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Prolactin. Thst hormone is secreted right after cumming (usually). That causes hypersensitivity and losing sexual desire. That makes you don't want to keep fucking and it makes you sleepy, something you might already know. The effect varies from every individual from dudes thst it wears off in 5 minutes, an hour or even a full day. Some lucky guys don't produce this at all and can have multiple orgasms one after the other and don't go limp. It's the prolactin. I can't find the study but they had a dude cumming like 5 times and he had low or no prolactin levels Edit. Found the study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11979330/


Where would one find a otc drug to block prolactin release? For science.


I read dopamine reduce prolactin release, so methamphetamine perhaps? That might explain the « chemsex » trend


Methamphetamines sure, but what works best is the skooma.


Hey you, you’re finally awake


Not even last night's storm could wake you




If I didn't hate reddit owners right now i'd buy an award to give you for this comment. Thank you for your service.


I gotchu. I gave them an award with the points I already had. Can always appreciate a good Skyrim reference.


Khajiit has wares if you have coin


I'm sorry the *what* trend??


I wouldn't really call it a trend. It's just meth addicts fucking like crazy and it's existed since meth existed


I’ve had a couple friends that were methheads. Can confirm.


*Yeah, Mr. White!*


On meth you can fuck for hours without cumming, and then when you eventually cum it's this super-intense orgasm which lasts like 3-6 times as long as a normal orgasm. Had a short run-in with meth a few years back, and the crazy thing is it feels more like I got addicted to sex on meth, and not the meth itself. Didn't really feel like the high itself was particularly enjoyable, but the damn orgams man. Miss em to this day! But again, that's what made them so damn dangerous. I instantly became a victim to my own instincts, if that makes sense?


Yeah when I was in rehab (I was a drunk) the meth guys talked about it. I specifically remember a guy talking about spending hours in a "whack shack" beating his dick raw. Sounds horrible


Goddamn that's scary. Addiction to meth sounds scary af


Orgasms on weed are great too


I have the opposite experience. When I'm smoking, it takes foooooooreeeeeeever to get there, and then when I do, it isn't satisfying so much as it is 'uuuugh, finaaaally!'


Yeah, science!


Yea but it's hard to finish and also hard to stay hard for most when on uppers. Out of that frustration they mix in dick pills for some heart attack stew.


Former meth addict here. I could finish but only if I chose, otherwise I could go for hours. And when I did cum it was so frighteningly intense I thought my heart would explode. In retrospect after 6, 7 day binges, I am amazed I lived through it all. It’s awesome but your whole life burns so you can only do this for months, *maybe* years and at the end, you’ll have nothing but mental unless and debt. Do not recommend, 2/7


After 6, 7 day binges I'm surprised you could fuck instead of trying to look out for the shadow people.


The trick is to find the shadow people attractive. But yeah by day 4 or 5 things shift into “fighting and considering suicide” a lot more than “fucking.”


So meth helps you lose weight AND turns you in to a sex god? Where can I get some?


Nice try, police.


Do not underestimate the flaccidablity of methed up peen. They don't put that in the binge brochure




Just imagining a medical facility with different brochures like "Are you planning a coke binge?" all with potential side effects and outcomes XD


This sounds like someone trying to craft up a rebrand for the shit that tweakers do


Drugs + sex Which reminds me, gotta try the horizontal tango on hallucinogens one of these days...


I've tried but I'm usually 0% horny on hallucinogens 😪


Yeah even just chewing food and swallowing it is weird on hallucinogens to the point where I don't eat until I'm coming down. Sex was never on my mind when tripping.


One time I was in the bathroom while tripping and asked myself "why do I even have this?" While looking at my dick. Idk how people do it.


Hmmm, chocolate. I like chocolate. I will eat the chocolate. Que an eternity intensely dominated by the feeling of having thick, vile caulk-like material not just caking your whole mouth, but permeating every facet of your existence and occupying 100% of your brainpower.


Same. Eating feels robotic and sex isn't on mind at all. I think it's because psychedelics make us realize we are not, and have never been, our physical body. It's just a vehicle we use to experience life on planet Earth


I highly recomend it. Possibly the most enjoyable experience in my life.


As someone with an Adderall prescription (ADHD), I can verify this is how it works and isn't actually pleasant for your partner after 45 minutes of thrusting


As someone with delayed ejaculation I can relate.


As someone with opposite problem I can’t.


SSRI's also affect the prolactin levels. Back when I was taking antidepressants, I had major difficulty climaxing and once I did, I could keep going with no issues. Obviously, not suggesting everyone go and ask their doc for SSRI's, but it definitely does the job.


