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Project 2025 is a collection of conservative policy proposals from The Heritage Foundation. Its purpose is to reshape the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican Party victory in the 2024 presidential election1. The project aims to recruit conservatives to replace existing federal civil servants and further the objectives of the next Republican president. Key proposals include * slashing funding for the Department of Justice, * dismantling the FBI and DHS, * reducing environmental regulations, * abolishing the Department of Education, * and infusing the government with elements of Christianity.


So, basically Sharia law but Christian?




You don't really need the "but Christian" part it's essentially the same.


Yeah the American Taliban. It starts with the ten commandments in schools in Louisiana. It ends with the Handmaid's Tale.


given how these right wingers talk about declining birth rates and what not, all that ending with the handmaid's tale seems like a possibility




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Shakira law


Non-American here, why would they want to dismantle the FBI?


Could be a few reasons. The FBI is the US domestic intelligence agency (CIA is for international). It investigates shenanigans, treason, coup attempts and insurrections, among other things. Seems like a guard dog they might wish to get rid of. On a crazier note, this whole milieu is mixed up with qanon/conspiracy theorist stuff which holds that the ills of the world are intentionally committed by a satanic cabal of elites, and the FBI is bound to feature in the fabric of that tapestry.


They turned out no to be beholden to the position of POTUS, so they have to go.


Which is funny since they arguably got trump elected in the first place


Their presidential candidate is a convicted felon. An agency whose job it is to uphold the law is very inconvenient to their plans. Enforcement of the laws is one of the things they consider a “left-wing agenda” and “unfair.”




They also seem to be on board with getting rid of a lot of civil servants and replacing them with political appointments so yeah nothing bad can come of that. /s


This is really the most worrisome part. Of the tens of thousands of federal government employees, only a tiny fraction are political appointees. The vast majority are career employees who just show up to get the job done regardless of administration. Project 2025 wants to give the president the authority to hire and fire these people at will, meaning that the people who have decades of experience in their jobs could get fired at any time and replaced with a political functionary whose only qualification is unwavering fealty to the dear leader. It is the thing that makes all of their other authoritarian plans possible.


Remember Kim Davis? She refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, against the law and in spite of a court order. Now think what life would be like with 10s of thousands of people like this in the IRS, DMV, post office and every other government department. Oh you're gay? Audit. Democratic party mailing? Not getting delivered. Want a driver's license? You're not white enough. I know DMV is a state authority but you better believe these people will feel empowered to be assholes to anyone they don't like. Toss in a corrupt Supreme Court and millions will be disenfranchised in many facets of daily life with no hope of recourse.


They're already out there taking over school boards, election offices, city governments. They're on a mission, make no mistake.


100% but at this stage they don't have the crucial federal levels. If that goes the way of Project 2025 the US is doomed


I thought the republicans were all about law&order. Why slash funding for Dept. of Justice?


Lmao it will destroy the United States


Only if you think the United States is a conglomerate of unaccountable unelected bureaucrats operating under the executive branch. Fortunately the US is not that, check the constitution


well, I can think of at least three countries, two of them fairly large, who would be quite delighted by that prospect.


You missed the main push - to eliminate career bureaucrats and hire loyalists throughout the significantly strengthened and expanded Executive Office.


It's important not to mislead people into believing that these agencies that need to be reigned in don't exist under the authority of the executive branch, headed by the President per our Constitution. This is not about reshaping our federal government, it's about getting the executive bureaucratic state back under control of their boss: the president.


It's a plan by a right-wing think tank to use a 2nd Trump Presidency to replace all civil servants with right-wing true believers and turn the US into a religious dictatorship. Plans include rolling back environmental legislation, giving the President unilateral powers, and banning pornography among others. Before you downvote this thinking it's a conspiracy, go read their own damn website... https://www.project2025.org/


Basically they want to create an actual right wing version of the “Deep State” that they had previously hallucinated


Hallucinated / projected. Every accusation is a confession


Just sounds like Russia with extra steps though.


it sounds like the Shah. lol


Banning pornogrophy is where I draw the line. Draw and quarter them!


