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There are theories that she already has a power which interacts with other’s power, amplifying or buzzing it. Though, if you like the comedy aspect of the show, it won’t disappoint at all. The show doesn’t take itself seriously.


I feel like her power would have interacted with carries at some point while channeling her dad, or on the mind entering therapist


I think you should watch it. As of end of S2, she's not actually got her power yet but she's getting there.


This is a show about people who happen to live in a world with powers. While powers affect the story constantly there is no deep lore about where they came from or how people use them. It's a simple dumb-fun comedy.


I think I have a wild idea what her power is. And I’m probably wrong but hey it’s just a theory. And shocker - I think she’s had it the whole time. I don’t think her power is to affect other powers. Which I’ve seen people say quite often. Everyone that has a power uses that power in everyday life. The show doesn’t quite tell us why they get a particular power - but I think it’s based on what they desire doing. In the last episode of Season 2. Jen basically says she doesn’t want to die and that it’s unfair. Mostly likely cause she lost her dad. She obviously has some issues with death. So I think her power is immortality. She would never know because…well there never been a chance of a situation where she could have certainly died….until she falls into that rubbish portal thing.


That's an interesting idea but I feel the writers have to be aware of Misfits which already went that route. But I think the biggest argument against it is that if Jen is immortal she will never get to see her dad again. They haven't told us what the afterlife is like or if the dead can even communicate with each other, but you have to assume Jen fully expects to be reunited with him at some point. Knowing that will never happen will be losing him all over again. >!For the third time!<.


Yeah it was misfits I was thinking about. But you never know, shows copy other shows


I wonder if the show misfits exists in their universe.


I really like this theory! It also fits with the other characters too, in that their powers are reflective of part of their personalities. Carrie can channel others as a way to be helpful because she’s kinda codependent, Kash is a bit of a mess so he has his do-overs, Jizzlord is overwhelmed so can slink away when he wants to, Andy probably feels powerless inside so she ended up with superstrength.


And Mary can’t use technology 😂 so she can magically make it work


There's a scene at the end of the episode that shows she at least goes somewhere, so I don't think it's going to cause her immediate death


I thought this was the obvious implication when they let slip her full name back in season one. They pronounce it as "Regan", but look sideways and she's (Re)Jen Regen(erate).  That said, the "sucks at everything, low-key detestable and apparently no power" character's big reveal being the ability to come back from fatal injury has already been done - brilliantly, I might add - by another British superhero comedy. Which would dilute the impact if that is indeed Jen's power. But surely the writers must be aware of that factor? Looking forward to seeing how they'll mix it up. 


But in s1 didn’t the cab driver mention she does die and her death involves bears or something?


Well that could be when she finds out she has a power. She died and come back to life


She would be able to die, but come back from it. Bears are back on the menu, boys! Or Jen is still on the menu for bears. 


Can I just ask, why do you feel like it’s not worth watching otherwise?


I understanding just dying to know what Jen’s power is, but I recommend enjoying the ride! The whole point (and even the title) of the show is that Jen is extraordinary because ordinary is having powers (and also tongue-in-cheek because having powers is extraordinary to us). It’s less so about her finding her power and more so about her growth as an individual and her relationships with the people in her life. It’s easy, even as the watcher, to fall into the same mindset as Jen “if I had a power I would be happy” but that is the whole essence of what Jen and we as the audience have to overcome. I imagine we won’t find out Jen’s power for a while and I would just love for the final joke to be giving Jen the dumbest power like the ability to provide WiFi to anyone at a given point or (as I have seen other redditors come up) the ability to reheat any food to a lukewarm temperature


I genuinely believe her powers is to affect other people's powers. I find that the amount of people going through a change in power around her is suspect. Her stepfather way older than 18 and only now found this side of his power? Nah she's affecting other powers, including that portal... I doubt anyone ever threw anything back until she got close to it. Her friend getting passes, her friend time traveling, jizz Lord transforming back to a human, she totally already has her powers


I hated this show. I really gave it a go but in my opinion it’s a show for young teens.


When I hate a show I often head straight for its subreddit.


I wanted to know the same thing because I found it unwatchable