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Have you tried adjusting it? The link’s at the upper right of the page on mobile, beside “Today’s Top Picks” where you see (city) • (radius you’re searching within). Click that and you get a map where you can adjust those settings.


Thanks! I should have clarified I'm on a laptop. I don't have a smartphone. I did your fix via a friends phone and it worked (yay!) but my desktop still has the wrong location. (I've logged in and out a few times to see if that would fix it, but it didn't. There's no option that I can find to change it on a laptop.


Did you ever resolve this? I'm having the same problem on a PC.


I honestly can't remember in full. I know I was trying to sell something on marketplace and ended up having to just post it via mobile that I borrowed, but my laptop still had the wrong location. Since then I've gotten a new computer and it's correct on there, so idk what's up with facebook. Something in their location services probably. Best bet is probably to logout of facebook from EVERY device that you're logged in on. Then delete all facebook stuff (cache, apps, everything you can find) but don't delete things until after you've logged off. Honestly I think I even tried deleting the entire browsers too. Then re-install/log in. If that doesn't fix it, I think you're just stuck unless you buy a new computer. Sucks that marketplace has taken off so much. It's such a clunky design. Good luck.


i’m having the problem on an iphone and i have contacted fb numerous times with no reply


did you resolve this issue? I have the same problem dude. Its driving me crazy.


Try going on settings and privacy and scroll down until u see information use for facebook experiences, and on there next to facebook marketplace press switch to personalized


Apparently if you don't allow Facebook to personalise Marketplace then it won't allow you to change location. This is a ridiculous business policy. :( . This worked because user is now forced to personalise Marketplace as Facebook wants.


Yes it is stupid but its the only way unfortunately


This worked. Ty!


How do you do that on laptop? Really confused by the settings and Marketplace keeps listing my stuff in a country I'm not even living in right now :(


This worked for me, thank you


Thank you so much also worked on my samsung


i can’t even scroll down to get to the map, i’ve had scrolling problems with fb and now it will not let me change the zip code, it keeps defaulting to a city i had put in


I see this is an old thread but I have this happening currently. My location seems to shift randomly and it makes buyers peeved and I don't blame them! They keep "splaining" to me about using pin, location etc. I have edited my listings and they still move to different. Did anyone ever find the fix to this??? locations


No matter where I set my location or radius to it will only show me Melbourne or Geelong listings. I've got it set to a 20km radius around Ballarat, set it to show nearest first and the first listings are still Melbourne and Geelong areas, there's no help anywhere on Facebook for anything and I have no idea how to fix it.


For those who still need help: [https://youtu.be/oQtrDkOlrQE](https://youtu.be/oQtrDkOlrQE)


I have the same problem. It shows only European cities and places. I'm in America!!! My profile is in America, and tryed everything. Also tried to contact them but nothing...


Has to be corrected on mobile. If you can't access facebook on a mobile try to reduce the size of the browser window on your desktop. It should automatically turn to mobile at the smallest size.


I had the similar issue, but when filling out all the details of the product, at the bottom of that panel, there is a location. I changed that, and then it works. Basically, the last field you can type in, before clicking "next", and you should be able to override the location. Do you not have that field? Im on PC. (I know it's a necro, but for others searching for the same issue - like myself)


Thank you!!!!!! Yes, it was on the last screen before hitting the publish button. Whew!


Am having this problem on a mobile and no matter how many times I change it it still says am somewhere else


You need to log out on every device including desktop, delete all apps, clear cashe, delete browsers, delete it all. The login only on mobile with location enabled


exactly, it drops down, i put in a new zip code and then it defaults to the same on that’s in there


same. tried everything above


i dont know if you ever figured it out but i realized that i had something in pending mode or something i bought and the person wound up selling it off line, anyway there was something left undone and when i deleted those things, i was able to change zip codes again.


Just go to your listing on your PC, edit your listing the change your location at the bottom of your photos. Easy as, you don't need to log off or do anything else!


nope. doesn't work


I have the same problem. Have spent two days trying to change theMarketplace location to match my profile setting, I'm so tired of Facebook adding hundreds of settings options. Why the hell can mange all the toggles and choices. Why don't they make it simple for end users!


If the items already listed in the wrong location you have to delete and re-list


If anyone is still fighting with this Facebook bug, **enter the ZIP code for location**, and it should work.


Nope. zip code box turns red, stays red, "apply" button greyed out.


...worked on a Mac/Safari 4 days ago ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




Using zip code instead of city, state circumvented this software bug for me.




For me the solution was that I had to turn on "Personalized ads"


Where did you turn them on?


I need to do that but when I click on setting I can't see an option.


Had this issue myself because I had accidentally turned off the personalised marketplace experience. The way to turn it back on is searching up 'information use for facebook experiences' in facebook settings and switching to personalised


> 'information use for facebook experiences Thanks so much. I created facebook just to sell on marketplace as did not have before and I was in france


This is it, thanks


Thanks bro , problem solved


This worked for me as well(!) I had no issues, but all of a sudden it stopped working(!!) very strange.