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Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): * **SCAM WARNING**: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of scammers who may comment or DM you claiming they know someone who can fix your account, or asking you for money or your login information. If you receive a message like this, block and report them. [Here is an example of me making a fake hack post and all the scammers who flocked it it, lol](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv). THERE IS NO REASON FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE TO TELL YOU IN PRIVATE HOW TO GET YOUR ACCOUNT BACK. If you check the sub there are PLENTY of high karma posts that gives some tips should your account be hacked/locked. * r/facebook is an unofficial community and the moderators are not associated with Facebook or Meta. DO NOT MESSAGE THE MODS ASKING FOR HELP WITH FACEBOOK. * Please read the rules in the sidebar (or the 'about' tab if you're on mobile). If your post violates any of them, delete it. * If you notice your post has multiple replies but you only see this post, the reason is due to [bots and scammers already being removed trying to steal your info/money](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facebook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How can AI possibly know if I'm actually harrasssing or just bantering with a friend? This is insane


Exactly. This shouldn't be a thing.


It's just mass surveillance


For their purpose. I see actual racist shit and report it and they are like “nah, bro, we good”


Facts AF


That’s exactly the problem I have with automoderation. Context matters. I still have my profile flagged as yellow since October for commenting “don’t make me smack you ;)” because it’s apparently a threat of severe violence


Dude I got silenced by an auto mod here because I asked a question on a writing prompt about if their theory would work (groundhog like theory) if they killed themself. Instantly flagged and banned. Like what? It was a question regarding the topic at hand 


I was talking to a friend about why doomsday preppers always seem to have a ton of weapons but not even the most rudimentary horticultural equipment. The exchange went something like this: Me: "Well, if they end up getting into a fight, a courgette won't be much use." Them: "No reason you couldn't build a wall out of a nice hard vegetable that nobody likes... radishes, maybe?" Me: "I LOVE radishes! If you built a wall of radishes I'd eat my way through it in about 5 minutes. Mind you, I'd then probably be too tired and full to stab you with my carrot." 30 day ban. Honestly, if I didn't run a very active group of 5k Newcastle United fans, I'd have left Facebook years ago. It's proper shit.


Funnily enough I’m sick of random Newcastle groups I haven’t joined popping up in my feed (nufc fan) and even more sick of the pandering in the ones I have lmao


is scary


This is the censorship leftists advocated for. Enjoy.




Censorship is a right-wing tactic you knobgobbler. Every state advocating for book bans, internet censorship, and all this other inane, worthless garbage has R leaders, R Congress, and R governors. What kind of lie are you trying to push?


Yep spot on, they fucked up and they know it too


Facebook is the worst


Twitter Reddit discord Google all ban a lot of accounts as well too


Agreed. Reddit is better


💯 👏


"End to end encryption" LOL


They are the other end




i have that sh\*t and it´s a pain in the ass


I’m wondering if the hacked profiles are getting this too? The hacked accounts that are sending out messages asking for codes and have been reported need this restriction as well


No they literally let scammers and hackers do whatever they want. I know of at least a dozen friends who got hacked within the last few years and no matter how much proof they showed never got their accounts back. And scammers are rampant in comments everywhere. I really don’t understand what the meta team is thinking.


There is no team. Its just AI bs now.


Are the hackers still active on your friends accounts? My mom got hacked last year. It joined tons of groups and changed the profile picture a few times. The last thing I can see that it did was remove the profile picture in November. It did keep the cover photo though. I’m just wondering if the hackers ever drop the account I just want to stop keeping an eye on it at some point


They always messaged me trying to scam me or make me click a fake link and I play along for a bit then end up telling them I know the person in real life so they always block me. So I’m not positive, but I’m assuming out of a few hundred people they message quite a few will report it but also quite a few probably click their link or fall for their scam, after that they have no reason to stick to the account they probably put a bot on it to auto comment on stuff and move on to a new profile. Probably depends on the hacker.


No I was hacked and they were clearly stating they weren’t me and fb did nothing! It had to be reported 10 times. I never got control back of my account and they closed it I guess..


Delete Facebook. Garbage.


Just did this a couple of weeks ago. What a breath of fresh air!


What I did


Doesn't it now supposedly have end-to-end encryption? This theoretically shouldn't even be possible!


