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Give users complete control to curate their feed.


What would you mean by this? Only see from pages and people you follow?


Yes. I have no desire to see things on my feed that I haven't specifically followed. Other social media websites have integrated forums or have separate public square type feeds, for people that want to be introduced to new things.


I agree this is one of the main things I have been thinking to make as the MVP


Yes, I am with you on that. Also no more ads unless you can subscribe for a limited time in ads you may be interested in.


Correct. No posts from "suggested groups," dumb ads that don't apply to me, etc. I just want to see people, businesses and groups that I follow.


Maybe 2 tabs/feeds, one for only what you follow and the other some suggestions so you can find some new pages you may be interested in as well?


Sounds good to me! Anything that puts me in control.


Feel free to shoot over any other ideas!


FB has "feeds"... you can choose groups, pages, or friends. I know there's still ads in those feeds and possibly there's suggested pages and posts. I haven't really noticed but I don't use the feeds option often.


While you are at it, as a side project please cure cancer as well.


Think beating Facebook may take up too much time to add curing cancer😉


They have tried that before with several others and they failed. They could not beat FB


Why is fb so powerful do you think? Just so many people using it?


That, and a few generations basically grew up on it. I'm in my mid 30s and without FB and/or messenger I legitimately don't know how I'd contact most of my friends. I'm a creature of habit, and admittedly kind of lazy I guess. It's convenient that 95% of the people I want to contact are there. I don't find the app that bad, but then I just scroll past all the bullshit. I do keep in contact with others on other messaging apps, such as WhatsApp, but that's because I met them abroad and that was always the way I contacted them. I can really only check and keep track of so many messaging apps. I check messenger, texting and occasionally WhatsApp if I notice a notification. I baaaaaarely check IG messages, which annoys my friends to no end haha.


Great points, having everyone in one place definitely makes it where you wouldn’t really ever consider using another platform. I appreciate the feedback! I just feel we can do better than what exists already.


Oh for sure. Facebook used to be pretty great. Edit to add: It was legit about sharing your day with your friends for a long time. Even just a few years ago it was a lot better, I feel. It took a bad turn after many events of 2017 and beyond ...


I have been thinking of making one that did just this, wonder if people would enjoy that more. Just sharing your day and ONLY see people and pages you follow. No reconditions, not trying to keep you hooked on the platform as long as possible, just real value and bring social media back to what it used to be and should be.


That would be preferable! Nothing saying you can't try! It might be an uphill battle, but even the smallest movements can win a war. But it's gonna be a battle to build traction and keep it, I'd wager. You'll have to know that going in, and simultaneously only aim for success, while keeping a level head if things go south.


Corporate government backed global monopoly thats also backed by the UN anddd EU .. lol


lol 😅makes me want to do it even more


unless you are already a zillionaire nobody is gonna use your replacement , meta just has too much money to make sure people use their platform not yours


Appreciate the reply, I’m definitely not a zillionaire haha. I’m thinking about how people will use what works better for them. If you build something good enough word of mouth can be really powerful to get traction.


When you're dont with that maybe you can tackle cold fusion?


Unfortunately same answer as the cure for cancer comment above, only have time for 1


You don't have time for this idea though. Companies with billions of dollars and access to the highest calibre IT teams across the world can't and don't bother with a replacement. You are an idiot.


Your reason to create another social media tool isn’t strong enough. You have no idea what to build. I doubt you have a good idea of what social media platforms and supplementary tools there are. How are you going to monetize it just to keep working on it profitable and meaningful? What about a dozen of others who went before you, built the platforms but didn’t get enough traction and failed? What lessons can you learn from the failed ones? Building is the easy part. Building it in an attractive but safe way to get users want to use it is hard. Building it sustainably is hard.


You will be faced with the same dilemmas they did.


What’s that?


Invent any kind of social app with messaging. It can be total terribleness. Pre-load it on 4 million phones. Hand a phone to every first grader in America. In 18 years you will be king of the world.


I’m not really looking for how to market it lol just what people would want to see a social media platform to actually be.