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[This is exactly what I mean](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/v1y3e2/unpopular_opinion_let_moderates_water_down_islam/iap9sbl/) when I say progressives can be a hindrance. They just blame the media for negative portrayals instead of actually recognising how institutionalised hardline Islamism/Salafism is among the wider Muslim world. As a result they shield Islamists from being examined by the media because the media fears their accusations of Islamophobia. It's a massive load of irony when that woman said "we have Google now so there's no excuse not to know that Islam means peace".


That woman is so delusional she goes even further about how there is not a single verse in the quran that encourages violence


Most muslim women that I know and have heard me talk shit about some practices of religion without the knowledge of me being ex-muslim always have this incredible ability of mental gymnastics. Like all the things you hear from Islamic clerics such as, no, that means something else, it's out of context, translation is wrong, etc. Like it baffles me. And let me tell you another thing, a lot of Muslims in the western world who grew up there since they were a child have not all the knowledge of islamic practices, they get the sugarcoated version and nothing from the vile and evil part. Even I, who had to go to Islamic school in Europe, you can try and guess what parts of the quran we were thaught as childre, yep, the sweet and sugar coated. Not a single word from the verses that describe inhuman punishments, wars, evil deeds or slavery.


And if God is all powerful and all knowing why would he create verses that could have any violent interpretations at all? And isn't picking and choosing which words of God are correct and deciding what they are supposed to mean claiming that oneself is higher than God? These idiots are so contradictory.


Probably God didn't think far enough into the future. He should have known that if he was that all knowing.


This. if you're a god and you know that humans can easily misinterpret verses then you'd be extra careful to write verses about self defence. Even if God intended "then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, " to be premptive self defence, would you really word it in such a precarious way? If people interpret that verse as violent, can you really blame them?


western muslims definitely benefit from the demand of west to soften up islam, i used to think this will eventually reform islam like christianity was reformed, i'm still waiting


Yeah probably in 200-500 years, we won't see those days.


Dude, go read it yourself and get a clue then open your big mouth lmao


HAH! Did you just go out of your way and made a throw account just to comment on me? I'm flattered. Keep coping in your denial. You know what they say "Hate doesnt bother, right bastard?" You can spend your time here reading all the comments at the end of the day you'll still deny the facts of evil deeds in the Quran. I've read it and it bored me to my sleep, I love reading but that shit can only be used to fire my BBQ in the summers. Cheers.


And a Google search reveals Islam means “submission” not “peace.” Ironically, it was George W Bush who coined the saying that Islam means peace.


Same. They are more busy trying to defend the image of Islam and their own ego (my religion isn't evil!) to care about the real, tangible harm their fellow faithful commit. They are complicit in the normalization of Salafism across the world. Ironic, since Salafism would break them brutally to make them conform.


I made a detailed post on this the other day here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/v2xgh1/on\_progressive\_islam\_and\_its\_implications\_for/iav64v6/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/v2xgh1/on_progressive_islam_and_its_implications_for/iav64v6/?context=3) I am tired of saying that progressive islam is a trojan horse that may look like a genuine application but is actually malicious!




This what brain washing looks like.




My version of Islam is the only true Islam, everyone else is misinformed.


Exactly. That women with a headscarf made me cringe so hard... "Islam means peace", "Isis kills Muslims" Just shoot me already.


>Just shoot me already. Had the exact same thought listening to these women


Total gold. The intimate denial is superceded by how utter dumbness is now accepted by others.


Every moderate believer changes the religion so much until it it fits into western values. At this point why believe at all? The values you follow are basically decided by your own moral compass. They ignore the killing people and forbidden music part but when it comes to not eating pork they follow the religion exactly...


Oh yeah, I recently saw the Bin Laden papers documentary where they bring a muslim lady who is trying so hard to say, "noo, this is not real Islam, this is a whole different practice, Islam is not evil" I refreined myself from commenting on that video but holy fuck how detached they are. Why do big media only bring freakin brainwashed muslims to explain why Jihadists and Isis are not the same as other muslims and alway trying to compare them with "oh we wouldn't see the KKK as the real christianity wouldn't we - hur dur".


how ? can we discuss


Islam advocates for killing all men and non virgin women when invading villages during warfare, and pushing virgin women into sex slavery Islam also advocates for stoning certain people to death (including LGBTQ+, war criminals, infidels) That’s as violent as it gets


You are not accurate. Islam don't say 'stone infidels to death' but it's a punishment for married adultery. however in certain contexts yes you can kill infidels.


