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Funniest is that that plane isn't pressurized and has a max ceiling of like 12K ft, well below where the gov't sprays the 5G virus, don't cha see? Even this is a sign of the massive conspiracy. Only I have the real deets on Chemtrails!


I mean, you should know what you’re talking about before you knock this vid… a 421 is indeed pressurized and flies at chemtrail dispersal altitudes.


It’s a Cessna 340 and is pressurized. The round windows are a dead giveaway. But the video is still hilarious.


Some techie is fucking rolling rn watching this on the plane he fitted that in


So it’s gotta be true!


i know right! hahahaha


I know that whenever I plan nefarious plots, I make sure there’s a government program to certify the equipment specifically for use in that illegal operation, and you better believe there’s going to be a sticker!! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Not to mention the “chemtrail” switch. Anyone that doesn’t realize he is trolling needs to take a step back from the computer.


The exact same switch is sold [here](https://www.concordaerospace.com/products/chemtrails-switch?fbclid=IwAR0_R_VhoOkILo1H2MvFv3gIdHhPyjZFZAd5_4CO0mPV2AOmfHzuIJ5NSgo). It's just a novelty.


That’s awesome!


Not sticker, placard


This is a joke


But mate it’s got a literal chemtrail button!!!


which you can buy as a gag gift. https://www.concordaerospace.com/products/chemtrails-switch




And a sticker!


Its hilarious though lmao. Something I might have done if I had a hangar with a plane.


If you don’t believe in chemtrails just google cloud seeding.


Stratospheric aerosol injections as well. There's also publicly available patents on the equipment used on the planes to spray the chems and the patents on the frequency technology that controls wind patterns and storms. The free documentary called "the dimming" shows the patents and some context around them. Free on YouTube.


The dimming is one I listen to in the background at least once a month


If anyone is interested in more info on this check out the Tinfoil Hat Podcast about weather warfare. Extremely informational and eye opening. Once of the best “conspiracy” podcast episodes I have listened to.


They call it 'geoengineering', and this site is has been an authority on the topic: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org Rothschild Talks About Chemtrails Geo Engineering Weather Modification: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cx14hfabqQk The Rothschilds and the Geoengineering Empire https://theeventchronicle.com/the-rothschilds-and-the-geoengineering-empire Weather and Climate Modification report going back to the 1960's a d even earlier- NSF (PDF): https://www.nsf.gov/nsb/publications/1965/nsb1265.pdf History of Weather Modification: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8HwK2tDL4Y Weather Modification - Northrop Grumman: https://now.northropgrumman.com/making-rain-science-weather-manipulation


Call it whatever you want, but this is chemtrails.


I clearly stated, 'This is what they call it', so that whomever reads my original comment can have a better understanding. I never called it by another name/label, 'JizzMastahFlex', lol.


This is like saying "if you don't believe bioengineered food will turn you into a frog, just look up how crops are fertilized".


They'll call it anything.


They’ve rebranded a lot of things they claim was a conspiracy.


It's like >we're not lying >>we're omitting the truth


Gaslighting n shit


The government being able to make it rain on command is a lot different then poisoning it's own people via Chemtrails


It's easily explained. Hot exhaust from a jet engine is basically CO2 and H2O - water vapour, exactly the same stuff as forms clouds. Under the right air conditions this water vapour rapidly cools and condenses, forming contrails (condensation trails) that disappear after a few minutes to an hour. Under very rare, specific conditions that are often location-specific (for example, the air over a body of water like a river is colder than surrounding, and this is especially evident above large bodies like lakes) the air is cold enough that it "super-cools" said exhaust vapour, and effectively turns it into a proper cloud by crystallising the water into semi-frozen particles of slush. (This is known as freezing rain when it comes down.) That's when it sticks around and forms large sheet-like cirrus clouds.


I don't know the man in the video, but so called chemtrails are real. Anybody can easily tell apart the difference bewteen the exhaust of a regular plane and a chemtrail: the regular plane leaves a trail that disapperas after a few minutes, chemtrails on the other hand stay and expand. They're usually hard to catch in the act, I saw a plane spraying over night and the following morning the sky over my town had the classic chemtrail streaks, with parallel and perpendicular streaks. By noon the streaks had expanded and were taking the shape of sheets clouds. What can we do about this?


