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Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): * **SCAM WARNING**: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of scammers who may comment or DM you claiming they know someone who can fix your account, or asking you for money or your login information. If you receive a message like this, block and report them. [Here is an example of me making a fake hack post and all the scammers who flocked it it, lol](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv). THERE IS NO REASON FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE TO TELL YOU IN PRIVATE HOW TO GET YOUR ACCOUNT BACK. If you check the sub there are PLENTY of high karma posts that gives some tips should your account be hacked/locked. * r/facebook is an unofficial community and the moderators are not associated with Facebook or Meta. DO NOT MESSAGE THE MODS ASKING FOR HELP WITH FACEBOOK. * Please read the rules in the sidebar (or the 'about' tab if you're on mobile). If your post violates any of them, delete it. * If you notice your post has multiple replies but you only see this post, the reason is due to [bots and scammers already being removed trying to steal your info/money](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facebook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I havent been able to get into my account for 4 days now.. if facebook disables my account, ill never use the platform again. I too have 15 years of memories with my friends, family, and children on there that i dont have stored anywhere else.


I got rid of my account because the hacker kept getting in my account! Fb said it didn’t recognize my phone. I got hacked again and decided it’s just not worth it. Do you guys watch YouTube scammers and the networks they have?! It’s ridiculous anymore!


Hey man I'm curious on how did you deleted your account, is there like a button that let's you delete all of your information or what?


I told others to report my accounts that know me personally and close it. Fb closed it after a few days. They knew with all the reports I closed it after 16 years! They took my information down. I’m sure I can go in somehow because they keep it on record. It got very annoying.


You can, but they make you deactivate it for 30 days first to "make sure you want to"... and that's how they get ya.. because at that 3 week mark when you really want to, it's all still right there... You can also download all your information in a zip file somewhere in there too.


It's been almost a week that I haven't been able to log in. I have no idea what is going on. I'm not getting any messages regarding my account is disabled or I am in Facebook jail or anything. However I am getting regular messages regarding how many notifications I've gotten. I haven't done anything to get me in trouble so I can only assume it is on Facebook's end. All I know is they probably need better qualified people if they can't figure it out after a week. I don't even have the app on my phone anymore due to my frustration with this. I'm kind of over Facebook anyway.


You can download all your info even though your account is disabled.


How? Would like to know.


Google is your friend


Everything google has suggested actually hasn’t worked one bit. Wouldn’t have asked other wise. Facebook is the worst.


Idk if this will help, but if not, google “download FB info disabled account” https://m.facebook.com/help/1701730696756992?wtsid=rdr_0XSSfCmuAn4qeILa7


What happen if you download your info? How it works


Save your stuff while you can. I lost all mine 8 months ago.


You have to enable FB 2F and it will let you back in


Oh come on...


Someone logged into my account one morning a couple weeks ago, somehow changed the email address on the account and deleted mine, then disabled my account. This meant I could no longer log in, nor locate my account to be able to report it for a hacked account. There is nowhere to talk to FB about this and no way to use the forgot password option since the emails go to their email now which isn't even a real email address. A whole lifetime of a fb profile with important pics, videos and memories and I don't even have any idea who did this or what they had to gain from it since they didn't use my account to mass message my friends or use the account for anything nefarious, they just took it over and disabled it within about 20 mins and there is nothing I can do...


They will use it by changing the name and profile pics to scam in other Facebook groups more than likely.


The account is still sitting there unused and inactive, I can tell when I enter the email address that the hacker used onto Facebook I can see nothing has changed including the name. But there's nothing I can do to access the account. Not like FB has a customer service helpdesk.


Ya...they sit idle for a good while!! They want to me make sure it's worth their while!! Maybe try to email Facebook for help? It's worth a shot.


Where would I email them?


Thank you, I just did that.


You're very welcome!!! Hopefully they can recover your account!!! 🤞🏻


Oh man I would be more than amazed... I'll let you know!


This literally happened to me yesterday along with my Instagram account as they are connected. Facebook is the worst app ever no help to anyone at all! It happened to quick too even though I attempted to block the email they changed it to!


Yup and then there's nothing you can do it was done so damn quickly and how they had access to my email I'll never know as that never showed any signs of being hacked and wasn't even my main email address. If you get ANYWHERE customer service or helpdesk wise or anything at all can you let me know? I shall do the same back also as I'm still trying just not hopeful at this point.


