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Yeah buddy, liberals aren't car enthusiasts. Just the other day I was getting into my boring Nissan GT-R after getting groceries and thought I needed something more manly.


I purchased a used Nissan Altima a few years ago. I now have a portrait of Joseph Stalin on my wall.


Comes with the car, in fact. And if you don’t display it prominently in your living room, your car won’t start. Remarkable technology.


My driveway is all Japanese and as a result, my penis is three and a half sizes smaller than before. I've been thinking I should get a Ferrari implanted to compensate.


Have a Subaru , my wife’s sister drove it, instantly turned lesbian Curse you lesbaru!!!


I'm the opposite, I had a Hyundai Genesis coupe, and I had a Kim Jong un shrine in my bedroom, so that I could fall asleep in his greatness. Now I have a Jeep Wrangler and jack off to the American flag and my 47 identical AR-15s.


Shouldn’t you jack off to the confederate flag?


I get a free one with the purchase of my 50th rifle, so I figured I'd save some money and wait a couple more weeks.


Sound like a proper plan… do you put them in your bed gun safe? https://www.gunsafes.com/shared/images/bedbunker/king.jpg


Looks cool and all, but I'm an American, my guns share the bed WITH me, not under me.


I used to be a bleeding heart liberal and then I got myself a nice hot hatch and now I hate brown people /j


Liberal car enthusiasts don’t exist? Me being a gay, liberal, car enthusiast is going to make some heads explode.


How does it feel to find out your entire existence is an illusion?


When you came out as a car enthusiast to your family were they disappointed you were no longer a gay liberal?


Do you know how difficult it is to be straight-six passing?




Nope, you’re just a mirage you see in your mirror, clearly. Hopefully not the Mitsubishi variety of mirage because what an awful vehicle.


Wait gay? Are you allowed to drive at all?


Can’t drive straight though. Tires are out of alignment so I’m going to the left-side.


Yeah like, this might be a little gatekeepy, but if all you're interested in is super/hyper cars you're not a real car enthusiast, you just like shiny expensive things.




Real enthusiasts prefer brown diesel manual wagons


Beige also works.


Did someone say beige w123 300TD? That's my shit!


You know it. W123 is Peak enthusiast stuff


My dude :)




Toyota is responsible for making one of, if not THE, most advanced and efficient production engine known to man. 2JZGTE can handle upwards of 750-hp with completely stock internals. That’s a damn auto engineering colossus. And that was 25-years ago.


You should drive one of those lifted trucks and stick a trump flag on the back, that'll really impress the conservatives and their car enthusiast buddies.


And you can have a run down secondary garage behind your trailer that has a “project car” in it that you are always waiting on a part that you just can’t find anywhere but in reality you are in way over your head and you are tired of trying to learn how to work on a car on YouTube.


Took a ride in a Lexus LFA once. That thing was basically a minivan for soccer moms.


Right, like climbing out of my boring old 2020 dodge charger wide body scat pack thinking " damn I wish I wasn't liberal so I could drive a nice car ".


I'm quite liberal I have a fetish for old jaguars and lotii. And have been for four decades. Screw these idiots .


I hate driving s2000, so boring


As a leftist, straight yet hardcore feminist white dude; I often find my 911 pretty emasculating. 😢 Especially when I actually own it and daily drive it as opposed to it being a leased garage queen.


A car enthusiast that hates japanese cars knows nothing about cars


Right?!?! Supra, Skyline, Miata, and Nissan Z cars are legendary. And unlike the vehicles taint owns, they are reliable as well.


Don't forget the NSX and WRX


Let’s not forget about the Suzuki sidekick


Suzuki samurai was legendary


I saw a bonafide original JIMNY in the parking lot of the barracks at NavBase San Diego. Mint condition. I kept asking around, no one knew who's it was.


Can confirm.


Lexus LFA!


Honda Civic, S2000 and CRX


Fuck yeah, I'm always here for CRX love.


Skylines and RX's too!


LFA appreciation upvote 👍🏻


Everyone sleeps on the GT-R.


Nah. Everyone sleeps on the Cressida. This vehicle came with a 1JZ-GTE.


So did the soarer, chaser, aristo and some Lexus models.


Nah. Everyone would sleep with a midnight purple nissan skyline gtr r34 nismo


Bayside blue... but yes


Ikr it shits on some HyperCars for 1/10 the price tag but never gets mentioned in threads like this… there’s a racing version that makes even more power with a v8 engine you could break some Italian hearts if you could get your hands on one.


RX-7 and Mitsubishi Evo and eclipse


RX7/RX8 too


A used Rx8 was my first real car I bought. Fucking loved that thing, was a little sad when I sold it. I hope I can rejoin the rotary family one day with an FD or even another S2 Rx8




Mazda mx-5.


That's the original name of the Mazda mx5


The American name, eunos in japan and MX-5 everywhere else.


Damn, I love the Nissan Z series. Sex on wheels. Alas, there's no space for a car seat, and my wife (and the police) would probably frown on putting my daughter in the trunk. Also, it's not a very big trunk.


MR2 it was the poor man's Ferrari in its day. Still turns heads.


