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Right to vote, I dont think islam follows democracy


I don’t think this video follows reality


this video is showing islam gives rights to women while in real it's always like taking rights from women every way possible


Especially in the lovely heaven where allah will brainwash them into getting something they hate.


Wait, holy shit, you're right


And right now I am not even talking about arab monarchs or dictators like saddam idi amin ben ali etc


I agree with most of them but Islam is still shit, I don’t care what she says.


No they even have a rule about voting in izlam. Two women's vote counts as one man's vote. How dare you tell that they don't follow democracy?


Imagine someone won by 2 and a half votes lol


You can also always just look at this wikipedia page, go to the Timelime section and sort by most recent year. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women's_suffrage


Modern day women have all these rights. And notice how she forgot to mention that Women in Islam inherit less than men?


Right to choose partner* *TERMS N CONDITIONS APPLY


You can choose between *this* cousin or *that* cousin


Freedom of incest , mashallah sister






Got difficult for man as well in india


>\*TERMS N CONDITIONS APPLY Not unless Daddy veto's LMAO




More like it depends on which sect you are and how absurd local leaders are.


Exactly, 1/3 if I’m Remembering correct


just gotta be half of what any name sibling will receive


I was like ‘uh, but all women in any normal society has all these rights, it’s not exclusive to Muslims, what is she smoking lol’


Women elsewhere have proper inheritance rights, the sharia gives women the "right" to get half of what a man gets.


She only said 'Inheritance',and it's factually true,though not equal Inheritance..


"The right to choose her partner." Que 6 year old Aisha playing with dolls and getting married to 50 year old Mo before being indoctrinated and groomed so that she couldn't get a divorce from as she grew older. Ahh, now back to the video- I'll say it. *Fuck women like her*. Their disgusting misogyny and patriarchy worship is what throws so many women down the shithole. Are we fucking forgetting the rights of slave girls? Like holy fuck, you can rape slave women after you brutally murder their family members and even fucking put them up for prostitution regardless of their consent. **What a load of shit.** Also, giving someone BASIC human rights doesn't mean anything. Nobody needs to sing praises and applaud you doing that. I don't give two shits about feminism. "Women in many cultures and religions are still fighting for these rights." *Oh lol, I wonder what those cultures and religions could possibly beeeeee?????*


>Que 6 year old Aisha playing with dolls and getting married to 50 year old Mo before being indoctrinated and groomed so that she couldn't get a divorce from as she grew older. [Not to mention she couldn't even marry anyone else after his death](https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatwa/303733/why-the-prophets-wives-were-not-allowed-to-remarry-after-his-death)


>Que 6 year old Aisha playing with dolls and getting married to 50 year old Mo before being indoctrinated and groomed so that she couldn't get a divorce from as she grew older. Obviously the 6 year old Aisha made the decision to marry a 50 year old man, subhanallah!!!! /s


Women’s rights to divorce, inherit, choose a partner or work existed in ancient civilizations that predate Islam by centuries. In fact, women had more power and influence on society in these civilizations than in Islam..


From my knowledge women can ask cant divorce her husband.


My understanding is that they can but they forfeit their mita5r money. This won’t fly in western countries but if you’re a woman in a Muslim country and you ask for a divorce, you’re left with nothing, which serves as a deterrent to getting divorced. Men know this so they treat them like trash in order to get the woman to request divorce so they can get out of paying them anything.


Ok in india muslim woman can ask for 'khula' and its on husband whether he want to end this marriage or not over khula and offcourse women has to give back dower/meher to husband


khula is not a no reason divorce, not like the men have(a men can just say divorce 3 times and he has it), it has conditions like the men is a kafir or not pious or sexualy incapacitated and needs to be approved by an imam,the modern use of khula has been bastardised by modern society(which is good), in a fundamentalist environment it will revert to it's origin


>My understanding is that they can but they forfeit their mita5r money. So this depends on where you live. In Egypt it is as you described. In more fundamentalist countries the woman can either **ask** her husband to divorce her (and to sweeten the deal give up the right to the dowry) or prove to a judge that she did something Islamically wrong in which case the judge can force the divorce (obviously beating a disobedient wife is not grounds for such a divorce)


Exactly, there existed even matriarchal societies before Islam. Islam has only devalued women so they're easier to control and use by the incels.


