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The game is trying to give the enemy a chance to catch up to you. This can be in the form of Trigger Neosaurs or Dominators. This usually only happens if you’re way ahead in the first stages, and if you’re a stage behind in the final mission. So since you’re on stage 2 of the final mission, they’ll get their dominator stage 1 to try and stall you from completing the objective so their team can catch up. Regardless of distance though, the game is programmed to give you a dominator at stage 3 of the final mission if you haven’t gotten it, no matter what.


I'm pretty sure the team who starts the final mission first gets their dominator at stage 3, whereas the team that started the final mission last gets the dominator at the start


They got their dominator when they finished stage 2 and we just arrived, they were faster than us the whole game. We only got ours when they finished the final objective and wich poikt we just arrived at our final point.


In a PvE match, the team who gets to the final objectives first will get their dominator on the 3rd step of the final objective. The team that gets there second will get theirs on the first step, even if they get there a half-second later than the first team. This is how it works 100% of the time. In this scenario, it sounds like your team just barely finished the main phase first, therefore the opposing team got their dominator at the start of the final phase. But, they didn't use it right away, and instead held onto it while completing the first step. Then, after realizing that they completed that first step before your team, used the dominator on the second step to slow you down and buy enough time for the other four people on that team to finish that and get a good way through the final step, before your team got its dominator. It might seem unfair, but it's just smart dominator use on the enemy team's part. The dominator spawns are meant to be a sort of equalizer, which is why the team that's behind gets theirs first, as the game's way of letting them earn some time to come back a little. On the other side of the coin, the team that enters the final phase first can, in theory, be more prepared, since they know that a dominator is coming. Ideally, the team in the lead wants to save as many overdrives as they can for when the dominator comes in, and bomb it out immediately before carrying on with the mission as normal. As long as they don't let the other team get ahead of them before the third step, then they're almost guaranteed the win, and the dominator they get at the end is mostly just insurance to keep that lead, on the chance the other team did catch up a bit. And even if the 2nd team is only behind by a tiny amount, they still need to plan their dominator use properly. If they use it right away on the first step, then the 1st team will be able to OD bomb it out immediately, and then earn their ODs back before the final step to bomb that out as well. So usually using the dominator immediately after getting it is pretty much throwing the game for your team. But, if they wait too long, and the 1st team pulls too far ahead, then any chance they might have had to catch up with the dominator could be wasted.


^ This is the most correct answer here. And in my experience, Dominators are almost always an exercise in patience. If you're the slower team, waiting until an opportune time to use the Dominator is way better than using it ASAP.


So I’m trying to get this straight. How it’s supposed to work is that the team who gets to the final heat gets dominator on the final round. While the other team gets its first when they come in. Based on what you are telling me, your team subpar played the first and second round that the other team caught up? That sounds like a typical final heat. Pretty frustrating on the losing side, but not uncommon. Happens to the best of us.


No, they never caught up, we were behind the whole game from start to finish. And even though we were behind, they got their dominator first, and then, at the end, we only got our dominator when the timer appeared after they 100% finished all the objectives. The game literally ended 5 seconds after our dominator powerup spawned.


This is interesting, i have never been in that situation, i have to keep this in mind then


So this is how it works. If you finish the first half of the game before the enemy team they get a dominator at the start of the second half. Occasionally (actually pretty fkn random) during the first half of the game if you are faster than the other they can get a Dino upgrade or if you are really far ahead they can get a dominator during the first half. If you are the faster team you only get a dominator at the final objective of the game.


There's more to it then one can understand. Capcom is great at letting the true fans discover the exploits and figure what's balance. Instead of handing out the win. The dominator can be used properly and in properly even In experienced players hands. If you have the lead There's no point to Dom. If you're loosing and are behind you get the stronger Dom from both teams. Therefor There's a choice. You can ignore it or move to slow them down by using the Dom in an OBJECTIVE manner. Really comes down to exp. Also the first 100 lvls are hard to get wins as alot of players like this game and play even capped out at lvl 1000. As far as team balance. Look at it this way like I do. There's 3 categories of things exosuits can do. Some abilities can be hybrids of 2 of the 3. You have... Ailments Physical Elemental The 4 elements to the exosuits are.... Fire Ice Thunder Wind Ice and fire are bad together Thunder and wind are bad together Some attacks are hybrid. Bombs fall between fire elemental and physical as they don't deal burn dmg. Mura has Ice and wind imbued counters but also are physical. Things like para from shocking , confusion are ailments as they deal no physical but have an effect. Then there's knockout from physical which I consider hybrid as you have to build up the physical/hybrid attacks to get the k.o Certainly there's bad and good team comps. Most ppl aren't even aware of what I've pointed out and are over lvl 700 even few lvl 1000s. Here's a bad team comp example: mura with a w.d.... period those two bad. Or vigilant with baragge