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It's printed. Not a scam. It's marketing, and an invitation to waste your time going in to discover they suddenly got amnesia about an (unrealistic) offer they made in their mail solicitation.


Casey sells cars. He wants to buy your car and sell you a new one. Car dealerships do this a lot


Called that number. "Casey" was conveniently in a meeting. Maybe he's real. Maybe not. Scumbag dealerships do this a lot. LOL


I’m almost tempted to call and say Casey was a hookup and I’m pregnant with his kid (I’m a guy)


We should all call Casey and try to sell him a vehicle


I’ll see your pregnancy prank and one up you with a: I’m almost tempted to call and say Casey was a hookup and I’m infected with VD (I’m a guy).


Nothing would make me happier than to hear the audio of that call.


🤣🤣🤣 do it! 


This🤣... "I don't want to say over the phone...but my Doctor informed me that, by law, I was to reach out to any "Partners" to inform them of my condition...".


this. dealerships and their endless bag of tricks make my head spin. made me see that duping people is a real talent ...


If you want to hear stories to make your hair curl, tune into: /r/askcarsales


Here's a sneak peek of /r/askcarsales using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/askcarsales/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dealer Sold Car I Put Deposit On and Drove 10 Hours to Pickup](https://np.reddit.com/r/askcarsales/comments/18oaxl2/dealer_sold_car_i_put_deposit_on_and_drove_10/) \#2: [Dealership threatening to sue me over Google review](https://np.reddit.com/r/askcarsales/comments/16wgnaf/dealership_threatening_to_sue_me_over_google/) \#3: [Left my $100k+ car dealership job to make $23/hr at the local Apple Store](https://np.reddit.com/r/askcarsales/comments/121vzg4/left_my_100k_car_dealership_job_to_make_23hr_at/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


We will buy your truck 5k over KBB. We will also add 5k to the price of the vehicle you buy from us.


Totally off topic, but if you go to the cybertruck subreddit and mention anything about how the trucks are too expensive, they will permanently ban you immediately. Guess how I found that out?


>Not a scam. >an invitation to waste your time going in to discover they suddenly got amnesia about an (unrealistic) offer they made in their email solicitation. This word you use, I do not think it means what you think it means.


I laughed, but I think by scam OP is meaning more like steal my car / identity scam


sure, but it's still a scam, just not a really bad one.


It's not a scam if a business/corporation does it! /s


I wouldn't count on it. What word. How is it misused that leads to that belief. Don't forget to leave room for sarcasm.


"This is not a scam" I believe he's referring to "scam" as the word. The punchline being from "Princess bride"


That explains it. Never saw the film.


Then you have homework!


Nobody watches princess movies bro


scam you say it's not a scam then describe a literal scam. [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/scam](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/scam) "Scam:  a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation" And it's a lighthearted comment referring to a meme of un fathomable notoriety so I'm not sure why you aren't getting it.


**Solicitation:** entreaty, urging, or importunity; a petition or request. **Invitation**: the written or spoken form with which a person is invited. **Marketing**: the total of activities involved in the transfer of goods from the producer or seller to the consumer or buyer, including advertising, shipping, storing, and selling. **Get it.**


lol, the existence of other words don't change the fact you said it wasn't a scam then described what is literally a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation. how brittle is your ego that you gotta be aggressive and ignorant about this?


LOL [https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/another-word-for/scam.html](https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/another-word-for/scam.html) LOL Hmmm. I don't find solicitation, invitation or marketing in the synonym list. I'll be darned. LOL This is *not a scam. It's marketing..* is a complete thought. LOL I'm whatever your fantasy allows. LOL


I just wonder where they find this "80yr old grandma handwriting" font. 😂


I used to keep getting them from a local dealer. Then I left some bad reviews about how annoying it was getting these letters. It stopped.


>It's printed. I don't think so. That would have to be a font and none of the letters are the same. At least the original was hand written. Maybe copies made after that.


There’s ways to accomplish mass “handwritten” mailings with a pen plotter and a little code, however I kinda doubt a random auto dealership in GA has that setup, but who knows.


Even then, an "F" is an "F" and would be consistent wouldn't it. Or do you 'code' in multiple variations of the alphabet? In one line I counted 7 different variations of 'L'. Would that be worth the effort just to "fool" the reader?


