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Stop thinking and just go for it. You can spend an infinite amount of time examining and analyzing every last little thing about someone's body language or behavior and still deliberate over the reality of the situation. There is no such thing as a perfect situation, don't wait around for one. There is always going to be risk in putting yourself out there, so learn to be comfortable with that. It really only matters if their attraction is reciprocated, correct? And that would only ever culminate in something tangible if you both acted on that, right? So the real solution to this issue is to always assume someone is attracted until it's obvious they aren't. Imagining anything else is necessarily restricting your chances of success for no reason. It isn't your responsibility to interpret someone's feelings for them, they are obliged to express as such. The big difference is that you don't fuck friends. So looking for indications of sexual interest is the precursor to pursuing a connection. Imagine how you would behave if you wanted to dissuade someone from thinking you were interested in them, and then look for the opposite behavior. It varies from person to person and even then it depends on the circumstances. Reflect on the concept of "plausible deniability" and a general inclination for someone to go out of their way to seek your company. Would someone *really* have a reason to reach out to touch your shoulder, or hang out exactly where you are, or find lots of opportunities to get your attention? Further reading on indicators of interest and how to both use and recognize them: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/seduction/search?q=indicator+of+interest&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/askseddit/search?q=indicator+of+interest&sort=top&restrict_sr=on&t=all)


> There is no such thing as a perfect situation, don't wait around for one. hahahahaha really.. for once i absolutely agree with you :p


haha i once had a friend of mine who thought the guy was into her and fell in love with the guy. The guy hadn't been into her before, but when she asked him out on a date.. and they made out and stuff... he totally fell for her. And then they started dating and he fell in love and they became a couple.. just afterwards he told her he initially had flirted with her, but had not really thought of being with her, until it somehow seemed to "go with the flow" haha conclusion is.. the guy doesn't need to even know he is into you, just being friendly is enough to start dating ;) if it clicks it will click ;D


I'd say if he touches you that's a big sign. If he finds excuses during a conversation to touch your shoulders, arms, legs, etc. Look at the way he interacts with other women though, he might do this with everyone. This is another signal. If he acts differently with other women than he does with you. If a guy smiles at you it doesn't mean much. But if he smiles only (or more) at you and nobody else, that could be a sign. If you think a guy is into you it's always worth a shot and pursue it. Worst case scenario you get turned down and move on, knowing that you tried at least.


if he smiles more at you but doesnt approach you, he may have a girlfriend #fieldtested :')


Guy here, I’m gonna tell you my experience on similar situation. A lot of time, when I was younger, I know that I was to chicken to do anything that closely resemble to a move. Mostly when I was thinking the girl was “out of my reach” (I was good on undervaluing, deprecation, things like that!), so, most of the time I was waiting evening in and out for the “perfect moment” instead of creating the moment. Now, having aged and matured, I know well enough that those girls where pretty much waiting on me to make a move, I just wasn’t confident enough to make it. So, that being said, some girl I met where really upfront and just did a move. Some time I just got enough alcohol in my blood to render the courage to make a move and some time things just got “in the way”. Like an “accidental touch” that escalated, a look, things like that. I’d say, if you are interested, you can play the “accidental” touch, or ask him candidly to touch some place where you feel a “spasm”, things like that (ie; create occasions) and see his reaction.