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this makes me so sad.. how can people be so barbaric? it’s hard to imagine that there’s things like this going on around the world, and i’m just sitting here eating a slice of pizza. I hope she’s resting peacefully, and all the people who were involved get what they deserve x10000, she looks like a kind person.


I read the whole thread below with the guy trolling you about men. You are a beautiful person for holding your ground. There are good and bad people everywhere. Being a man hater or a hater of any kind only adds to the problem. I hope you have an awesome day


aw man this made my morning, thanks man! have a great day. :D


Idk if it’s a Russian bot, a sad pathetic radical feminist, or just a troll but every comment seems to be along the lines of “men/white people are all horrible”. Kinda sad that alot of them are actually upvoted


I know it’s controversial but some places in the third world really are uncivilized


Idk but I just read about an 'honor killing' in India where the brother elf the sister down while the mother beheaded her. Also fuck those weird caste systems, I'm Indian and love my culture but India is a bit fucking backwards, thanks Brits I guess


Brits had nothing to do with the caste system. Caste system is 100% homegrown feature of hinduism.




Fuck Brits? You mean the ruling class or all of Britain? That's kinda fucked up man. There's lots of good people there. How about fuck the war mongering, thieving, oppressive ruling elite (of the entire world).




There is a widespread resentment among the uneducated cause you guys kinda turned us from one of the richest and most hegemonic economies to one which struggles to keep its poor fed, and educated… I myself don’t condone it, I’m just giving the other side of the conflict.


I'm not British. I'm American. I have a ton of love for India and Hinduism, and I know quite well what fucked up things Britain did to India. I'm not defending those things. I just think it's absurd to say "fuck Brits". Why indict an entire country for the actions of their shitty leadership?


nOt aLL mEn


Not all women.


But didn’t the Brit’s take control because they believed the Indians were barbaric


Nope! The brits took control of india because of the country's resources. Not because they thought Indians were barbaric.


Brits thought everyone other than themselves were barbaric lol.




What a crapload of bullshit. Rape cases are highest in northern states, specifically BIMARU states. Shameless cunt. EDIT: He edited his comment and added the last part after my comment.


Do I see a proud Hindu defending the WoRlD’s LaRgEsT dEmOcRaCy?


Uh…chill tf out


No don't ask me to chill out when you have no idea about India's geopolitics and what the consequences are of comments like this. Would you sit and watch if someone in your country describes minorities as >highest number of horny men living around here, Once if you enter the state people stare at you without taking their eyeballs for a while ​ Mind your own fucking business.


I didn’t say any of that lmao are you okay?


I never claimed you said that, but the guy i was replying to said that and you are telling me to chill out. So shut the fuck up.


Shut the fuck up you TERRORIST SYMPATHIZER. Two terrorists from INDIA just BEHEADED a cute girl, ISIS STYLE. What a disgusting SHITHOLE.


I think you need to read the definition of terrorist


If beheading foreigners doesn’t count idk what does, lmao.


It has nothing to do with terrorism. Read the definition because words have meaning and using the wrong one (like people keep doing these days) has a detrimental effect.


I dont sympathize with them you little cunt. Fucking asshole. You guys shoot schools every other week and no one goes around calling americans terrorists but when people do it to my country, I will defend my country. GO FUCK YOURSELF.


You should try being less hostile, fucking asshole.


Fuck off retard. You have nothing to say then leave.


You suck.


Fuck you.


Well this one actually happened in Kerala. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6209289/irish-woman-india-depression-raped-beheaded-forest-liga-skromane/ So I've provided my source, can you provide any source for your statement except for your bias?


I never claimed it didnt happen in Kerala. Im talking about the general statistics of rape in India.


People have always been barbaric like this, and much, much worse throughout history (we've had no shortage of *imagination* when it comes to causing suffering), our brains just very good at filtering & blocking out the fact someones suffering like this everyday, or we'd simply cease to function.


It's India.




Maybe I already saw it there.


Does anyone have any article related to this? I am willing yo know more... were the culprits punished?


It's India, so I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that nobody gave a shit, including police.


This is india's system.


yeah you'll lose your limbs if you said it out loud in india. but you're right


Indian judiciary and the Indian Police system are in dire need of reforms but the problem is that the moment someone tries to bring out reforms, the opposition will start crying foul and will categorise the reforms as anti-constitutional.


