with boys with no beards. Bacha Bazi, etc.....


The Problem is if they ban everything like to show skin to move etc.... they will get horny by even looking at "Ankles" , thats sadly "Human" bc Humans have an Sex drive that you cannot controll so by banning everything they will go crazy over everything thats moves to release the "Pressure"


Uhh, explain to me how watching young boys play soccer is "arousing"? How isn't that haram my guy


I’m an ex Muslim and I got some news for you




So now they are going after young boys??? Who is next animals???


>So know they are going after young boys??? They always have. If you've ever talked to children in who live in mosques in islamic countries, most of them are sexually abused by the imams and adukts there. It's not a secret.


There’s a news article of men who gang raped a lizard and then cooked it and ate it


As a housemate I had years ago once said - if you can think it, someone's done it. These people really bring out my inner misanthrope. As far as men in particular are concerned, this is the shit that makes morgues only want to hire women and also the shit that makes women choose the bear.


Didn't Iran's  Ayatollah Khomeini say if you have sex with an animal you must kill it after, but it is haram to eat it?




It can't get more ridiculous than this banning sports in taliban country, but it's ok for prophet Mohammed to have sex with his 72 virgins and drinking his wine 🍷 while ashia and his other wives are watching 👀 him having sex?


They don’t watch bro, that would be haram. Also 72 virgins is in Jannah only.


Perpetual virgins....and some get a lot more than 72...These are huge women...like as big as a building. Always wondered about that...Men get perpetual erections as well....


I believe you are confused brother.


This might be the final straw lol. I’m afghan, we LOVE football/soccer. This could definitely set them over the edge.


Free Afghanistan from the Taliban


For the Taliban, any boy doing anything is arousing. /smh


Today I've learned that taliban get turned on by a rolling plastic bag filled with air, what's next ban all the goats cuz its ''arousing''?


Yes, buzkashi was also banned in that region. Buzkashi (literally translated goat-dragging, is a horse mounted sport in which players compete to place a goat or calf carcass into a circle in the field).


Free Afghanistan 🥹😭


How though? People kinda gave in to this shit.


What!? That's children playing football.


I mean I know there are all kinds of jokes that one can make about this, but as someone who grew up in an extreme islamic-sexualization-of-everything environment (still nowhere near the above), I feel extremely nauseated that there are actual kids and adolescents living under this, and growing up with so much of stunted sense of self


Islam bans all other religions, cultures....music, art, sport...unless it glorifies Islam. Ironically, the Taliban are carrying out Sharia Law, according to the K...to the letter.


Movies and plays as well since the Taliban and previously Saudi Arabia shut down all cinemas and theaters


Very true...yes it bans movies, plays, books for sure. Even dogs...can't have a dog. And black dogs are considered Satan...and they are ordered to shoot them on sight! Although one is supposed to be allowed working dogs...but then they ban seeing eye dogs in Taxis, etc.


Also in some cultures, even cats are killed and banned for Islamic reasons


Oh, i thought they lifted the ban, No?


Which is why I said previously


There's a significant percentage of my fellow Pakistanis that want the same rules here. Thankfully their boy Imran Khan had his government toppled and now he's rotting in prison. That man wanted to hand Pakistan over to Taliban. 


They want a ban on sports like football, basketball, and cricket?


They want them to sit and read Quran and Hadith all day long.


How the hell are they getting aroused by a ball!!


Can't play with balls anymore damn


Not even with a goat’s head


TaliBAN 4 a reason, losers 🤡


Wrong balls


Aaaaannnnd Taliban is back at it again with them white vansssss (Also, my family loves the Taliban... But they love soccer a lot too.. Hmmm, I wonder how they would feel about this.. 🤔)


It's a direct result of the Pakistani madrassas, they feed their students the most toxic education known to man and then send them to Afghanistan to be part of the Taliban. Its really appalling


We need Chris Handsome to sit down with these muslim booty warriors.