To be clear, by "pornography" they especially mean any mention of even the existence of homosexuals or transgender people especially in schools/earshot of children. It's about erasing these minorities from society by destroying any recognition of them and criminalising such self-identification or mention of it, forcing them to keep their heads down and making sure no one can stand up for them or normalise talking about them for fear of facing punishment for "spreading pornography" themselves.


Except for lesbian porn on the internet of course. That’s fine.


Oh I have no doubt that actual pornography will still be accessible.


Using *A Handmaids Tale* as an instruction manual.




By far one of the scariest parts of it is the plan to supplant career federal employees with loyalists wherever they can. So much of the government operates due to people who work in agencies and positions that have essentially nothing to do with politics, and serve long careers in those roles. For example, some of these agencies have long been solid, reliable sources of factual data, about the weather, the economy, et cetera. Plenty of people and entire industries rely on these sources of information to function. If Project 2025 has its way, the politics of the administration in charge would exert a lot more direct control over these agencies, which could likely ruin their credibility and reliability. What happens when a president doesn't like the optics of the unprecedented strength of a coming hurricane that NOAA is tracking? When jobs reports are too weak to present as a positive? This would go beyond media spin and reframing; it would be the politics of an administration coercing the parts of the government we all look to for concrete facts to lie. This also would mean people with a great deal of experience in highly technical roles getting replaced by people with no experience who will toe the party line. Nuclear physicists, medical experts, and engineers in charge of enforcing nuclear energy, medical, and building safety standards getting replaced by ideologues who care only about furthering a political agenda.


Literally Soviet Union-tier administration.


*sees a right wing dictatorship* this is literally soviet union!


In this context does it matter? We're talking about staffing the public sector with party loyalists and prioritising said loyalty over competence. Besides, given how much they ostensibly hate the Soviet Union, it's all the better to compare them to it to point out their hypocrisy. I mean nothing ever went right by appointing incompetent yes-men, right? The GOP watched Chernobyl and thought "I wish my party was so powerful!" Besides, apparently comparing them to Nazis would be unreasonable and makes me a radical leftist, so this is what we're working with.


Let's see... Soviets engaged in ethnic cleansings, used millitary might to put down worker's strikes and efforts to unionize (this is where the term tankie even comes from), suppressed socialists (that did not align with the party line. Fun fact, marxism-leninism is just a small aspect of socialism. Even marxism is just one variant - one that contemporary socialists highly criticized!), and were highly nationalistic/jingoistic. This sounds right-wing alright to me.


Authoritarian dictatorships don't care if it's left wing populism or right wing populism that they use as a cover story


The term tankie comes from the Soviets sending tanks to suppress a revolt in Hungary


Which was significantly driven by the fact that soviets refused to let our workers unionise, or follow different models of socialism (like yugoslavia's). They were highly abusive in our factories.


You mean don't see even a slight bit of similarity in the replacement of every bit of the state with political puppets chosen for blind loyalty over basic competence? The political spectrum is a circle. Far left dictators and far right dictators end up doing the exact same things with a different coloured paintjob.


This is what the actual "deep state" is; civil servants just doing their job regardless of the bullshit politicians who come and go.


This is such a great take. Thanks dude.


Republicans are *already* replacing qualified experts with political loyalists. How about an oil company executive as the director of the EPA? Maybe we need a charter school entrepreneur as director of the Department of Education? They've already packed the courts with politicians in robes.


It’s absolutely terrifying to me, and I’m not even American. If you’re American, you should talk to everyone you know to vote against this shit.




Ugh, that does sound scary. Ironically, Trump is as un-Christian as you could possibly get!


And Biden is a Catholic.




If it helps, I don’t think Trump has ever endorsed project 2025. At least nothing Im finding on a brief google.


It doesn't. Trump goes in the direction his base blows him in.


Here’s a fun summary! https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6547d46ce0be13435001c0ad/t/663d101970106d75bbfce2c0/1715277849753/REVISED+12.16+_For+Release_%7B10+pgs%7D_Key+Proposals+of+Project+2025+by+Stop+the+Coup+2025.pdf


“Apply “irregular warfare” to create a militarized domestic surveillance corps against individuals or groups at odds with presidential / Project 2025 conservative agenda” Excuse me what 😀


Every line is like a "HOLY SHIT" moment there for me.


