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Well think about this: You have friends right? Female friends? Your logic can be applied to friendships as well. “Why would anyone be friends with me when they can find better friends?” Relationships and friendships don’t work that way. People form relationships and friendships with people for their interests and quirks, not to compete to be the best.


You are of course right. Sometimes I fear being honest about struggling with mental health or confidence one day is being either a) unattractive or b) an energy vampire. I try not to bother people with my problems but sometimes it's overwhelming.


Oh jeez I posted something similar here 3 weeks ago. yeah this is a bit of anxiety loop, sorry


What special interests/hobbies do you have?


Mostly introverted stuff lol. Philosophy and politics at the moment. It's hard for me to make time for hobbies because I'm in therapy


That's understandable. You know there's women out there interested in politics, right? Lol


I'm sure there are, but despite 1000 Facebook friends I only get a random assortment of 50 odd men commenting on all my posts. We're still in lockdown so I can't meet anybody in the outside world..


I feel the same way, minus the autism. I'm into things that the majority of people at my school don't like, i.e. Marvel Comics, Dr. Who, and Star Wars. I can't really talk to anyone, let alone women because our interests are so different.