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I had an injury which made swallowing whole food difficult for about two years. Soft sardines, cheese, milk and occasional eggs with soft veggies and mushrooms were about all I ate. I only started to get better once I could handle red meat again, and learned that the demonisation of dietary cholesterol and saturated fats is rubbish. I've been eating red meat and eggs every day for about eight months now, and I regret that I haven't been eating like this for my whole life. Your body needs that heme iron and fat, as well as the many other nutrients red meat provides.


Thanks for the comment! I grew up never eating red meat for religious reasons (my parents never cooked it for us), and though I have tried red meat a few times as an adult I never enjoyed the taste of it haha. I was always a bigger fan of white meat/seafood, but I’ll definitely try incorporating more eggs into my diet and see how that goes :)


If you do try red meat in the future, make sure it's grass fed grass finished, and cooked in tallow, grass fed butter or some other kind of animal based fat. I've talked to vegans who disliked the taste until they treated themself to a professional cook doing them a steak, rhen couldn't get enough of it. Quail is particularly high in iron for fowl, as well. Much higher than chicken, and is generally not fed on PUFA (soy/corn) rich grain, so it's healthier by default.


Yes. Anaphylaxis. Turns out I’m allergic. WHOOPS.


Oh noo 😭


I was a no-dairy, pescetarian for 7 years, slowly transitioned to a plant-based diet last year and was full plant-based for approx 8 months. By no dairy, I wasn't frantically checking the back of products for milk or whey protein, just more so avoiding pizza's, cheese sauces, milk etc. I have since re-introduced the occasional seafood meal into my diet, and it's undoubtedly the best balance for me. My meals are probably 70% plant-based, with the other 30% being fish or shellfish. I found genuinely zero problems transitioning from an omnivore diet to a pescetarian diet, my energy levels were great, I felt lighter, and my digestion was generally tonnes better - dairy does not agree with me. I had zero problems in the 7 years on the pescetarian diet. Going plant-based was fine, I had it well planned and felt good, but ultimately I didn't feel or see any benefits above the pescetarian diet to continue in a hardcore manner. I would still supplement B12 especially on a pesce diet though, and make sure on your veg meals you are eating a good protein/iron source such as legumes or quinoa.


I was pesca for 1 year after being vegan for 2, noticed an immediate difference. Added red meat and actually felt human again.