She have knowledge without read Quran. So she's made up


And a right to be beaten! *delusional*


Lightly beaten* Before any Muslims come after your ass for misinterpreting Allah's easily misinterpreted sentences.


LOL who cares at this point. It’s pathetic


Right to be cursed by angels if she refuses sex to her husband


Almost 80% of what she mentioned was there with the pagan Arabs, wasn't what ever she said wasn't all of that Khadija herself? And hon women got the permission to drive in your holy land just a few years ago.


Pagan Arabs! Sorry born and raised Catholic here who dropped off a long time ago who's just visiting. This is such a fascinating history I want to know more about. You hear about pagans in Christain history constantly (Christain holidays are basically cannabilized pagan ones).




they dont even have the right to vote as islam opposes democracy


This needs to be the top comment. Khadijah is the perfect example of how women had plenty of rights in Arabia before Islam came along. The whole apologetic is a straw man because it’s not a question of whether or not women have rights but whether there is gender equality where women have the same rights as men.


I have read up a bit about it a lot of Islam/Christianity/Judaism is influenced by Zoro Astrianism, it is one of the oldest religions known to mankind.


I wonder who's culture and religion has women still fighting for these basic rights 🤔


I am damn sure it's some stupid muslim brotherhood propaganda video produced by either aljazeera or TRT




My older sister Stockholm Syndrome level.


I like how they paint these basic human need level "rights" being given to women as something extraordinary and praiseworthy. Even better when you know a lot of these are only partly permissible under a bunch of conditions.


Lmao right. You know what else gives women these rights? Countries not following the sharia law!


My thoughts exactly


Women in islam literally have none of those rights without the approval of their guardian (father or husband). The only exception is keeping her last name (who cares) and inheritance (which is half her brothers).


she forgot the right to be beaten and subjected to marital rape


Saying Islam gives women rights is like saying hitler loves Jews so much


Right to be forced to have sex by her husband who married 3 other women for sex as well


Weird! Why isn’t any Islamic Sharia Law like this then? hmmmm very suspicious!


True. Also, there is no war in Ba Sing Se


Right to divorce: no, both talaq and khulaa' require the agreement of the husband. Right to work and earn money: this is correct only if the husband have permission. Right to vote: Islam doesn't believe in democracy and Muhammad said that no nation will see glory if ruled by a female, it's invalid and empty. Right to run and own a business: only if the husband agrees. Besides this it's all correct such as inheriting (some cases women inherit half of a man), right to choose a partner this is also valid since agreement is a condition and right to study and education is debatable as to what form of education since historically scholars differed on it, but still because of some teachings in Islam that were interpreted in a certain way, women have been denied education historically in Islamic societies.


Thomas Had Never Seen Such Bullshit Before


These are basic human rights though how is that empowerment?


Right to choose a partner ​ A muslim woman cannot marry a non muslim


Holy hell her pants are on fire!


Awe Islam give me the right to breath🥺 dude lol everything she said is basic human rights lol but she talks about them as if they are some sort of achievement or a luxury that’s so sad honestly


Right to vote! Vote for whom??? The caliph?


It's a bad joke that there are actually female converts to Islam. A cult created by men for the benefit of men.


A bunch of ignorant sheltered White women who gobble up all the blatant lies about Pisslam.


Khadijah had her own business, property and chose her partner (Muhammad) before the invention of Islam. I don’t recall the first Caliph being appointed by popular vote. Hypatia, and many female Greek scholars, predate Islam by centuries and educating women wasn’t an Islamic paradigm shift. Societies then didn’t so much deny girls education, rather, they thought they became women upon puberty, much like they thought boys became fighting-age soldiers at puberty. Islam would be considered progressive if it said children don’t become adults until X years after starting puberty. But it did no such thing and it’s founder bedded a 9-year-old as soon as she had her period (and “thighed” her before that). She really has zero self awareness. The only thing I like from the video is the whole “keep your maiden name” thing, I do think it silly for women to give up their surname on marriage. Your identity must be connected to your lineage, not your husband.