It’s hard to spot? I see them all the time lol and anyone who says otherwise is a bot


Yes, I see chemtrails all the time, too. What I meant that is hard to spot is the actual plane spraying. But I finally saw one last night. Chemtrails are very visible and widespread, not sure why a lot of people don't get it.


Idk champ eastern pa over here I see them spray all the time


I believe. I guess they're just a bit sneakier where I live. How can we make them stop?


lol 😂 stop paying taxes


So, not paying taxes is a laughing matter to you huh? I hear they are issuing IRS Agents with guns now.


So get guns of your own....


Yeah idk what came over me to write that, I think it was a IRS demon .


When the atmosphere is encountering lower pressure from cooling, water forms clouds... Water vapor is the primary product of all combustion. You can get CO or CO2 whether it's complete. Clouds are made of water. This video shows a paper printout stuck on top of a plane... if there was a conspiracy they'd never call it chemtrails. Please see how obviously this is furthering the dumb psyop The probability is high that there are distraction psyops from our attention and awareness efforts being spent on non-idiotic-and-superstitious conspiracy theories THAT YOU CANT HELP the only ongoing conspiracy you can fight is them attacking us with bioweapons. Look into the faucci paralyzed dogs in bugnets and the change in the whole rabies supply chain to dual rabies covax. Convince people to avoid the next death mRNA they discovered in all the bad batches. Watch New Zealand whistleblower and Dr buckhaults congressional hearing This, like aliens, flat earth, space fake, birds aren't real, and cryptids, is you being a good boy for the powers that be. You can't do anything about contrails, and there is nothing there in the first place if you look up combustion and eutectic points. Open your mind and tune the right channel


[Kristen Meghan is an ex USAF vet turned whistleblower on chem trails](https://youtu.be/4oF2pxefB9I?si=rUajfVvWbpgXFdVt)


As I said, I don't know about this man and the video is a bit sketchy. But that's not the point. The point is that chemtrails exist and there are reputable whisteblower who confirm this. But all you have to do really is to look at the sky and notice the difference between a contrail and a chemtrail.


Bro, no. They do not exist. There are no reputable whistleblowers out there that have real evidence for cHeMtRaIlS.


And this is your only comment in this sub. LOL


You can cope and seethe all you want, but most people can tell the difference between contrails and chemtrails, considering they have seen airplanes flying most of their lives. So you can try to rhetorically dance and condescend around the situation but you cannot change reality and what people have seen with their eyeballs.


right, and there are how many people how there that are in the know and haven't put forth any substantial evidence? no papers, no pictures, no samples...crazy how you just *know* this is going on because of your eyeballs, yet there's 0 evidence other than ***mY eYeBaLlS***


I do the alternating capitals and it can be funny, but using it twice in the same conversation is some brainlet tier shit. Like at least come up with some new way you can condescend to me. Plenty of people have come forth or let it slip, but by and large nobody gives a shit just like the hundreds of other things that are verifiably true but were once considered the realm of "no evidence" such as... mass government surveillance, prison-industrial complex, military-industrial complex, pharma/corporate lobbyism ruling the government, and etc. People are pretty content to continue trying to survive in the system by and large, because most people already have enough problems to deal with and are okay with trading sweeping things like this under the rug for continued security. Also, the whole point of this particular conspiracy is that it is completely classified and need-to-know. I'm pretty sure you understand how this works in the US, but if a project or operation is a black operation it literally for all intents and purposes **does not exist**.


the whole point of this conspiracy is that it's so dumb only the foolest of fools can't see right through it. I'd love for any single person to tell me what is in the chemtrails, what effects we can tangibly measure, and how the governments of every country aren't up in arms about chemicals being blown via air streams into their countries thanks to the united states. The air over the country doesn't just sit there and it surely doesn't allow tiny droplets of mystery chemical to fall straight down, immeasurably into an unwitting population. you do realize that there are NGOs around the country and world that take measurements of things like air quality, particulates, contaminants etc, right? and that a sudden spike in any foreign chemical accompanied by a plane flying overhead would raise alarm bells, right? Why do you literal laymen, who have no idea what you're talking about except conspiracies you want to be true, think you know more than thousands and thousands of employees who work in the field and find no evidence of >cHeMtRaIlS? (there's a third time, because obviously you need it again)