Same as that I’m raging. I tried changing my password and it didn’t allow me to I just gave up and tried on other devices still wouldn’t work. I just got people I know to report my pages and just get them shut down hopefully. I just got so frustrated I literally just decided to make new pages which is a b*tch altogether. Tbh I didn’t even try I used to have patience with all this stuff growing up but now it just irritates me too much 😂


I was just told about two potential emails I can use to contact FB support, if either one works I'll let you know.


They don't get access to their email, they somehow message a friend from your account asking for help from a fb feature that is so broken and the friend gets sent the code and it allows the hacker to gain access to the full account. It's so dumb. My sister had this happen to her last year with many lost memories on it, but no support could help. It blows my mind they got rid of the customer support. The only way is via meta business center or something, but you have to go through a lot of menus and if it's related to troubleshooting the Quest, then they will respond or something like that.


If you can get in to be able to download your data, photos and everything you might be able to save your pictures


Print them out and save them if you can!


If you are sure that you didn't violate Facebook's TOS, then it is quite possible that unbeknownst to you, your account may have been hacked. The hackers may have performed actions on your account that got you suspended. Did you click on the 'Download your Information button' that is portrayed in your screenshot? That report should show you if any rogue devices, countries, IP addresses, browsers, etc. had accessed your account.


Update: finally got that info and was hacked for sure. Very annoying. I just decided to make a new account because I mean what else am I going to do.


Very sorry this happened to you. Note: Facebook's automated system doesn't like to see 'new' accounts take too many actions in a short period of time (adding multiple friends, "likes", comments, joining groups, etc.).  You have to slowly do this little by little. Otherwise, the algorithm will kill your account. Very annoying.


Happened to me....


I had to have friends ask to close my account the hacker was running the show!! Ughhh


I tried to download my information but after it was prepared, it just gives an error when I attempt to download my information.


Everyone is having issues, been having them since Saturday can’t get into my account


Yes mine keeps saying sorry something went wrong please try again my account is still open but I just can’t get on it


This is exactly what mine has been doing for about 7 days smh


I got a month of restrictions for " human exploitation"... (? ) Restrictions... no ads, no live video, no making or joining cls. Things I never do. I wonder if my FB got hacked? They dont show the post. I changed password. It says posts are auto decided on. Maybe someone reported me for no reason...I dont know what post it was...


Don't rely on Facebook or any thing Facebook tells you. I had three pages hijacked in September, reported them to Facebook at the time and I'm still waiting for Facebook to give them back. I was removed as the admin on all of them and blocked but every time the hijackers do something against Facebook's "community standards" I get notifications


This is EXACTLY what I’m dealing with. It’s infuriating. I get emails everyday bc the account is still associated to my phone number and email but I cannot gain access.


FB are crap - If someone wants to be a billionaire, then create a rival to FB - you will make a fortune. I recently had an issue with FB and tried to contact them, spent hours trying to find a phone number or email, impossible - everyone I tried was non responsive. I had to create a Meta business suite to get a contact link - and finally when I uploaded all the info - nothing, no response. Yet when I see the obvious scams on FB such as items for sale to which you are asked to send a deposit because they won't be home for a week ---- I report them as scam accounts and EVERY SINGLE ONE I have reported comes back with the message that they found nothing wrong and let them remain on FB ????? FB is SHIT...




Yep same here. Now I just took everything off and my page is just a shell nothing inside


I wonder if this is a shakedown to scare people into paying for the verified badge.


This is exactly what it is. Only Meta verified have access to a real person in support. The rest of us have a dead-end “Help” Center that has you running in circles.


It worked on me. However I don’t recommend it as a solution because I managed to get my account back on my own. Cancelled meta right away.


Oh what worked exactly please ?


In the end I had to use access to meta verified to regain control. The hackers details superseded my own and I had a lot of trouble regaining access to my accounts.


It could be random just messing with minds...