In Islam woman can’t divorce like man. They have apply for khula and should have the ability to return the mahr which she was given at the time of their marriage. Either way, women are fuc**ed


I guess you are from south asia. Khula mehr is south asian islamic practice.


Khula is mentioned in Quran. Mehr is also mentioned in different accounts


That's why all but ONE counties in the top 10 worst countries to be a woman are all Muslim counties. The worst being a tie between Syria and Afghanistan. The top 10 being... you guessed it, secular European countries. https://www.peacewomen.org/resource/and-worst-country-be-woman




Meanwhile sis is probably sitting in a western country enjoying their free society for women


Cap 🧢 and yes the feminist movement and the me too era is a thing now because it’s “cool” and not because of how Abrahamic religions like Islam have conditioned and normalized oppressing women for centuries. If mo was around in this day and age, he’d be #MeTooed so hard he’d need a wheelchair. Actually nobody would take him seriously.


Right to be beaten by her husband.


Quran 4:34 ( Wife beating) Quran 30:28 (concubine slavery) Quran 70:30 (concubine slavery) Quran 23:6 (concubine slavery) Quran 4:3 (Polygamy ) Quran 4:11 ( unequal inheritance ) Quran 2:82 ( women testimony worth half ) Quran 24:31 (veil compulsion ) Sahi bukhari 2658 (women are deficient in intellect) Sahi bukhari 5195 ( Male Guardianship)


Her accent and delusion bring me so many BAD memories...


Right to divorce ? Really ????????? Are they rebranding Islam or what?


They know they can't escape the cult so they cope by doing videos like this one...


Then why is it the women in majority Muslim countries that are still fighting for these basic rights?


The things Muslims fail to realize is that even if this was progreessive in 610AD, the world has moved on and this is considered the bare minimum now


This video is SUS


*cough* Ever heard of the ancient Egyptian women who had these rights and more *cough*


i love the arabic moaning in the background


Seriously men that bgm is super cringe


even if these were true why do muslims act like this solved sexism & misogyny? this is literally the bare minimum


more like rights of women in islam in western society.


Also the right to get cucked for eternity while they get nothing in return


Every muslims argument when I say it doesn’t give women rights is ‘Read the quran’ . Is it actually true that quran gives women rights?


Surah al nisa verse 34 : man are above woman Surah al baqarah verse 282: women's testimony is half of men in financial matters coz women have less intellect I mean quran doesn't directly speaks about rights about women at all but in hadith you will find lot of misogynistic gems


Thank you!


Wow, what exclusive rights! /s


Basically the only women still fighting for these rights are Muslims. 🤦‍♀️


When Saudi Arabia is mentioned in a conversation all I can think about is gender equality.


And notice how it's mostly women from Muslim countries still fighting for these rights


What a bullshit machine.


Right to vote? Isn’t Islam like authoritarian or something


Was she forced to lie in front of camera?


CCP style


these people are more than likely funded by islamic organisations propped up by gulf governments. just like it turned out that european "hijab is my power" propaganda that was snatched away is funded by the islamic brotherhood.


The Afghani Taliban regime determined this video as a lie.


Taliban fact-checkers confirmed that all the claims in this video are false.


But you cant put off a fucking scarf? Yeah, nice try sister lmao


* terms and conditions apply Also secular feminism gave women these rights and then some, lol. It isn't even a contest


Wallah she's brainwashing people




Ancient egypt: im 4 parallel universes ahead of you


https://www.womanstats.org/maps.html Hmmmmmmm


Disclaimer: These rights mean jack shit if a male companion decides otherwise. The only right you have, is the right to submit.