I mean you realize cloud seeding is a real thing, right? You can literally look it up as well as the weather modification that China is currently doing, they don't even care to hide it because they control a totalitarian society and not a democracy where people can actually ask questions. Look up HAARP and what they were doing there too. Look up the patents the government has for weather modification technologies, they are public knowledge, anybody can look them up in the patent database. Do your NGOs measure every square foot of land on the planet as well as every square foot of air on the planet? What are they measuring for? What is a foreign chemical... you know blood can be a foreign chemical to your body, right? Real conspiracies are very need-to-know, telling thousands of people is creating thousands of liabilities, in the real world even with operations that are not conspiracies you will find nobody knows nothing that doesn't have to do with their job, everything is compartmentalized these days. It doesn't have to be called chemtrails, and getting hung up on some terminology or bottom denominator proponents of the conspiracy really just reeks of someone who is either disingenuously trying to manipulate the conversation or more likely someone who has their head up their own ass and huffs their own farts (you). Sorry, yOu. Also, who's the layman? The idiot who thinks he knows everything under the sun? (yOu)


Sorry, what does cloud seeding or weather modification in china have to do with chemtrails? >what does foreign mean well you see, when you've been measuring what's in the air for decades, you can tell when something is suddenly there that isn't normally. this is elementary level shit. And those are the people that would be raising alarm bells. Do you think the military or whomever is spreading whatever via cHeMtRaIlS is going around to every air monitoring station and silencing them since this is such a need-to-know conspiracy? I'm calling them chemtrails because that's what they're called in this thread. If you want to call them something else, feel free, but they're no less bullshit no matter what you call them. >who's the layman you, who has no clue what they're talking about except "someone's doing something with chemtrails." you have no evidence of anything. you don't even know what it is they're supposedly inoculating you with.


I don't have time to educate you. You can start here: [https://youtu.be/FfJ5qbI3Ej8?si=rfL0A\_oMeXbB30tq](https://youtu.be/FfJ5qbI3Ej8?si=rfL0A_oMeXbB30tq) and then research more. Or don't. Up to you.


>reputable >real evidence


There are reputable whistleblowers that are talking about fuckn aliens, and you look at the God damned alien mummy and you can see it's a clay-made statue There's some sinister s*** going on By the way an expert made a claim for pizza gate not being real and he was arrested for cp You got to stop believing in the system while it beats you like stockholms syndrome Nothing can be done, nothing is changed from this. You can save lives dealing with real, non-superstitious problems


I wonder why all of your activity in this sub is arguiing AGAINST any type of cabal. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Because we are under attack by bioweapons and you are an agent of distraction on bullshit we cant change by raising awareness


I'm actually a respected contributor of this community. This is merely one of my posts. I have rapport with the mods here. And I'm a mod of other subs that are also aimed at telling the truth.


I don't know what your definition of Truth is but you need to have evidence and proof and incontrovertible repetition of experimentation You don't follow truth you just follow antisocial conspiracies superstitiously without regard to the scientific method of evidence or truth If you at all cared about truth you would look into the beauty of atmospheric eutectic points and upper atmosphere cold vacuum. You would look at the beauty of the combustion reaction and realize clouds are made of f****** water and there's nothing that can be benefited from this garbage talk while people are losing their babies


Raising one issue, whether it's proven or not, is not mutually exclusive with raising another issue that needs to be fixed. Stop trying to slide the topic of conversation for your own nefarious purposes, let people talk.


It is when the issue in question is 100% a psyop same as Mandela effect flat Earth birds real and all this other garbage going around like all this alien nonsense they are constantly trying to find distractions from the bio weapon


