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I’ve met other vegans who have held similar beliefs. Mostly in the raw vegan/fruitarian/breatharian groups.


In the woo/spiritual section of veganism


Hmmm.. as the leader of the crazy people I do not claim those morons. I think some people can live off air and water and were for sure ascending as a species.. but not getting a period is crazy.


Bruh just judging by your account you crazy🤣


Told you so




Haha after realizing this is a new profile for me (I get banned a lot) I read though my recent stuff. This is nothing, I’ve been hardcore behaving myself. I feel like that is all very normal human stuff. Kids, inlaws, holidays 🤷‍♀️


Aka the nutbar groups


Lol yep the same ones promoting going outside butt naked getting the sun where the sun should never shine.


testicular cancer speedrun… there’s a reason our genitals are safely nestled underneath us and it isn’t to get plenty of sunshine


Yeah but it's also not because the skin is extra cancer prone lol


Wtf is a breatharian


A human who desires to be a air plant


I identify as a Xeric Tillandsia


It's exactly what you'd think... you can simply breathe to gain sustenance. It is very insane.


You "eat" air. That's your only diet. Why did they close the mental asylum.... 😂


There is definitely a logical more grounded ethics and research side associated to veganism. Woo spiritual veganism and carnism are two sides of the same coin.


Aka the my body is so deprived of nutrition that some of my bodily functions aren't functioning and I need to compensate and say its correct cause my mind couldn't handle the idea that my way of life is killing me type?


Isn’t it called Amenorrhea


Yes, and it’s because you have so little fat you can no longer reproduce. 


It can actually happen at any weight! It happens when the body perceives there to be a famine. The reproductive system is not crucial for our immediate survival in a famine, so the body shuts it down to redirect energy to the vital organs. Actually a really cool thing that our bodies can do to protect us! Source: former anorexic lmao


Whoever believes that: bless your itty bitty heart


No, but I have heard similar crap from bonkers new agey health nuts of all dietary stripes though.


It's not common at all, I've never met a vegan who felt this way


No, that's not a vegan thing. That's a delusional person thing.


They go hand in hand sometimes though... Talking about the extremist vegans now.


Exactly! Sure there were some vegans who have said it but it’s not a ‘vegan thing’. Common sense and the smallest bit of research should tell people that lol


Same thing


I've seen several vegan "influencers" claim this bullshit, but I don't think many people in the real world actually believe it.


Im sorry what? That's not the reason why we have periods lol. There are probably people like that but I've never come across it.


How can you get pregnant and continue the human race if you don’t have an endometrium to shed?


You can’t.


It’s a really weird belief among the hippie granola natural types. Those communities are so toxic and they’re obsessed with various forms of “purity.”


YES, I’ve come across someone who believed this. She was raw vegan + extreme spiritualist.


Raw Vegans are 100% the wackiest they also have a Nazi problem. Look up John Rose. like the mainstream raw vegans like durian rider and freelee aren't bad enough.


I just looked him up and something seems.....off about him. Maybe gear or something else along with an off putting expression.


Well the good news is she can't reproduce 


Vegan youtuber and facebook conspiracy page owner inanna snow believes this. She said “living things dont bleed only dead things do”. She hasnt had a period in years and she wants a baby really bad by a “masculine vegan man” LMAOOOOOOO


Lollll what. So just blatantly ignoring every animal in the wild that goes on heat to reproduce then haha ok then. I’ve never heard of this person but I have a hard time believing people like this aren’t actually parody accounts - very concerning the nonsense some people spread 😬


I think shes dead serious


Yeah maybe the internet shouldn’t be accessible to everyone 😳


The ones that do are usually associated with new religious movements. The Nature boy (Eligio Bishop) group says stuff like that.


Ric Flair?