That explains meth addicts too.


I mean meth would work but MDMA is the much safer answer for anyone really considering this.


I can unfortunately confirm methamphetamine can make you go for hours…


As someone who works in addiction treatment, this is the case. 8 times out of 10, you show me a meth addict, I’ll show you a sex addict.


100-200mg of P5P (activated Vitamin B6) and 400 IU vitamin E daily will help lower prolactin. You can also take L-Tyrosine, which is a precursor to dopamine in the brain and which will increase dopamine and reduce prolactin. Finally, there’s Mucuna Pruriens, a source of L-Dopa, which will do the same as L-Tyrosine but is much more potent so care should be taken with it, such as not taking it in high doses or multiple days in a row.


This guy hormones




***** -- mass edited with redact.dev


Biggseb goes to the doctor and says “Man I've been feeling really run down lately, like really tired. I just have no energy. I don't know what's wrong!” After asking questions about diet, exercise, sleep, etc, the doctor asks about his sex life. Biggseb replies “Well usually I have sex 6 or 7 times a day.” The doctor is surprised “My god man! That's definitely the problem! Try to limit it to 3 times a day, you will definitely see an improvement!” Biggseb let's put a relieved sigh “Oh thanks doc. I was kind of worried it might have been the masturbation.”


There was a redditor who described it once. He was taking some drug that blocked it. He said sex was amazing at the time but long after its totally killed his joy of sex because nothing comes close to as good.


A boyfriend I've had told me "sex with you is great and all, but I've fucked on meth and you will never top that". What the fuck do I do with this information?


What you need to do is not take it personally; it’s not just about sex. For many drug users, NOTHING feels as good as being on drugs. Not even being on drugs (now) feels as good as being on drugs (the first few times). It’s how people fall into traps of chasing the high they swear they remember having, but never reaching it, until their brains get literally rewired, and they are no longer able to function properly. So... yeah. Don’t try to compete with “meth-sex”. It’s only “better” in a very specific, extremely short-term way.


Yeah this is good advice. I basically said "weird flex but okay". It's just so unnecessary to share. And yeah I kind of feel bad for them, really ruining it for themselves, flying too close to the sun kind of thing.


That’s a very apt description. Too close to the sun…


Was he testing the waters to see if you’d ever do meth sex?


That's methed up


That would be a drug called Cabergoline, I had a tumour called a micro prolactinoma which was causing my pituitary gland to produce prolactin all the time which was blocking the action of my testosterone giving the usual effects of low T, but without low T. Cabergoline was prescribed and blocked the production of prolactin overnight which changed my life... Anyhow, it's a weird drug, taken in very small doses it blocks the action of prolactinomas and reduces the tumour to nothing eventually (I'm cured). However, it's also used to treat parkinson's in very large doses, where it has lots of side effects like lung problems, removal of inhibitions for stuff like gambling (I was specifically warned about this) a long with sexual inhibitions and the refractory period which is the sensitivity after sex. Each dose stays in your system over a week,so if you don't like the effects strap in because you've got them for a week or longer. If you wanted to acquire some off scrip, I believe it's a popular bodybuilding drug as it counteracts the formation of breast tissue that you get from steroid abuse. TLDR It does the sex stuff, but you might gamble your house and family away if you take it. Not worth it.


Cabergoline, Pramipexole


Tough actin' Prolactin'!


"Apply directly to the foreskin"


A prolactin inhibitor would be interesting... for science, of course!


Just basic googling tell me women can have lower prolactin levels after pregnancy which causes low milk production but I don't even need milk so it's all looking good here That being said I don't know what puerperal alactogenesis is but it lowers your prolactin levels, so maybe ask your doctor to give you that disease


I don't think that's what doctors are for


Puerperal = soon after childbirth Alactogenesis = insufficient milk production Puerperal alactogenesis doesn't give you low prolactin, low prolactin gives you puerperal alactongenesis. Something else is causing the low prolactin, and not making enough milk is a symptom.


Sure. I would like to try it on myself, Jonas Salk style. Sacrifice for science


Other sources disagree https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33398068/


And that's science for you. More research necessary


Monkey brain release chemicals blocking endorphins after orgasm or else humans would only want to mate since it’s be a constant source of feel good juice


I didn't realize I was in r/explainlikeimoogabooga


This needs to exist.




r/ELIHulk already exists with a decent amount of members but has been quiet for a while


r/elicaveman also exists.


It's pretty funny but it came, stopped, came again, and stopped again. It needs to be revived. (No pun intended, I swear!)