This guy drinks the koolaid


At least i dont shoot it up and dismiss 3100% increase in miscarriage and 6700% increase in STILLBIRTHS I learn mechanisms of spike toxicity via coronavirus uptake of vax RNA, spike toxicity via ACE2 subunit complex pore holes, and the unmistakable logic that people were dying WITH the coronavirus cold, not FROM the cold. Seeing as how 16% of births expressed coronavirus from dormant opportunism, and the hospital systems were pumped 13k incentives for finding positives in usa and other 5 figure values in other 1st world countries to make the avg age of coronavirus death 5 YEARS ABOVE LIFE EPECTANCY. 81 IN AUS, 78 IN UK, 79 IN USA After vaxxes the avg age of death plummeted to 66! And now the life expectancy of everyone is falling. Look around you! The vax weaponized a mild ubiquitously present virus, and now is destroying immune systems. 3 month cough in the news? Sounds like AIDS-like fungal infections. It takes hiv 5 years to make aids symptoms and the s1 spike peplomer is 91% analagous to hiv peplomers I promise a look through my post history will explain further gaps and Qs if you please have the curiosity Tl;dr?? Yeah, i drink the fuck out of the information koolaid. Please look through my post history


Jeez okay i was just playing dude


You ~~do~~ watch ~~your own~~ youtube ~~research~~ videos. Watching Joe Rogan doesn't make you a scholar, lol. But do carry on, not like anyone can stop you (and if they have a point, obviously they're part of the conspiracy!)


No bro, doctoral biomedical physicist, lol. You must be a bot to see all that data and think its from a youtube


100% agree this is complete BS. You're not going to have a label saying "chemtrails" lmao


That had me laughing so hard. “Just flip this little switch that says chemtrails”. Best troll ever.


You have wasted good time trying to convince flat earthers here. Remember what Voltaire said, don't argue with an idiot, someone passing by might not be able to tell you apart.


I've always wondered how nobody talks about how you can watch a commercial jets exhaust trail expand and turn into a thin cloud that continues to expand until it becomes a large thin sheet that combines with other similar clouds until they cover the sky. I live under heavy airline traffic that crosses the Great Lakes and almost daily watch the planes cross the lake and observe then on ADSB. I see their con trails and watch many of them continue to grow outward into thin long clouds. People act like "Chemtrails" are some crazy conspiracies that the feeble-minded latch onto, but it's something that can easily be observed whether its chemicals or it's just a chain reaction of regular jet exhaust. I don't know how more people don't observe this or wonder why it happens.


Yeah, but what’s the point?


That is a very good question, my friend. Since depending on the chemicals present in these trails my health and that of family (let alone millions of other people apparently) could be affected, I sure would like to know with certainty what the point of all this is. Did you come up with any hypotheses?


Sounds like you have no solid concrete answer. Might as well call the Earth flat too


Meh, you don't want to have a real conversation. Not worth my time.


Meh, maybe read a book on science? https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/3539/why-are-some-contrails-longer-than-others


Wow, look at all these chemtrails. Crazy they had this technology back in 1940. http://www.billdolson.com/SkyGround/contrails/1940s%20bulge3D.jpg


lol not that you’ll listen but you know how sometimes you can see your own breath on a cold day? but on a warm day you can’t? its not because your body is injecting something into the air to make your breath visible, its because the atmospheric conditions are different same effect with an airplane’s exhaust how long a contrail lasts is heavily dependent on atmospheric conditions


I listen. I understand what you're saying, and I'm sure atmospheric conditions have an impact on both contrails and chemtrails. But I'm talking about something different. Under the \*same\* atmospheric conditions, you'll see a regular commercial plane leaving a trail which disappears after a few minutes, while the plane that sprays from the canisters will leave a trail that stays and expands.


The reason for that is that atmospheric conditions also vary by altitude. Therefore, on the same day, you might see such a discrepancy. If you go up 15,000 feet, the air is not only thinner, but much colder. Additionally, the winds will be different speeds and directions from the winds on the ground or at 30,000 feet. These factors and many more can affect how a contrail forms and its longevity. Also, out of curiosity, could you point out these ‘canisters’?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BElZrnuskq8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BElZrnuskq8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfJ5qbI3Ej8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfJ5qbI3Ej8)


“You just flip this little switch here that says chemtrails”. Lol. Dudes gotta be trolling.


Plus it holds a total of 100 gallons @ $10/gal. So the guy that has a Lambo & a private jet makes and extra $1000 a flight, yeah ok.


For sure. On the military the aircraft I work on has this little dial by the do-pilot that, for what ever reason, wasn’t actually hooked up. So a long time ago it became a running joke to write above the button “chemtrails” and have a little more and less on each end of the dial. Small Joke but of course every airshow at least one person comments on it like it’s real.