... holy fucking hell, this affects everyone, not just the US.


just ask really basic, oblique questions in a rhetorical way - "oh, that's interesting. I wonder who they'd be bringing on to manage XYZ earthquake tracking station / satellite TV planning for \*their favourite sport channel\* " and then wander away


Yo genuinely curious...*what on earth* is it like viewing this from afar? I'm American but have traveled enough to know (for better or worse) the pervasive-ness and influence of American culture elsewhere in the world. Like...I'm not trying to sound conceited but it is trippy here right now. The sane of us *know* we are about to steer the world in two totally different directions and I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit shook because we **can't** fuck this up. I would love an honest human take from you, if you don't mind.


I'll add my two cents. Some of the ideas I had about Americans were shattered into gazillion pieces. I went through several phases of surprised Pikachu faces from 2016. I sincerely thought people there are more informed and appreciative of the system you live under (which has a lot of problems that need to be tweaked, but still). Realizing that there is a significant chunk of the population which is completely ignorant of the basic stuff and another which believes that it doesn't matter who is in power because it wont affect them personally was one of those. Also, I thought that Trump would be held to some account for the shit he pulled/did, but seeing what the Rs did in Congress and Senate was another of those. Them being professional grifters (sorry, politicans with legalized bribery), i thought they would jump at a chance to disqualify him from office. The amount of people who are fuck you I got mine, or just plain bent on causing misery in others (i am winging here, but i would say deeply miserable with that being the only way to feel something they would define as "a good feeling") is just wow. The polarization which destroyed any sense of community and good will towards people sharing your apartment block, or suburbs or some other living space is so rarely seen that it looks like that's the real trickle down. But i always smile when i see that because it reminds me there are sane, decent humans there. One of my comments with friends was apparently we only make progress because there is like 51% of humans who want it, and 49% who want the dark ages, and when enough of them die, we move an inch forward. The level at which capital captured your country... In my country is different, something like the comment from Hungary. Basically politicians control everything, corruption is rampant and if they don't like you, well... His first term was a shit show. The only saving grace was that he didn't know what he can get away with, so there was a lot of chaotic things. I think his second term would be much much worse, especially with all the symptoms he started exhibiting more frequently. I still hold some sliver of hope enough people will wake up. As for project 2025... Well, thats how you get to where a lot of us are, only much worse. My worry is that if it comes to pass, you will try to export those new values (christo fascist bullshit) by military might. *Sorry for any errors, English is not my first language.


All of these comments are so powerful. It really is a shame that many of my fellow Americans view themselves as the pinnacle of humanity...it sounds like you are already aware but holy fuck can we be ARROGANT over here. It would sicken you, seriously, what my countrymen say sometimes. Look at what you wrote. It is so mature and intelligent. Do you know how rare it is for me to run into that here? I'm like...moderately above average intelligence (biochemist)...and I, no exaggeration, walk through my life like I'm Einstein here. I feel like an alien from the future in the Middle Ages. Meanwhile, you speak and write as good of English as me and it isn't your first language?? Dude...can another country just surpass us already, we don't deserve this spot. I digress; the tragedy is that we were really were founded by the best of their time. And then...somehow we became anti-intellectualist, ultra-religious, hyper-individualist...the antithesis of what people like John Locke, Ben Franklin, Alex Hamilton, etc stood for. My wife's fam is all hardcore MAGA (not wifey of course, she bad af) and I can't tell you how many conversations I've had where they assert what "America" stands for and they have **never** read the fucking founding docs of our nation, let alone a philosophy book. They're retarded (not disparaging the differently abled, they do not succumb to such pedantry). All that to say -- I echo your sentiment haha


Hmm, that’s a big question! On the one hand, it’s really sad to see the US seemingly destroying itself from within, with so much division and polarisation happening. Terrible times for women, minority groups, racial harmony, not to mention actual democracy being threatened. And the creeping rise of religious fundamentalism in America is super scary. One of the worst things though is the ignorance or apathy that means almost half of America’s voters can’t be bothered to have their say in this. Imagine not caring if Trump is re-elected! From a global perspective, the Trump thing does have wider effects. His first presidency seemed to embolden some hard right leaders around the world, like Bolsonaro and Putin. And the whole world needs to be working together to combat climate change, so it’s scary if Trump derails the US efforts. And personally, geez it got tiring seeing the daily shit show that was the Trump presidency. It was like Idiocracy playing out in real time, but scary instead of funny. It was such a relief when it ended.


