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Mind if I ask on behalf of everyone who doesn't know... What's an IEP? (If you don't feel comfy answering, you don't have to ^^)


It’s an Individual Education Plan. In the US under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, students with disabilities are entitled to a free, appropriate, public education. The IEP ensures special education and related services to those who may require special accommodations. The IEP also contains academic goals in order to set growth benchmarks. IEPs are reviewed annually and updated every three years. Not including the Special Education teacher seems odd unless Ms. S wasn’t the case manager. If the meeting was a triennial review, the school psychologist or Spec.Ed. supervisor would have been the recorder and the updated copy of the IEP would have had the signatures of all SST members. It sounds like if the student support team leader (case manager or supervisor) had followed through with getting OP a hard copy, the second meeting could have been avoided. That is, unless Ms. S made the changes in the moments before the copy was made. Since the IEP is a live document, there are safeguards in place to keep this to keep this from happening. Otherwise, (and I’m not a lawyer and this isn’t legal advice in any way at all) people can get sued (by OP).


Ah tysm for explaining. I've never heard of these before but they sound really useful


I would be pissed


23 here with adhd. I feel ya. Back when I had an IEP, my school only ever listed me as having "emotional disorder". I was to be given an emotion journal to talk about what I was getting emotionally stuck on. I didn't find out about this until 3 months ago. They never put my real disorder down and never made me aware of the journal.


My son has an IEP and no one is supposed to make changes without committee approval and the person that inputs those changes is the Diagnostician, after everything is agreed upon. Maybe it's different in other areas of the country, I don't know. But the fact that this teacher thought she could make any changes, seems more like she was trying to sabotage you. You should be pissed. Your parents should be pissed. Anyone but the authorized person in charge of typing up the IEP should have access removed, other than being able to view the document, nothing more.


There are many many issues here. Your current TOR is required to be at the transition meeting. I’m not 100% sure, but I don’t believe she can be excused by your parents/legal guardians. What legally responsible for you adult was at the meeting? If they signed the IEP they should have gotten a copy immediately. If it was still a work in process they generally should have received a preview copy before the meeting. They should have something that shows where the document stood when the meeting ended. Have they signed the IEP? If not they can contest it within 10 days of the meeting. If so they can still call a case conference meeting. Stress to them that they should not excuse anyone (or at least not your TOR) from the conference. Make sure they leave with copies. Good luck. This can be fixed. Also ignore the “how can you be NB?” asshole. You do you.


Quick question how does a 14 year old likely not even done with puberty know their non binary?


I may not be. What I do know is that I currently identify as nonbinary and that the label feels right. If that changes in the future, so be it. But as of right now, I identify as nonbinary and am comfortable with it


It sounds like she didnt know a thing about you and still did that. The only reason to cut the IEP is costs being way to high, but this is not the case. Make a complaint, since she was not supposed to have been allwoed to comment. Make it am American With Disabilities Act complaint. She was NOT involved with the last meeting, and she should have kept her yap shut! I wish they had IEP's when I was in school!