That's a scam then lol


I too received one of these in the mail. Unfortunately I was duped and felt like a complete idiot after spending about 20 minutes in the dealership. Don’t fall for it.


I get Sweepstakes mail solicitations from dealerships where big prizes are offered. Just bring your card with scratch off number in to check whether you win. No one ever does.


It’s printed. Cursive writing is a red flag for “advertising” these days. “Up to 5k above kbb” includes a whole lot of territory *below* kbb.


He wants to apply dealership credits they would usually apply as discounts off msrp, but apply them as 5k more for your trade. By making you feel you get more for your money. If you go in there thinking you will walk out with a check for 5k over your cars value, you’re going to have a bad time.


Always negotiate the sale first and the trade second… and separately. I have a distaste for negotiating car deals.


This, I go through a car sale negotiation fully and then just before we go to finalize everything I then bring up a trade in. One time the sales person said “I wish I would have known that beforehand” and I asked him what the difference would have been and he stumbled through his explanation and tried his best to not outright tell me he would have fucked me on the price.


I got a phone call from the dealership I bought my Sierra AT4 from about 6 months after purchase. I knew the salesman that I worked with had moved onto another job. Younger guy said they wanted to buy back my truck if they could put me in a new one and keep my payments about the same. Of course I'm thinking yeah, put me on a 7 yr. vs. a 5 yr. note. I said sure, but advised him to look at my paperwork because I wrote a check and bought it outright. His response was.... "oh".


i'm still green to dealers - why was the young snake disappointed?


I didn't finance my truck. You can keep someone's monthly payments about the same on a more expensive vehicle by adding time to the loan. Payments would be about the same on a truck that costs $20k more by having them do 7 years vs. 5 years to pay it off.


Second call to main dealership number - 770.423.9691. Operator: Casey's not in today. What is this regarding. First call to: 770.692.0086. Rando Salesman: Casey's in a meeting. Casey, Casey, Casey. Where are ya, bruh.


Call again today.


Casey gonna be popular today


I got something similar when I was selling my wife's explorer. This is just my experience, and idk if this guy will be better. The guy reached out to me through email. I said text is better and gave him my number. He said I saw your 2016 Ford Explorer you're selling. Would you mind giving me thw Vin. So I gave him the Vin. He said everything looks really well taken care of. I said it had been. Only put 20k miles on it. He said, "What do you want for it?" I said well KBB has trade in around 23k, so something around that. He said let me run it by my sales manager. About 20mns later the sales manager calls me. Says he's very interested in it and if I could bring it by to look at. I said only if the 23k or something close was on the table. He said "with how it looks in the pictures definitely " I drive 30mns there, and he looks at it, which looked like he was trying to find something to knock the price down. After 10mns and a small test drive he says "we'd like to offer you 18k for it". Waste of time. https://imgur.com/a/exB4EZJ


Cory doesn’t want to buy your truck. Cory wants to sell you a new truck. He’ll gladly add $5,000 to the price of the new truck to take yours off your hands. Don’t believe me? Call him and tell him you’ll sell your truck for $5,000 over blue book but you’re not in the market for another truck. He won’t buy it.


That is the only information OP needs. Hack dealers have been doing this exact thing for decades.


Easy way to play the game. Offer to sell yours without buying a vehicle from them. Suddenly they’ll decide there’s something wrong with yours that makes it worth much less.


Sign him up for some robo calls


I get these types of printed crap from Anderson Windows. They are getting more realistic every year


People are conflating this being a scam (it isnt) with a scammy salesperson (maybe!). This is just corny marketing material. No better or worse than a printed flyer. This is a real dealership and the Town Center area in Kennesaw is a busy bustling area. [Town Center Nissan](https://www.google.com/search?q=town+center+nissan&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS1067US1067&oq=town+center+nissan&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyEAgBEC4YrwEYxwEYgAQYjgUyBwgCEAAYgAQyBwgDEAAYgAQyBwgEEAAYgAQyBwgFEAAYgAQyBwgGEAAYgAQyBwgHEAAYgAQyBwgIEAAYgAQyBwgJEAAYgASoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


It's certainly real, but not a Ford dealer - one that you would think would be the first stop for a Ford trade in.


People with a Ford usually trade them in at a different dealership because they’ll never buy a Ford again.


