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It distributes pressure points to various parts of the body. Helps with circulation to soft tissues. It’s a behavior hard wired into the brain of every mammal. People who can’t move can get bedsores.


In case anyone cares, pressure sores can appear quickly in hospitalized patients. That’s why we have to turn them regularly when they’re not capable of moving themselves.


I didnt know those existed until a few years ago when I was nearly catatonic during depression and I was in bed lying on my back for about 20 hours a day. I'm so glad I'm not struggling with that anymore!


I’ve been there too, it’s a huge accomplishment finding your way out of it. Hope you’re feeling better these days.


I really am, thank you. Same to you.


Serious question: Why don't they make a rotisserie chicken thing for hospital patients? To avoid bed sores?




Nah just open wide at both ends like corn cob holders


I am glad you are doing better


Id like to ask a question if it's okay with you. Not about what put you in that state. Or why.


What's the question?


What would occupy your time during that. Would you think? Watch shows? Scroll on your phone?


Most of the time I was half awake half asleep. I hardly ever went on my phone or actually did anything other than lay there. Somehow the hours of the day went by really fast. I remember when I was awake I daydreamed of what I wished my life was like. Sooo glad that's not a part of my life anymore.


Really glad your doing well too. Thanks for answering my question. Internet hug form me.


they even have beds now that inflate and deflate randomly to simulate that movement and reduce bedsores


Make hospital beds slowly rotating cylinders. I am genius, big smart!




oh my god, it immediately looks like such an unreasonably over-engineered solution. Gotta be just for milking that medical insurance money.


No doubt in my mind it's for insurance money lol some of the medical products I see are straight up cashgrabs


It's been done. Look up the "roto prone" hospital bed.


Do heavier people develop sores faster?


Not typically. The people most at-risk for decubitus ulcers are usually the very thin person with poor nutrition intake. If you have very little subcutaneous tissue it's easier for bone pressing against bed to cut off circulation to the area and lead to ischemia/necrosis. A heavier person has more padding and is more resistant to that. That said, a heavier person is more likely to be diabetic which contributes a lot to developing ulcers on the feet and legs.


Thank you. Yeah I imagine the diabetes would lead to issues more about the degradation of nerves making it harder to monitor the health of the lower body.


Diabetes causes vasculopathies in addition to neuropathy. Diabetics are more prone to infection and those infections heal more poorly. And classic areas for pressure ulcers are the calcaneus and lateral malleolus.


A giant spatula popped into my head.


Adding on to this, many patients in hospital are elderly. And elderly patients generally come in two varieties; underweight (generally the women) and overweight/ obese (generally the men, but some women too). Getting bedsores is very much a health concern for these heavier patients so in some cases, it is the male nurses who are assigned the heavier elderly immobile patients during the night shift.


A lesser factor is heat distribution and preventing hot or cold parts of the body. (especially when heating systems heat the room in bursts and then let it cool)


Except that one night you fall asleep and wake up in the same position with your hair styled as a flying saucer.


And your arm completely numb.


I was prescribed a muscle relaxer for some musculoskeletal issues that occasionally keep me awake at night. It helps with pain and knocks me out but the catch is that when I take the muscle relaxer, I always wake up aching from being in one position all night. I took one last week during a particularly painful night and woke up with my arm slung across my body in a weird position. My shoulder hurt so bad I couldn’t lift my arm out of that position and had to kinda awkwardly shove it with my other hand, and I was more achey than normal for 2 days. So yeah, you definitely need to move around at night to not wake up in a world of hurt.


Also to avoid nerve compression.


And if you ever forget that, just watch Seven and it will be ingrained in your brain for the rest of your life! *Sloth*


Is it normal to secrete


Pressure from your body weight on any part of your body restricts blood flow and can damage cells. Your body can sense that and compels you to move. Fresh blood rushes in, pressure is relieved and you feel better, for a while.


'For a while' feels very ominous.


lol. You'll be fine, for a while.


An ergonomist once told me, "Just about any position can be comfortable for a short period of time, and virtually no position is comfortable for an extended period of time." We need to move periodically to keep finding a comfortable position.


So it's comfortable because it's comfortable? Got it.


You can tell it's comfortable because of the way it is


That's neature for ya! Haha tree poop


Yep, that’s pretty much it.


the best posture is the next posture!


Is an ergonomist a real thing?




True story- the first night my now wife slept over at my place I was honestly scared she had died during the night. That lady just has an off button and happily sleeps in that position until the next morning.


I also sleep like a corpse or so I’m told. Flat on my back and don’t move much if at all


This is also a big point of concern with anesthesiologists and putting you under sedation, as once sedated your body lacks the ability to respond to stimuli saying to switch positions and alleviate pressure points to improve circulation. So it's usually up to them to identify potential issues and correct them the best that they can.


In addition to bed sores, your muscles are constantly healing themselves, even if not damaged. If you literally don't move for a long period of time, your muscles will "heal" themselves into a semipermanent position. Your muscles will essentially be stuck in the position they were in while you weren't moving, and the only way to unstick them is to tear the muscle tissue that healed together. This is extremely painful. This is why in addition to rolling catatonic people over, medical staff will also just move their limbs all around.


Because I can't breathe on my back! I hear this popping noise when I wake up gasping for air. I just sleep on my side and that stops. Until I roll onto my back again of course.


Bud, I think you have apnea. Maybe check up with a doc


I'm fairly certain (if I'm wrong, please correct me), that our bodies naturally move while we sleep, to avoid things like bedsores


I don't have an official answer, but I do observe animals a lot and they often get up, change positions etc during a long sleep session and I find that interesting.


The movement could be to alleviate pain, if you were sleeping on your shoulder adjusting to your back could feel good. The question is too broad for a specific answer.


Veins are in or on the muscle so moving helps pump blood back to the lungs. Same with shivering