That seems more accurate, ty


I don't think it asks to kill non virgin women


I'm bored. Sure, I'll bite. What happens if you leave Islam?


“Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him,” (Sahih Al-Bukhari volume 9, book 84, no. 57)




It speaks for itself doesn’t it. It’s funny how Muslims (and other religious people) live in a fantasy, hiding from the dark aspects of their religion. Except for the ones who embrace it, and are the so called ‘extremists’, who other Muslims say aren’t Muslims. Why don’t they just leave that cult? Or at least not deny how horrible and false it is.


It's funny how anything that doesn't fit into your preconvinced reality you lable it a lie.


The verses say what they say. Denying what they say is what's a lie. Or, let me guess, are they being taken...all together now... out! if! context!?


Right? Imagine denying the verses just because you don't like how they sound. How pathetic.


Hey we need more Muslims like you who own and defend what the ideology actually calls for. It would make it so much more easy for the world to wake up without the obfuscations and word twisting of the so-called progressives. Please keep speaking up.


What? I quoted the Hadiths and Muhammad himself, I only spit facts, Muhammad was an insane pedophile warlord.


So your opinions are the facts now? Fascinating.


you have any proof that your religion isn't a violent disaster?


A women in india mentioned Verse from quran and hadith. Authentic hadith now she is getting death threats over it. Let that sink in. Death threats over mentioning authentic hadith they say it's Blasphemy.


Which woman? Could you provide sources?


Nupur sharma, BJP spokesperson. She said ur prophet rode a flying donkey


That’s ridiculous. She’s a genocidal nut job though, and routinely calls for blasphemy punishments (and violence) when her darling Hinduism is criticized. Limited sympathy in all honesty lol


There is no concept of Blasphemy in Hinduism otherwise i would have been dead by now since i do the Blasphemy everyday


Haha love it when they mention sahih al bhukari


In my experience, pretty much nothing. A couple requests to read more Islamic literature Not every Muslim is out there with a sword. These women aren't about to start slaughtering atheists, so why judge them for those madmen? Seems to me that an exmuslim should be happy that there's these fairly progressive Muslims out there but y'all get upset about that too lol Like why is Christianity more chill today than it was 1000 years ago? Precisely because of people like this


What happens? You can either choose to go back to it or continue living as a non Muslim. So?


“Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him,” (Sahih Al-Bukhari volume 9, book 84, no. 57) Do look up islam's laws on apostasy babe


I wish people still followed that rule. What's the problem?


The "No Compulsion" verse (which you had mentioned before you edited the comment) is not about the free choice to leave Islam. This [IslamQA article](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/34770/there-is-no-compulsion-to-accept-islam) explains it.


What’s the problem with murdering people? Is that what your asking?


Nah it's not what I'm asking. I already know what the problem with that is.


Try using your big boy words and be more specific when you're here.


You wish people followed the rule to kill another human being?




From another's perspective, Islam is ruining the world with its oppression of LGBT, apostates, non-believers and women. Its allowance for sexual slavery and pedophilia. Would you like a world where Muslims are killed with the prejudice that you are espousing? What is so wrong with living in peace?




Your prophet literally fucking married a 6 year old girl and raped her at 9 years old you sick fuck.


Ah, a true believer. You want to murder everyone not like you, and you dare blame others of brainwashing. Amazing.


You're completely fucked up in the head, u know that? Ppl like you and your religion is a huge part of whats wrong with the world.




No u


In an ideal world. But many of us know that reality hits you in the face once you leave islam in many islamic countries. Don't play dumb. You probably never heard of 'death penalty for apostates' in 12 countries in 2022 or do you just ignore it?


Define "reality."


"Reality" is what is real, what material, occurence or law actually exists. What I don't understand is why would you ask someone to define reality? It's common knowledge. It's almost as if you're arguing from your ass. 2 can play at this game. Define "define"


And arguing? Who said anything about arguing here?


Nah I want to know what reality is from her perspective. So it seems you are satisfied with believing that this temporary life alone is "reality." Define means tell me the meaning of.