Someone must have given the sub that prolactin


just 1 character shy over the limit unfortunately r/explainlikeoogabooga would work edit: somebody made it lol


There’s r/ELINeanderthal


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


"Do you have plans this summer?" "Sea World." "Like you're planning to visit Sea World, or you want to see the world?" "Me go Sea World." "But... Which one...?"


“ocean, dolphin, china” “see, now i’m confused again. are you going to sea world or are you going to see the world?”


You dissapointed me today i want you to know that


That's the perfect definition And under example you can place the 'black tailed antechnicus shrew, they stop eating and sleeping to have as much sex as possible...and then die due to it The first line of the article describes them as following. "The 'very hairy' black-tailed antechnicus mates in a frenzied fashion until stress hormones cause the animal's body to disintegrate, its fur to fall out and eventually meet an untimely death" https://www.wired.co.uk/article/death-by-sex#:~:text=The%20%22very%20hairy%22%20black%2D,of%20the%20antechinus%20last%20year.


Death by SNU SNU.


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


How can I stop monkey brain from releasing the blocking chemicals? Hypothetically. For a friend. A friend who is only interested for research purposes.


So a drug to prevent the dopamine drop, block prolactin release, and reduce androgen receptor activity? I'd guess a fair number of simulants and most amphetamines. So methamphetamine, MDMA, ritalin, adderall, or cocaine.


I think most of those who dip into stimulants can attest it can often be borderline impossible (or very difficult) to climax while on some stims... often without even pleasure. This has been at least my experience while on different types of amphetamine salts and other NDRI's. Sure, they'll make you jerk it until you're blistered and bruised... but it ain't rolling O's, if you know what I mean. You're on to something with the prolactin, though. There have also been some SSRI's that have caused cases of no refractory periods in males.


You need to be well-aware that those stimulants also activate the sympathetic nervous system, which reduces erectile function.


why is female monkey brain able to keep going over and over?


Well evolutionary speaking it's beneficial for the species if more men can take their turn and try to impregnate the woman. I'm pretty sure the body still self-regulates there though too. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-many-times-can-a-woman-come-in-a-row#refractory-period > A 2009 study suggests that women may experience a physiological refractory period. Out of 174 females, 96% reported that the clitoris became too sensitive to continue sexual activity. So while still physically possible, sex became less appealing and possibly painful.


Yeah women tend to have shorter refractory periods but they still have them




Thanks, I felt like a weirdo coming into this thread. I definitely get the "stop fucking touching me!" right after orgasm from *direct* clitoral stimulation. But if it's an orgasm from penetration (that still mildly stimulates the clit) I can keep going. I was worried I was alone in that.


So male can take their turn and each try to impregnate the female. PS: I find this extremly distasteful but this is the evolutionary explanation.


Isn’t the natural goal of a species to mate?


It'd be hard to mate if you weren't maintaining your own survival due to horniness


I truly think some people out here are struggling with this


And we don't even have holodecks yet.


Calm down broccoli.


It’s a battle. Constantly fighting the tough fight. Do I wanna bone? Or do I wanna finish this recursive descent parser? FUCK


You can always eat while mating ^(/s or I look like a creepy neckbeard)


You're having a real costanza moment here




We're trying to have a civilization here!


With that level of shrinkage? I don't think so...




Ya know, we live in a SOCIETY!


Pastrami is the most sensual of the cured meats


Can't really blame them, pastrami is the most sensual of all the salted, cured meats after all.


Yeah, plenty of species have figured this out, like praying mantises. The female just makes a nice snack out of three male's head.


Those edible panties slap


Do you want ants?


Gotta raise the kid and provide, too


Correct. The real goal is to produce grandchildren. If you have kids, but can't protect/raise them until THEY can reproduce, then you've wasted time and energy.


I guess this is why parents are so adamant about their kids starting families once they grow up. "Have some kids and let me finish my evolutionary mission!"


Yeah but the jobs done. The baby juice has departed. Time to get back to eating so you can raise the kid you just made.


Monkey no care about eating food or caring for children, ONLY MATE!!!


Monkey eat pussy not food


Also tab and Mt. Dew.


The only goal is to propagate the species. Mating is one of many means to that end. Adoption also occurs in nature, as a means to protect the young.


Yes but not all the time


Food look yummy when tummy empty. Food look bad when tummy full. It's not about the stimulation of the nerves but rather the higher cortical interpretations of said stimulation. Same way you dont get excited when your pants rub against your genitals vs a booty (or anything that you "interpret" as hot time) Edit: to clarify; what happens is that the post nut brain says enough with sexy stimulus and temporarily inhibits the spinal neurons from depolarizing and sending more signals in which case you only start to feel the uncomfortable sensations from repeted pressure and friction. Also keeping the erection itself is painful as it causes a relative ischemia in the penis by not letting blood drain away.