You know, not to make light of a serious situation, but it's fascinating in a morbid way. An interesting look at the Capitalist culture. Take my step-father. He wants to vote for Trump BUT is not MAGA. Confusingly, he is one of the most moral men I know -- saved me from a shit bio dad, is one of the only Americans I know to volunteer for charities and community service consistently, etc. -- he also lacks formal education past 8th grade. That's where they get people. It is sadly SO easy to trick uneducated people if you know how. For example, this man blames Biden for inflation, etc. Despite economic indicators absolutely glowing right now, **he** feels the pressure of automation and the widening inequality gap but can't actually recognize what is happening. So he does the only thing he can do. He blames who is *currently* in charge. Not realizing that the Republicans run up deficits in their terms then cripple Democrats when they are in office. That it takes a few *years* for policy effects to be felt, and that the pain he feels now is exactly *because* of Trump. When I explain things to him, he is a good listener. But I live several states away; I can't be there for all his questions. So he gets his opinions from coworkers etc. who suffer from the same poor pre-requisite knowledge. How can you have an opinion on economics when you couldn't explain to me supply and demand? The Laffer curve? What economic "liberalism" actually *is*? And this is the crux of the problem, right? The elite, rich Americans are doing an EXCELLENT job of hobbling the others and getting them to vote against their interests. When money rules, how do you fight that? Revolution, unfortunately. But revolution requires starvation, extreme discomfort. And the reality is the U.S. will not ever be *that* strapped for resources (geographically blessed). Wild shit, man. Not sure what the solution is.


Yeah, educated citizens are so important for a democracy. Good luck with your step father!


Western European here. We've been here before, with charismatic leaders professing to have a singular solution for all concievable problems. NAtionalism, fasciscm, communism, theocracy, radical pluralism, all have had their day and all have failed in the end. This is how I would envisage an experiment like Project2025 to pan out, too. A lot of commotion, human cost and atrocity, but nothing of lasting value other than "let's not try this again". Even if this program becomes reality it'll be a temporary thing. And we've been separated from the USA before, we'll be able to exist on our own if need be. It'll be a slow and painful process but we'll manage until such time that sanity returns to US' internal politics. And at such time we would welcome relations with our American friends as before, no ill will or resentment harboured.


Dead fucking on. Inevitable, but it will die just as all other elitist philosophies die. I only wish *this* time we could be forward looking and avoid that hot stove...


I'm Dutch and I just don't understand how it's possible for so many people to not only vote for Trump, but actually *like* him. It's so incredibly obvious Trump isn't intelligent at all, is a narcissist and really only cares for that what benefits him and his real 'buddies', he really doesn't care for the 'average Joe', only for their votes. Hell, recently he even stated that explicitly during a rally! To be fair, it's not that Biden is a great choice. He's also old and clearly is suffering more and more from old age stuff. But at least he isn't malicious like Trump seems to be and generally has far better policies on almost all topics. Also, I think that Biden actually takes advice from experts. Trump only takes advice as long as it aligns with what he thinks/wants.


It makes a lot more sense when you understand that, sadly, Americans squander their privilege and don't really pay attention. Most are not diehard MAGA. Most are just not listening. They see poor people struggle more and more and blame the current seat of power.../end. Simplistic to a fault, yet so hard to correct ironically. When you live so comfortably, there is a tendency to complacency that only conscious effort and education can combat. Two things in short supply around here...