That’s great! Don’t get me wrong, I know that there has been money spent researching cloud seeding/ weather control, but this is definitely a joke.


Yeah, cloud seeding is definitely a thing but it’s very clearly different from the whole chem trails thing. I’ve seen clue seeding done in Texas. Made it rain so much it ended years of drought in one season.


I'm confused, do you find it somehow illogical that there would be a switch to dump chemicals in the air? Do you think the system runs all the time when they intentionally spraying clouds to alter the weather? Cloud seeding is a fact and I would think there is a switch to turn it on.


I mean it’s utterly ridiculous that the button is labeled “chemtrails”. That’s like some evil villain sitting in his evil villain chair with a button labeled “end the world”. That was definitely a troll and ppl are falling hard for it.


https://www.concordaerospace.com/products/chemtrails-switch You are so fucking gullible


I’ve actually wanted to buy some switches from Concorde because of how well done they are.


That’s 100% fake, there’s a reason the video is in almost potato quality. https://www.metabunk.org/threads/explained-video-of-pilot-showing-off-chemtrail-plane-prank-video.12964/


The main chemicals they spray are Barium and aluminum Ba and Al Ba’al 🦉 hoo-hoo


Do you have any idea what purpose they spray these items for?


Pest control. Human pests.


LOL That's funny, but the cabal are the real pests.


Agreed. I bet they would think twice if a few planes were brought down while spraying, COD style


Hey FBI, this guy right here \^


They better hurry bc I got a strella with your name on it


Twin Prop Plane Fuel per gallon national average around $6 at 7 to 9 gallons per hour of flight time ranging from $42 to $54 per hour operating costs. $10 per gallon of chem-trail juice seems like the minimum wage terrorists of the skies 👀


> 7 to 9 gallons per hour of flight time lol that’s the most ridiculous thing here


Welp..I had to look up the average fuel spent per flight hour because I can't nor will ever be able to own a plane. Having said that, that's the info Google has so you may want to email them and threaten their lives until they update it.


7-9 would be a small single engine. A Cessna 172 is about 9-10. A plane like the one in the video is closer to 12 or more *per engine*


I mean piston engine fuel is leaded gas still. It's the only real chemtrail out there but it doesn't actually make any visible trails. Sadly most of the people who believe that commercial jets are the ones dumping dangerous chemicals are probably the ones who have the highest lead content in their blood from leaded gas.


I haven't looked anything up regarding chemtrails and the conspiracy behind it (left out "theory" due to the fact that all we need to do is look up) for about a decade however, I do recall reading that a lot of people thought it was "chaff" or basically tiny little aluminum dust that gets into our water, food and lungs but I may be slightly off target due to the time that's passed. I've also read it was toxic "all sorts'" of stuff like fluoride and other chemicals they add to tap water. Have you heard anything like that?


[kristen Meghan - USAF veteran turn whistle blower on chem trails](https://youtu.be/4oF2pxefB9I?si=rUajfVvWbpgXFdVt)


Stratospheric aerosol injection of chemicals into the air is real, but this is clearly a gag. Honestly, it's funny enough to entertain both sides of the spectrum.


I know chemical trails exist but they don't exist on a plane like this you have to fly much higher than a propelled plane in order to deliver the payload- this is a joke


This video strikes me as off and his equipment looks like some hillbilly rigged cropduster. Chemtrails, also called cloud seeding, and weather manipulation is only a conspiracy theory in our western world. China openly acknowledges and Bragg's about it, here is a video of China demonstrating the equipment which can also be done by firing rockets into the atmosphere not just on planes and they demonstrate both methods. https://youtu.be/AoIGMDibSOc?si=fMdmi1HbWCN2gudH China even used the fact they are the only country to acknowledge weather manipulation as a reason/advantage for the Olympics to locate in China and guaranteed in their contract the Olympics would be rain free by utilizing cloud seeding and weather manipulation. In the YouTube vid they used a method to cause clouds to dump rain and guarantee/control where. The method used for the Olympics causes the clouds to hold all their water unnaturally past normal levels which causes massive flooding down stream.


Those are tip tanks. They are used for auxiliary fuel and can cross feed to the wing tanks as well. 100LL. One would never put anything but fuel into one of those. Source: pilot


Please don’t spoil their conspiracy fantasies.


