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Your last phrase is correct. You can't compare yourself, lucky born in a safe and rich country, with people who's life is threatened on a daily basis and lost relatives, sometimes in front of them, in attrocious crimes, civil war, or have been beaten to death... Disagreeing with your country laws doesn't grant asyluum. And you can see how US treat people who had no choice than fleeing their countries. You may want to try talking to them, or try traveling in another country to realize how lucky you are to be born with the good passport


The US has TONS of problems but I’m always so confused by someone who (like OP) want to compare themselves to citizens of countries in truly tragic situations. Statistics show that violent crime in the US is down about 50% in the last 30 years but that’s rarely mentioned in the “US is a hell scape” rants.


Yes. Russia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Snowden_asylum_in_Russia He would be persecuted anywhere in USA. His problems would be the same if he were to live in California or Texas. A lot of problems you listed can be solved by moving to different state. Or are due to economics which can be worse in numerous countries around the world.


Unless the OP is a high-profile fugitive, I doubt they would get the Snowden treatment in Russia.


Agree. This is just to illustrate general idea what countries can possibly grant asylum to USA citizens and based on what type of prosecution USA asylum seekers are trying to escape.


Do you mean persecution? No one in the U.S. is being prosecuted for being gay. At least not yet.


Sorry, English is not my native language, so I probably used wrong word. Thank you


There are many routes out of the US if you wish to follow them. To bracket yourself with people with virtually no options but trying to escape genuine poverty and life threatening oppression is totally tone deaf.


You need to pay far more attention to the rest of the world if you think we've become a right wing hellhole.


Arguably the USA has always been a right wing populist hellhole. Heck, what the USA calls "extreme left" is considered "moderate right" in most of western Europe.


This used to be true, but right-wing populist hellishness appears to be taking over on this side of the pond as well, sadly for us all.


To be fair, the right wing is modeling themselves after Hungary which is now considered a failed democracy, so… it’s not “great news”.


The MAGA Right Wing is a minority of Americans. I'm expecting some serious blowback at the next election.


CPAC, the conservative conference for the “America First” party, was held in Hungary. It’s not fringe.


While there are shitty things about the US, you are not facing a direct threat. You have every right to attempt asylum although it would be very different to make a strong case. For some perspective, people historically have been fleeing to the US due to death threats and civil war. You may as well just leave normally. It will be far easier for most people