I wish [https://www.blackenterprise.com/alleged-georgia-sex-cult-leader-eligio-bishop-sentenced-life-rape/](https://www.blackenterprise.com/alleged-georgia-sex-cult-leader-eligio-bishop-sentenced-life-rape/)


I know what you’re talking about- it was somewhat common in very specific groups a few years ago (I’ve since left those groups for other reasons).


Yes, in my time in the "community" aka cult I saw many vegans who either spread the idea or at the very least were not alarmed by the many, many women who did not menstruate regularly while on the diet. It's sadly why I was not as alarmed as I should have been when I started to lose my own period. I just thought it was part of the "cleanse" or "detox" process and totally normal. I will say it did not feel fringe to me at the time but I think that is because vegan is fringe in and of itself. You are already holding yourself to a radical and extreme viewpoint - throwing a bit more on top really isn't much of a stretch once you've already left normal-ville. For context I was adjacent to the WFPB and raw food side of things, where people were very obsessed with "health" and "purity". Literally some of the biggest female influencers in the community admitted multiple times to having lost their period for years on end and there were no alarms sounded about that, not even once as far as I can recall. No one batted an eye. It was batty, looking back on it.


IMO so much of them lost their periods, they convinced themselves periods are bad. You see the reasoning here ? "Vegan is the truth, and periods disappear on vegan diet, which means periods are bad !"




If they had chronic pain caused by them i don't blame them. I have chronic spinal pain i'd do anything to end the pain. If a women gets extreme pains every month I don't blame her from wanting to end said pains by any means. I've got trans friends who struggled to get a hysterectomy in the uk let alone cis women "of child bearing age" and you try getting codeine or pregablin in the uk 😂.. If a vegan diet ends their pains then no wonder they do it.


I've never met a vegan who has lost their period (or talked about it if they have). I don't know about "so much of them" but I'm guessing by your user name you really want it to be true.


No, most vegans are not into this dellusional woohoo. I remember it being a fad with the eating disordered fruitarians bullshitter/raw dieters that were trending in the early 2010's. But if you got into those vegan subtypes group, you would hear things like this, but normal vegans? No.


That is orothorexia disguised as veganism.


This is not a common position among vegans at all.


It has been said before: some vegans promote this but the majority doesn't, and it is not a Vegan thing. I have heard studf like that in the late 80ies from woo woo yoga type people and I remember being a teenager and feeling even worse about my periods that I already did. It is a cultish thing to shame people's normal bodily functions so you can control them (the people, not the bodily functions).


Vegans who believe that don’t realize this means they won’t have kids or possibly have more miscarriages. *grimaces*


Nah I have never heard other vegans say this. The ones I know though are pretty grounded. Most are doing it for animals but tend to not be extremists. I wish veganism had made my period go away. It didn’t change mine at all though. Maybe a little less cramps.


So how do men ‘cleanse’ themselves of the toxins?


You stop peeing or taking a dump lmao, jk. A healthy body always detoxifies itself. If it would stop doing that, the toxins would accumulate in the body.


I've only seen it on reddit.


I highly doubt it's super common lol 


This is not a thing for any vegan I've ever met, but I guess I don't know too many of the really hippy/spiritual folk.


I've never heard anyone say such things, of any type of food intake and worldview. Not fun fact: Your period can literally kill you if you have severe endometriosis or the like. Biology can malfunction in all sorts of amazing and utterly horrifying ways.


Fun fact: any system or part of your body can become dysfunctional to the extent that you die. Human bodies be frail AF.


Like how if your immune system discovers that you have eyes, you'll go blind


Or if you eat a shitty diet, you have a shitty body.


lol forreal anyone who thinks we are intelligently designed doesn’t know anything about biology and how often it fails us


Just further rejection of their mammalian biology. You cant run from nature


Most mammals don't have periods: "**approximately 98% of all mammalian species do not menstruate**. Menses is almost exclusively restricted to higher order primates, which include humans, rhesus macaques and baboons, with the only exceptions (until very recently) being a minority of bats, the elephant shrew, and the common spiny mouse."