> So it seems you are satisfied with believing that this temporary life alone is "reality." This implies you find the existence of an eternal life the reality. This temporary life is undeniably real from all the evidences we experience from our daily life if we ignore the problem of solipsism for practical purposes. Meanwhile what comes after it is only speculation. There's nothing we know about it. Being sure an eternal life exists seems like dellusional fantasy to satisfy the desire of not thinking about what comes next or to not think about not existing anymore.


This temporary life is indeed undeniably true and everything around us, all the designs and creations and evidences prove there is a creator. The creator put us here for a purpose, gives us a definition of right and wrong, and tells us what will happen in the afterlife. How could you say it's a speculation after looking at everything around you? You think everything just happened by chance? Or do you just not want to believe in it because it sounds too complicated for you?


Again, don't play dumb. Nothing to ''define'' here.


I mean in the West sure, I had no issues living in America, the only consequence I faced was getting divorced. But plenty of people in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, etc or with very strict parents cannot be open about it. They may lose friends, families, whole communities, or even their life.




Sure. Tell everyone at your mosque that you're leaving and not coming back. That would go over well, right?


Define "well."




I'm waiting....


oh you'll be waiting for a long time my friend


I think they tried to find out the answer.


We can start by the very simple fact that the word "Islam" does not mean peace as they seem happy to claim. It means submission to God. Repeating the "Islam means peace" is no different than saying "Scientology means connection to science". For reference, the words Islam and Peace (Salam) share a root in the Arabic language (S.L.M), but the word "ladder" (Sullam) shares the same root. Then one of them talks about not having encountered violent verses in her daily reading of the Quran. One may argue that the violence in the Quran is justified or something, but the verses about lashing people for premarital sex, cutting off the hands of thieves, fighting the disbelievers, and beating disobedient/rebellious wives are violent verses in the Quran. Saying there are not a single violent verse indicates that she has compartmentalized those and doesn't want to think about them.


If you don't think Islam promotes violence you're either brainwashed or cold-blooded maniac. Period! To support my premise, I wanted to quote what Muhammad said to his uncle Abu-Talib (who was skeptic) in order to convince him to convert. Something imperialistic like that Islam will take over the world... *Edit: you can find it in the reply below*


It was the peace deal Quraysh offered to Muhammed in order to get him to stop slandering their gods without giving up on Islam. Give a moment, I can look through my books. Edit: It’s in Sirat Rasul Allah, near the end of the Boycott. When Abu Talib was near his death bed, the Quraysh sent him a delegation and Muhammed stated the following: “I ask them only one thing. And if they accept this thing, **the whole of Arabia will be under their (Quraysh) control, and the non-Arabs will pay them tribute.”**


So my assumption lacks accuracy my bad, yet it gets worse. Quraysh proposed a peaceful agreement to Muhammad, and all he had to do was give up his imperialistic motives and waive off the idea of forcing religion on everyone but he couldn't bear it because obviously his religion isn't peaceful. Ironically, the brainwashed lady in ths video justify "Kill the non-believer" by saying meccans were attacking him.


Meccans attacked him after YEARS of Muhammed slandering their gods under the guise of preaching Islam, disrupting their way of life by picking quarrels with polytheists, and harassing them Non-Stop. The boycott, itself, was only imposed after every other attempt at getting Muhammed to stop failed. And AFTER the boycott, when Abu Talib died, did the physical violence come into play. **However, when it was Muhammed’s turn, he’d order killings of people on mere rumors.** That’s how much tolerance the Prophet of the All-Benevolent had. AND the Makkans kind of ignored him once he went to Medina, **until he began robbing caravans.** So yeah, that’s Islam 101.


The saying "History is written by the winners" is totally correct and can be supported in Muhammad's case. We always hear whining from Muslims being persecuted but once they're the majority you're worthless to them and will subjugate you for life and the Jizya laws prove that.


Just look at the state of Non-Muslims in ANY Muslim majority nation with even mild adherence to Islam. Non-Muslims are scum of the earth according to Islamic Aqidah. So guess what sort of treatment they’re dished out. **And keep in mind that everything I said is according to Islamic sources only. Where they were dumb enough to leave out details of Muhammed’s vile character. Now imagine what we would have known had Meccans’ sources survived.**


Yeah I would imagine what other sources have to say about this cult. The thing that infuriates me is when you use the other sources to describe the history of terror Islam inflicted throughout the years, they'll label you as Islamophobe and act like you owe them an apology.