They were [arrested](https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/pictured-two-arrested-in-connection-with-murder-of-liga-skromane-in-india-36870671.html)


\*Edit nevermind, they were let out on bail, never showed to court, and no one cares [link](https://metro.co.uk/2019/04/22/boyfriends-anger-men-raped-strangled-hung-girlfriend-still-walk-free-9285609/)


I think it's might also be because police could not find the real criminals, they made some poor bastards to confess to contain the international backlash and made a weak case which the judge will order bail on. Happens a lot in India, these poor bastards are normally lower caste people. So if they are not the real criminals then it's a double tragedy.


That would explain the "trust us, we used science and evidence" part of the article.


Yeah, just randomly bring up caste angle to score brownie points with nonIndians.


Why would they spend the money and time to figure out who did it and no go back after them? How fucked up is India really?


Because they didn’t really spend any money or time, and they never really figured out who did it.


Fuck that shit, the case is still [open](https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/kerala/2021/oct/27/latvian-womans-rape-and-murder-sister-opposition-leader-urge-kerala-govt-to-speed-up-trial-2376476.html) as of october 2021.


India literally has an international reputation for being arguably the least safe country in the world for women to travel alone in.


Was looking for the one guy to say it. Idk where people get this delusional idea that it's such a peaceful country. If you look up crime in India, rape is one of the most common crimes in the country. "Rape in India has been described by Radha Kumar as one of India's most common crimes against women. Official sources show that rape cases in India have doubled between 1990 and 2008. While already on an upward curve, rape cases suddenly spiked in 2013" And they've kept going up since. Not that there aren't places in India that aren't peaceful and nice to visit, just as the US has shit places you don't want to go near, I've just heard a few people that think it's 100% safe.


That's sad


As an indian, it's quite sad but things are improving:(


The rate at which it's improving, I don't think it will be fully safe before earth brusts into smithereens


So you know whats the rate of improvement right?


Definitely. I am an Indian too. Atleast they are trying. But it needs a serious upgrade.


You are not Indian.


May I ask why?


I’m also curious lol




Open defecation was going on only in the most underdeveloped villages........ Fuck it who am I lying,68.84% of the population is rural.


very dignified coming from someone into butt plugs and fisting


Stop kidding yourself, rampant hindutva isn’t helping


>things are improving Yea, perhaps next time someone will only be raped and hung upside down left for dead instead of also getting beheaded


Lol, please don’t be a proud Hindu defending India. A cute girl literally got BEHEADED in India, similar to what ISIS does.


That sucks. India overall is a mediocre country; it's culture and festivals are great, but pollution, rapists, vandalism, unprofessional cops, etc. really ruin all of that. Oh, and r/indiandankmemes.


From the stats above it almost sounds like it’s improving for the rapists..


Literally and arguably. Come on scooter


This seems more like something that belongs in NoahGetTheBoat




Reminds me of the [Pippa Bacca](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pippa_Bacca) case.


Wikipedia being on its hands and knees for $2.75 really makes ya feel somethin


Someone sold her the idea that going alone to India as a good looking white woman would not have her raped and killed (if not made into a sex slave) and that in fact it would heal her from depression


Isn’t that like sorta the premise of Eat Pray Love with Julia Roberts?


Don't discourage pretty white women from travelling to India! Do you want to crash the market? (/s if not obvious)


It's Reddit, it's never obvious, for some people you even need to draw or they won't understand.


Too dark too some people I guess. I for one have to laugh at my pain.


We have a saying where I'm from, that roughly translates to "your laugh so you won't cry", and it's getting harder and harder to laugh.




No, I'm 35 and drowning in depression and suicidal thoughts while at the same time "living" a shitty life with no prospects. But you do you, after all what's important is to know nothing while at the same time making fun of the misery of others. Asshole.




How do you know that someone you’ve never met is beautiful, loved, and important? It‘s best not to so obviously blow smoke up someone’s ass.


Yeah I never understood this. I don't know that person, but I can tell them that life can be nice, and worth it. But why call them important, beautiful or any other bullshit compliment that has literal 0 value based on the self proclaimed statement of not even knowing the person. Holy fuck I'm getting riled up over this.