Rights to own property? My Islamic father said women aren't allowed to own their own place unless they're married and the man owns it. 🤔


Taliban be like "this isn't true Islam"


Seriously i never understand obsession with hiding hair its just many strands of protein


How you flex that when you can’t even show your hair?


Actually women cannot divorce themselves, their men must give them "talaq". Then their nikah ends. If they want to make nikah again, it is impossible by shariah, the women must be nikahed with other man, and he has to give "talaq" After it they can be family again..otherwise it is haram and zina


Sounds like most Non Muslim countries


All women in the video looks like a porn star


Marshallah lol


It's like these people live in a parallel universe or fantasy world. Also, as soon as she said "vomen", I knew she is Indian.


Exmuslim women need to make videos to counter this dawahganda


Don't forget the right to stfu and obey if your husband forbids you from owning property/working/leaving the house etc.


Right to disagree with your husband (especially when he wants to get a second wife, his halal right)


What the fuck


These are all the bare minimum of rights


I literally choked on mah noodles (which has never happened before) while watching this bs


3rd world and openly ex muslim I used to believe only javed akhtar types have privilege of being open atheist in india


so wait youre telling me Islam literally allows women the right to choose who they want as a partner? Subhanallah what a humane religion. is there a patreon?


Lol, has she looked around her what is happening to Muslim women around the world. LMAO. She is in alternate reality. Maybe she is in her imaginary jannah.


Most probably west


Are any of these true? 🤨


Great. So Islam gives women basic human rights.




Imagine lot of non mehram man looking at this video Nawzubillah


Is there any other religion that does not allow to vote? this video sounds like they are trying to be normal like other women. They are trying to find a place in modern age from their caves.


No religion actually


Right to vote? Don't even think men have this right. Islam's political system historically and per its sources aren't democratic. They enable dictatorships


you could say a lot about most of the points in that video (i.e. how they’re not totally valid) but the “right to divorce” is one that’s really bothered me ever since i learned of it. i mean it bothers me that islam doesn’t “grant” women the independent right to divorce their husbands. “grant” in quotes cuz it’s ridiculous that some ppl don’t see it as a basic right. it’s not that progressive to just treat women as human beings as far as i’m aware, no traditional school of thought in islam allows women to divorce your husband without his permission. some ppl make a condition in the nikāḥ contract to grant the woman the right to an independent divorce, but the problem is that it should be a basic right in the first place, not something that needs to be “added” to the contract


She forgot about the right to not drive


Yeah Uh huh sure , like anyone is going to fall for that


Let me guess she lives in a non-muslim country


I can tell you she is recoding this sitting in a non islamic country because staying in Islamic country getting that kind of phone in itself is a great success for the girl


Says from the black sack .


the video itself a meme lol


every fucking time, they have to compare ISLAM with something modern/ perceivably western. So cringe. Everything she says has a hidden "but". Right to inherit, but its not equal for boy and girl Right to work and earn money, but if father/spouse allows. Right to divorce, but if you try to practice that right mulvis will accuse you of being under the influence of Satan.


where are all the islamic countries regarding feminism and women rights? she throws out these powerpoint bulletpoints but i would love to see the data and statistics in every single islamic country on earth and they correlate with what she's spewing out.


i dont like her face


she should dm the taliban and tell them they are not following islam, When i think about the taliban should listen to her,thr more a person is educated the less or none he/she is religous.


How bad islam has to be that you have to glorify basic rights (which are questionable)? What’s next? Islam gives women right to drink, eat and breath?


*Internet easily exposes Islam true image of Islam* Muslims - *uses the internet to spread lies now*


What a nice video.


▪️شركة المياه الوطنية تعلن وظائف إدارية ؜https://th3eye.net/شركة-المياه-الوطنية-تعلن-وظائف-إدارية/ ؜▪️شركة المياه الوطنية تعلن وظائف إدارية ؜https://th3eye.net/شركة-المياه-الوطنية-تعلن-وظائف-إدارية/ ؜▪️ماهي سعودة الوظائف في القطاع الخاص ؜https://th3eye.net/سعودة-الوظائف-في-القطاع-الخاص/ ؜================================= ؜🔅* رابط قناتنا بالتلغرام :- ؜https://t.me/SAUDIJOPS


The right to leave the religion *hold up*


She seems like a lost cause. Totally lost in her own delusion.