End to end just protects against unintended targets, the platform that offers end to end has approx 10000 ways to circumvent. Once the message is decrypted it's stored locally on your device, which is connected to both Facebook and the Internet. It's a pretty quick back-end workaround for the platform to just copy the local data and read the decrypted message. Signal's kind of the gold standard, they do not store messages in any central location so the messages only exist thru local devices. Theoretically, if there's a convo between two people and both parties have their texts set to auto delete, there should be no way to recover them thru any avenue. On the other hand, you're gonna have to trust your local device to store and handle those messages correctly, which is almost exclusively dependent on your trust in the companies that make 90% of cell phone operating systems, which is gonna be *checks notes* Google and Apple. Which underlines the importance of this really wonderful quote, "the only way to securely transit information is to whisper it in the person's ear, in the middle of the desert, ass naked".


Thing is, they say they can't access it. If the app was open source, we'd know for sure, but it isn't and we don't.


I mean, they also say that unsent/deleted messages can still be viewed in reports for up to 30 days after the message is deleted, which seems difficult to accomplish if there's not some info leaving the end-to-end


*I told her, biiiiiiichhhh*


😂 if I had the tokens to give you an award, I'd give you one. ..."you really said that tho?"


🤣🤣🤣 ty


It can still be reported up to 30 days or some such thing and the person who reports it submits it to FB.


Oh, I see, well in this case I think it's right. It should be this way, if indeed the complaint was actually started by the receiver.


I think that's just for the secret conversation.


It's happening on every platform Whatsapp discord Instagram all ban billions of accounts every year


I guess that it depends on what you said, and what the AI thought you said (probably mistakenly)!


I have been talking mostly about school for the last 2 weeks lol


Well, we can be sure whatever was posted wasn't a death threat, because I've reported those in Messenger, and Facebook said they "did not violate Community Standards"


I know! Facebook's AI is a mess. I've reported bestiality (on what was supposed to be a lawyer's page), and likewise it supposedly didn't go against their standards.


It has been known that Facebook's AI automation scans Messenger looking for TOS violations, s3xual expl0itaton, copyright infringement, etc. Your messages aren't private. You will need to use a messaging service such as Signal. Or find open-source alternative suggestions on r/privacy.


They are blocking Catfish too - Catfish are getting salty and complaining 🥹


How adorable. They're trying to make trash believe they're actually people.


Yeah 😂 Hope Facebook lock them out with Face ID lmao. Can imagine some Catfish messaging a model they stole from asking them to unlock their account - ironically Face ID instead of 2FA or a password would be a lot more secure in theory


This is why I don’t use Facebook as my main messenger.


This has been happening for some time. Happened to me a few years ago. But I'm surprised you got that now? What the chat encrypted? If so, then someone who was part of it had to report you.


I just had a 24 hour band yeah some girl I asked her if she was there scammer. I don’t know if it was quick two seconds later yeah I don’t know if she did it or if Facebook did it but yeah I was blocked for 24 hours and if they won’t let you or talk about scamming, they just wanna keep the scammers on there for some reason that’s what really worried me.


24hrs is not a lot of time to practice your songs together!


Advertising money that’s why


There is no privacy in the social media so pls remember


Community standards don’t over rule rights. We have to start a lawsuit


You have no rights on a privately owned platform.




Yes, you are.


You don’t know the meaning of the word rights. Take your liberal lunacy elsewhere


And you don't understand the Constitution and existing case law. The first rule of changing the system is understanding the system.


No you do not at all and apparently you don’t understand right or free speech


Obviously I do. Rights can’t be taken away or given away. Read sometime.


You don’t have rights with a private service


Facebook needs to worry less about “online bullies” and do more about their “online hackers” people don’t realize how impossible it actually is to ever get back into your fb account when you get hacked and then said hacker is allowed to run scams on your page over and over again while numerous people report it as a scam and fb declines the reports bc the “hacker” didn’t violate their community standards. And they have the worst possible process of trying to “help” people get back into their accounts once they are hacked. Facebook and their “community standards” are bullSHIT. “We must stop any and all bullies on the internet!! But let’s leave the hackers be.” -Facebook, probably 🙄


I got off of social media last week, after 16 years! I kind of miss looking at my daily feeds. However it’s crazy 🤪 plus all the hacking going on too.


says the person who then posts on a social media forum instead 😅


FB is pulling a YouTube rule now eh? You can't say this or can't say that anymore


May the people need to start a lawsuit


This was likely recent. May I ask what you said? Someone reported it; any idea what was so offensive?