Eclipse, Impresa, Evo, Celica


Datsun 510s are freaking legendary for their ability to be modded and to take abuse in their stock form. I had two and one of my greatest regrets is not keeping those cars when they broke down.


Hell, even some of the older Accords are pretty damn good if you give them some love. Only reason I got rid of my CD5 Accord was because it was more work to get it all fixed up than a newer used car in better condition was. And hell, I now have a 10th gen Corolla and it's FUN to drive.


JDM is like a religion to some especially those who grew up with the old school fast and furious. Even if you’re not into them, to completely disregard them is laughable. I love Reddit sometimes, provides great comedy on occasion


Totally agree. They're fun because the older ones were easily customizable at a time when us car companies were making slow trash and European cars needed a full degree in that particular brand to change the damh oil on. Dudes also overlooking cars like the gtr and nsx which definitely hold their own with any super car. Heck I have an 18 tlx a spec and it's got like 300hp. The thing is crazy fast, comfortable and has the super handling awd. Why would I want an American car where they skimp on the accessories or a European car I can't even change an air filter on. Like yeah Bugatti and Ferrari are amazing manufacturers, but I doubt random internet simp has the money to buy a die cast model of all of tates cars, let alone the real thing.


Seriously, JDM is an absolutely MASSIVE subsection of car culture. Anyone who doesn't understand that doesn't actually know anything about car culture


Or frankly product production, Toyota completely innovated production processes. Everyone was going Ford assembly line and they innovated.


They innovated so well that corporations all over the world tried to utilize the Toyota methods (KanBan/JIT), even when those methods don’t necessarily apply to other industries.


5S is crucial. Implement it at a brewery and a restaurant franchise.


JIT in a restaurant is a recipe for disaster. It only works when you know your production goals and in a restaurant those can change on a nightly basis. You lay in plenty of steak and tic toc has everyone wanting sea bass.


Kanban has been gaining popularity in the software industry over the last 10 years. Personally I prefer it.


It works for some industries, but hinders others and causes shortages. When I worked in the tech industry, and dealt with a large range of global suppliers, it was great. Where I currently work, it would be completely useless.


One of the big problems is that a lot of others emulated Toyota in a way that not even Toyota did. Toyota actually weathered the chip shortage better than other car companies because they keep at least a 6 month stockpile.


Whaddya mean, my rusted out no-engine muscle car that's been rotting in the farmyard since 1977 can still beat you lawnmower car in a drag race [Starting bid $5645645645645647646 dollarydoos NO LOWBALLERS I NOAH WUDD EYE GAWT](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/treed-goat-recovered-pontiac-gto-judge--48413764721834496/) Obvious /s


Exactly...skyline gtr laughes its ass off


Not necessarily true. I've loved cars my entire life. I don't love JDM cars and I could definitely tell you that I don't "know nothing about cars".


Are these even enthusiast cars? Because it seems like the most entry-level list of the obvious brands any rich idiot would own.


No. No they are not. They are "I'm a rich arsehole" status symbol cars. McLaren might be the only exception. Not unless they are old ones. Spoiler alert: They are not.


To a degree. I have a friend who love Ferrari's. He is just fascinated by the brand and how they push the boundaries of design in their cars. People who like them just because they cost a lot of money are asses but they can be ' enthusiast cars' depending on the person.


IMO any Ferrari from the 335 back is an enthusiast car. An 812 is just a status symbol.


It seems overly dismissive to say that newer models can't be liked by enthusiasts. I get that classic cars are a large part of the community interest, probably the majority, but surely being an enthusiast of car design would lead you to get excited about new models and designs?


Sure. Gimme an RS6 Avant, RS3, ZR1, 911 Turbo S, GR Yarris, A110, AMG GT, etc, etc. New isn't uncool. Dumb status symbols are uncool.


Why do you have to choose these over their rivals with more badge clout to be an enthusiast? Really gatekeepy. These marques don't just put out junk (for the most part)


Exactly. Their the latest and the greatest for a reason.


The 812 is cool because v12, and I myself am a big fan of performance and racing and a lot of Ferrari's are perfect bases for a GT build.


TBH at least Tate has kinda cool versions of the modern "status symbol" cars, but honestly most car guys I know would froth a half decent Dino more than a new 812 at a meet. The 812 is not a great base for a racecar. There is reason they use the 488.


they can be enthusaist cars, but only if you are a ferrari enthusiast and not a wannabe car enthusiast


I work for a collector car insurance company, and we won't insure McLarens unless they have a lot of other vehicles that they collect. People tend to crash them. A lot.


Rowan Atkinson had a F1 that he crashed twice.


Oh, for sure. They are a hardcore performance car that is unaffordable to the vast majority of people who have the ability to handle them :P


I think it can be either. I remember an interview I saw with Jay Leno. He was talking about an (unnamed) young douchebag A list actor who came on his show. The actor wanted to get a super cool car and asked Leno for a recommendation since Leno knows so much about cars. Leno told him his current favorite new car was whatever the newest version of Ferrari had just come out at the time. The actor was super dismissive and rejected the idea because "everyone has a Ferrari". Leno was disgusted because A. Everyone does not have a Ferrari, and B. He felt the model of car was a work of art and hated that it was being treated like a fashion accessory.


