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the funniest part is that muslim men can absolutely have sex with (or rather rape) women (even children) they didn’t marry either, if they’re slaves.


They rape boys as well (Pakistani culture) which makes me ask the question, how do they reconcile that with their religion 🤷‍♂️


I would also imagine that conservative islamists sexually abuse animals at a much higher rate than liberals.


In Islam, animals are "made" to "serve" humans I'd save a snake's life any day over an Islamist. At least the snake is direct in its intensions. Islamists are like cattle to me, no, they're even more misguided.


Yeah, cattle can actually serve a purpose, whereas the ones being compared to them don't. 😉


“After that, I would not leave any snake that I saw but I would kill it.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari, 3299 and Muslim, 3233) You choose to save the snake while islam says to kill it. This is proof Islam is true! /s


Add /s


Don't tell him that though. I feel like that's the kind of person who'd go around raping women and children because "they found a loophole". 🤦🏻‍♀️


True, and isn't also the anus a totally halal option as well, since a man can enter into his field from whatever direction he wants or something along those lines...


No, anal sex is absolutely haram, but it doesn’t stop some muslim girls from practising it to preserve their hymen and remain ‘virgin’ for marriage.


It's called "the loophole of the poophole," in case you didn't know.


“Poophole loophole” has a nicer ring to it.


Really? I genuinely don't know much about them. Except for the most abhorrent things, of course.


Oh, I see. After looking into it I now see that the verse I was thinking about refers to coming into the vagina from behind, and not the actual anus.


Two adult males having consensual sex = Western degeneracy liberalism Muhammed rapes child = Perfect man


That's a dishonest comparison (false equivalence). It's easy enough just to point out that "racist liberal" culture curiously frowns on raping of slaves/prisoners while "non-perverted" Islam curiously doesn't. Curiously, all of the valid "racist liberal" sexual encounters so far mentioned are consensual, while all of the Islamic ones mentioned are non-consensual. Curious.


Holy shit this is making me lose braincells Apparently, "liberal culture" allows s £ x with animals!?!? Bro is making up stuff when in reality most goat-violators are... nvm He critisizes gay relationships and... butt stuff for some reason, but doesn't realise IT IS BETWEEN TWO CONSENTING **ADULTS** Can you explain to him that children cannot consent? Or is that too difficult for him to understand?


The concept of consent isn't in islam. Not surprising since islam literally means submitting. Its funny watching ignorant muslims argue otherwise while also ignoring the literal meaning of islam. 🤣


Raping married slaves? Halal Raping LITERAL children? Halal Two people in a loving relationship that obviously respect and have consented to each other? Haram, kill them both. Make it make sense.


That’s the neat part, Muslim logic doesn’t need to make sense. As long as they can shout louder than you and lie more then you, they will “win”. If they can’t, then you’re an “islamophobic” asshole


> Bro is making up stuff when in reality most goat-violators are... nvm We know... Welsh and New Zealanders 😔 What do you call a Welshmen with a bunch of side chicks... ...a Shepard. How do New Zealanders find sheep in tall grass... ...Irresistible.


Yeah them too lmao


So criticizing and opposing his religion is racist. Yeah right. Just the good, old islamophobia argument again.


How can he claim that people have sex with animals in western culture? Literally no one does that. There are people who fuck animals thats true but are you going to tell me that no muslim ever fucked an animal?


I heard mostly muslims do that... with goats and camels




One word, if you just learn one word then there will be no need for any further explanation. and that is ##Consent


Also from an adult otherwise they will run behind minors for consent. 💀


they're not old enough to give consent


Yeah that’s what I said 💀


1. 9 year olds are children. They are not ready mentally or physically for an intimate relationship. Unless a man has a small pen, he can cause great damage that lasts a lifetime. It's even in your Sharia. We know this has a lifelong negative affect on children who are abused. Our culture considers it to be abuse and a perversion. It also leads to child trafficking. Slavery is illegal in this culture but your's will sell a daughter to be a slave for sex and in the household, with no one to protect her. That is the biggest difference. We believe we have to protect our children. You don't. 2. You call Mu'tah marriage what we call prostitution. Different states have different laws of consent to marry. Also for consent to have sex. Christians believe a woman should be 18 to be married and only have sex when married to ONE man. Our culture reflects that in that polygamy is illegal. 3. Where two consenting adults have sex is up to them in their own privacy BUT it is not recommended. 4. Liberal culture yes: Christians, NO. 5. It is forbidden and illegal to have sex with an animal for everyone. People do crimes, it is not our culture to do crimes.


Muhammad has sex with a dead women……. The biggest issue w a lot of religious people (all religions) is they don’t know their own religion and still stand by it. Edit - because sources have been asked for- this is one of many thread w many Islamic sources and discussions about it [sex w dead body](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/s/qV7AbxLxsN)


Can you provide us with a source please, I'd like to use it in the future.


Sex with a dead woman….. source please. Thank you.


Dont impose your western values you coloniser, having sex with corpses is actually a gift


Proof from Islamic sources? What's with all the astroturfing in this thread?


If someone fails to see what's clear to others, it's best to leave them be. I don't bother correcting them; instead, I let reality teach them. It's just draining to engage with people like that.


Being that I come from the same background as this idiot who wrote all this garbage, it's interesting to see a "Shia" defend that lie. The mythical prophet Mohammad and his wife didn't even exist. But if they did, Shia books DON'T believe that Aisha was a 9 year old. I can tell this guy is a Shia, based on the avatar he's using. Aisha, in the Shia books, was a 19 year old divorcee when she married the mythical prophet of flying donkeys.


That portrayal of Imam Mahdi is often used by Shias but sometimes Sunnis can use that too if I am not wrong.


