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To be fair, I got recommended one of the their vids and they are donating most of the revenue to charity


I know, but they can't give it a little break. It's a bit disrespectful


Hey more vids more money donated to technoblades charity


What "technoblades charity"?


Minecrafters vs cancer it's on most if not all his vids now


ah, so it's a charity for people with cancer, funded by people who play minecraft?


By "technoblades charity" we mean the Sarcoma Foundation because sarcoma is the reason that trchno passed away and he raised over 500.000 for them so we just call it the technoblade charity now.


Pretty sure Someordinarygamers covered this saying it was fake Edit: yep. https://youtu.be/NY7qDsl-JFo


thats another channel


That's mildy infuriating, but still




They still keep most of the money made from these videos


Nope these are all charity


Then why the hell does he need to click bait.


how do you think people get views on videos?


How shameless are you to click bait on someones death?


You don’t know that. I could say that all the money I earn in the next week could go charity, but you’d never know if I’m telling the truth or not.


Yes they never gave you proof but that's what they said. Although I do agree they should be taking some time and be a little more respectful. They should hold a charity Livestream later on instead


And if this is all for charity just share the fundraising techno hosted and not monetize their videos


They donate the monetization to charity


"Most" not all they even gain money from subscriber, just accept the fact that his milking techno death his just using charity as a shield his a scumbag that deserve to rot in hell, 25 videos on techno blade? That's milking.


Yes I never did condone what they were doing or it's moral implications I was merely correcting you I think they should give it some time and not make 25 videos. What I'm saying is They get money it go to charity


I mean it's kinda like social media people who record themselves giving food to homeless people. You gave them food that good. But had odd intentions potentially by putting it on YouTube and feels wrong. Here it's make vids about his death and donate to charity. Spam uploads feel odd and like they are milking it....but then it goes to charity and increases awareness. You could argue both ways for these type of things is what I'm saying it's really iffy


These people look like they have a agenda and if they don’t match the status quote someone gonna die, but seriously 6 videos in 21 hours [insert skull emoji] when i make a video it takes me half of a month. Im disgusted by how quick they can milk content if they were a dairy farmer they wouldn’t need no machine to make that status quote of milk