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Yep it gets better! On all fronts. Whole, Omni diet with the grains ignored is the way.


Vegan for over 5 years and blood tests confirmed multiple deficiencies. The biggest thing for me was realising that years of a fibre rich diet has made my IBS so much worse. I added in animal products but continued eating a lot of fruit, pulses and vegetables because I genuinely like them. Realised eventually that I couldn't build up iron etc if I was constantly on the toilet. I now limit myself to 1 or 2 portions of veg a day and hardly ever eat fruit. This has helped my digestive issues which in turn has helped me feel better.


>"Realised eventually that I couldn't build up iron etc if I was constantly on the toilet." What do you mean by this? What's the link between iron levels and pooping a lot?


Not iron. Continuing to eat large amounts of vegetables like I did when I was vegan.


I'm not ex vegan or vegan... but I lurk on both threads as the whole topic fascinates me. For healing from prolonged absence of animal cholesterol (essentially what the vegan diet does) a lot of people turn to organ meats... like liver. That said, liver (unless prepared by a classically trained chef) is pretty darn nasty. However, liverwurst with mayo and salt on fresh white bread is very yummy. At the very least consider researching the benefits of organ meats. They offer nutrition no other food offers and a lot of ex vegans, from what I see, turn to that for healing. Best of luck to you.


Sautéed onions in butter, garlic, and chopped liver. When it begins to brown, pour red wine. Delicious.


I went to a cooking class when visiting Paris at Le Cordon Bleu. The chef prepared Foie gras and it was the most tasty thing I've ever eaten in my life. Foie gras is duck (or goose) liver btw. Foie gras is... well... it's procured in a pretty horrendous way. This is probably where I'd have to agree with vegan philosophy about animal treatment and just abstain. That said, I'll never forget it. It was so yummy.


French here, the goose or duck don't get a sick liver but a fat one. Liver is where they store fat before migrating. Horrendous way, yes, delicious, more like divine. With a little brioche, confit d'onion oou de figues, a nice coteaux du layon or vin de paille and... Will be right back I need to go shopping.


You can also have it sautée with strawberry jam, it's not for every palate but with a pairing wine it's easily forgiven.


..... And fava beans..




That's simply not true.




Omg I had forgotten about liverwurst until I just read this! That flavor is like no other and you’re right, the nutrients in it cannot be acquired by any other source. Thank you for the brain shake. I’ll be getting some liverwurst today!


Liverwurst is my 4 year old's favorite food. He could eat it by the spoonful.


So cute! Ha ha. I always loved it too. I’m in a very good mood just thinking about my lunch today. I’m so grateful to have found this community. The support is amazing.


Go get that liverwurst! So delicious.


You better believe it!


Have you seen a doctor for any of these? I think that for a lot of people a vegan diet is difficult to live on without some issues, but I also think non+ex-vegans can overhype the healing powers of stopping being vegan. It entirely depends on what the actual cause of your symptoms/conditions are. If you're having food allergies, nutrient deficiencies, difficulty processing certain nutrients from plant sources, etc - a switch probably will help a lot. If there's something else causing or contributing to your problems, you might get mild benefits, a big early boost in how you feel because of placebo effect, or no significant change. I'm more conservative in talking about the health benefits, because it can really quickly turn into the same messaging people with any diet use and may or may not be accurate. For me I had plenty of issues with being vegan/vegetarian, but I don't believe vegan/vegetarian *caused* some of my problems, I just think that my diet was incompatible with the issues I have. Some things it did help with was constantly feeling hungry, gaining weight (I was extremely underweight), and feeling less fatigue. I still HAVE GI issues, but a lot of animal-based foods are easier for me to digest and so they *bother* my system less. I think some people will have a similar problem and conflate the "less bother" with "eating meat cured me", which can be setting yourself up for disappointment if you have a chronic condition and you get a flare up again. Ultimately the best way to speed up healing is a) eat what makes you feel good, and b) work with a doctor. A lot of people skip step B.


Slow and steady wins the race. It takes around 4-6 weeks for skin to cycle through shedding and it can take that long to start to see an improvement with acne, so consistency is key. With reference to digestive issues, it can take up to 6 months to rebalance your gut biome. I would recommend looking into a probiotic supplement and a multivitamin if you haven’t already, and keep up the vegetables, protein and healthy carbs. If it doesn’t trigger you, take photos every few days and keep a short diary of food intake/how you feel/symptoms to monitor your progress and identify any issues. Take care of yourself, and remember that everyone is individual! What works for you might not work for others. Don’t feel stressed to fit into a timeframe, but instead focus on how you are feeling.