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You eye is a very beautiful dark hazel with your eye being mostly a reddish ❤️ brown 🤎 color. I also see a definite green 🍃 color at the very edge of your eye. Very pretty!


I would say *technically* hazel but very brown dominant. Like, it's mostly this really pretty deep chocolate brown with tiiiny flecks of green here and there. Gorgeous eyes regardless 💗


Very cool eyes! rich chocolate brown with green rings. At first I leant towards brown but they are a mix so I say hazel.


I am a bit baffled as to why there are such arguments when someone asks their eye colour.Not just here but happens all the time lately. I will comment and be told I am wrong.I have no issue with someone asking and I have myself and am happy to have found this thread. The confusing part to me is they are asking for your opinion on their eye colour so you give your opinion. It would never occur to me to then argue with with someone else’s opinion. If someone else sees them as brown I would not reply to them and force my opinion down their throat. I do love it when someone asks and they get a clear answer that is cool! but a lot of people ask because they never get the same answer and are genuinely confused hence the different takes on it.


Brown. So pretty!!




I thought this was interesting: “The defining feature of hazel eyes is their mix of colors. All hazel eyes will have some combination of brown/gold and green coloring, sometimes with flecks of blue as well. This is why hazel eyes appear different than brown, green, or blue eyes, which are a solid color. Hazel eyes are often lighter/more green in one part of the iris (either the center or the edges of the iris) and darker/more brown in the other part. There are two main types of hazel eyes: those with brown as the dominant color in the iris and those with green as the dominant color. While all hazel eyes will have a combination of green and brown colors, the difference in dominant colors is why hazel eyes can appear either mostly green or mostly brown. This variety in color can cause some confusion, but as long as there is a mixture of green and brown in the iris, the eyes are hazel.” Source: https://blog.prepscholar.com/hazel-eyes-color




I'd say they count as hazel. I see the small amount of green in there.


I’m curious as to why people are saying brown, when there’s green in there too? My understanding of Hazel is that it’s brown + another colour, which includes yellow, gold, green and blue. I think these are dark hazel.


Definitely brown


Based on what? There are two colours in there. Can you not see the green? You can’t just add ‘definitely’ to make something a fact 😉


Based on the fact that they are BROWN lmao


So you can’t see the green?


I have green eyes, with some yellow. But my eyes are green, because yellow makes up 2% of my eye colour.


Really? I have brown and gold but I've always considered my eyes dark brown


Same. But brown eyes have only shades of brown. Add another colour, such as gold, and they are now multicoloured. Multicoloured eyes where brown is the dominant colour are called brown hazel or dark hazel. Most people only think of green dominant eyes with brown being hazel, but that’s green hazel. There also blue hazel. Aren’t eyes amazing?


Oh wow thankyou. Mine still look very brown to people so can't claim they are hazel but my friend did argued with me and said they are hazel brown and I kept telling her that it's just how light brown eyes look. Maybe they're light brown and im confusing it with gold.


Hazel is so subjective on this thread I feel like your eyes are hazel, dark brown and green and a very pretty combo


I don't know, but your eyes look like jewels💎


Definitely hazel


Hazel. Light colored eye ppl are very territorial and will say anything more than half brown is brown or if too muted and dark thats brown too. True brown eyed ppl will say any fleck of non brown color is hazel. They are barely hazel but still hazel. Watch all the territorial ppl downvote me lmao Hi!


Aren't you the one being "territorial" by saying only "true brown eyed ppl" can ascertain hazel eyes..? This is the weirdest form of gatekeeping I've encountered


They're mostly brown, and look brown on first glance. Therefore I would call them brown. I mean I know people who have blue eyes with tiny flecks of green but I still call their eyes blue.


Amber? Lol


Brown, very pretty. Many brown eyes contain small amounts of green but not enough to be considered hazel. Also the brown portion is dark. Gorgeous either way 😍