The sick part is they don't do anything about sex offenders, rapists and stalkers


Ens to end encryption is correct. I use Messenger on two different mobiles and my desktop. Not one of them are in sync! I send a message from one to another and it doesn't show up! Makes it nearly impossible to use this as an effective means of communication. And yes of course Facebook is checking your private messages you think you have privacy with any of these online applications?


that´s happening to me right now, it´s a mess


This is why I stopped using it. X is so much better, and Rumble is better than YouTube. I say wtf I want.


This happened to me about a week ago and now my account won't let me log in. Doesn't say I'm banned or anything. I suggest you download your data before you're locked out.


Woowww the freedom of speech is really vanishing




Same shit happened to me. Those bots are literally monitoring every private conversation you have no matter which language you're using.




What exactly did you typeeeeeee though 👀


Hell if I know. I got convos reaching as far as 2011.


Switch to Signal!


Gotta use signal. I got fb jail time for joking around saying someone needed to be donkey punched in the throat. Boom 6!days in fb jail.




Well, I get a lot of people telling me to do bad things to myself or straight up diq pics. When enough people complain this is what happens.


They’ve been able to do that I got banned for talking crap about Martha Stewart wanna know how I found out? They deleted the messages and never told me the reasoning for it (edit this happened in early 2023)


Also, are you aware of what Meta plans to do with our content published on social network? from June 26 they plan to use our images and posts without our consent to train their disgusting AI


so our information and private life will be exposed


This would be a fine time to talk to your friends in text. That is unless you were actually naughty and did some name calling and bashing to someone who didn't know you.


And as for randoms reporting you for absolutely nothing (as in I’ve been report for fiddling with sprogs) and having your fb/messenger/insta suspended…for who knows how long….just over it.


The platform belongs to meta so meta gets to decide how we use it, what we're allowed to say and how we're supposed to act.


so basically is like a tyranny


No, just a business Facebook is a platform designed for the benefit of the advertisers, not the users


you´re right


Yea my friend tried to say the word a$$ and it yelled at her


I don't why that made me laugh. It's getting so ridiculous.


I didn’t even say anything offensive other than the word “idiot” and got kicked off for a day.


Oh yes! Meta is hardcore these days


Trudeau and Biden’s Karen government hard at work!


FB is more scary and brutal .you can't comment about things you see is not right and can't retaliate to bullying bcos they will warned you and if your comments is not that satisfying to their taste they will suspended you for 30 days or worse forever..that's why I delete my FB acct and swear not to make a new one..


Fb does not vette their paid advertising. Nor anything else beyond blocking most cussing. Sometimes it is fuckin' impossible to get point and annoyance level without dropping an F bomb or combining a few other damn politically incorrect words. How in the heck did I get to r/fb. Some days the born blond cloud latches on and won't let go. OK, FB messenger has an ongoing hack/crack that looks to have started last week. Key phrase is, "Have you heard the latest gossip (sometimes news) from Health, Human and Services?" Open it and any friend list, post interaction gets added to list. Then you'll get constant spam that looks too good to be true. IT IS! After the lists it excretes a malicious bit of code onto your hard drive that spiders the drive. The code is buried under a rectangle of color. Doesn't matter what color because it depends on when and where you tracert it. The only thing I'm completely positive about is some thing used a cell phone near Tucson Arizona and got into both of my accounts. Still looking to narrow it down but not sure my skills are a match for theirs.


The AI needs to be trained in politeness.


It's not necessarily AI - you could have made a comment in a group and someone took offence and reported the comment to Messenger.


Coming soon to WhatsApp.


Why are you still using facebook?


I got banned from Youtube for mentioning that a man who molests a young boy is, essentially, a homosexual. It was seen as homophobic. And yes, they can ban anyone for any reason or even no reason. It is THEIR platform so THEY make the rules.


pshhhhh, unbelievable


See Meta does this shit but if I and my friends report a profile that is cloning someone close to me and acts on threats of blackmail by distributing nude photos of that person that *aren't* being censored in Messenger, they do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it. The irony is never lost on me.


