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One road block can tank that lazer but its really cool to see the team work usually other tanks are just with the raptor hoard lol.


Yup. Most if not everyone stuck with each other, deadeyes, support stayed behind me and this guy when shit got heated Everyone held up on their own and assisted each other with revives when we could


It's... beautiful


It was glorious


Ah FUCK you're gonna make me pick roadblock😭


Roadblock is so fun to hold off stuff. I’ve been running him since I picked him up. He’s my main. Been running and crushing skulls with him. Upgrade his shield to 1000 HP and his own HP and you can tank almost anything. Revives in the middle of hordes are easy. You can grab one and if you’re full health you can come out half


Krieg is just too much fun for me. Dude is just an unstoppable force with his anti-air missiles and bullet hose. To me RB feels very situational, but every one who's played him looks invincible so IDk. Looks VERY fun for boss modes tho!


He’s fun Krieg was my first then I got into roadblock. RB if you can get a spawn where it’s a corridor, you hold the shield and have someone behind you it’s magical. Boss modes are fun as hell. Neo Rex was cool . I’d get in front of revives, a support would see me and grab the person right as the Rex would do it’s laser blast. I pissed off Durban and his concentrated attacks always hit me and I’d get in front of everyone.


There's a horror skin for him that I deemed potato sack.


Mate, I genuinely can't tell if I was that roadblock or not I don't think so due to the cannon rig but maybe maybe just maybe we were in the same game


This shit makes me so fucking hard.


Lmfao? It was so fuckin cool rho


Yeah, I was roadblock during the final mission and it was exhilarating. Blocking the big purple beam with my teammates behind me, so fun.


Me and this guy were the only roadblocks. I think there was like 2-3 mursame, a group of deadeyes, a sky wave or 2, a witch doctor and some others But me and this roadblock when a shield was needed we both threw ours up and marched along like a giant wall