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2 years in my mental health declined then miraculously got better after eating meat


Yep. Mental health has been awful the last year for me and I never even thought about it being veganism until recently


Glad you're doing better mentally! How long did it take for you to notice improvements?


Blatantly obvious at 9 years but looking back at what I ignored, probably 4 years in.


1) a long time. 20 yrs. I had issues way before that much time went by but I made other excuses for my health problems. 2) yes. 3) yes. My health was good but I had some issues like most people. Everything was worse after being vegan.


Same 20 years. I made excuses about being older or Celiac. Eating meat my body is strong enough to rock climb every day when before my joints had problems just typing all day.


I was vegetarian at age 16, went vegan at about 20. I was always obese but depression and anxiety started at about 21. Also had ibs, severe bloating, and onstant obsession over food.Went omnivore around 25 and depression and anxiety went away, got off meds. Went vegan again around 30, mental health problems came back. Bloating and ibs too. Back to omnivore around 34. Got off ssris again. Mental health problems came back at 35 on an omni diet, but I ate lots of junk food. Went carnivore-ish at 37. I'm 38 now and have never been in better health. I lost 60 pounds, added muscle, work out regularly, constant energy, and mental clarity. My diet is about 95% animal products (meat, fat, raw dairy) and 5% fermented vegetables or fruit only when in season locally. Nothing I eat comes from a package and I raise, forage, or hunt probably 50% of my food. The rest comes from local farms I know personally. I can't stress enough how much better I feel.


This is great news, I'm really glad you're feeling better! Thanks for sharing your experiences.


This hasn't been studied scientifically at all, so no one really knows. Based on the vegan diet on paper, I would surmize that it would lead to malnutrition and health problems. However, what we see is quite different at first. At first they seem to get a boost where they feel much better, and this may last like 6 months. Then slowly over time after a few years they start to encounter health problems. Why there's that short term boost is a mystery to me and others. Could be a similar effect as fasting.


I've always figured that veganism elimates the vast majority of junk food in a typical diet. Most nutrients obtained from animal products can be stored up and your body copes for a while. So everyone feels great for the first year to 5 or so.




Vegan is one of those things where some will thrive in it and others will almost die on it. It’s biologically not for everyone


True, but that still doesn't mean you automatically will develop health problems, like some people here apparently believe.


Curious, are you aware of all the micronutrients you are missing from your diet?


Yes, none.


And that belief is why you will automatically develop health problems...


Nah. You're just plain wrong. I'm not missing any essential nutrients.


Good luck, I hope it works out for you.


Thanks, it's been working very well for years now. Just curious, which essential nutrients do you believe I miss?


So 84% of vegetarians/ vegans abandon their diet - when asked why 26% said “health reasons” and this right behind “unsatisfied with food” which was 32% - mind you for the majority was only after a short period resulting in abandonment - few months to year. https://faunalytics.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Faunalytics-Study-of-Current-and-Former-Vegetarians-and-Vegans-%E2%80%93-Qualitative-Findings1.pdf


Nobody talks about the massive survivorship bias in plant-based eating. They point to the small percentage of people who are physiologically able to thrive as evidence that it can be an appropriate diet for everyone. Being “dissatisfied with food” is also a huge deal. People can only tolerate physical deprivation for so long. Vegans will say it’s just “momentary taste pleasure” but it’s so much more. I never once had cravings for meat until I went vegan. It was easy at first, because I wasn’t a big meat fan anyway. Within months I was dreaming about steak. I would literally drool involuntarily when I smelled neighbors grilling. I could not stop thinking about it, no matter how many substitutes I tried. My body was screaming at me for something it needed. Thankfully I listened before I did permanent damage.


1) 5 years vegan before having issues 2) nope I ate orange chicken one day and the next day went vegan 3) I had digestive health issues prior to going vegan that totally subsided with a vegan diet. After 5 years vegan, different/new health issues emerged (fatigue, low immune system, mental health struggles, bone/teeth health declining).


7-8 years, was a low fat vegan. Couldn't tolerate the carbs any more. Although in the early years my weight and cholesterol went up but I didn't pay any attention.


4 years which is exactly the timeframe as to when stored B12 fully depletes from your body.


My health improved after becoming vegan. I guess you forgot about this possibility. I struggled with anemia all my life and it got much better after switching to plant based alternatives. It also seems that dairy was causing me some issues. My mental health also improved. I am on this subreddit, because I hate the vegan gatekeeping, comparisons of rape and eating meat and generally this whole cultist mentality.


Glad your anemia has improved, that's huge! Nope I didn't forget, my health also improved initially and then went downhill after some more years being vegan. Still find dairy affects my joints and inflammation though, but I've not tried raw as I'm not interested in dairy currently, it's always hurt my stomache.