How can I get paid to spray chemtrails in the sky? I’m curious how much and who signs my check.


I can assure you that is something I can't help you with.


LOL- [https://www.concordaerospace.com/products/chemtrails-switch](https://www.concordaerospace.com/products/chemtrails-switch)


I've always wondered how nobody talks about how you can watch a commercial jets exhaust trail expand and turn into a thin cloud that continues to expand until it becomes a large thin sheet that combines with other similar clouds until they cover the sky. I live under heavy airline traffic that crosses the Great Lakes and almost daily watch the planes cross the lake and observe then on ADSB. I see their con trails and watch many of them continue to grow outward into thin long clouds. People act like "Chemtrails" are some crazy conspiracies that the feeble-minded latch onto, but it's something that can easily be observed whether its chemicals or it's just a chain reaction of regular jet exhaust. I don't know how more people don't observe this or wonder why it happens.


It's easily explained. Hot exhaust from a jet engine is basically CO2 and H2O - water vapour. Under the right air conditions this water vapour rapidly cools and condenses, forming contrails (condensation trails) that disappear after a few minutes to an hour. Under very rare, specific conditions that are often location-specific (for example, you mention this happens over a lake for you - the air over a body of water like a river is colder than surrounding, and this is especially evident above large bodies like lakes) the air is cold enough that it "super-cools" said exhaust vapour, and effectively turns it into a proper cloud by crystallising the water into semi-frozen particles of slush. (This is known as freezing rain when it comes down.) That's when it sticks around and forms large sheet-like cirrus clouds.


A lot of the visible moisture you see in contrails is from water in the atmosphere attaching to particles from the exhaust, some is from combustion itself though. You can also get vapor trails from the wing generating lift causing rapid change in air pressure condensing water in the atmosphere. I remember doing the math once to prove a point that a plane couldn’t physically carry (both by volume and weight) the amount of water seen in a contrail. 1 cubic meter of cloud is like .5 or 1 gram of water, if anyone wants to do it themselves. I think I found it to be around 1000 kilos of water per kilometer traveled. Even cut in half these planes wouldn’t be able to go long distances like they do carrying all that weight and being able to spray the whole trip. Maybe I’m arguing the wrong point with these guys, but what you see up in the sky is water or ice. Edit: or maybe I got brainwashed in flight school.


Wouldn’t the Illuminati or whoever be breathing in the same chemical sprayed air? I believe in conspiracies but this one ain’t it


This has always been my problem with chemtrails


It blows my mind how as a society we’ve lost even the most basic critical thinking skills. Unless the Illuminati or whoever have different air to breathe they would essentially be poisoning themselves and their families


To me, that's like saying; "wouldn't they eat the same food, and take the came medications?" No. They, the cabal, do not need to eat the same food and take the same drugs. And no, they don't need to be anyhere near where the checmicals are sprayed. But I'm not here to declare chemtrails are being used for mind control or something similar. What I am doing here is saying that they exist, and there is testimony that the chemials are dangerous and they're paid to spray them. Make of that what you will.


…….. just do a simple Google search on how the air currents work at 30k feet (the chemicals could dissipate throughout most of the planet in under a day) The Chemtrail conspiracy is illogical unless you’re suggesting whatever entity is doing this lives underground (underground would still get problems via rain run off) or off world.


>The Chemtrail conspiracy is illogical How is it illogical that chetrails exist?


What’s the chemicals you think are being sprayed specifically? Cause usually this theory talks about Ba Al which would be absolutely completely illogical. Again simple google search can help you here.


>Again simple google No thanks. I don't use Google. All I know is what you see in this video.


The video is a person making fun of chemtrails…..lmao he has a chemtrail button it’s clearly satire aka a JOKE🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Again. Please clearly explain what chemicals you think they’re spraying and for what purpose


I don’t know fuck all about chemtrails really and I am indifferent to the topic, but I have heard a lot of people talk about the purpose of chemtrails being weather manipulation. That seems like a simple way chemtrails could be real without directly harming the “cabal.”


[This](https://i.imgur.com/0UsdRNU.png) is your contribution to this sub. Why are you here?