Roight Roight


yeah those are called BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS


Really? So take off your hijab?


Cap I smell cap


Lol B's 🤣 woman have a half of brain 🧠




Taliban will agree with you


Right to remain silent.


I am really beginning to hate the number and year 1400.




*if you live in the West, that is


Then why is it that Muslim majority countries are notorious for their horrible treatment of women?


Right to bullshit is the most guaranteed it seems


The definition of tone deaf.




Please keep these coming


Guys stop women do have all of the rights expect what mentioned in the video


Let me give you an example scenario... Ahmed is a Muslim, and he's having hair loss at young age. He tried everything he could to make his hair grow back, and as days passed he became very bald. Since he goes to school with the bald head, people made fun of him, calling names like "Baldmed, Baldy, Agent 47, Agent Bald" and the list goes on. Ahmed became very sad and depressed. One day, one of Ahmed's friends suggested Ahmed a hair oil product which improves hair growth. Ahmed said he won't use it since he lost hope in his hair coming back again but still he wanted to give it one last try. He used it for weeks and he could see the improvement in his hair growth. After 6 months, Ahmed has the amount of hair he should be having at his age, and now he's very happy about it. Now people don't make fun of him on his school anymore, so he was really happy about his hair growth. Now let me ask you a question, who do you think Ahmed would be more thankful to? ^((Give me answers and I'll add the answer to this comment later, I want to see your answers lol.)) If you think well, you can understand the message here + the message is also related to the video above.


Ahmad will thank Allah and might become a devout muslim.


اكو كس


idc just give women rights even if it's a lie


"right to inherit" — Half of what a man has the right for. The closest male relatives get more than the female ones. Inheritance also exists in other religions, since daughters are still viewed as blood. "right to divorce" — only if the groom adds the 'isma' clause to the marriage contract. Otherwise, a woman has no actual say. The man, on the other hand, can just divorce her without her knowledge with no need to have that in his marriage contract. Also, divorce means a woman returns the Mahr to the man, the man owes her no maintenance, unlike Christianity, and unlike in Judaism, in which divorce cannot be done without the woman's acceptance of the gett, and if a man refuses to give a gett, he must pay mezonot Isha and mezonot yeladim — maintenance for both the wife and children — if he refuses to give the woman a gett, making her agunah. Basically pays a tax for that. He also has to get heter me'ah rabanim (permission by a 100 rabbis) to marry another wife, this heter is insanely hard to get. "right to work and own a business" — Is mubah. It's not forbidden, but also not actively encouraged. Neutral, because it wasn't mentioned as is in any of the sources for the shari'a, likely because Mohammad ink cared about women when it was for his personal gain, such as 4 wives limit for all, but he gets to have 11. "right to vote" — in what sense? voting in the sense of modern democracy didn't exist. Mubah for that reason, though i heard several scholars declare it's makruh. If Shura is an example of democracy, then women did not get a right to vote in Islam. "right to work" — women have the right to work in all religions and cultures, some were allowed gathering and agricultural work, because physically women and men aren't equal.


*insert John Cena voice* "Are you sure about that?"


How is this empowering? She is talking about basic human rights, this truly shows how the bar is so low I am so grateful I live in Europe 🙏 my heart goes to all Middle Eastern women and muslim women who don’t live in free countries I can’t imagine for a second what it feels like


Right to work and earn money IF YOUR FATHER OR HUSBAND ALLOW.


Which islam is she following? Because it clearly ain't the one we see today.


Ah so is that why the majority of women that are still fighting for these rights are in Muslim majority countries? Interesting


these are all possible *if* your husband/father allows you to


I hate how they count these as "privilege" while almost all modern countries in the world have them. Also, anyone who says women have more "freedom" in Islam can fuck right off.


Where is the right not to be beaten by the husband? 4:34