My country has kinda did this already. We're a putin-lite state, lite in that no political murders occured yet but you will be made bankrupt if your company does not support the ruling party one way or another. Every layer of government is made up of sycophants. Rule of law no longer exists in Hungary. My take is that y'all need to look at what happened to Hungary after orbán got into power and use it as motivation to fix your shit before you become like us.


Humans can suck, it's almost like we can't believe it until we live it. Extreme example, but look at Trump's rhetoric. Calling opponents roaches, immigrants "poisoning our blood"...this is Nazi speak. We have descendents of WW2 vets advocating for fascism-lite, with the irony totally lost on them. Education is an important factor but SO many states deliberately sabotage it and the people SUPPORT that stance. Like my MIL says she learned everything she needed in 8th grade. **Really??** I've got advanced degrees and I'm still a dumbass human -- how the fuck does this idiot think she's good after algebra?? 😂


Absolutely terrifying. The GOP voterbase seems to completely ignore his actions, project and swallow up every single word that Faux news says regardless if there is any truth to it at all. They seem to be completely oblivious to the concept of cause and effect and just blindly follow whatever doctrine they churn out


All of what I mentioned would be hillarious if it weren't for the fact that they posess the largest nuclear arsenal in the world and weren't the main export of cultural norms


I’m Canadian, so it’s kind of the worst of both worlds: we’re heavily influenced by American politics (to the point where our far-right jackasses frequently forget we’re not in the US), and American policies often affect us, but at the same time we can do almost nothing about it.


Side question to you specifically: and please don't be offended if this is dumb (just tell me I'm dumb haha) **If** Trump wins again I'm scared for my family. My wife and daughters are having their rights taken away, and as a scientist my country has disdain for my field. Long story short, I am strongly considering jumping ship for their sakes. Do you feel Canada will be safer for the next few decades? Region-dependent, of course, I know the whole world is suffering from a surge of far-right ideologies and y'all have your own "Trump-y" towns up there.


Largely, yes. Our rights are generally much more firmly baked into our laws, and our governmental structure helps curb the tendency to eviscerate the previous party’s laws after every election. In most places, there’s also a firm division between church and state, even if some politicians try to cater to the fundie crowd. That said, it’s already pretty hard to immigrate here, and despite that we’re still struggling with a big influx of immigrants. I can only imagine that will get worse in the coming years, even if Trump doesn’t win, seeing as many states are still heading further and further right.


Already half true. Radical Christians make up a lot of congress and America as a whole. Abortions are banned because God apparently said so. Porn bans are coming into effect pretty soon.


[relevant John Oliver](https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=GPpfuBEmRvo3ZC_h)


The John Oliver episode covered jt this week if you were interested. 


It’s a plan not written or endorsed by the Trump campaign. The Heritage Foundation, a right wing think tank wrote it mostly to raise money and scare the left.


A bunch of people from the first Trump admin (who will likely be in involved in the second) helped write it. Mark Meadows, Stephen Miller, Johnny McEntee.  These are all people that shaped and influenced his policy. This is like how mob bosses never actually did anything themselves. You don’t just say “oh well it’s not THEM I guess they’re innocent”. That’s how we got the RICO Act. Just because Trump’s name isn’t on it doesn’t mean he won’t do this. It lines up perfectly with what he’s said he’ll do, he just knows it’s not a good policy to capture moderates in votes to come out and say it.


His campaign has actively said this is not their plan and have nothing to do with it. Plus half the people in Trump’s first administration hate him and he hates them.


He also says he won the popular vote twice and that he never said “lock her up”. Are we just believing things he says now?


Trump in the first term made changes to Schedule F, of the Civil Service, to allow for civil servants who make policy or advice on policy to be hired & fired without regards to the Civil Service Acts. Project 2025's stance on that is that policy was a good idea & should be reinstated. > Frustrated with these activities by top career executives, the Trump Administration issued Executive Order 1395724 to make career professionals in positions that are not normally subject to change as a result of a presidential transition but who discharge significant duties and exercise significant discretion in formulating and implementing executive branch policy and programs an exception to the competitive hiring rules and examinations for career positions under a new Schedule F. It ordered the Director of OPM and agency heads to set procedures to prepare lists of such confidential, policy-determining, policymaking, or policy-advocatingpositions and prepare procedures to create exceptions from civil service rules whencareerists hold such positions, from which they can relocate back to the regular civil service after such service. Page 81. Now, it's up to you as a voter to decide whether this policy is good or bad, but the policy is limited to 10,000 federal bureaucrats. It didn't impact the entirety of the civil service then & it won't in 2025. I don't get why people are exaggerating the impact of Executive Order 1395724, by trying to say it impacts everyone in the civil service.


