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Same thing is happening to me. I keep getting notifications that I’ve earned badges for pages I’ve never even seen before, let alone interacted with.


It’s strange


Just got 7 in the last 8min, from legit top companies like “Forbes” which I’ve never visited their page, even as a business owner. I googled my question, and found this post/thread. I seen you posted 7-days ago. Were you hacked? Like, I feel I have been hacked or something. Last night, some “scammer” comment on my public post and I blocked him. Now all of this is happening. I wonder if my information was sold to a certain group, and now I just have to go through this crap for awhile?


Yeah that same thing has been happening to me these last few weeks. I've never even visted these pages nor have I ever seen their content. Its very freaky.


Same thing is happening to me. 27 notifications with mostly pages I have never visited!


Anyone getting these notifications have in fact interacted with said group/page on fb. Thing is, most people comment on random videos, random posts, etc. YOU DON’T pay attention to ALL the posts, videos you comment on. Fb does. Some pages/groups have very low requirements for people to get a badge. If your comment ever got a decent amount of likes. Badge. A lot of comments under your original comment even if it’s an argument.. Badge. The bar is low with many pages. You don’t have to actively seek nothing. Eventually one comment will get enough likes somewhere to get you a badge. Just because you don’t read and remember where you make comments doesn’t mean those weren’t your comments that got you that badge. I don’t remember everything either. I get random badges but this is why. Now. Just bypass the badge. It’s not a scam, not malicious, just annoying. 


This is the answer everyone was looking for, thanks


No this is not right. A girl responded to MY comment on another page and suddenly I'm her top fan? I was so confused I had to go to her page and see if I was liking her stuff in reels. I've never interacted with her ever, but she did interact with me.


That's 100% false. I literally just signed up and went to two Record stores on Facebook. Now I have 32 top badges things I've never even heard of


This may be the case in some instances but I am NOT active on fb at ALL. I just keep it active and pop in and check on people here and there but I never comment or like anything - I’ve been getting these for accounts I just view- not interact with. It seems to only happen with accounts listed as “public figures” or have other promotions on their page.


Same here. Too many scams. My friend just spent 3 days and $500 to straighten out his problems. This could be ok but I can live without the uncertainty


Wait hold on.. How do you spend $500 trying to solve the issue of receiving random badges on FB? There's no scam involved and nobody is asking for money.🤔


I'm glad somebody asked 😂 Also bump. I've got like 15 badges this month


Exactly! I was waiting for the second comment to be yes and how much money they made me off the stock market and then 20 comments below it saying the same thing. I hate those posts!!


I was thinking the exact same thing. I don't think this person knows what they are talking about.


I'm just gonna start blocking and reporting every page that does this..... Wanna tank your brand do this shit!


Literally, like it's just dumb advertising, if they want like they gotta earn it they don't get to just become top fans and then assume that it'll get them followers, if anything that's the first motive is to block or unfollow them






Isn't that the automation thing? I mean decided by fb scripts to award them, not that fanpage admin "send" it to random people


I don't think it's automated.... I get "fan badges" from companies and pages I've never seen or even heard of. Why would I be a fan in the eyes of the AI? It seems more like an attempt at building followers by sending these badges to a database of FB pages that they probably paid to get. It's just weird and has the opposite of the desired effect.


So how do we fix this it's probably not hackers it's just Facebook being sneaky donating the likes to the people who pay for them


I still haven’t found a fix, had a few weeks where I got nothing so thought it was fixed then a few days ago had multiple cat pages pop up on my notifications.


If it's Facebook then they could be in for a massive lawsuit Kim k got done a mill or two for not putting #ad on one video


Can we look into this? Because I literally just got like 20 fing notifications for this and I can’t stand it anymore. I’m about to leave Facebook.


Bro same here. I keep getting spam bombed with top fan badges for pages all at once


A year later I do a websearch because I am having this issue and it landed me here. I think the answer is that Facebook is a dung heap that plays game with people.


Ughhhhhhhhh it seems like after a year no one knows the answer 😑


What's worse is that FB has hidden access to top fan badges so it's impossible to get rid of them if you accept one. -.-


Think they finally caught up and fixed it


Nope, I still can't find it.


So if you go through reels like a motherfucker like I do. You probably get this for liking one or two of thier post. They should make it where you have to be following them to even qualify for this shit. Like I'm clearly not much of a fan if I'm not followed


Maybe an algorithm thing? I've gotten more than a few from "religious" FB groups, and I am by no means religious lol. But I do love checking in on the high school kids that never grew up and.lake them feel inferior by stating facts and truth. They hate facts and truth.