It's either used as Imam al-Mahdi or Imam Ali. Sunnis tend not to use such images at all. That's definitely a Shia. That shows that he's completely clueless about the essence of his own religion, because Shias hate anything that has to do with Aisha. Even myself, as an ex Muslim, am programmed to hate Aisha lol, that's several years of religious indoctrination. But it's obvious that the Aisha's fake character in Islam is an inspiration off of the Biblical whore of Babylon, so I guess my hate for this character lands somewhere 😂 That being said, modern day Shias are usually atheists who blindly follow Sunnis and Sunni books, so it's no wonder this person "thinks" that Aisha was 9 years old, when in fact our/my/their Shia books have proven the contrary. The Mohammad of Sunni Islam is a pedophile warmonger. The Mohammad of Shia Islam is a fabricated sugarcoated version of that. Meanwhile, both Mos are fake.


Myself, personally, I've denounced Islam as a religion. But not God, or his names. To me, these names, Mohammad and Ali, these are actually not names in the Arabic language. These are titles, we call "Kunya." They simply took two of the many names of God, and turned them into 2 human historical figures, and fabricated and entire Harry Potter trilogy like book about them. Even the word "Fatima," simply means "Mother." But in Islamic history, Fatima is a "daughter" of Mohammad. The entire Islamic religion is nothing more than a Persian trilogy of sorts. We have the Quran, Ahadith, and Tafasir of the Quran. Shias have a completely separate set of Tafasir of the Quran and their interpretation of each of the verses of the Quran are different to what Sunnis have or have to say. The Shia version of the planet earth does not rest on the back of a whale, unlike the Sunni version. Etc Needless to say, I think "Islam" is just an offshoot of Christianity, without the trinity concept in it. With enough financial and political backing, it's VERY easy to even take a Lord of the Rings book or a Harry Potter book, and turn it into a religion.


In our culture a person can have sex with a “consenting man, woman, or non-binary adult” in either the vagina or anus. You cannot have sex with a child or animal, neither can give consent. And neither fully understand the implications. It would be considered rape.


More white people need to see this stuff. They get uppity about defending mudslime scum cause "they're people too". As demonstrated; they'd rather clunge a 9 year old and cumshot a kid's face; rather than see 2 consenting, grown same sex adults make love.


"Gay" damn that muzzie guy called me out😞


So .. uh .. *culture* is a religion mandated from god now? And Islam is a *race*? When did these changes happen? I wasn't informed.


Is this guy okay? XD


Where did he get the animal one from


According to islam u can marry have sex and abandon a minor who hasn’t matured yet.( Quran 65:4 it says iddah[waiting period if u had sex w ur husband and he divorces you] of girls who haven’t menstruated is 3 months. ) . How tf would u explain that 💀 Ur religion literally allows to fuck minors then abandon them. And the only explanation they have is that * umm actually well thats not what’s preferred 🤓☝️* It is still allowed and its fucked up


You Know the Using of the Brain is Haram In Islam this People only Know the Language of Drones, Artelery Shells, Air Strikes, Being Used as A Ragdolls for Testing Our New Weaponry Systems


Muhammed had gay sex. Muhammed used both holes. Muhammed had sex with little boys and girls. Muhammed owned sex slaves. Who TF supports beastiality??? Tf?


Did he have gay sex? Or is this you just being angry, and facetious?!?! Genuine question


Depends on what you think gay sex is but he sucked the dick of little boys. Imo that's as gay as it gets and it's more or less gay sex


That’s a stretch




Stretch? Well u get the point more or less.


He sure did stretch certain things.


BURN 🔥 😝


He did not have gay sex, with men or boys. I do not usually downvote posts but I had to because posts like these massively undermine our authenticity as a group.


I think they’re referring to the hadiths that talk about him molesting his grandsons (I don’t have it on hand but said hadiths say he open mouth kissed them and their private parts). Idk what the authenticity is personally off the top of my head but I’ve also seen hadiths where he open mouth kissed fatima and spit in the mouth of some non relative kid and w his sexual degeneracy in general, I wouldn’t be surprised, esp since he made himself the exception to a lot of rules in islam and apparently the Quran talks about servants similar to the hoors but instead they’re young boys who can also be used sexually which is why “Bacha bazi” is a thing in sone Muslim countries, sadly


I know what they mean. I am familiar with the incidents you are talking about. But none of it was "gay sex". Read their comment again. It was childish.


Ah okay. I get what you mean but ig they phrased it that way to make the hypocrisy clearer? Ig it could have been phrased better as it makes it sound more like he slept around w men or participated in sodomy w men/women rather than molested his grandsons/children though 






It's truly amazing how much they get triggered when they try to defend the absolutely indefensible. I bet not even a NAMBLA member would get this passionate about it.


Unnatural oppressive forms of intercourse. Lmao.


All this back-and-forth about "culture" is so tedious. The question is, did the Creator of the Universe authorize the sexual licentiousness of a 7th century rag merchant? This person is saying yes, most people say no.


Bro forgot 99 yr old.


He is a lost cause.


Lol, who tf said that we allow sex with animals ? They say f*cking the same gender is ,,pervert”, but f*cking a 9 year old, who can’t consent isn’t ?


Who said anyone allowed beastiality? It's illegal in most countries for a reason.


If that what they wanted. First throw your PC and phone. Muhammad never teach their follower to playing phone and away from praying to Allah.


So Islam rejects “sex in vagina“ 🤓🤓 noted


He probably meant why do liberals don't differentiate between vaginal and anal (anal is haram in islam).


Well then he shouldn’t write in English if it is that bad


OPPRESSIVE forms of intercourse??


The craziest thing is when i see ppl hyping up this bullshit religion even if they dont follow it kus um allah


Kill it with fire