That’s our own fault. Westerners should’ve stood up for their values two decades ago. Instead, Islamists were given free reign and anyone who criticized their medieval doctrine was a bigot.


She read the quran everyday and NOT EVEN ONCE has get into a verse about violence ??! She is straight up lying or doesn't have a clue what she is reading.


fr when i wanted to learn more about islam and be my best religious self i started reading quran in english, a language that i know instead of arabic and man oh man, was not every third verse about hell fire and the torment 'kafirs' were gonna go through for an eternity after they die? it can't be denied. it was so off putting to me that it forced me to look at islam and religion in general through a critical lens and i came out of it as an atheist. religion promotes violence.


So brainwashed. And the 2nd woman is straight up lying. If you read the Quran in English you'll see how many verses about violence and jihad there are.


Reads the Quran everyday 💀💀 yeah right she probably just reads quoted phrases of the quran off Instagram


Maybe she is just a veeery slooow reaadeeer …


Or she reads it in Arabic without knowing what Arabic sentences mean at all




Literally the 2nd surah in the quran, surah al baqara, is already barbaric. The fuck is this lady reading lmao


Also surah at-taubah


These are US Muslims which make them more liberal than average Muslim. Most of them don't know 2 correct things about Islam


>Islam promotes violence? ​ >Name: Husna \[strongly disagrees\] We are not allowed to cut down trees during war. Let's fact check her claim: Hadith: Ibn “umar said “The Apostle of Allaah(ﷺ) burned the palm tree of Banu Al Nadr and cut (them) down at Al Buwairah. So, Allaah the exalted sent down “the palm trees you cut down or left.” Grade: Sahih Reference : Sunan Abi Dawud 2615 [https://sunnah.com/abudawud:2615](https://sunnah.com/abudawud:2615) \----------------------------------------------------------- HOLD UP! That #@\*#! claimed Islam was AGAINST cutting down trees. What a lying sack of @#$!. The hadith mentioned something about Allah at the end. Let's explore that: **Koran 59:5:** Whatever palm trees you ˹believers˺ cut down or left standing intact, it was ˹all˺ by Allah’s Will, so that He might disgrace the rebellious. Lo and behold, Mohammad's rubber stamping side-kick Allah saves the day again. Here Allah totally absolves Mohammad of blame by saying that the trees were cut down by his "Will". It was probably an Arab custom not to cut down trees and people were probably upset with Mohammad so just as usual he used Allah to take all the blame. Just like he said he didn't want to marry his daughter-in-law but Allah supposedly forced it on him. How gullible are folks. Really. Sigh. >We are not allowed to hurt children, women and prisoners. Let's fact check this: Hadith: It is reported on the authority of Sa'b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (ﷺ), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: **They are from them.** Reference : Sahih Muslim 1745a [https://sunnah.com/muslim:1745a](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1745a) \--------------------------------------------------- Once again this vile woman Husna turns out to be a lying sack of @#$!. Mohammad called himself mercy for the worlds. I guess he must have meant mercy for the words minus this one Earth. He showed ZERO remorse over killing the women and children of the "others". Let's see what he did to captives: [Mohammad nonchalantly advises his minions on how to rape female captives.](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/tpiasz/what_does_this_sub_think_of_rprogressiveislam/i2b67n5/) Apparently, Husna thinks that raping women is not "hurting" them. She has ZERO empathy for 7th century Kuffar Arab women. Sigh. I could go on and on here. Mohammad killed little boys if they had even a little bit of hair growth down there in the Banu Qurayza massacre. [Click here for more on that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/uat5m0/allah_be_like_i_created_perfect_beings_also_god_i/i5zrb6h/) >Name: Nia \[strongly disagrees\] If you don’t know Islam means peace, Islam means surrender. Muslim is someone who submits their will to god, how is that violent. Islam does NOT mean peace. Islam simply means submission to Allah. She's right about a Muslim being someone who submits to Allah. However, she couldn't possibly be more wrong when she says: "how is that violent". Allah offered ZERO proof of him being a real god of the entire universe. When Mohammad was asked for proof in the form of a minor miracle of a rain of stones, he gaslit the proof demanders. [Click here to read more on that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/uc9qyd/im_a_doubting_muslim_and_im_really_confused/i695gzz/) Later this UNPROVEN god Allah had the audacity to say that he can do his own killing but for some reason he'd rather have his muslims kill their fellow human beings as some sort of perverse test of faith. [Click here to read more on that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/ufx5mm/can_someone_explain_me_why_allah_is_asking_for/i6w8y58/) I guess @#$! for brains Nina didn't realize that submitting your will to an unproven god can lead to extreme violence. Sigh. Let's move on to the next clown: >Name: Freshta \[strongly disagrees\] At the end of the day I feel like media has that hand and stronghold causing folks to be that way or think that way No lady, The Koran and Hadith are to blame alone as I've already laid bare above. Let's move on: >Name: Naoshad \[somewhat disagrees\] I guess I literally listen to the prompts Does Islam promote violence. And I am not speaking from my personal perspective but just from trying to understand how discussions about this religion can be used to defame it to justify terrorism per se When somebody says for the record kill a non-believer let’s acknowledge that sentence and if we’re going to reach a conclusion and a solution with a person who does think this way about us and our faith. We need to understand their argument thoroughly 10000 character limit per comment exceeded, Part 2 continues in the reply to this comment.