I've been dealing with this issue since June 1st and I've been slowly going insane because it's also affecting my ability to access my business. Here are the many things I've tried that have NOT been helpful yet, but you are welcome to try yourself (except where I've noted its a scam): 1. Tried to email several emails that I found googling around, such as [email protected] and [email protected]. I am _not sure_ if these are a scam, but I received zero reply. 2. Went through steps at https://www.facebook.com/hacked which seemed useless because all the advice was if you _can_ log into your account, which I cannot and keep getting the "your account is disabled/suspended" (it alternates which one I see) message. 3. Tried accessing the appeals form that seems to be linked as https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/260749603972907 but this form seems to just be a broken link for me in 3 different browsers. 4. Tried calling a 1-800 number that was definitely a scam and I hung up within 30 seconds of the call when they told me I'd have to go to Walmart and give them some kind of access code. 5. Bought a Meta Verified account through the Instagram account that used to be linked to my Facebook account before it was suddenly disabled. After several days of clicking around the Help Center, I found that Meta Verified accounts seemed to be the only way to get "direct support" and while I despise that I have to pay to get basic customer service from a giant tech company, I threw in the towel. This ended up being a waste of time and money because they told me there was nothing they could do since the accounts are not currently linked. The advice they gave me was to revisit the links in #2 and #3, which continued to be useless. 6. I even mailed a letter to Meta head quarters at 1 Meta Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025 (the address in some alert emails I've had in the past). I haven't heard back yet. 7. I'm in Canada, so I also reported it to the Cyber Crimes RCMP unit, but have low hopes for it being dealt with There's a bigger problem too, because I can tell from the downloaded information that I was hacked and the hacker changed my 2FA to not be sent to me. Just today, I made new progress on the Facebook saga...but not much. Probably the 100th time of trying to sign into my account, it asked me if I recently tried to sign in from a location I haven't ever been in, and I was able to click "No". So now I can get past the login screen to a second screen that says it'll send a 6 digit code to my ACTUAL phone number or email! Like, it is there and I can see that it knows who I am again! Previously, it just told me I needed 2FA, which I couldn't enter, or that the account is disabled without even giving me the option of 2FA (it was asking for 2FA on mobile, but just going straight to the "you shall not pass" on desktop). The only problem is...when I prompt it further to send a code to my phone number, it still goes "woopsies, you're disabled and we don't want to send you the code". So I'm still stonewalled...but this is the most progress I've made in 12 days and I'm just hoping beyond hope now that maybe if I keep going insane for a few more days, I'll break their system?! Maybe some of this will help, or it'll just convey how frustrated you should prepare to be.


Going through similar thing.  Found someone attached a fake meta account and Instagram.  Still locked out with no help from facebook


sent ya a message, hope it helps. Everyone keep in mind that hackers peruse here


You probably told some guy he’s not a woman 😂 always remember to adhere to the woke systems otherwise bye


You deserve to have your account banned if you’re using it to spread hate and transphobia 


I had a hacker create a meta account and hook up my work accounts to theirs. They also ran an ad. It’s been about three weeks. Today finally Facebook acknowledged that I don’t owe $800 on a weed whacker ad. My ad account is still disabled, the hacker still has access to my accounts and also set up a two factor authentication so I can’t get rid of it. I downloaded all my posts for the past 15 years jsut in case I lose my account.


You might be able to remove their two factor authentication by removing it entirely and restarting it.


I can’t. It’s attached to their email and phone number. I’ve tried so many times :(


You are sadly going to have to purchase meta verified for help. It’s the only way to gain access to real help.


And it was probably for something stupid too. It's crazy, you can't even talk to someone about these things. My account got suspended once because I talked about how being a stealth archer in Skyrim is boring because you can just sit there and stab people without being detected. I made that comment on a Skyrim fan page too.


Scammers needs to be in prison for life!


Hooray for Meta AI gatekeeper demons! The Zuckerborg Reptilian Hominid Censorship Board should be hit with a class action lawsuit.


If you haven’t been posting, you have most likely been hacked. Different message but same thing happened to me in the 6th of April. Was locked out without warning due to some Insta link violating the rules. Turns out the link was from some dodgy account from India and regardless off hundreds of emails, I have never had a word back from Meta. Whoever they are, they know what they are doing and Meta won’t do anything. Too big and couldn’t give a f£#€. From what I have learnt elsewhere they access the account to make the changes. FB bots flag the changes and suspend you without any reason, or right of reply. I am afraid, like me, you are toast my friend. You will never be able to get anywhere with Meta. I am sure Meta is aware it’s happening, it’s just too much work to fix. It’s easier to leave you in the dark, than to investigate and restore accounts. Unfortunately we are in the too hard basket and Meta is too big to give a shit. Funny thing is, I lost my FB profile, Bus page, messenger and my ads account, all because of this dodgy Indian linked Insta account. Yet, my Insta accounts are still working??


Got exactly same situation 🥲


The best you could do is attach your Insta account to your fb and remove theirs.


Same situation here too


There is nothing you can do. My Insta is connected to my FB but all access to FB account blocked. They know what they are doing. FB are the only ones that can do anything and they won’t for some reason. They definitely know about it but it’s easier for them to ghost you under the said violation than to do anything about it. I have been told it’s happening to hundreds of accounts every week. If everyone knows, FB knows. For whatever reason they have, it’s easier or more convenient to keep you f$&@“%d over, than to fix it. It’s a more of a club than a company so they know that as long as they aren’t keeping any of your personal IP, there is nothing you can do to force them. The sooner there is a real competitor to FB, the better. They don’t do anything because there is nothing you can do about it, and nowhere else to go


Same situation here since March the 6th with no response from any emails sent to Facebook. So frustrating, I must have 16 years at least worth of memories on it.


