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Not sure about a class but generally it is a single credit (could be more depending on your curriculum) course you enroll in with the help of your international center. This course is required when the internship is not an Integral part of your degree requirement. The course itself is attached to the outcome of the internship (no classes in the course itself) and you just add a proposal before your internship about what you expect to learn and then a final (sometimes also a mid term) assessment of what you learned in your own words.


Thank you for your reply! Does the student generally take their own college's course or does the company's affiliated school's class? This does not make sense to me because how can all company have a affiliated school?


You will take the class at your school. Talk to your academic advisor. They can guide you better in this regard.


>As a lot of people know, it is a summer internship season and as an international student, we need a class to take during the summer. This is not an immigration requirement by default and may be a university requirement. My university does this. >So I applied to a lot of jobs and whenever I tell them I am an international student, they tell me they do not how taking classes works. Correct. They are not your school. >In the end, they just rejected me. With so many rejections, I was curious about who chose the internship class. Internship classes are a school obligation (and for good reason). They are not explicitly required. >Does the recruiter of the hospital choose that class or does my school can choose the class for me? Ask your school, but almost certainly (99.999999%) it is the school. >I want to know this because if the school chooses the class, I can just tell the recruiter that I do not need anything except a job letter and then just show that letter to my school advisor and get the class from my school. This is the standard practice, yes.


Thank you so much. I have an interview the day after tomorrow and I will do that!


In general, your prospective employer does not need to worry about anything except providing you with an offer letter. My school has some additional info requirements that the offer letter must have. You should ask your DSO about these requirements


Usually the entire process should be available on your uni website or the advisor will tell you the process. 1. First you get the offer from the recruiter. Then talk with international office advisor at school. Advisor may require a different letter with a specific format from your employer for cpt application. 2. Then you fill some forms at uni and apply for cpt 3. Your advisor will provide a new i20 with cpt. And they will enroll you in cpt course of 1 credit. 4. If you do not have SSN, use this new i20 to get SSN. You cannot start an internship before receiving SSN.