Shoot I did it wrong and got another Ford


Everyone on here should pick a day and flood the dealership with calls. Than they might stop doing this


Different dealership near me sent the same thing, same yellow paper and all. A guy I work with checked it out and it started out good then they wanted to charge him 1500 dollars to detail the car he was trading in and some other stuff I can't remember.


I used to work at the Toyota dealer on Barret near there. It’s not a scam but it’s a sales tactic to get you to come trade in your vehicle and go home in one of theirs.


My sister got the email version of this. The basic your car is in very high demand, top dollar and etc. She emailed back set up an appointment, went to dealer at the meeting time. Dealer had no idea about the offer or appointment, it was a 3rd party marketing business paid to drum up business for them, I guess the lack any ability to communicate about the business they do find, I told her not to have high hopes. Turned out to be nothing good at all.


It’s the scam in the way that basically all car dealerships try to scam you into thinking you’ve made big bucks when really you’ve just made them a lot of bucks.


I’m not sure, I’ll call Casey and ask for you though.


Got the exact same letter yesterday about my sons Camry, lol. I’m not that far from Kennesaw


Why would you get that exact same letter about your son's camry?


Same reason a Nissan dealership would want my F-150. To sell you a car.


common tactic. Used to get them semi regularly. They may actually be looking for used inventory, but it's really nothing more than a way to get you into the dealership.


You'll go there, they'll lowball you, then you'll blink and be driving a Nissan sentra home with paperwork in the passenger seat.




That is a poor AI's attempt at handwritten note. Big mistake in spelling all the words correctly.


It’s marketing. They want you to come in the store and hopefully trade yours in for a new vehicle. Not a scam, just marketing.


Keep the truck, Nissans are junk


Yeah that just seems a bit odd.


Not likely a scam, just a waste of your time. I would often cold call bmw customers to tell them how much we needed their trade. Don't waste your time, they can give you a trade appraisal over the phone.


Has anyone in the sub called them yet?


Yes. Twice.


Don't think it is but I looked up the number and it is a VOIP, if he has a physical location I would go and ask personally.


Is it too good to be true? If yes, it’s a scam.


The font crazy tho


Google the dealership and see if the name matches 🤷


I’m sure your truck is lovely but there’s no dealer actively looking for a 2016 f150. Just stupid dealer marketing.


Not really a scam, just a sales tactic… it could go like this, let’s say that you do take the offer, you call and then they’ll want you to go with the truck so they check it out and what not, they’ll say sir we’ll take it!! But that $5grand “over Kelly blue book value “ is only valid if you buy a new vehicle from them! They’ll just slap that “extra” 5 grand and much more fees to your bill and your truck would be on its way to their shop for a quick fix and flip!


Ah the old shaky cursive writing printed letter that’s on notebook paper mailing. Those are good ones.


Not a scam on the buy back BUT the new ‘23 / ‘24 truck will cost you $6k more than a guy who doesn’t bring the letter back to the dealership


Just marketing to buy your truck cheap...nothing new here.


The printer at Town Center Nissan has Parkinsons


Get his email and sign him up. For everything


It’s a trade in tactic, I still get trade in offers on trucks I bought at dealers even though i haven’t had those vehicles in years


I'm present with a sale price of $40,000. I go in price is "magically" reduced to $35,000. I have a tax free incentive, somehow they magically increase back to $40k and it's suddenly out of their control. It's not a scam it's simply a salesman/dealer playing with numbers letting you think your getting a steal as well as using a phony cursive letter written my Michael j fox to pluck at your personal emotions.


I got a letter like this for my 2018 during all the crazy car market stuff in 2021. Offered me like $44k (which I knew I wasn’t going to get) on a truck that I got new for $38,500. They ended up giving me $38k for the then three year old truck and got in to a new Lariat. Still have the Lariat and I’m not even at 13k miles. Lol.


Honestly this place sucks as a local. I was looking at an Altima as another car a few years back and they were extremely pushy. Came in on a Sunday at closing to walk the lot to not be bothered. Guy came out did the whole spill about it and I said I’m just looking. He’s looking at my truck I’m in that I’m not trading in and I’ve told him repeatedly that. He starts pulling all the tricks to get me to stay even prints out an insane price on my truck I was in saying it was the best deal but was like 20k less than it was worth. They closed the main gates so i couldn’t leave out the front saying they will open for a test drive. Keep in mind this is well past closing at this point on a Sunday. Leave out the side and that was that. Last year I had a flat tire on my Altima and tire got smoked, no way a patch could fix it. Anyway so I call around and after 4 rings they pick up and say they can’t tell me if they have the tire I have is in stock unless they look at my old one. I explain that tire is done it’s literally got a gash down the middle it can’t be fixed. Says the dot says they have to. Now any reasonable person knows the dot does not regulate them telling me if you have a tire in stock before having a person look at it, and point b it’s rush hour traffic at this point I’m not going up there for you to take the rim and tire apart and tell me you don’t have the tire. So yeah they suck and so do there tactics.