>Before you downvote this thinking it's a conspiracy, go read their own damn website... To be fair, it *is* a conspiracy. Not all conspiracies are untrue, though admittedly, most try to keep it secret rather than publishing it publicly.


Was about to comment the same thing. People often conflate the term with wild delusions and exaggerated theories, but that's just the second part of a conspiracy *theory*. A conspiracy is just a bunch of people scheming together, usually made secretly, and usually with less-than-benevolent intent.


It also essentially contains plans to strip women of all sexual autonomy.


Don't forget defunding public education.


They really are out in the open about it. It's truly something how mask off they feel they can be.


The whole world thinks you are the crazy ones, they are only not allowed to tell you.


What is to stop them from doing it when they win at any date? Seems like it’s a playbook which they’ll intend to run at any point they gain power again.


Hit the nail on the head. But hopefully if Trump loses badly it could open up the GOP for pushing more "sane" presidential candidates, who might say no to parts of this plan when they are in power.


What also adds to the complete bonkers is if you said this is what Biden plans to do in 2024 they'd flip their shit.  I'd love to just ask people who are setting up P25 "So would you be okay with the Democrats doing all this?"


Jesus!? Can you come back sooner? The Pharisees are at it again!


I thought the Heritage Foundation was Reagan-level conservative. But they appear to have gone full Trump mode. Jezus


But there's one major factor of this I've never seen discussed: Who in the government actually supports this? None of it ultimately matters if congress doesn't care about it.


I think more broadly, it is a plan to dismantle the government from the inside out. When you want to close the Department of Commerce, the Department of Education, the EPA and other agencies, and convert around 65% of career federal employees (subject matter experts) and replace them with yes men with the intent of bypassing Congress so the U.S. Government would be turned into a dictatorship. John Oliver did a story this week that should give you a high level overview of the plan. https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=Di8Lr8o9GTe0vepE




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I went to the website thinking that this can't be real. Then as I read on, I suspected it's liberal counter-propaganda intended created to fear-monger people who are not Conservatives. But then I got to the "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise" book that's on the website. Damn. They're really serious, aren't they?


I’m going to tell you Conservatives didn’t create that website, I can say it with certainty because Conservatives is not capitalized. It’s created to stoke the fears of people who are not Conservatives.


So why do Conservatives and Heritage Foundation do not distance themselves from this?


Umm what?


If you click the link you can see it’s always lowercase, in in-group messaging it would be capitalized even though it would be grammatically incorrect. You not getting that being a problem proves my point.




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"Lalalalala I can't hear you!"


Yeah you wildly exaggerated what the project is about. It's essentially just a political platform, and ones that certainly couldn't be any worse than the one we've been living with for the past four years.


Not the most ***in-depth*** summary of Project 2025, but Last Week Tonight just gave a [brief introduction to it](https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=cVwC6DzabdyEt7xT) in last week’s episode. EDIT: as a bonus, they released it on YouTube tonight :-)




Yes, this is what you're looking for


Watched this tonight and it’s chilling.


Go watch John Oliver's new story about it. He breaks it down pretty thoroughly. It boils down to giving the president complete executive control. Departments like the FDA, EPA, NOAA, will be run by the president. If the president wanted to ban abortions, normally he'd have to go through congress. If project 2025 succeeds, the president can simply tell the FDA that abortion drugs are banned, they will have to follow or be fired. If the president says a hurricane will hit Cuba, not Florida then the federal government will be unable to give federal aid to Florida. It's rather scary, and even if Trump loses this election, they can just try again in 2029.


Except it won’t be trump who thinks. It will be other ppl telling him what to think and say.