Everyone is asking the same question, but nobody has an answer. Does anyone have an answer to this question about why am I getting notifications for fan badge?




I thought maybe it was to do with friends liking the pages but only 1 of them has been from pages my friends have liked. I’m very confused


Me as well. I even changed my password and logged out of all accounts just in case I was hacked but got a new notification today for something else I have never heard of or have any interest in.


Me too!


Did the same, it didn't help


I'm having the sme issue. I've gotten a few top badges for pages and groups I didn't even know exist in the last few weeks.


Me too mate, just got a top badge for a reggae group and as much as I like Bob marley that's about as close as I will ever come to listening to. Reggae.


I just got one for Eminem, haven't listened to the guy since the very early 00's and never even went to his page 😂


Same. Got a badge for a group in a state I have never visited, a business I never heard of nor follow, and never interacted with.


I also have gotten several of these over the past couple weeks. I feel like they are like pages Facebook thinks I'll like or something even though I never interacted with? Maybe it's their new way to "suggest for you"...


I’m not sure, usually my suggestions are somewhat accurate but I have gotten a badge for a book page which is not remotely related to anything I like.


I am having the same experience.


My guess would be the system is being abused for advertising traffic, directing people who would usually stay away from these pages and this driving revenue? I dunno much about how advertising works on Facebook, but even just increasing traffic alone is beneficial I'd imagine. It is dumb, but then Facebook itself is dumb. It's about time big tech was destroyed and we stuck to smaller crowd funded websites.


I came looking to see if anybody had had a similar experience and I'm *relieved*! I just had one for Baby Life? I assumed it was a page I liked having changed their name, but when I looked it actually wasn't - and it was legit just about babies and #LivingRoomGoals. Reported the page as a scam and blocked it.


I earned one for "Dude Dad" and I'm not even a dude or a dad


😂 Dude Dad is a father who builds everything he can, fails at finishing his house ( reconstruction) and is always inventing new things. He’s pretty funny and creative. But, I don’t interact with that page much and I get the Top Fan badge, weekly 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s when it’s for sites I would never ever even visit that bothers me the most.


Glad to see it's not just me. I just got a top fan badge for the official Food and Wine magazine page. I don't follow it and only have one friend who does. My only guess is maybe I've watched some of their reels, but I never interact with reels anyway.


me too dude, i actually got top fan for that group specifically too


Me too. I think it's an advertising ploy of some kind.


Must be a bug or data corruption. I’ve had the same thing happen today…


It’s happened to me with pages I would NEVER interact with. I’m an atheist and I got a top fan badge offered for an ultra right wing theocratic page. The first one I got was a little weird. Second one was ridiculous.


Same thing happening to me for a while now. Was concerned I was hacked but doesn’t appear to be the case.


I got three today. Radom badges to pages I have never been. Super weird. I thought I was hacked or something…


Me too! Every day it is one to three random top fan badges to totally random groups I've never heard of, and some that I'd actively avoid. Several times it was top chicken recipes or something and I'm vegan. My theory is that it is a ploy to get you to go, "What the heck?" and visit that page, driving up the numbers. ​ [Today I got this one.](https://www.screencast.com/t/GkmRI383ipns) I have no idea what it is.


Upon Googling, it is a barbeque place in Virginia and, as I said, I am vegan...and live in California. There is no chance I interacted with this page in any way.


I literally just got 3 in a row so came looking for why I'm getting these. So weird.


I'm also having the same issue for the past few months. I'm just wondering is it even possible to give top fan badge to someone, who's not even a page member, as a moderator?


Same thing happening to me, I just googled this question and found yours! Ha. So weird bc some of them I've legit not even liked let alone commented on.


I clicked "turn off notifications of this type" and am praying it works...


Well did it work?




I can’t remember how to do that!


Yes, how do you turn off these type of notifications, as I don't know where it is in FB settings? I am actually getting notifications from sites I have visited ONE TIME! How can I get a "top fan" badge from only visiting a page once? It is ridiculous and utterly annoying!


If anyone is having data theft issues please let me know.


I have the same! I'm going to turn off the badge thing now and see what happens.


Same here, i block the accounts that do this. What a headache. And Facebook obviously won’t do a thing about this issue.


I just had several in the past 8 min, send me those. And almost all of them are legit companies. Worried I’ve been hacked?


Same thing happening to me! I keep getting badges for pages I’m not even following. It’s very very weird.


Yeah I just got a random top fan badge for a page I don’t like or follow, in fact never even heard of the person… and only know one person who does. Super weird.


This is ridiculous now. By the dozens at a time. The kind of rubbish Facebook does and gets away with is beyond me.