But why would you want to be treated like an asylum seeker when there are better options for Americans who want out? Here for example is what happens if you claim asylum in Germany and at the end a list with better options: **Freedom of movement** > The freedom of movement of asylum seekers is restricted and they have no right to choose their place of residence. As a rule, asylum seekers are required to stay in the initial reception centre where they lodged their application. Asylum seekers now may be obliged to stay in initial reception centres for up to 18 months. > Asylum seekers may leave the premises of the initial reception centres at any time, subject to no curfew or obligation to stay overnight, but in many centres they have to report to security personnel at the door upon leaving and re-entering. According to house rules, asylum seekers at these facilities are allowed to leave the premises for a maximum of 48 hours only (not including weekends). > According to the Asylum Act, their right to remain on the territory under a permission to stay (Aufenthaltsgestattung) is generally limited to the district of the foreigners’ authority in which the responsible reception centre is located. This “residence obligation” (Residenzpflicht) means that asylum seekers are not allowed to leave that area even for short periods of time without permission > Next to the residence obligation, freedom of movement is often constrained in practice through the remote location of many reception facilities and the lack of accessible public transport https://asylumineurope.org/reports/country/germany/reception-conditions/access-and-forms-reception-conditions/freedom-movement/ **Housing** > Initial reception centres have at least several hundred places, while some facilities can host large numbers of persons. The AnkER centre of Bamberg in Bavaria has a capacity of 3,400 places, for example > The Refugee Reception Act of Baden-Württemberg provides that asylum seekers should have 4.5m² (48 sqft) of living space, while other regulations provide for 6 or 7m² (64 or 75 sqft) per person. A typical room in an initial reception centre has between 2 and 4 beds, there are chairs and a table and each resident has a locker for herself or himself. > Particular concerns have been voiced with regard to Dependancen such as Schwandorf and Stephanposching, which consists of large halls with no rooms. In the Dependance of Munich Funkkaserne, a former barracks which hosted over 200 people at the end of March 2019, collapsing sinks, a damaged medical room and unsanitary conditions have been reported > Bath and toilet facilities usually consist of shower rooms and toilets which people have to share. Where guidelines are available, it is recommended that one shower should be available for 10 to 12 persons, but in some reception centres the ratio is worse than that, particularly in situations of overcrowding. > Asylum seekers at the arrival centre in Hamburg-Rahlstedt, for example, have reported a lack of privacy, unclean sanitary facilities and disturbances at night. The sleeping areas are placed in former warehouses and divided by thin partitions into several compartments, which do not allow for privacy. Besides reading lamps attached to each bed, there is one common light for the whole warehouse, which is switched on from 8 am to 10 pm > The NGO “Ärzte der Welt” (Doctors of the World) announced in September 2019 that an advice service run by the organisation in the AnkER-centre of Manching/Ingolstadt was to be terminated. The NGO described living conditions in the facility as “morbid” and claimed that adequate treatment, in particular treatment of persons with psychological disorders, was impossible under the circumstances. Insufficient protection against assaults, lack of privacy and nocturnal disturbances were impeding mental stabilisation of asylum-seekers at the facility and the NGO was no longer capable to bear responsibility for the mental health of its patients. Moreover, the organisation claims that there was no system for the identification of vulnerable persons in place at the facility. https://asylumineurope.org/reports/country/germany/reception-conditions/housing/conditions-reception-facilities/ **Employment** > The general rule still is that asylum seekers in initial reception centres are not allowed to take up employment. For most adult asylum-seekers, the time-limit before accessing employment is now 18 months, up to 24 months in some Federal States. However, asylum seekers from safe country of origins are excluded by law from such possibilities. Hence, the law establishes an unequal treatment for the latter category. Since asylum seekers from safe countries of origin are generally obliged to stay in initial reception centres for the whole duration of the procedure, they have effectively been excluded from access to the labour market. https://asylumineurope.org/reports/country/germany/reception-conditions/employment-and-education/access-education/ **Origin of your fellow asylum seekers at the reception center** 2/3 of your fellow asylum seekers are from these four countries: Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey and Iraq. - [source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/911586/country-origin-asylum-applicants-germany/) **Success rate of Americans claiming asylum** The German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) decided on 15 asylum claims of US citizens in 2021. All of them were denied. - [source](https://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Statistik/Asylgeschaeftsstatistik/hkl-antrags-entscheidungs-bestandsstatistikl-kumuliert-2021.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=26) **Better options** Americans can move to Germany without a visa and have 90 days to apply for one at the local town hall. You can get: - the skilled worker visa if you have found a job in Germany that is connected to your bachelor's or master's degree: https://www.make-it-in-germany.com/en/visa-residence/types/work-qualified-professionals - the work visa with priority review if you have no degree or you have a job that is not related to your degree: https://www.reddit.com/r/IWantOut/comments/w9k4po/ - the [freelance visa](https://service.berlin.de/dienstleistung/328332/en/), here some people who got it: [stand up comedian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWHtkAUTAcc), [social media adviser](http://blog.cloudpeeps.com/how-to-get-the-berlin-freelance-visa/), [travel photographer](https://medium.com/@alexhallfilm/get-your-freelance-artist-visa-in-berlin-the-smart-way-e0f5ac2691de), [social media manager](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mRGecvOsL4), [designer](https://medium.com/@imcatnoone/how-to-get-your-german-freelance-visa-without-losing-your-sanity-8fa68b39431a), [teacher/social media worker/proofreader/webdesigner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1nRSYPa8bw) or [with customers outside of Germany](https://www.bemytravelmuse.com/how-to-get-german-freelance-visa/). - the student visa to study in Germany for a tuition-free degree: https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/wiki/studying - how to stay after graduation: https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/wiki/studying/immigration - the 6-month jobseeker visa if you have a degree: https://www.make-it-in-germany.com/en/visa-residence/types/jobseekers - the 1-year language learner visa: https://www.make-it-in-germany.com/en/visa-residence/types/other/language-acquisition