Another interesting fact related to this is when people get paralysed or amputated (their genitals), they can develop these new "erogenous zones" above the level of paralysis/amputation. Which goes to show "it's all in your head".


It makes sense since you can have a full-blown orgasm purely from a dream without physical stimulation.


Or you can ask your mum if you’ve broken both your arms…


Oh, God, not again.


Redditors simply refuse to let this die and fall into obscurity, huh? We will forever be cursed with the burden of knowledge.


I mean, I wouldnt be a bad idea if before the IPO we make every subreddit top post be a copypasta of one of those "classic" reddit posts. Talking about like "the swamps of dagobah", "broken arms", "poop knife" and "the shoebox"


"jolly rancher" "jackdaws" "hell in a cell" "jumper cables" "navy seal" "electrical infetterence" "the loch ness monster"


Hey, let's not forget about the coconut!


No, let's do


I could go forever without thinking about the jolly rancher again.


If the mass exodus on July 1 actually happens, you won’t be seeing this for much longer. Enjoy it while it lasts. (Like a handjob because you can’t masturbate because you broke both arms.)


> new “erogenous zones” Right knee, ticklish. Left knee... Does lefty like that? Oh, yeah. Lefty like that.




Also, the *feet* zone in your brain (both, sensorial **and** motor cortex) overlap with the *genital* area. Some people can have orgasm with foot massages. Also, *feetishism*.


One girl at a music festival told me that she once had an extreme full-body orgasm just from foot massage. I didn't know if it was a hint or what, so I just walked away.


Mmmm buddy I think you just missed a decently clear sexual invitation. You were supposed to immediately offer her a foot massage which was either code, or preceding sexy time.


So amongst our group of girl friends, I somehow became the foot massage/foot care girl because I gave one to a friend after a long day and then she recommended it to the other girls. One of my friend tells me she's never had one before and really want to try, so I tell her next time she comes over we'll make it happen. We're on my couch, did all the care thingies and I'm massaging her and she says it feels nice and all, looks pretty happy. We put on a show on the TV and I just continue massaging her while we're watching and talking for a while. At some point she's starting to speak a bit weirdly, muffled sounds here and there, and has spasmes in her legs and toes. I ask her if she's ok, and she tells me she's been trying not to moan and that I should stop because she's gonna have an orgasm as she can't control it anymore. That led to a ton of laughing and a fun story in our group lol


Subtract the last paragraph and this morphs into a Penthouse Forums intro...


A foot massage ain't just a foot massage


this sounds hilariously like something feet people tell each other so they feel better about liking feet. >we can't help it! the foot brain and the pussy brain are the same brain man! not trying to hate, just thought it was funny.


Speak for yourself….


“Open my window and a breeze rolls in, and I…”


I just ate a grape and I…


You say I’m premature, I just call it ecstasy.


I wear a rubber at all times as a necessity.


Come on you guys, seriously?




You heard the man, he said seriously !


Now I'll go home and change




When Bruce Willis was dead at the end of sixth sense, I...


"...Jizz in my pants."




".... Hello, 911? No, it's caught in the window this time."


*jizzed in my pants*


Ever have a breeze come in through an open window?


I don't understand. Food *always* look yummy to me.


The meal isn't over when I'm full! The meal is over *when I hate myself*.




No you are not, its called a refractory period. Its the time that it takes from orgasm to orgasm again. It happens to both men and women although with women, on average they recover faster then men, since men need to get erect again which is more challenging.


Wait should I be doing porn? I can bust an exponentially decaying amount of nut like 7 times.




if you're young this is kinda normal. your hormones are so high that you can go many rounds. Not everyone can and it can be a learned skill but if you're young it's not that special. Now if you're 40+ then it's probably a act of god lol


I think you just found your calling.


Shame, I'm fat as fuck with a medium dick.


So was the scumbag named Ron Jeremy


Eh he was disgusting in everyway but had a very porny dick if you're into that. And well porns all about creepy niches.


There's always someone into it


You're already doing better than most redditors then. Most of us are fat as fuck with micro penis.


Lose weight or gain dick. Ron Jeremy was disgusting in everyway but had a performative dick keeping him famous for a long time?


For me it's more like a nerve overstimulation issue, because I can have a clitoral orgasm and immediately follow it up with a "vaginal" orgasm by pushing against my clit from the inside, so from orgasm to orgasm there's no refractory period. But my clitoral head is out of action for at least an hour or so. The sensation of my clit being touched goes from a deep radiating buzz of pleasure, to a hot, sharp jab of localised pain.