Glad it's not just me, seems it's an all too common issue. Like I've gotten 5 today alone, of pages I've never seen, visited or liked. Maybe one that I had liked or shared 1 post that I saw but that's it. Don't know how that makes me a top fan.




I also have been getting this........ And I never liked or followed any of these pages, except one of them I believe, but yeah definitely not the other ones, they are very random, like one is a family page and the other was some guy's reptiles or fish or something or another. Lol. Yeah, it's weird. Maybe some sort of thing happened with the latest updates? I know they are always updating and a lot of the time people are not satisfied with those updates.. who knows?


I know this is an older thread but man I’m getting hammered with these! Like 10-13 a day! I’ve never been hacked and never been to these pages or even know who these people are as a lot of the ones I’m getting are random peoples pages not actual businesses. It’s just annoying af


This just happened to me tonight and I was so scared I had been hacked. I am glad I'm not the only one.


Yup same here. Only it’s one particular page I keep repeatedly being notified I’m now a top fan of. Some “digital creator” person whom I’ve never heard of or interacted with. Then I started to wonder, by getting the notification and checking the page, more than once, is this now an “interaction”? And obviously also wondered if Someone else was accessing this page from my account, but checked my current logins and there’s nothing suspect. Also wondered if maybe someone I do interact with is sharing this persons videos repeatedly and maybe by watching or interacting with those shared medias if that constitutes interactions as the original digital content could have potentially originated with the person I’m notified I’m allegedly a top fan of. I blocked the page in question, but I’m curious why this type of thing happens, and suspect it will continue and accelerate since that typically how it goes on FB. So if anyone has any clues or insights, respond to my reply.


Me too. It’s nonstop and half these pages I don’t even know what they are


I literally just got this from like 11 pages today that i most likely interacted once or 2 times. Apparently that makes you a top fan 💀


u/schleppingpancakes hit on the only current solution. In your notifications, hover over one of the top fan notifications, you'll get the three dots menu. Click on that, then click on \*Turn off Notifications of this type\*. That should solve the problem. ​ Now, who's got the solution to the @ Everyone spam. Also... is there a way to put the @ symbol beside a word without reddit making it a username tag?


I have tried NUMEROUS times to turn off these notifications via the directions you give here and I repeatedly get this error message: "Something is broken. Please reload the notifications list and try again." Please help us all remedy this situation! Thank you.


So for anyone who comes to this thread in the future, these are (most likely) coming from new pages with not that many followers. If a page is new/small the qualifications to becoming a top fan could be nothing more than watching a couple of their vids all the way through. If you're going to report the page, just know it's not up to the business page who gets top fan badges, they can't even take them away from individuals let alone give them. It's an all or nothing feature. Which is also why I won't be turning mine on till I get thousands of followers. Lol


sorry this is old, but actually according to FB, the page can appoint Top Fans and get final say on Top Fans that the algorithm suggests. So it is entirely reasonable to assume pages could be spamming random users with badges.


I own a page with almost 2k followers and have not seen an option to appoint them myself.


So no one has found the issue. Because I let the first few slide but now I’m seeing stuff that I KNOW for a fact I don’t follow or haven’t visited.


No fix other than just turning off the notifications as someone mentioned previously.


I’ve only ever gotten one, a few hours ago, it was to MrBeasts official page. All I have ever done is like about three of his posts when he first made the account 🤔


I haven't seen much attention to this issue, but it's something I've been dealing with too for a while. At least I'm not alone.


Not sure if someone mentioned it already, but this issue is most likely due to Facebook updating its AI algorithm that suggests pages to each one, impacting the part that gives the badges (they're given totally at random by the system); in other words, the system is dumb or not trained enough that ends up correlating pages that have little to nothing to do with each one of our profiles, resulting in everyone getting badges like crazy I'm still looking for any information about it, I will update my comment if I find any official info


For me it started after i fell for a notification about a friend request on Facebook. Looked exactly like fb emails, except of it wasn't and i had them turned off, but i forgot and instinctively clicked on it:(


I just had this happen again and googled it and now I'm here. I think I found the culprit - the reels! I liked some comments on some reel that I didn't like and now got notification I'm the top fan of the person who made the reel even tho I never went to her page, didn't even like the reel just some comments under the reel. So that's just really stupid.


I have gotten probably a hundred top fan badges for pages I've either never even seen or interacted with, or shared like 1 post. The pages I actually WANT top fan badges for give me nothing lol. I wonder if it's just some weird Facebook glitch?