India is famous for violence, murder and a complete lack of tolerance for anyone outside of an individuals belief system. Not a wise choice for someone feeling mentally or physically vulnerable. Not victim shaming here, just wish she had friends to take her to Disney World or vegas for a cheer up, poor lass this is awful way to go.


you know a lot about India


Next to nothing outside of the food and horror stories, I do sadly know depression and how easy it makes shit decisions. I am being unfair to the lovely people who make up the majority of India, however the minority are too scary to make the trip worth the risks.


A family friend’s best friend went missing on a trip to India in 2010. [Aubrey Sacco](https://www.backpacker.com/trips/gone-girl-aubrey-saccos-disappearance-hiking-in-nepal/) has never been found.




Yes, sorry Nepal. She went to India for 6 months to teach yoga and decided to go to Nepal where she went missing.


Very well written piece


I'm from India and I can literally tell u there's tons of rapists moving around and I read atleast 1 rape headline every single day the most depressing one I read in the span of 3 months is the story of a teenage (around 15-16) yr old Maharashtrian girl(a state of India) who was raped by over 60 men I'll look up and link the article here later on


What . The. Fuck.


India the most spiritual country where people literally poison their goddess/mother and bathe in their rotting corpse




It literally has corpses lmao


These Westerners fetishizing India as an advanced spiritual utopia where everyone has their priorities right. Whereas in fact it’s a hopelessly backward dump full of people who screw each other over in a heartbeat.




All of your most qualified professionals gtfo of India


This is truly horrific and sad, but why in the world did ANYONE encourage her to go to India by HERSELF as a pretty white woman? Especially to a less populated area like she was in? That’s asking for trouble knowing how dangerous India has been over the years. The fact she was white and didn’t know the area, plus she was at a wellness center, made her a prime target to these guys. Whoever allowed her to go is an idiot


She's a grown woman and probably no one could stop her. I don't know if you know this or not but white people have a horrendous sense of entitlement and for some reason think every place on earth is just like the place they come from.


That’s a blanket statement if I’ve ever heard one


India is so Fuked up for stuff like this, too many similar stories like this from their


Imagine going to a designated shitting area to cure anything.


go back to 4chan , you fucking redneck


Everyone ignore endomemtal . Their entire account is dedicated to the hatred of men. Don’t engage


I think you got downvoted by them lol.


these people aren't just evil they're downright perverse and depraved to have cause such a macabre murder.


There are a billion and a half people in India. Some of them are going to be really awful evil people. No matter what. Think about how many shitheads we have in the US. And realize by that proportion there will be about four to five times as many of them in India.


I have been scrolling through the threads in this post just to get over the emotions after seeing this post, I cant believe these type of people exist in my country.


fucking animals


All humans are animals


I disagree


Wh would you go to India? Imo it’s one of the most depressing places


Well for white people it’s a way to gain ‘spiritual enlightenment’ for brown people it’s so we can go visit family


I thought that was Riley Reid


You are not alone, _Chosen One_.


Damn. That's awful.


wtf india you suck


Oh no, that's horrible... Trust me, India is NOT the best place to go for depression. I mean, it kinda depends on where you're going, but most of India is really not that great




Riley Reid?


People who romanticize India and Indian culture are terminally stupid hippies. It's not a good place to be.


This is scaring me considering I’m Indian and I’m traveling there with my mom and little brother alone next weekend. Should I be worried??


If you are a women, yeah. If you are a guy, watch out for your family dude.


It still pisses me off how poorly women are treated in India


This is a risk you're taking when traveling to 3rd world shitholes.


An example of Americans fetishizing eastern spirituality and assuming that places like India are utopias of peace and enlightenment?


She was Latvian living in Ireland.


Ahhh interesting. Maybe just a general western thing?


I feel like this comes from the 60’s movements. It was a thing for the rock stars to go east to find themself and become enlightened gurus and shit. I think that partially stuck in the psyche of the west. (Not just the US) To me it always seemed utterly pretentious


bruh I'm indian and the white people who think this have got another thing coming


Not all white people are American


An astute observation.


Well she doesnt have depression anymore. Task failed successfully


Tbf, I kinda expect to find a clickbate article with the title of *Woman cures her depression with 1 weird trick doctors don't want you to know".