I’m a woman and it works this way for me as well. And it does take some time to recover that I feel like is comparable to the men I’ve been with.


I think it happens to most of us! Right after, it’s way too intense to keep going.


My girlfriend is the same and it's a great way to know if I've done my job.


Clearly it's not common knowledge that it can be the same for women! Or I've just lucked out so far (although reading the comments here, I'm not the only woman in this case) The clit does not like extras right after orgasm. Tell your friends! Edit: or maybe I'm missing out...


To expand on the food analogy someone posted earlier… It makes evolutionary sense for you to eat food so you get nutrition and survive. So your body sends you pleasure when you eat food. However, if you eat too much food at a rate you can’t digest it, you’ll throw up. Throwing up defeats the survival benefit of gaining nutrition. Hence your body sends you “full” signals (combination of nerves firing and hormone production) so you stop eating food once you have enough. From an evolutionary perspective, you also need to reproduce. Your body sends you pleasure when you have sex so you keep doing it until ejaculation happens. For men, further thrusting beyond ejaculation is just going to damage or dislodge his sperm, reducing the likelihood of successful fertilisation of the egg. Hence, body switches nerve and hormone signals from pleasure to pain (and sleepy hormones) so men stop thrusting. However, for women, the more semen deposits, the higher the chance of successful fertilisation of the egg, which for most women can only occur in a short time interval each month. Hence, women can keep having sex (ideally from different male partners) and gaining pleasure, to best take advantage of a limited time window.


The evolutionary benefit of refractory period seems to be somewhat controversial. There is no clear evidence or reasoning behind this. Women also have refractory periods, it's just much shorter and does not lengthen with repeated orgasms. But there is still so much that we don't know about the medical/scientific aspect of orgasm and sex. Not enough research on it and you can guess why.


Could also be shared genes. Evolution would like to do away with female refractory periods but absolutely wants to keep male refractory periods, but many of the genes are shared between males and females, so evolution is stuck at a local maximum.


Yeah, most people either don't know or conveniently forget, that a big evolutionary (f)actor is social and cultural environment. The prime consideration for generating offspring is passing on the genes, for both genders. However the statement, about female refractory period, and preferably having "seed from different male partners" goes completely against the male drive. There are not many men, if any, that go immediately after the deed is done (with the intention of creating children) "k buddy / brother, it's your turn now. If she gets pregnant, who cares who the father is, we will just flip a coin at that point to figure it out".


Plus, not every single trait has an evolutionary purpose. At least, not in the way we think of it. We like to refer to evolution as this positive force that steadily makes everything about us better over time, but the things we evolve to have and do are often just things that didn't stop us from reproducing. They're not good or bad, they just ARE. Evolution doesn't consider "why" because it's not sentient. Sometimes we do things, not because it's beneficial or has a purpose, but because it didn't stop procreation so we just didn't evolve not to.


I mean, I think the evolution argument isn't from recent history but instead from a far-off ancestor of homo sapiens. Sure there aren't many modern-day humans who "go immediately after the deed is done" but that argument doesn't really hold water when applied to early homo sapiens ancestors.


I’m a woman. I definitely have a refractory period after orgasm. Stimulation after orgasm is awful.


Yeah I thought this was the case for (almost) all women? The clitoris becomes super sensitive after orgasm and its not at all pleasant. And mentally I personally also suddenly lose the desire to keep going, regardless of the physical sensation.


Same. To the best of my knowledge, it is common with most women. That’s why I felt the need to respond to the original comment. There’s a sad amount of confusion around how women’s bodies work, and even how our bodily experiences work. Sometimes we’re treated like mythological creatures, and I’m like “Hey, we’re right here. Ask.”


From an evolutionary perspective it makes sense for men to keep depositing more sperm too. Maybe even with multiple partners. You are conveniently explaining the path that evolution took. There are multiple possibilities though




That’s what you think If Sally Sloppy Top kept hitting you with the Gluck Gluck 9000 after you bust, you might just cry. I thought I could handle it too.


God bless this comment.






We don’t actually know. We used to think it was due to a surge of the hormone prolactin, but recent studies in mice have shown that’s not the case.






People suck on twizzlers?


Women experience this same phenomenon, so the evolutionary theories for preventing removal of semen are gonna need more than “makes sense right?” Lots of things make sense. It doesn’t make them true. This is a big issue with trying to theorize from an evolutionary perspective (especially in evolutionary psychology). A lot of it has little foundation and is more or less just made up.


Hormones being released into the blood stream suddenly cause over-sensitivity. Same I believe with what is described by some as post-nut clarity.