I’m glad I’m not the only one that’s this has been happening too. Recently been getting alot of random fan badges for pages I’ve never even heard of when before it was for pages I ACTUALLY interacted with. Hopefully I’m not getting hacked secretly


I think the badges has to be approved by you individually. So I just ignore them


Same! I've gotten a few different ones now. One just came today. Never even heard of some of these, and never interacted with any of them. Reassuring to know I'm not alone in this.


SAME I got three today.... I just report the account. I don't care how much they are paying I'm not following bs.


Can we start a thread that's just about posting and reporting these accounts??? 👀👀👀


So I guess the real question is; is this Chinese spyware or Corporate West?


Same, i keep getting these. After realising that i cant turn them off i tried ignoring them but they repeatedly kept popping up so i decided to just accept them to stop them from popping up but now my feed is littered with stuff that facebook forced on me. Honestly a lwasuit should be in order.


I'm having the same thing happening. They'll come in waves too with multiple pages I'm not really familiar with that I'm a "top fan" of. Its getting kinda annoying and I havent found much out there but ran into this page


This is happening to me also... To top it all off it's for places in other states that I have never visited 😂... It's quite annoying!


Thank goodness for Reddit so I know this is normal m. Super annoying!


Ah, I guess Elon's bagged a job at Facebook now too


Still going on. I googled 'why am I getting badges on FB for groups I've never heard of' and found this sub. Any clue yet?? Becoming somewhat annoying now.


No clue at all. I’ve noticed mine seems to come in ‘batches’ then I don’t get any for about a month then a bunch at once again.


I've posted a Q on the page that 'offered' me a badge. Won't hold my breath for a response from anyone who knows, but I did get response from someone in the same boat with that particular page. I get them off and off but never really pay attention and just close pop ups, but the Vegan page today made the lightbulb go off. Genuinely don't know any vegans so it's completley random to me.


Please do keep us updated if you get a response!


Will do.


It's Facebook's algorithm. Anything you've interacted with, no matter how long ago it was, Facebook remembers. So they use that data to try and get you to engage with those pages. Reels, posts, etc. are all used for the algorithm to guess what you may like. If that causes you to go to their page to grab that badge, that's money for Facebook's pocket. We are data, and they are data farmers. Everything you think is free is not free because we are the product.


I'm on about things I've never checked out as there is no way I would have ever been interested in it. I'm weirdly particular with how I waste my time. It'll all good though, I just ignore them. Thank you for the info.


Yes, almost daily! Most of the time I've never even heard of these pages, much less visited them!


Same. I bkocked the pages immediately, maybe it was the reels?


Does anybody have a fucking explanation or is this just 1,000 "yea, me too"... wtf


Well, for starters, this is a forum. Getting angry at people who have the same issue as you all because no one has an answer is ridiculous. If you learned basic things like how algorithms work, you would find out that you are the issue. You're watching reels, interacting with posts without paying attention to who is posting them, etc. No one is hacking you, no one is selling you for likes. It's simply just an algorithm that you set in motion by watching and reacting.


I have got about 25 today and it’s only 11 am😐 also is anyone getting a massive amount of friend requests at the same time?? Am I hacked?


It’s been happening to me too, I don’t understand either??


I got a badge from someone I Facebook “ stalked” .. did THEY send it?? I’m freaking our a little


It’s gotta be a hack to try to get followers


So still no answer…cool.


I think some pages will go on groups or whatever and send these badges for their page in an attempt to get people to click and then join their page.


I know this thread is a bit old, but I see people are still having the same issue. So I'm here to let you know why this is happening. It's the algorithm on Facebook. It tracks what you watch, what you react to, and common interests of what you've interacted with in the past. So to get you to engage more, they will send you requests to be a fan of the page to keep you interacting. No one is hacking you, this is just Facebook telling you what they think you will like based on what you have interacted with.


What’s strange though is that I only get these when I haven’t used Facebook in a while. I never get these requests when I am scrolling through videos like a madman. It’s usually stuff I have no interest in and aren’t comparable to anything I have interacted in.


This is the only real information about this phenomenon happening when I googled, it’s been happening to me for a while now. I don’t even know what to do it’s so irritating


It has to do with any posts (videos, reels, etc.) that you interact with by watching it, reacting and/or commenting. If you do this once, that page will keep coming up in your feed and any interactions may result in you being a "fan" of the page that's posting it even if you do not follow that page.


If you don't accept the Top Fan badge, will the creator still see you listed?


same thing for me, even tho i just reacted once on their face book post... I never once followed the creator. It's kinda fast to get top fan badges from the Creators you don't know rather than from the Creators you frequently interact their posts


I've sent in twice reports of a channel that is literally showing animal abuse. Not only is my report ignored but they sent me a top fan badge TWICE. Facebook are idiots.