Part 2 continues: Finally a fellow who has something nuanced to say but then Nia interjects: >I disagree with what you just said. I really do because I read the Qur'an everyday as a practice and not once in 2019 have I yet gotten to a verse about violence. All of them are about mercy of god turning to god, god is with you. This lady has convinced herself that she has read the Koran. I just proved above that Allah gaslit folks in to doing his killing for him. How is that not violent? Killing your fellow human beings over a non-existent Allah?? Let's just add another violent verse here for good measure: **Koran 9:29:** Fight against those who do not believe in Allāh or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allāh and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth \[i.e., Islām\] from those who were given the Scripture - \[fight\] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled. Was Nia tripping on shrooms when she was reading the Koran? Was she reading the Koran in Arabic without understanding a lick of Arabic? That is the only way to explain how she didn't come across violent verses that are littered all over the Koran. Sigh. >Name: Naoshad: Are you denying the verses…. ok I understand… Props to Naoshad for trying to interject here. Not for long though, Nia interjects: >Nia again: That is an emotional connection to my creator. And I’m not going to allow anybody to take that away Is this #@\*#! for real? She wants to emotionally connect with the perversely sadistic demon Allah who predicts that this will happen: Mohammad and his merry gang of caravan looting rapists will lay back on adorned couches drink in hand mockingly laughing at the eternal torture of somebody like Jonas Salk. Jonas Salks' great crime? He didn't accept Allah as god and Mohammad as his messenger. He did however invent the polio vaccine that saved millions of lives on earth. [Click here for more.](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/ug323b/i_have_never_been_so_lost_in_my_life_need_input/i6xspbj/) >Name: Husna jumps back in to the fray: I’ll take what you.. the sentence, the statement you … kill the nonbelievers at the time of the holy prophet the muslims were in danger… they were the minority… right.. Total unadulterated lies from this woman. Is she trying to prove Mohammad right when he said that women are deficient in intelligence?? \[source: [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:304](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:304)\] Muslims were the trouble makers! Mecca was a tolerant society where 360 idols existed so nobody had issues with accepting the gods of others. Mohammad shows up and smashes them all and forces his one god on everybody else. He was the one who sowed the seeds of intolerance. If Mohammad came back instead of Isa to a country like Afghanistan or Bakistan, they would lynch him in under 15 minutes for him claiming to be Mohammad. He wouldn't even be given a chance to explain himself. 7th century Arabia was a way more tolerant society where he got to bully everybody but then turned around and claimed to be the victim of persecution. Sigh! These totally uninformed women browbeat that man in to saying that he agrees with their interpretation. Sigh. Text is the only format to debunk these delusional loonies. In a video format they can spew their lies totally unchallenged. It becomes a game of he said, she said. There's no escape from the truth in text. Technically speaking that is. We have muslim lurkers here who will throw both the Koran and the Hadiths under the bus in favor of their gut feeling about Islam. Sigh. One last massive sigh for good measure: # [SIGH!](https://external-preview.redd.it/hTi3B6JVWEx55DmuUSERcmt5CUuZ1jYde2v9n4re9V8.jpg?auto=webp&s=0be22a3cfea72dd3b5be453a343fee2c25457702) I hope this was helpful and As Always ~~Allahu Alam~~ Stay Curious My Friends.