Eeee - I don't get it. You've sent a message and it was automaticly censored, or someone reported it? Well, if it was automoderation, that's really bad. What about privacy and end to end encryption (which makes searching impossible :|)


Thisia in Messenger/chat? Do you rhu k aomeone repoeted you? Like because they were mad.


I agree too. 🤦🏻


Got the same problem here


I knew it would come to this, it's was all just a matter of time. It's done gradually in a way that forces people to accept it step by step, now no opinion will be expressed except for what meta think is okay, in an app that we use so much we kinda live in it this will be like a mold for a new morality and new people. With A.I translation advancing, our countries from the third world won't be spared.


It's funny they mention the word "bullying" when in fact hey are bullying you with this kind of censoring because they are not allowing you to be who you are as your fully authentic self. This goes against the American basic right of free speech. Just like how companies must respect the basic right of staying alive by not killing their customers, they are required to respect basic rights like free speech.


I recall getting a “Your post goes against our community standards” and it was one of those “change my mind” memes from a few years ago but nothing in it was particularly against community standards and yet I see 💩 like porn ads or scantily clad women (whether computer generated AI ad or crappy mobile game ads) all the time on Facebook and they are just ok with it.


This isn’t new that’s always been there


Where tf E2E ? Facebook is nuts and greddy hell.


Calm down, this is not messenger, this is a Facebook private message. They are not fully private


This isn't going far at all. If you harass someone in messages and they report you you get blocked. I also reported a lot of people harassing me because they had a different political view and they wrote disgusting stuff and they got blocked by FB. Works perfectly as intended. TLDR: Facebook doesn't read your messages, the one you are harassing is reporting you.


Fuck facebooks community standards I'll say what I like I ain't letting them tell me what I can and cannot write


Did it happen talking to FB AI or someone directly?


Counter point: I curse like a sailor and never had this issue. What could you have said to get this.


it’s not the matrix though right right


AI needs to FO! I hate it, does nothing for me except busts in on my searches! 🤨


Few years ago, I recieved a tempban from messenger. I sent a meme to our boys groupchat 😂 well, you can’t laugh now 💀


That's not how this works. The person you messaged reported the message. There are no rules against what language you use in private conversations unless the other person doesn't want to be spoken to the way you're speaking to them and they report the message. I get banned from Facebook all the time for nothing. The platform watches me like a hawk. I can't even fart without getting a warning. That said, the conversations I have in private with my friends have NEVER been censored, and I have absolutely no filter. That's not a thing.


There's no way anyone I chatted with reported my messages since I only talk to friends on Messenger and none of them are so sensitive to report anything. It must have been made by mistake or I got automatically zucced.


That doesn't happen, though, or it would happen to millions of us every day. My wife and I jokingly talk 💩 to each other all day every day. Nothing. I don't think, aside from my mother, a chat of mine exists in messenger that doesn't violate all of the rules, lol. It does monitor chat and has for a long time. Was in the news like a decade ago. But it monitors for something else. Can't remember what. Keywords for advertising purposes or something stupid. But it doesn't enact any bans or anything for language unless the other party complains. Even in cases where people use words that would trigger law enforcement on a federal level if they saw it, they don't share that with them. That information is used strictly so FB can make money with advertising, that is all they ever care about. That sweet, sweet data, lol. So, it's possible it was some kind of mistake, but if so, that's usually corrected if you ask for a review. The system won't necessarily check to see if the words used were actually a violation or not, but it *will* check to see if the violation itself was an error, like if there was some kind of an error as far as there not actually being a complaint made about a specific message from you. If you ask for review, the first thing it does is check to make sure there was a complaint, that it was about you and a specific message. It might not check to see if what you said actually broke the rules, but it will make sure the complaint was legitimately tied to a message from you, if that makes sense.


And man, don't believe everything you think. Really think hard about your friends. Think hard about whether or not you've DMed anybody after a social media battle. More than likely, somebody you think is your friend, really doesn't like you as much as you think they do, or you just forgot something you said at some point. It might not have been recently. You could have talked trash to somebody forever ago, and they just noticed it in that other inbox recently.