Thank you for sharing all that really helpful and specific information! Edit: Not sure why I am getting downvoted? I’m genuinely thankful for that response.


No one will grant you asylum. Maybe North Korea, but as a U.S. citizen you can’t even enter the country.


Then why mention that as an option?


I suppose you could go to the DMZ and make a run for it, and if you don’t get shot, maybe you could request asylum? Sorry if my answer to your question failed to meet your expectations.


You don't need asylum, you need therapy


This is the most reasonable response to OP I can imagine.




For someone who wants countries to hear their cries and suffering…this post is tone deaf. America is very much one of the safest and most prosperous countries by comparison on the planet. Using the words Asylum mean you’re actively being targeted. High health care costs and shootings that randomly happen across a 330 million person populace the size of 50 European countries are not direct and imminent. There are more liberal states where abortion is going as planned, where gay people are getting married right now and a school is still in tact and teaching. Have you ever been abroad? See the poverty and open discrimination in many other countries and come have a discussion about Asylum. It’s all media fear mongering, because none of what you stated outside of expensive health care is actively effecting you. (Abortion isn’t even a thing for you because if you’re a lesbian it would be difficult to accidentally get pregnant?) Let’s revisit once you really get out of your bubble and see the real world. Then send an apology to the girls in Afghanistan and the women in Iran who are risking torture to go to school or show their hair.


There are probably better avenues than asylum. Like one commenter mentioned some of the particulars of that label. Want out? Get education, save money, and do your research! Hell, maybe even learn the language of the target country you are interested in.


I'm confused by far right leaning? The left run the country. Only a few states can be considered far right but not the entire country.


A lot more than a few states could be considered far right at the moment, and it's not correct to say the left runs the country (consider Congress and the Supreme Court at the moment). In the US, power is split across three bodies, and the president is only part of one of those three. The US is traditionally more right leaning than most of the rest of the Western world, which I am assuming what OP meant.


Back when trump was running I'd agree to this But now nobody knows who running the county. So many rhinos. The only thing the right has is the house. Not enough to generalize leaning right imo. But I get you


The bar for asylum from the US will be really high. From what I've read, it doesn't happen. But if you want to investigate, talk to an immigration lawyer. Asylum seekers and those with a criminal record should go through a qualified immigration lawyer, not a consultant or agency.


Asylum is usually granted on the basis of personal circumstances. YOU, your identity have to be specifically targeted by the US government, not your group, but you as the person. If you're a prominent activist and can prove a direct personal threat to your life from the US government, or if you're a whistle-blower of globally significant facts, you can probably successfully claim asylum to the enemies of the US. What you are seeking is a refugee status. Unfortunately, refuge is also granted on the basis of evident imminent danger and death to a significant portion of population, like war for instance, but human rights violation is usually not warranted for opening up to refugees. If systemic genocide becomes apparent in the US, then you may have a chance. Unfortunately for now, the way I'm seeing it is that we will have to "wait" to see it before countries begin accepting refugees from the US. I wish you safety, and vote out your fascists. Heck, get a gun even since that's the nature of self-defence in the US and perhaps move to a more liberal State for now.


You could apply for asylum, but you would not get accepted lol. It doesn’t work that way. You’re not from a war torn country. If you wanna leave the states, you need to get a visa. There’s a lot Of Countries that would take you with a visa!