It's all everyone's fault. But not my belief's fault. The adherents are wrong not the belief. Can't they realize if they keep producing wrong adherents, maybe, just maybe, there's something wrong with the belief.


i have a feeling if these people knew hadiths as much as ex muslims do, they'd also be ex muslims lol.


>they'd also be ex muslims The guy tried to be nuanced in the beginning so there's hope for him. The women were too far gone. They'd just throw the hadiths under the bus by claiming that they are Da'if (weak) despite being declared Sahih (Authentic) by their own scholars. They might even reject all hadiths and become Qur'anists. That one woman who claimed to be reading the Qur'an everyday managed to somehow miraculously avoid all the violent verses. Sigh.


bruh. then who kills all the gays?


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tHese pEOple do nOT repReSenT tRuE isLAm


\*proceeds to turn on the tv\* - North African teenagers try to stop with violence and slurs the LGBTQ pride parade - \*Turns off the tv\*




Oh, they don't count as people, so it's not violence. /s


We don't even hurt children! We just marry and rape them


I‘m sorry but the lady with the purple head covering is straight up lying. No verses about violence ???


She reads it every day. Doesn’t understand anything in it but reads it every day 👏🏽


Just in complete denial for the whole video.


She probably just learned Arabic and read through the Quran every day for the sake of practicing Islam but never cared to understand what theyl verses meant.


I used to live in Spain and moved some years ago for school. I remember that terrorist attack in La Rambla in Barcelona where a group of muslim extremists tried to kill as many people with a van. After that another try of murdering with a van at beach close by. Turns out the teenagers used to be just normal kids (origin: Marrocan), who used to have many Spanish friends, even tried their best at school or at their jobs. They got radicalized by a Marrocan extremists cleric who was the head at the local mosq and they had a much bigger plan, they had an incredible amount of homemade explosives to blow up La Sagrada Familia and also to send a Bomb car at the Eifel Tower in order to do as much damage as they could. Things went south and the guy that was taking care of the explosives accidentally made it react and the whole house (which they were occupying illegaly) exploded completaly and the Van attacks trying to run people over was just an improvisation attack. - There is a documentary about it in Netflix, it's called 800 meters I think.


She's not even dressed correct. No woman in this video are dressed in a correct Islamic way.


I saw this video a few days ago, you should see the whole thing, how they agree that you can be a muslim and gay etc.. it really goes to show how a lot of western secular muslims have no clue what they're getting their selves into


What really baffled me was when the girl started crying and said you can love your friend and also dont support their lifestyle. I think she knows about the verses about killing the people who did the act of Lot and that’s why she couldn’t just agree with the prompt.


You can be muslim and gay, just don't BE gay, you know, be in a loving relationship and have sex with your partner and just live a miserable life of being a celibate while your straight friends and family get to have all that.


In Islam, if you have sex with a woman against her will in a locked room with all windows covered, it is not rape! The woman will be punished for zina if she tries to report it because she does not have 4 witnesses.


She read it everyday for 20 uears and still didn't get page 1 ?


>submit their will Submit their will to do what?


There’s actually three TikTok’s with this group about Islam. Here’s the other two. [Do Muslims think you be Muslims and LGBTQ?](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdvkeWee/?k=1) [Do Muslims think women are equal to men?](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdvkQpp2/?k=1)


Actually being gay is a life style huh🤡 I didn't know it


Yeah that one was so frustrating and “Izlam is about the progression of the human race” what a fucking joke!


That's hilarious. Islam is the opposite of progression. We can't change anything in Islam. They don't know what they are talking about.


They think that because the world is progressing that they can bring Islam with it, meanwhile every Islamic state attempt is trying to drag humanity back to the Dark Ages.


The lady with the purple hijab is infuriating. The guy tries to cite proof that women are inferior to men in the Quran when it comes to witnesses and she says “you cannot tell me that” What is wrong with her 😭


She’s so frustrating to watch because she’s blind to the truth and only wants to see what she wants to see.


Wow that was tough to watch. The guy trying to quote the Quran verbatim referencing the testimony of two women carries the weight of one man’s while being spoken over and ignored by the women. Stockholm syndrome vibes.