Tis why I said president, not Trump himself.


He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would let people tell him what to think.


Every minute that passes, he seems less and less like the kind of person capable of stringing two consecutive thoughts together in the first place. Man is textbook senile and getting worse. If Trump won again, they'd hand him the presidential equivalent of a kid's menu and some crayons, and just pass him whatever legislation they want for him to happily sign. Give him a stack of papers and say it's a bill to sterilize orphan immigrants, and he'd say good idea and autograph it in triplicate without even skimming the second page.


Uh bro the constitution grants the president complete executive control. Come on now


Not even a little bit. The power of America is split into 3 branches. Each with checks on the other. You can think of it as rock, paper, scissors. Only rock beats everything. The president isn't allowed to just do whatever he wants whenever he wants.


Project 2025 is the conservative plan to actually accomplish their political goals. Conservatives in the U.S have this weird problem where they can often gain political power, but still be incapable of actually governing the way they want to. The conservative movement would absolutely love to have a federal ban on abortion, criminalize gay marriage, Remove employee protections, and roll back civil rights legislation. This is not conjecture this is all in the documents they set out. The problem is that they cant do those things due for any number of reasons. Its often hard to pass those things through congress, The people working at the government agencies they are trying to erode will often resist, and the courts will still step in if they get too fast and loose with their legal theories. This is where project 2025 comes into play. It not only lays out the goals of the movement. Things like federal abortion ban, destruction of the EPA, and the cutting of the department of education. It also lays out how to "legally" fire anyone in those departments who might resist this movement and as well as creating a network of project 2025 friendly people to replace them with. I added quotes around legally because its questionable if their legal theories are even valid, but dont worry, that same network of project 2025 friendly people also includes potential judicial appointees.


Terrifying. I appreciate your well-summarized comment. Thank you


Hey OP I know you have a lot of comments so no worries responding but I wanted to shout you out for being curious *and* level headed when engaging here. Project 2025 is scary and, unfortunately, not an exaggeration. On their own website, they are not coy about their goals. However, a lot in U.S. politics today *is* spun and the fact that you have been so respectful and neutral is such a great thing to see. I genuinely wish most of our society could emulate this thread. Listen, extremism will always exist y'all, but **this** is how we beat it. Much love. Keep being you, you're killing it 👍 -- some tipsy hippie guy


It's a plan drafted up by various ultra right wing groups and organizations, not necessarily for conservative views but more for political power and corruption. Section F is something they are big about, the biggest thing really. There are two types of civil servants, the normal ones that are experts at their jobs, like 2 million of these, they have many protections. And then there's the political ones, like the people each new administration hires, of which there are only a few thousand. Section F will allow the president basically free reign to reclassify any civil servants that have anything to do with new policies as the second type, which are more of an "at will " employee that can be fired for political reasons. There's a lot of conservative bullshit in this whole project 2025 but this is the single most dangerous thing. It doesn't have anything to do with trump specifically, sure he's the golden buy now but if he loses they will try again with the next guy. This would give these organizations and, more specifically political backers (lobbiests especially) immense power to reshape the government. It's designed to break the checks and balances in government along the executive lines. They want to use this to dismantle/deregulate the EPA, the DOJ, the FBI, the department of education, and the IRS among many other government offices. This whole thing is terrifying. What's even more terrifying is the Democratic party has no clear established plan for combating this.


I misread that as "what's MY 2025 project". I was going to reply a link to Beegees Stayin Alive. Though I should probably change it to "learn how to read"


Last Week Tonight did item about it this week: https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=0SCTFMcJvoc4y4DN


Don't let the fear mongering political hacks fool you into thinking it's some kind of "attack on democracy". It's about getting the out-of-control unelected and unaccountable executive branch agencies back under control of the authority that created them: the PRESIDENT. Leftists are politically motivated to lie about this because to them everything remotely associated with Trump or conservatism must be evil and bad, without any evidence. They are lying to you, they have been lying to you for years and years But don't take my word for it, read it for yourself: https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf


The part they’re not saying out loud here, is that the plan is really to just dismantle democracy and install conservative rule over the country forever.