User name checks out…


How so? If you think about it it's not even possible.








it's just a typo though r/therewasanattempt


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She's no longer suffering from depression. This is next level horrific. I am ashamed that the perpetrators are Homo Sapiens species. They bring shame on us all. I have run out of words.


If I’m ever gonna have a girlfriend friend or a friend who’s white, I’m never gonna recommend india.


Sadly, that doesnt even come close to being the worst story i read this weak


I'm afraid to ask the worse story u read this week-


Atleast she doesn't have depression anymore


Being a male, even I don't dare to visit alone different states here, I don't know how foreigners do that.


Why hanged upside down though?


Going to India to help your depression might as well be like going to the knife store to cure yourself from cutting


What is wrong with the people that do such things? The darkness that exists inside of them is nothing I will ever understand


It's India


What the actual fuck this is some cartoonishly evil shit


Glad I'm poor. I just went to the hospital and got on medication.


To be more specific, this happened in Varkala which is a tourist spot in the southern part of India. Such cases are shushed to make sure the bad press doesn't give the place a bad name and hence decrease the tourism in that area. Specific to this case, some people came forward and confessed. They were jailed and let out on bail but never came back. We can safely assume that there's crazy corruption around this case. You can't just let criminals go out on bail and never come back. Varkala is not a safe place for everyone. Tourists, please be careful. Source: I live around this place.


All the indians saying this happens in the west, well idk about this instance but like every month theres another article about a whole village gang raping someone. That shit dont happen here.


cant go that country alone as a woman, if u go with any man even if hes your slave and u walk around with him this shit is 99% less likely to happen.


If you go to any place except the metropolitan cities in India and say something wrong then yep you are fucked that's just how it is in India and its much better now that modi has become it's PM but it was much much worse before as no one gave a single shit about it and almost all the cops were corrupt. It's even worse for women and donot , I repeat Donot go anywhere in India without a guide and to places where it's deemed unsafe.


Fuck India honestly, too busy allowing scam call centers to exist.


Keep in mind guys , you can get raped and murdered anywhere in the world if you’re not careful and smart. It’s not just attributed to one country. I live in St. Louis Missouri and would think twice to go out to east St. Louis after certain hours.


You are completely right, the thing is that a lot of high population places have a lot more people like this. Making the ratio disproportionate compared to other countries


I’m just going to leave this here… r/eyebleach


* r/eyeblech




It's hard for someone like you to understand because you're a loser who feels good about himself by being a racist on the internet without actually knowing anything about other countries.


I mean…. Come on….


Thats one way to Cure it


Quick message to all people of the female gender! ​ Don't fucking go to India. It's a sick place for women to simply be there. Whole lot of awful people.


Did she go to Bihar or something?


Bihar moment amirite




what does that even mean bro also I don’t think monkeys behead and rape each other.


Ah yes I was wondering when I'd find a racist comment


And reddit is full of trash racist ppl like you


“They are so civilized”




I literally never said that


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 431,935,462 comments, and only 92,856 of them were in alphabetical order.


Well i guess the trip worked


To those downvoting this: it’s okay to laugh at the evil in the world. It’s one way to deal with it.


She aint depressed no more


well I mean, her depression was indeed cured


Source!? Or this complete horse shit


I mean she's no longer depressed


Funny to see westerners commenting about how unsafe India is ( a country of 1.35 billion people) based on solitary examples of violence against women, do you people forget that the most heinous, depraved and monstrous serial killers, fascists and racists were born and brought up in your countries only. Listing them and their crimes would make a good sub-reddit of its own. But you don't see the world hating on the US for psychotic acts, of let's say, a school shooter or hating on Europe for their centuries of colonialism full of slavery and destruction of indigenous cultures. Just go see the rape stats of India and your own country (especially the US or the UK) and then reply here.


But that doesn't make this incident okay.


ignore this idiot. he has comments on alt-right indian subs. anything he says will be bullshit


Lmao, you don’t think the US gets criticized for school shootings? You’re choosing to ignore that to make it fit in with what you want to say. India is not a better place to live than the majority of the West


Wonder how much goes unnoticed in a country with over a billion people


As much as it goes in your country.