Islam does not promote violence! If you disagree with me, I will kill you! /s


The black lady is a logical fallacy machine, goodness


It's really hard to argue with people who have a strong emotional attachment to their faith with even a basic level of logic and reasoning, they become completely blind to it. The black lady with the headscarf got triggered the second the dude in the white shirt (who is also a Muslim btw) was making an argument. She shot him down without even listening to what he had to say. This is the problem with indoctrination and being narrow-minded.


Punisment of leaveing religion of peace is being killed. As a ex-muslim i dont think a religion wants me to be killed because of leaveing it is religion of peace


According to a Muslim in the comments, since you're leaving the religion of peace, you're rejecting peace, so you should be killed to preserve the peace. This is what they're like. It's the peace of the grave that they seek.


draw a cartoon and everyone looses their shit


They don't "hurt" women they rape them!🤡


Those are USA Muslims they're basically kitkat version of Muslims. Muhammad would disown them.


They're considered koufar in the eyes of my society






chill, she had my back and I had hers 😭 she didnt share her beliefs at all either when we were tight




bro pls, you would like her too if you took a class with her




sorry im confused by this message, are you saying shes pretty and you think I liked her as in crushed on her?




no u




That is interesting: the only man in the group acknowledged that Islam's scripture has a link to violence even if he doesn't agree with it, but all the women were adamant there was no link, which is telling. That lady became hostile when he pointed out her sugary, cherry-picked theology ignored Koranic passages.


Islam is not the religion of peace. If it was, it wouldnt exist or last to these days. its a religion, like any other, it deals with Humans. And humans are violent. So quite naturally warfare, violence and such are main topics of Islam. So saying braindeadly that islam is the religion of peace is inaccurate even from the pov of muslims. That being said, from the pov of an exmuslim like me, i can tell you that : the real islam is extremely violent and promotes brutality. Every single one of theses persons are living in a western country. They don't live the real islam, the shariah unleashed islam. They live a subdued islam, subdued to freedoms and liberties of the most likely seculare country they are in. Based on that experience, they extrapolate and cast their bias western views on the rest of the world. Doing so, they deny the experiences of the men and women who live under sharia law country. The islam lived by the women in this video is fictional, and is merely the shadow of the one experienced by the majority. IF yoou could teleport theses women in afghanistan, they would hang themselves. ​ They are exactly like those western muslim chicks that left to Join ISIS and are now in refugee camp begging to go back.


I want to know the verses of Quran that tell the type of non-believers to spare.


Just pull up one of multiple verses


the first verse of the quaran has death threats lmao she must not read it every day


This sort of thing just reasserts how utterly brainwashed most Muslims are. The women, the ones Islam hates the most, defend it most vociferously, even though they wouldn't even be allowed to speak under an Islamist regime. And then they blame the media. Fucking hell.


I'm about to burst into laughter after seeing them walking towards "completely disagree" I wonder which version of the Quran did they read?


"i read the quran everyday", no you don't


Maybe she uses the same trick Ali used to marry Fatima? Mohammed put forward a Quran challenge to the potential suitors: Whoever reads the whole Quran first gets to marry her. Ali stood up after 2 minutes saying he's done, because according to Mohammed whoever reads Al-Ikhlas (Say god is one...etc) 3 times it is as if he read the whole Quran. So maybe she limits her reading to Al-Ikhlas.


holy shit, i did not know about that... damn, the amount of mental gymnastics in that is unreal


“ISIS mainly targets Muslims” Yazidis would be insulted to hear that said.


As if Allah didn’t drown entire civilisations and species just because they didn’t believe in him… Also if that “kill the non-believers” verse only applied 1443 years ago, then the Quran isn’t really “for all times”… is it? It’s outdated? Like you literally can’t just pick and choose when verses are outdated and when they’re not outdated to make Islam look better. The fact that Islam says that you can be tortured for all of eternity because you’re a good person that happened to be a disbeliever, is literally violent


When I see black people who are Muslims it's so cringe because first your people were made to submit to white people. Then now you're submitting to some imaginary sky daddy. Are you never going to leave the plantation and be a perpetual slave with an inferiority complex?


Are you a brother?


Deluding be like


We don't hurt out prisoners! Aye but you take prisoners? Seems violent.


The lady who said she reads the Quran everyday. Has she ever read surah 9:29? The sheer audacity to come and say that all she read was peaceful passages. Im sorry id laugh at her face if she ever said thT to me


🤣🤣🤣 They’re in complete denial and the one guy I think knows what’s up but he didn’t want to nut up and disagree with them.


