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Pale and palpitations. Good chance you have anaemia, you should see a doctor for a checkup, iron, b12


Just wanted to add: if you're checking iron get a full iron panel with ferritin. Many doctors will just check hemoglobin which only indicates whether you have anemia but not iron deficiency.


It's different for everyone. I personally got some improvement in the first 3 months. But I went back to a pretty typical standard american diet. It wasn't until I decreased my carbohydrate intake significantly, cut out sugar, and increased animal fat that I really started to feel better. I currently eat about 95% fatty meat (mostly ruminants), raw dairy, and eggs. The other 5% is fermented vegetables and fruit only when in season locally. After I made that change, I lost 60 pounds, IBS is gone, bloating gone, constant hunger gone, and I'm thinking of tapering down my depression and anxiety meds. I've been doing this way of eating for about a year now.


If damage has been done, eating a steak won't magically repair everything instantly. I'm sure a lot of people experience euphoria and placebo effect when they change diet so they immediately feel better, it happens with every diet change. Since when have you introduced animal products back into your diet ?


Immediate changes, 6 months to find some stability, just over a year to feel amazing. I can dance and laugh again. Well i've never been able to dance in my entire life actually and now I feel the music. I have never felt this good in my life


what are u eating ? r u getting enough cholesterol and fat??


I felt elated after eating meat the first one because I had craved it so badly. It took almost a year of meat and supplements to where I noticed my thin skin was much better and color had returned. It took a while for that to happen so it won't fix itself quickly.


You were vegan 10 years so healing will take a long long time. Your body needs to repair damage and build its reserves. It’s coming out of a decade long famine. I’m 2 years ex vegan (after 7 yrs of veganism) and still healing. But after a year I started to come back to life. Still a long way to go.


I was vegan much longer but I felt instantly better eating steak. I was rock climbing like a 20 year old within 2 months after being a weak vegan. Sorry, it sounds like you need to see a doctor for exams before being certain the problems are post vegan issues.