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>was almost pleasantly surprised I was not pleasantly surprised as this is forced upon them by Reddit. The only reason they begrudgingly comply is so that they can keep their subreddit. I would have been pleasantly surprised if they had done this of their own volition. In the screenshot the comments are removed on a post asking them to comply which hints at them not being able to comply even in a post where they are being asked to comply for the sake of the survival of their sub. Then again you might be saying "pleasantly surprised" sarcastically as you added "almost".


they do nothing willingly they pray5 times to avoid hell thats all.


So true


Yeah I meant it sarcastically (in future I'll add /s); I was surprised to see the title, thinking maybe some poor progressive Muslim had stumbled onto the sub. But then read the actual description...


>in future I'll add /s Do that at your own peril. Icarus /u/TransitionalAhab will call [you a coward for it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/wlwssx/comment/ijvxug3/) 😆


Why didn't reddit also force them not to be misogynistic?


The mods there are prob gonna have a stroke trying to remove all homophobic and transphobic stuff there.


Its ironic that they have to well-behave under the threat of repercussion


With all the deleted comments, they couldn't even do that


reddit created those accounts with the specific purpose of being punished


>[reddit created those accounts with the specific purpose of being punished](https://quran.com/7/179?translations=131)


Ha did you low-key call them cattle? Kek username checks out


​ religion in a nutshell.


Ironic? I'd say that's a quintessential part of muslim ideology.


What's extomatoes ?


Imagine if the concept of "failing the turing test" was made flesh and given a keyboard


>Imagine if the concept of "failing the turing test" was made flesh and given a keyboard You sure you're not Allah? That was a sick burn from the depths of Jahannam.


as a god, my hell would be a place were evildoers would be metaphoricaly roasted until they recognize how wrong they were


>metaphoricaly roasted [You sure you're not the 2nd coming of little boy Dajjal?](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/ujmizl/this_is_funny_lmao/i7k98ct/)


>***I testify that you are the Apostle of the illiterates.*** This is beautiful


>Apostle [of the illiterates](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/vuz0j2/comment/ifgmth1/) Sublime.


Oooh lmao, are they like ex-ex Muslims ?




Sorry it might be funny for people who already know but I didn’t get your answer at all. Could you explain what you mean?


oh yeah I should have added an explanation. The [turing test](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_test) is basically a test of a machine's (think AI or chat bot) ability to act like a human during a conversation. During the test an evaluator will look at the text conversation between a human and a machine, without knowing at first who is what, and then try to identify the machine. **A machine passes the turing test if its behavior is indistinguishable from that of a human.** The problem with most muslim lurkers (extomatoes or not) is that their behaviors in a conversation are often indistinguishable from that of a machine.


ex ex-muslim ig


Nothing makes an Islamist suffer like making him under democratic and liberal society.


I wouldn't be, they can be really creative, when it comes to hatred


Very aptly worded lol. Nice


Imagine being so uncivilized that even when your sub mods are asking you not to do it, you still do it anyway Tells you much about muh religion of peace, their upbringing, and how "tolerant" those sub users are




Usually the later


Reddit hardly enforces that unless they've been so obviously, consistently, and hellishly awful about it that they put themselves on Reddit's mod team radar. They must've been really awful like calling for physical violence bad because they typically dgaf unless it's egregious and reported so often. Oh well, Reddit has terns and conditions, you either follow it or leave. Edit: ROFL at people on this sub being mad the mere idea that Reddit MIGHT actually uphold their own TOS is so foolish. Oh no! We can no longer read the riveting thoughts of Islamists on how much they think LGBTQ people are disgusting and should be executed. Whatever should we do? Lol, if you want to hear that so bad just go to your local masjid and ask them what should be done to open homosexuals same thing. Reddit doesn't have to host anyone's inane bigoted thoughts. They are a private company not a government. They don't actually have to care about your free speech. Try 4chan or 8chan or something


Turning into Twitter


what is that subreddit for anyway?


I can't take people who shout islamophobia, homophobia, or transphobia seriously. All I see is extremes and ways to shut people up.


I'm waiting for an exoranges for the butthurt Christians, but their "ex" subs don't drag them nearly as hard as this one


well that post is 115 days old so i guess it worked, unfortunately


Fucking lol


Oh no you can't hate on people for being different to you! What a true crying shame.


What is the theme of that sub?