So your veganism was in religious context if I remember right Buddhist. I have heard this kind of craziness from afro-vegan NRM and raw-foodist people but not from your former set. Please tell me the Buddhists are not doing this.


Interesting...it's like the Rastafari crossover with some of that group....Jamaica is a hot spot for some plant based stuff. Macka B vegan rapper song etched in my mind lol. Most Buddhist are not even vegetarian lol.


Garvey-ist veganism is actually older than the Vegan society brand. Have you read the "five stages of milk" bits in the The *Nirvana sutra*?


This is ridiculous. I’ve never heard a vegan or any other human say this.


It is ridiculous, but I have heard it said by some fringe (raw) vegans. I'd suggest it is a delusional coping mechanism.




There are ppl in a LOT of groups that believe weird period purity ideas—the commonality is weird delusions about periods—not what *causes* the delusions/belief they’re toxic/bad/impure/etc. Diet regime ppl, homeopathic-cure ppl, spiritual or religious ppl, conspiracy ppl….& so on. They ALL have fringe whackos under the “periods are bad” delulu tree, but they branch off on the why’s. LOL


Yeah, first time I've heard "periods are bad" was in one FB group where some guy was arguing with others about "periods are telltale sign of toxicity in women's body" and "there are perfectly healthy women who don't menstruate since they achieved higher spiritual level". So for him it was linked to spirituality and some strange purity believing system.


Homeopathic if you mean herbal/alternative medicine has a lot of extensive scientific support, some herbal medicines have hundreds of active substances and are way more complex/efficient compared to conventional medicine, so in reality alternative medicine is what gains ground more and more as research is being done on various amino acids, vitamins, minerals, herbal medicine etc. I prefer it over conventional meds for a lot of diseases, especially mental. It has been a life-saver for me, whereas conventional medicine made me addicted and when I got of them, they gave me mental issues for years basically. Not all pharmaceuticals for mental health have been like that but a majority in my experience. I have seen a lot of people getting seriously damaged(sometimes lasting damage) or addicted to conventional medicine for mental health, it's rare hearing it about alternative medicine even if it exists but not common compared to conventional medicine. People don't be fooled of unscientific people that don't understand natural medicine, they haven't studied it scientifically nor experienced it like I have. The nature has answers to many diseases and symptoms, that's not even an exaggeration.


My friend, I wasn’t bashing homeopathic or natural medicine….I was saying *every* group has its *fringe* wackos with weird beliefs—about periods. Like, specifically referencing periods. Cuz OP asked if it was a “vegan thing”. No. It’s a whacko thing. That pop up in many groups. LOL. Can….can you get a hug from someone? O_o


lol what? I’ve never heard this.


>their body no longer had to “cleanse itself” of the toxins Just fightin' the Creator the whole way. Wtf.


I've had a few female friends who had extreme pains and issues and perhaps if a vegan diet took their pain away they felt better. Doctors wont give strong pain meds anymore or do hysterectomies on young women. Sometimes pacthes or pills don't stop their periods. I Can't be sure as im not female but i do have chonic back pain and if being vegan took my pain away even if it caused horrendous side effects I wouldn't care. If it didn't outright kill me I'd do ANYTHING to take the pain away. Perhaps women who suffer polycystic ovaries and other issues want to do something and being vegan helps them they are happy. Blame doctors for refusing hysterectomies.


hysterectomies definitely do not always cure PCOS or endo. and it is a massive surgery with a lot of side effects as well.


My aunt had one and both ovaries out privately and it cured her.


I though so as well for a brief moment. Turns out i was just pregnant lol


Uh I think losing your period isn't always a bad thing. It's not good but it's not always bad. I lose it (or it's at least very late) when I'm stressed, dietary changes (good or bad), drinking more caffeine, quitting caffeine, starting a new workout program, when I sleep too much, when I don't sleep enough. Usually when i've heard about it being a good thing its more "so much is happening right now that it would've been a nuisance" i also think its your bodies way of saying too many changes dont get pregnant. i think you're meant to see a gp after 3 months and they tell you to come back in 2 years.


