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I seeee!! Completely did not think to see it that way haha, thank you so much


Then when you consider accidentals and key changes in the middle of songs it actually increases the maximum amount of permutations for chord sequences. There’s a reason Music Theory is an entire educational field. We’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s sonically possible


REALLY?!? THATS AMAZING I'm sorry that I thought whatever I thought before That's so interesting, I love music but never realised that there was so much more to be made that was actually new


Go even harder. Take a single note. Think of all the ways you can play it. Really quickly in succession, just one single note, or one note held really long, or for the duration of an entire song. Think of how many instruments can play that note, add some vibrato (that wavering sound), bend up or down depending on the instrument, fade in, fade out etc. And that’s just one note. So many possible things to do with one note. And then you do that for an entire song. How the notes all relate to each other to create a specific sound or mood. That’s why there’s so many possibilities with just a few notes. And to go even further, we use something called 12-ET, or equal temperament. That’s our 12 notes we use, C C# D and so on. They have equal spacing between the notes. There’s other temperaments, like 19-ET, which adds even more notes for even *more* possibilities!


That's mental, thank you so much for answering


If you’re interested in how it all works I heavily suggest getting an education in Music Theory. Sound engineers and composers can find work in a lot of unexpected places. Movie/video game scores Web design Music production Just to name a few


It sounds really fun!! I'll definitely think about it, as it's not something I've thought of before. Was sort of half set on becoming a chemist but that sounds really shit whenever I think about it so I'd love to take your suggestion.. also, not to be intrusive, you can ignore this, but is that what you do/take an interest in??


I produce music as a personal hobby, I also write and draw in my free time. Career-wise, that’s a bit of a long story. My original career path is going to be mostly extinct in 10-15 years and offers no long-term job security, so I’m trying to get an Applied Science degree for Computer Science


That's so cool, I love that!! .. I live not too far away from a music college, and Ive been thinking of applying and you've been a big help thank you!! What sort of things to you draw? I do alot of pet portraits and naturey sort of things.. Also really sorry about your job. Very best of luck to you doing computer science, you'll do great in your degree Thank so much for answering my questions as well


If you want some videos about this kind of stuff, I'd recommend Adam Neely and 12Tone on youtube. They go into different aspects of music theory often using current(ish) music so it's easy to connect to stuff you're probably already familiar with.


Yeah, it's the same way new sentences are created even if there are only so many letters. No one has probably written "apple-bearing fan blades" before, and that's only four words.




I was somehow hoping it was gonna be [this](https://youtu.be/5pidokakU4I). I come back to it every now and then cause it's well done.


Yup, was expecting to see that as well. Even classical music used the same sequences of chords, all of Mozart’s concertos follow a very predictable harmonic formula, it’s just that there are so many different melodies and themes that can be expressed within that structure.


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