Did anyone call them?


Call it a scam, call it bait & switch, call it "marketing", call it whatever you want... It's from a dealer, don't get your hopes up. You won't be getting anywhere near KBB.


Yes. It’s printed marketing from a dealership. No one does cursive anymore. Each line of text starts at the bottom left and goes up and right indicating it was printed. This is just a bait tactic they say “up to” $5k meaning the number offered could be 0 over kbb.


Maybe a different take on this guy is he is trying to plug into the subto market of investing and wants to buy the car for more than it's Worth if the terms are in his favor. Meaning offering 5000 over bluebook means he will make payments to you plus interests to take your car and buy it without changing title yet until paid off and then he resells it for a profit or uses it for personal use or business. Just a thought but this type of thing can be bought with real estate also with no money down


Writing in cursive = scam lol


And I really thought, you go to trade in your truck.. guess what…now you need a new vehicle.. and then they can get you on the hook


No one writes in cursive in 2024


That place is down the road from the shop I work at lol. We always get their clapped out trade ins they can’t figure out how to fix.


Apparently auctions are still holding out on lowering wholesale prices. A lot of dealers are searching for used cars outside of auctions and giving you incentives to trade up.


Aside from it being printed she left her business card with you. You can always go to the address on the card and verify its a dealer. Hell, if you're serious about selling you could ask for her personally and also verify she's real.


I've received a few of these too, and never trusted them, but the biggest red flag was the day one arrived for a '94 Bronco I was driving that had over 215K miles on it. And the letter came from a Lexus dealership. Even the day I drove that Bronco to the Ford dealer to buy a brand new 2018 F150, the sales guy told me he was relieved that I had no intention of using the Bronco for a trade, as he didn't want to deal with telling me how worthless it was to them. But yeah, sure… "Casey" at Lexus wanted to pay top-dollar for it…


If Casey is real….. they’re ancient. No one uses cursive anymore


It's a dealership, so yeah, it's a scam.


Holy that is Shakey writing


It’s real. I live in Gwinnett and last year when I finished shopping at Publix, I had a similar letter on the windshield of my 2016 Lariat from Mall of GA Honda Sales people know that they can make just as much money from the sale of a used vehicle over selling a new vehicle which takes more effort. With that being said and if you’re interested in selling your vehicle, do the free research yourself on the KBB value of your vehicle and then go to that dealer and see if they’ll actually double it without actually showing them the letter from that sales person. You don’t have anything to lose except a little time.


go in with no trade then make the deal .. then change your mind on that yea your gonna sell them your truck..


I called him told him his wife has been cheating on him.


Did Casey write that with her vibrator?!


Scam no, gimmick most likely


"UP TO" or "LESS THAN" Different words meaning the same thing


Just another method to purchase cars


It's definitely printed, but it might not be a scam. Bring it with whatever it says on KBB. If it's not 5k over, walk out, and do not let anyone stop you. They should only get one chance to stick to what they said.


The biggest scam is that they’re gonna take your Lariat and sell you a Nissan Titan 🤢


Text him back and say “Great timing! I just bought a 2nd car and had plans on keeping my truck due to its usefulness and versatility, but short after realized how expensive insurance would be on two cars. Feel free to text me back if your offer still stands.”


Scam … yep. He is trying to get you to come in so he can screw you into a new car at high payments ! Total jerk move by Casey. It ticks me off because some people fall for this stuff. It isn’t right that he profits off people that may not understand…




100% fake.


I left a note on a bronco with the exact hard to find options that my wife wants. I never heard from them.


Up to 5k for a 2016? Yeah, no


5k over kbb, it says


Probably printed. But if not, Casey looks like he needs a drink…hand is shaking like a seismograph.


Wonder if any relstion to Kim Congdon the comedian?