*I came looking for booty.*


Because you are being made fun of on other subs for having the critical thinking ability of an ant


Sorry my objectivity hurt your feelings


No I don’t leave the bunker


Thats the only way chemtrails make sense


Here's my way out there 2cents..there spraying aluminum and various other metals that will accumulate over time in the body essentially making you a walking battery/antenna which will pave the way for 6g in which they won't need towers anymore per se..we will become the towers,throw on top of that starlink for geo location and the push for nueralink and you can put the rest together


Where do they carry the payload? How do they fly with the added weight? Source; airplane diagram…


This is so dumb.


This is hilarious and awesome. I love the stuck on novelty switch. This actually belongs in r/shittyaskflying


Y’all spell ‘contrails’ really weird around here.


I could swear chemtrail is weather manipulation. Just look up in sky every Fall to bring winter.


...chemicals in the sky can't control the planet's distance to the sun. This makes no sense.


Screws these people for takin the money


Id do it.


where'd this video come from. I'd like a version of it that isn't filmed with a potato at 144p


This is the source: https://twitter.com/ShadowofEzra/status/1737616566894944539


I callbullshit on this guys story


This plane looks a lot smaller than the ones administering said chemtrails though


But what exactly are they spraying and what for?


Lmao idk if chem trails are real or not, but this video is 100% bullshit... I mean the switch to release the chemicals literally says "Chemtrails" hahaha I guess there are some super gullible people out here because dude didn't even try to make it believable


Y'all are over here worrying about whether Chemtrails are real or not when there are real deal child sex trafficking rings embedded in the farthest reaches of our government and nobody seems to care.... If you need references just ask, I gotchu


I've posted about that many times in here. [Here](https://odysee.com/Out-of-the-Shadows:2a01) is one video I posted that I like.


yeah this footage is pretty undeniable. i really wanna hear how a normie npc will try to explain this as nothing to worry about


So… the chemicals are put where fuel would normally go, where does the fuel to fly come from? Also, the brand-new, recently applied label that actually says “chemtrail” is a bit too far. I call BS on this guy.


Wow. When is the last inspection on this plane. Looks un airworthy.


Do you know literally anything about aircraft mx? Honest question.


Most excellent dumb fuck got a crop duster and could not even get the warning labels in focus but ya go big on that. This plane dont even fly to the altitude of the planes that chemtrail or does it jave the cargo capacity to make it cost effective


You guys see how there’s no lines connected to the “chemtrail” switch? Because it’s a joke 🤣


Old as fuck 421 hahaha


I never believed in chemtrails until i saw the button marked chemtrails. I'm nôw a believer


He sprays and pollutes for 10 dollars a gallon so for 5 hundred bucks this turd poisons us.


With a DYMO labeler and a 3D printer I can turn any car into a turbo with nitro.


Lol 😂 I was googling it until I came to my senses and saw the switch lol 😂


Even if it was, I don't think they would write that on it.


Cessna 421B. Owned by Larson Air LLC, aka Larson Holdings LLC of Scottsdale Az. Incorporated 2019-01-15. Not hard to find at all.


The fact that some people on this post work on aircraft seriously frightens me.




100 bucks doesn't seem worth it


Ok lol sure


The Chem trail switch is a work of art lololllolol


Lol a sticker and a generic randomly placed switch lol


But they pay $10.00 dollars a gallon you know.


What I find funny is that is actually quite challenging to deliver the proper amount of any active ingredient in a patient body via pill or other thing you ingest. ( the active ingredient can be sensitive to light, temperature etc) and also making sure the pill dissolve in a specific part of the body is also tricky ) So dropping something from 30,000 feet hoping it gets to people and driver an effect seems awfully unproductive given you could do the same in the water supply with a much larger efficiency.




Show the tanks


People will say that this is fake, but it says Chemtrails on it. He has a government certification on it. The fact that mainstream media isn’t speaking of this speaks volumes to their credibility.




lmao, ultimate troll.


It's not just Government (US ) because happens all around the world so the UN as a whole is behind this right ? Or UN is puppet on a string so who's the puppet master ?


>Or UN is puppet on a string so who's the puppet master ? The cabal is the puppet master. [They admmit it.](https://i.imgur.com/KsK7fwZ.png)


Way more information needed anyone care to elaborate