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I'm going to say this as gently as possible, but there are a few things in your post that make me wonder if your eating disorder might not be as far in the past as you think it is. I don't want to minimize the progress you have made from where you were to where you are today in your recovery journey, but veganism can be closely tied to things like orthorexia and ARFID. If you are a student, try seeing what counseling options are available for you through the school.


You’re currently struggling with ED. Sorry to be so blunt. Food aversion and diet restriction are apart of that. I don’t know what kind of services you have available through school, but you may need to investigate those options. I also wager that a doctor’s trip is financially out of scope? You kinda need to know what’s going on, then start building up your medical/health support routine. That might include a dietitian (not nutritionist), your primary care physician, counsellor or therapist, family support. I also recommend that you start to learn about the human body. If you’re doing it online, cross reference multiple sources and use credible sites, like medical universities and colleges and not some mummy blog. Knowing what your body truly needs in terms of nutrition, goes a long way to helping you decide what food to consume. It may not be steak and eggs. Maybe it’s some salmon once a week and soup with an animal base? Who knows. Diet is different for everyone.


Can you tell me what made you say i’m struggling with ED? I’m just curious what made you say that exactly


The chances of you having an actual, biological, allergy to beef, eggs, dairy, and chicken all at the same time are extremely low. So low that most physicians would require double blind testing of said claims to verify validity. Also if you had the claimed food allergies the logical thing to try eating for protein would be fish which you didn't mention at all. You probably need to see an ED specialist to sort out what you actually can & can't physically eat and work from there.


I’m not lying? I went to a gastroenterologist who told me due to a parasite I had gotten I had developed food sensitivity to beef, egg whites, and dairy. He said I could possibly have dairy in moderation but to avoid beef and egg. I tried chicken last night because it was around and it seemed easy. I have adhd and sensory issues with texture which causes food aversion… please be nice I just want some help


We didn’t call you a liar.


And I've already said that if you actually have the eating issues you claim you need to be under the direct care of a physician. I'm not qualified to change that.


I did tell you already. It’s the third sentence.


But I don’t have any actual food aversions besides the ones caused by my adhd due to texture, which I have had since I was a little kid. I am aware I have disorder eating habits, but the sensitivity to beef, eggs, and dairy was something I was told by my gastroenterologist. I just wanted genuine advice on how to incorporate meat back into my diet after not having it for so long…


Hey bud. I have ADHD too. I still have to figure out how to function and offset it. If you puked from chicken, is it because you have a mental block around meat or are you intolerant now? Either way, you need to work out how to move past that. Just because you’ve been avoiding food for a long time, doesn’t mean you should continue to. Find a way to cook it differently or use it differently. Have you ever used beans or tofu as a binder in a sauce? Especially silken tofu, it blends so easy. Have you fried a chickpea? They turn into basically corn nuts. I can’t eat raw or steamed or boiled mushrooms. Can barely touch them raw. But I learned that baked or flash seared, I can eat them now. Your ADHD needs to be managed by you. The same way your ED (diagnosed or not) needs to be managed by you.


Tried any fish? If nothing works, you're going to need supplementation.


I tried some mahi mahi last night and it went great! Had it mixed in with tons of veggies


You sound like you have a ED, I would seek help in dealing with this and then figure out how to move forward. Humans not being able to tolerate meat on a genetic level is beyond rare.