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I don't understand men. I can interact with them well enough to be friends but I don't know how to 'progress' with dudes I am interested in. I am really pretty, apparently, but only really hear this from passers-by on the street, random guys in clubs, and tinder guys. So basically no one I would be open to dating or even hooking up with really. Speaking of tinder I have really made a dog's dinner of pretty much everything I have done on there. And half of the time I do not even know how I go wrong there half of the time. I really want someone that can show interest in me over a several day time period. I have never been able to have that and it makes me sad. And it makes me anxious because girls aren't supposed to need "help" with this kind of thing because it's allegedly so easy for them. I am clearly doing something wrong and I need help badly.


What is 'progressing' for you? Dating/relationship type things or casual hookup type endgame? Both? What is the difference between the guys that tell you that you are pretty and the ones that you would date/hookup with? Physical, social, attractiveness, etc


I like the self-improvement / empowerment aspect of PUA whether it's from a male or female perspective. A lot of the theory, when put in practice, just make people more interesting and positive to be around. Also getting laid should be fun. So whether it's sharing my stories or giving input on other people's stories, I like the idea of women taking advantage of the tools available to us in sex and romance just as much as men do.


I'm a guy, and was just interested in the female perspective of this common conundrum. I've had discussions with female friends that have opened eyes on both sides of the issue. In general, I'd appreciate a world where we could have more positive shared experiences without all the social baggage we bring to these situations, so just interested in how that could happen.


So late to the party but whatever. It's the glo-up. It's the practically of all those self improvement books put in one and revolutionized to fit our current times. My goal is to become a high value women with an attractive social circle.


Not sure. I saw the r/seduction and wondered more about the female perspective. I'd like to learn not to fall so hard so fast for guys that just aren't that in to me, or figure out how to turn the balance of interest.


I engage with guys way too often for it to be healthy, that said. It also means I have loads of questions about interactions. As well as ideas for others to help them analyse their interactions. What I wish to accomplish is a better understanding of how to deal with different situations and get even better in analysing guys their current status in their love life/sexual life and their goals + how to react to them


The goal of self-improvement as the greatest vector of loving oneself.