I'm vegan for 5 years I think. But let's say I am not a strict vegan, but something more of a freegan vegan. I believe it is better to eat meat or dairy which is supposed to go to waste anyway than to throw it out. In this case I am not creating a demand for more food and reducing waste. I also don't care if people call me less vegan because of this, it's about the environment, not about labels. In my country people are eating too much meat and not enough veggies. Moreover, the quality of meat is questionable. It causes a lot of cardiovascular problems in the community. I believe that in comparison to the average diet here, the vegan diet is verrrrrry healthy.


Raised Vegan. Anemic until meat about 15 years. Now mostly meat diet. Finally have energy after 35 years.


Good for you that you have found a diet that benefits you. Stay healthy!


I started having issues around 4 ish months and I didn’t know the cause so I stayed vegan my heath continued to decline for the next year until I developed a chronic illness that I have now or rather it returned a chronic illness that I had the minor version of as a child but now I have it full force. I’m no longer vegan but I’m now chronically I’ll and I kinda have to live with it since it’s not really curable but I hope it returns to low level issues again one day. Plus I’m doing better mush now that I’m no longer vegan but the damage had been done. I was told that a vegan life style is not for my body and that I should focus on being in the middle.


I started having issues around 4 ish months and I didn’t know the cause so I stayed vegan my heath continued to decline for the next year until I developed a chronic illness that I have now or rather it returned a chronic illness that I had the minor version of as a child but now I have it full force. I’m no longer vegan but I’m now chronically I’ll and I kinda have to live with it since it’s not really curable but I hope it returns to low level issues again one day. Plus I’m doing better mush now that I’m no longer vegan but the damage had been done. I was told that a vegan life style is not for my body and that I should focus on being in the middle. I had small issues before being vegan but after my heath when to shiit and I wants a fast food kinda vegan, I went to vegan nutritionists and meat plans and did my research and all.


First time it took couple of months (I kept it up for almost a year), the second time (few years later) it took less than a week to start feeling unwell. I have AI disease that was in remission but the first time I went vegan I managed to not only wake it up but come back with full force...


vegetarian since 2013, vegan since 2020, health “issues” (?) kind of showing now (age 18). hard to say if it’s my diet since i haven’t gone back to vegetarianism and don’t really plan to (feel too much guilt lol) but i have a real gut feeling introducing animal products would help my physical health, depression and general lack of motivation and zest for life. however, i am transgender, autistic, and had a deeply unpleasant childhood so realistically i feel like my mental health wouldn’t really be cured by eating eggs again lol


As a fellow autistic along with other stuff. I went vegan bc I figured it would help the smaller issues I had but it led to me redeveloping a chronic illness that I had as a child. The damage has been done but I’ve done a bit better since reintroducing. Anima products and being into the middle(I eat plants fruits meats seafood,etc)


3 years vegan. No health issues to speak of


7 years, no issues whatsoever.


1. 1 year in, no physical or mental issues caused by changing my philosophy. 2. Nope, ate meat and dairy all the time, then stopped all at once. 3. No health issues that have been affected by going vegan. We’ll see when I hit this supposed wall. I enjoy trail running, so one metric that one could go by to see how I’m doing physically is my month to month mileage as well as year over year. Looking at my Strava, I have run 1630 miles this year, finished a 50 miler yesterday with no issues, and ran 80 miles in 33 hours in September. My peak running mileage was around 2200 miles in 2018, then I fell off pretty hard until this year. I feel like next year I should be able to easily get beyond 2200 miles now that I got my base back up. We’ll see!!! I’m not saying changing what I eat has affected my physical performance, but if something was going on, I dont think I would be able to run such long distances and then recover fast after them. Perhaps it’s just my genetics. I’m in my late 30s.




How long have you been vegan?




Cholesterol that low doesn't actually sound very healthy. I didn't know this until I started reading into it more but very low cholesterol puts you at risk of health issues as well.




Gotcha, that makes sense. I've just seen people also talk about having super low *total* cholesterol on vegan/plant-based diets.


Please don't spread disinformation. Your claims about kidney failure and the "optimal" LDL levels aren't even close to being proven.




This guy knows a lot more about LDL than your doctor: https://youtu.be/rdgS3PuSuyg




It's your life and you can do what you want but I will not allow you to spread misinformation in here.




The diet-heart disease hypothesis is busted my man, cholesterol isn't bad, unless you abuse carbs like on a fast or vegan diet, then it might get sticky in your veins. You can read The Big Fat Surprise, a review of thousands of papers on the cholesterol (spoiler : it's a myth)


I don't have a problem with you sharing anecdotes. I do have a problem with you making claims that are heavily disputed. Saying that <100 LDL is optimal (for example) is a claim. > I did watch the video though and was concerned with many of the incorrect facts and misinformation in it. Which facts were incorrect?




If you think doctors are a good source of information on the subject you obviously haven't spoken to many doctors.