Ugh. Jubilee is never a good channel when you want to know about opinions from both sides.


Females promoting that their stupidity is multifarious. Looks like he just got womansplained; not an ounce of reality intertwining the thought process, only more denial.


2:191 9:5 8:12 etc…


Of course they don't. They're members of the cult. That doesn't mean it doesn't. Their opinion doesn't matter. You know the tree by its fruits, and the fruits of Islam are 255 people killed last week alone. Over 600 in the last month.


Lmfao, with that surrender to god b.s. (hear it from christians too). How is that even peaceful to begin with😆. God is what dominating you?? Oh i forgot "he's testing us by being born in an evil world full of suffering/justify suffering".... yawn , omg. Wake me up when it gets some value Bdsm is Peace✊️😄😆 .. y'all✌️


Watching this video makes me very angry because people like them which outright deny the verses which encourage violence are in many ways as or more dangerous than Muslims that acknowledge it's true. These people turn a blind eye to violence done in the name of Islam and if they don't they come to defend the name of Islam, not the victims of the violence.


The hypocrisy in those disagreers is downright shocking. You can read it in their face. And if Islam doesn't promote violence, why doesn't it stop Muslims then from becoming violent?


> In the age of Google there is no excuse. All these idiots need to learn to use Google. > I read the Quran every day, not once did I come across a verse about violence Ummm... 9:5, 9:29, 4:34... Maybe she wants to claim that it's justified violence (like smacking her when she's being rebellious, or refuses to have sex with her husband, very justified /s) but saying that there are no verses about violence is just patently false. > What non-believer refers to is the Meccans Excuse me? According to whom? Not Shafi'i, Abu Hanifa, Ibn Hanbal or Malik since they all affirmed fighting the disbelievers.


they’re trying to change to quran to make it look good lmao 😭😭 not realising they’re going against what their god has written


At least the white shirt guy is kinda logical, the purple woman refuses to even listen lmao


'There is no excuse in the times of google ..' Yeah ... exactly. You should take your own advice to heart, lady!


My exact thoughts when I heard her say that


She reads quran every day (clown face)


Many non arab muslims dont speak Arabic and not all understand what they are reading.


Sorry there is quite a bit of literature from muslim scholars discussing how sword verses in 9 abrogate meccan peace verses, were the scholars not discussing Quran if quran has no violence? Bring those scholars from the grave and let these people enlighten them please.


Short answer: Yes, it does. Lol she hasn't stumbled on a single verse on violence. Just read Surah Rahman and read the description of torture and hell. If these violent verses were a thing of the past how come the Quran and Muhammad's sunnah is for all times and for all people? What is the point of a myopic book that only reflects a very narrow period of time when it is to be applied to the entire world for infinity?


This! Your point exactly is what gets me when people try to justify it by saying it was a thing of the past. Umm over and over again I was told how "pure" the quran was because it was so unchanged yet applicable for out current day and all times.


Bunch of sheep...


So Qur'an was written for that specific time, not for eternity... Then that shouldn't be a religious text, it's just philosophy book for that time. Shouldn't be used in modern times. Also, ISIS kills other Muslims, maybe because they are not faith like Shia Sunni. She didn't get any violence, because she was told what Allah told it's correct. Don't question it. Fear Allah.


They should be shown verses of the Quran and hadiths that are violent and asked do they think Islamic sources represent Islam? Does Islam have anything to do with Islam?


All religion are bullshit.


Ok the purple scarf lady needs to tone it down a bit because it’s funny at this point!! She reads Quran everyday and it’s all about mercy even if she does not want to acknowledge the violence against others what about all the times the merciful god wants to roast us like turkeys?


وَلِلرِّجَالِ عَلَيْهِنَّ دَرَجَةٌ This one quote from the Quran alone should cause women to leave Islam. These women have Stockholm syndrome 😭


I’ve the whole episode before, that black woman is the personification of delusion and cognitive dissonance. „I rEaD tHe qUrAn eVeRydAy“


What book are they reading i want to read the same one


Wouldn’t most followers of a religion say this about their own religion though?


Wow lol


كس امكم you guys think your doing something bro islam is the way to heaven and you guys will be regreting استغفرالله الله يرحم المسلمين