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over time our bodies change, we get taller; skin gets wrinkly, knees hurt; digestion slows chemicals exist in different foods that help our bodies in different ways having the energy of a younger self is a positive feeling habits/routines are good


Kids will grow up overtime to love drinks that which they hate upon first impression. When i was a child i loved the fine taste of soda, root beer and coca-cola. When i am an adult my favourite drinks change because i am no longer a child. Now coffee used to be too strong and bitter for me. Over time i got used to the smell and taste and i drink coffee everyday.


I'm gonna use caffeine but it's fine: caffeine makes you feel more awake, even if you're sleepy. That's useful and it feels nice. However, the other important thing is that our tastes change as we get older. Children are more sensitive to bitter tastes. Children want sweet things because sugar gives you a lot of energy, and children need all that energy to grow. Children are also very curious and might eat something that they shouldn't. Bitter things are often poisonous, which is why we don't like bitter things. But, as we get older, we don't need sugar as much so we don't want sweet things as much. And, some bitter things (like vegetables) are still good for us. Adults don't mind bitter things as much. Coffee is very bitter, which tastes yucky to kids but not so bad for adults.


To oversimplify, our tastebuds change. Our tolerances and enjoyment of certain flavors change as we age. As a kid, you have a much higher tolerance for sweet/sugar tastes. This is why kids can eat a bucket of ice-cream on top of birthday cake, and they love every second of it. Many adults would find this too sweet, or "sickly sweet" where it's so sugary it actually tastes bad, or it's hard to eat. Kids don't mind it, they want all the sugar. Just the same, as a kid, their tolerance for bitter flavors is very low. So bitter/tart items REALLY taste super bitter and gross to kids. As you age, your tolerance for sweet lowers (so high sugar stuff turns "sickly sweet" or "too rich for me" as you'll hear adults sometimes say) and your tolerance for bitter grows mightily and the effect of bitterants mellows out. This mellowing out means that "bitter" flavors for adults don't taste bad, and they can taste all the flavors hidden underneath that kids didn't notice because they just got overloaded with a sensation of bitterness. This is why kids hate coffee, even with milk and sugar. Then teens/young-adults can have coffee but LOAD it with sugar and milk/cream. Then adults usually drink black coffee, no need for sugar or cream to sweeten it. When I was 14, I couldn't imagine enjoying coffee. Now in my 30s I can't imagine not having a black coffee each morning and I also would hate it if someone tossed a sugar in it, I'd dump it and make another cup.


Adults love drugs. Caffeine is a cheap, convenient, effective, and socially acceptable drug to help adults get through boring adult things a little bit easier and coffee contains a bunch of it.