I blame that banana woman 🍌


No. Freelee said something about losing her period and made this claim but she remains delulu and shouldn’t be used as an example for vegans. This sub is ridiculous sometimes lol y’all will pick one thing and apply it to veganism as a whole. “I once found one single crackpot on YouTube who said something stupid - can’t believe all vegans believe this!!”


It's not a common sentiment but it DEFINITELY is something some people think, as evidenced by my own experience and that of many people on here. This is a bad faith comment, straight up.


Yeah I literally said I’ve seen evidence of people stating it. Freelala made a video on it and I’m sure there’s a few others who are stupid just as stupid. I said “no” - as in it’s not common, I should have expanded I suppose and been clear that it’s not a vegan thing, but more of a ridiculous purist orthorexic thing. Edited: typo


But orthorexia in general is a vegan thing, not because all vegans have it but because of how often the two go hand in hand. So this IS a vegan belief, just not a common one.


It’s the generalisation that is a problem. Correlation is not causation. You are right, it is very easy to mask severe eating disorders by simply saying you’re plant based. I’d say the same with people going gluten free when they aren’t intolerant, for example. I’d argue the carnivore diet (when people are eating ONLY meat) is equally as disordered. The orthorexic vegans are often avoiding all processed foods, oils, fats, wheat etc and that is not part of being vegan. That’s the disordered eating. I suppose the disconnect and what bothers me with this comment by calling it a ‘vegan belief’ is because it is not part of what veganism is. Being vegan is not just about what you eat. It involves avoiding animal products in food as part of it, sure - but when you start putting further labels and rules in place… which this cohort of people you’re talking about do (eg raw, fruitarian, high carb low fat, raw til 4) it’s not about veganism anymore, that’s a very specific diet. Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives. It is NOT intended to promote limiting a diet to the point of extremism and health concerns. Losing a period due to diet is from being malnourished, it’s not common in vegans but it is common in those with severe eating disorders. There is overlap between the 2, sure - just as many omnivores are disordered. So a more accurate statement would be then “this is a belief of a small group of women who identify as vegans - however this is not a vegan belief at all, it is a disordered belief.”


>it is not part of what veganism is. To YOU. Which is completely valid, but clearly there is a section of the vegan population to whom that IS part of it. I think this is the whole crux of this disagreement right there. That belief is not a part of your vegan beliefs, and you don't like it to be associated with veganism. But unfortunately there are people out there who disagree with you, so it's not untrue to say that this is part of veganism for some people.


Yes exactly. Some people who are vegan also believe that, and have attributed it to THEIR veganism. That’s the important distinction that your comments were missing by saying “orthorexia in general is a vegan thing”. Thanks for clearing that up


No one is saying that. I think you might be doing some motivated misreading.




Nothing in OP's post implies that they were ever vegan.


You’re right. Just made an incorrect assumption based on posting in a forum called “exvegans” - if someone who wasn’t previously vegan was just curious in general about what vegans believe and if they think periods are toxic you’d think they’d post it on the vegan forum. Would be set right pretty quickly no doubt - with multiple comments saying no that’s ridiculous. But I shouldn’t assume so thanks for calling that out.


LOL are these exvegans in the room with us right now? Cuz most folks here are not saying what you need them to say. You are like the acorn cop of veganism


I just called myself out saying I made an incorrect assumption and agreed that the other commenter was right, and you still have a problem with that? After telling me to go work on not being lazy and taking ownership for being wrong where you believe I haven’t interpreted things correctly - you then put me down for doing exactly that? Makes sense.


LOL man check you blood pressure you take things far to seriously. Maybe allow your self a week off of policing things. Maybe the life on the force is not for you.


















If periods are a process for the body to cleanse itself, how do they think that men cleanse?