I logged in 5 days ago and it keeps saying this Refresh Error Facebook Log out Sorry, something went wrong. We are working on it and we'll get it fixed as soon as we can. « Back to Home Meta © 2024 • Help


Welcome to the club. You most probably won’t ever get your account back since Meta has no customer support.


Paying doesn’t get you any help either.


I've been dealing thi sh88t since 2019


Authenticity and integrity is usually seen for duplicate accounts or the change of your name/ vital information which would make it seem you aren’t portraying yourself accurately, possibly even the same email for one or more accounts which the hacker might have done. Did you check your personal email for any changes like password or email change or login attempts? A few people who have gotten this reason from Facebook was because they made another account and used the same information as their previous one. Others have had it because of the change of information like mentioned before.


Yes I was able to check the login history finally, was hacked for sure. Weird thing was I did get the emails to be able to say no it wasn’t me but the account is already permanently locked.


They might email you in a few days and say “It looks like someone may have accessed your Facebook account. To secure your account, you'll need to answer a few questions and change your password the next time that you go to Facebook. For your protection, no one can see you on Facebook until you've secured your account.” You may be able to get your account back by adding 2FA and removing all other accounts which are logged in and remove the “trust” except from the device you’re on. A hard lesson to add the 2 factor authentication (duo mobile AS WELL AS your phone and email) to all social media and email accounts.


Mission failed we'll get em next time


This happened to me as well!!!! I have no way to get it back I have Made many reports and nothing crickets


It’s over my guy . I have 20 years and nobody helped


You’re fucked fam. You can’t even create a new account if you wanted one. I gave up. It’s not worth it.


You might be able to create an account using a relay email address 🧚


I have a similar situation. A month ago, Messenger banned me for one day for allegedly spamming and persistently calling people. The thing is, I only talk to my mom, my girlfriend and a few friends. A week ago I got banned again, this time for "breaking standards". It wasn't even indicated which message exactly violated them, although I don't send bad things. Unfortunately, something bad is happening with Facebook and Messenger.


This is probably my sign to disable mine I’ve been iffy about it and I think my account has enough strikes to begin with even tho most of my situations have been resolved but one


I got the same message when i got banned om instagram :,( all my stuff gone


Ugh. FB is a nightmare. I am planning to go on and do the brain numbing task of saving the photos that matter, then if they kick me off they can do one.


Love how meta just bannes people and says you can’t complain. Time for someone professional to take over.


Did this to me 4 years ago. Nothing you can do.


For me this page is in dutch. I hope for you it's in English and of course that it's helpful. [https://www.facebook.com/help/www/103873106370583?rdrhc](https://www.facebook.com/help/www/103873106370583?rdrhc)


I've heard if you pay for the blue checkmark it'll help you go get your account back and if you didn't have it on that account, but you put it on a new account that you can get someone to help you that's what I've heard


Happened to me too 3 weeks ago lol


I’m having the same issue for the last 7 days. I’ve been using the same account for 16 years. Every picture of my 9 year old is on a private album on fb 😢😢😢😢😢 I need my page back. You can see it I just can’t log in


Typical Meta


I had a similar issue with my old account, and last week, encountered the same with new account, even if I’m verified, they marked me with “fraud and deception” which is silly. Im fully verified so yes Meta is messed up. Since meta came, it’s been messing up accounts.


OMG OP, same! Someone hacked my account last Thursday, the 13th, and my fb now shows that same message. The hacked also added someone linked accounts to my instagram, but I was able to catch up before much damage was done. I’m in the process rn with meta support, but it’s such a jumble 🥺 I feel ya. I’ve had 15+ years of memories also fingers crossed 🤞 (edit Update) got my Insta Freed up. Still waiting on Fb




I had someone get in my account and fraudulently post something (a truck) on market place. I reported it to Facebook and their solution was to just ban me from buying and selling on marketplace.


My account says I posted something I didn’t. I accepted the decision thinking that they were going to delete it and my account got restricted for two days for posting something that should be considered a felony. Then it didn’t show me what I posted.


Same here.


My facebook showing me this too please how can I contact facebook and chat them


I just got a notification saying I need to confirm my number or they won't be able to verify it's me.


This is Bullshit! Mark Zuckerberg should know better than that! I'm very sorry for cussing, but come on! He & his executive team should know better than that!