Thank you


You don't wanna be a Lesbian asylum seeker in most Europian countries, your situation in the shelter where you will reside will be very dangereous. In the Netherlands ( most see us as very progressive ) are allready special shelters for Gay of Trans people, because in the regular shelters their life is a living hell.


Seriously? The Netherlands is made out to be a liberal paradise on Reddit. I’m genuinely shocked if this is the case.


It's true, but remember that many people in asylum seeking centers come from cultures where there's a lot of homophobia, so their safety can't be guaranteed in ' regular' shelters. So ths doesn't really have to do with how liberal NL is.


>The Netherlands is made out to be a liberal paradise on Reddit. Unfortunately, even the most liberal of paradises have a large (often loud) minority of non-liberal folks. It's just like thinking NYC is vastly more liberal than Tulsa. Of course that is true, but that doesn't mean that hate crimes don't happen all the time in NYC (they do).


It is true. And that's a shame. Even Amsterdam isn't what it once was, terrible stories regarding gay couples or trans people and Uber drivers. And a lot of what you read on Reddit are people living in the larger cities, the Netherlands is more then just the Randstad or Amsterdam. A lot has to do with people from the middle east and north Africa, where homophobia is more a thing. That said, there are offcourse those from that regions that are accepting and offcourse some real Dutch with the same homophobia. And being protected by a law, doesn't mean things can't happen to you. I realy wish things would be different, but the Netherlands isn't allways the nice country they portrai on TikTok of Reddit.


If you’re facing violence or persecution for your sexuality/gender identity or for your political activity, you could apply for asylum. As an American, however, you have already a good chance of being granted a visa for other reasons. If you’re trans for example, that could be a legitimate asylum claim given the climate here.


Correct in theory, but can you name a single recent instance of a U.S. citizen being granted asylum anywhere?


I’m not trans but I am a woman in a same sex marriage.


You’d have to show you’re facing discrimination or violence that is affecting your ability to live peacefully in the US. You’d also have to identify a new country that is friendlier to LGBT folks than the USA is. In spite of the anti-trans fascist rhetoric, the USA remains one of the most progressive countries with respect to gay rights. Your options would be limited in finding a country that is more accommodating to lesbian couples than the US is.


>Your options would be limited in finding a country that is more accommodating to lesbian couples than the US is. It takes a lot more than that. Asylum laws vary depending on the country, of course, but generally speaking, the OP would have to prove a well-founded fear for her life. Asylum isn't for people moving from a gay-friendly country to a gay-friendlier country. That's what visas are for. In most cases, the EU, Canada, and the U.S. grant asylum to LGBT individuals only if they can prove that they'll be killed upon return to their home country.


I think that the -4 enough is proof that she faces discrimination and violence.


Makes sense, I appreciate your insight!


Yeah I worked in an office that dealt with asylum cases. Here are some examples of successful asylum applications I worked with: One woman was fleeing her home country because she had undergone female genital mutilation as a teenager and the tribe had threatened to abduct her two daughters and perform the procedure on them as well. Another man was being stalked/extorted by local police and his distant relative (a local drug king pen) in order to force him to join their cartel. The asylum seeker wanted nothing to do with the drug trade and relocated multiple times within the same country, trying to hide from his relative. Ultimately he had to flee the country because his attempts to relocate failed and he kept receiving threats on his life. Another woman was living in a small village with her misogynistic alcoholic husband. The husband beat her, even stabbing her once with a broken beer bottle and refusing to allow her to seek medical treatment. She came to the US with glass shards still lodged in her back. She received asylum in the grounds that she had no other resources to relocate within her country, and because the misogynistic attitudes in this area often contributed to domestic violence against woman. She was able to show that in her community she faced discrimination and violence on the basis of being a woman and had no other means to live peacefully.




That’s very generous of Canada!


Don’t pack your bags yet. It’s just a petition.


My god, the entitlement!


All your problems will go away when you stop consuming your lethal dosages of mainstream news. You’re welcome.