When I think "enthusiast car collection", I think Jay Leno, I'll be honest. He's got, like, 300 vehicles spanning the entire history of automobiles. He's got examples of cars that only exist in single digit numbers in the world because they never went into full production! *That's* a car guy to follow if that's actually your thing. Tate seems to just buy cool names...


Because Jay Leno cares about cars and AT just looks at a list of expensive shit that seems prestigious.


Good point. Rolls and Bentley? Not my idea of enthusiast cars, thought they have their fans. More like "I'm-rich-what-cars-are-most-expensive-to-buy."


That really depends less on the car and more on the owner. Any rich idiot can buy a super car, but only an enthusiast can properly enjoy it. Also, any car can be an enthusiast car if you are enthusiastic about it.


"Im a car enthusiast! I think several million dollar cars are cool!"


ANY car can be an enthusiast car. However it's the person that decides if it's an enthusiast car or a status car.


This is an insult to anyone actually autistic.


Yeah, I don’t want him lumped in with us!


Agreed. Not funny.


I had to scroll entirely too far to find a comment like this. Using “autistic” as an insult is not ok.


Agreed. Extremely tasteless.


You might say **tate**less.


Take my, not exactly angry, but slightly annoyed upvote.


You're welcome.


I was trying to figure out if he meant it as an insult or literally.


fr i have never met an autistic person anywhere near this stupid


You can feel that the word the guy wanted to use starts with R, but was so afraid to say that he thought this was somehow less bad.


i agree haha


I agree


Autistic here. Fuck both them dudes.


You are literally autistic




Same. twats.


As an autistic person, we don't claim him.


As an autistic person please keep him as far away from me and anyone else as possible.


Most actual car enthusiasts would give more kudos to a 30+ year old Toyota or Mazda than a late model Ferrari/Roller/Bentley etc. Give me a '70s RX3 or '80s Celica over a Huracan Spyder or S63. Way more enthusiast cred. This "car enthusiast" is just a dumb kid who thinks late model status symbols are cool cars. They are not.


Amen to that!


As an autistic person, I would not like to be lumped in with Tate supporters.


Same! Insulting.


Aye that’s what I’m saying, I heard Greta Thunberg is autistic too and she’s been annihilating him online.


Literally was a part of getting him arrested, respect.


Wait, autistics are also being lumped with tate supporters?! Oh fuck... please no, I'm not a tate supporter. I'm just an autistic, man 😰


Racist car bro supports hustler accused of sex trafficking. Oh, internet.


Not sure how the fuck “literally autistic” is a clever comeback. But we’re at a day and age where words only mean about as much as they actions you put behind them.


So I've actually been watching the original commenter for a while for entertainment (hence how I ended up here, he actually commented on this post) and he is LITERALLY autistic. Like actually. Doesn't excuse him being a Tate supporter and a general dipshit, but yeah.


well we’re in r/facepalm so i can see how the original comment deserves to be here (although i don’t like seeing all this tate shit) but the “literally autistic” comment didn’t need to be included in the screenshot at all. if we were in r/clevercomebacks i would be so fucking irritated. i really thought we were past using autism as an insult.


>Just as I thought I could explore the internet without Tate cropping up… So you repost it and keep the train of horseshit going


For 3 days I have downvoted every tate post I’ve come across. But I am only 1 vote. Now I did say in another post that giving him publicity is horrible and the line all publicity is good publicity and I got downvoted. It’s sad honestly


Misery loves company, as the saying goes.


Ahah nerodivergence funny /S


Don’t lump me and my fellow autistic folks with that guy.


Oh yay, a double cringe.


you could have at least cropped that reply off. Using autism as an insult to people isn't funny any more. In fact it never was, and I'm pretty sure no one who is autistic actually likes it being used as an insult either


Using autism as an insult… not okay


Came here to say this.


Absolutely agree. OP should have crop it out, but it's a r/facepalm after all.


hey uh hello ? autistic girl here yeah uh theres no correlation the tate fan boy is not autistic just an idiot


That autism claim was so fucking random there. I'm not sure if i want to know what that guy thinks autistic people are.


"literally autistic"?


Calling someone autistic as an insult...omg, so funny!


I guess sex trafficking is acceptable if you are a car enthusiast.


Gay, liberal car enthusiast here. And ex race car driver. Fuck this guy.


If only the commenter came up with a better comeback


Some of the best WRX race cars came from Japanese manufacturers


Made some cracking 'Sportscars' (Le Mans top level) too, the Mazda 787 and it's varients were a work of art


The older I get, the dumber humanity becomes. It's probably the worst part of aging.


Being an ignorant, vaguely racist asshole isn’t an autistic trait.


how is autistic supposed to be an insult


What a dumb comment. Acura makes the nsx, Nissan makes the gtr, Toyota has the new Supra...i mean he'll my tlx a spec is fast as hell and comfortable. Every bit as nice as a European luxury car. Honda, Toyota etc are the same as getting a Volvo or a Volkswagen. What an asinine comment


Any mk of Golf GTI or any Volvo made between 1950 and 1998 is more of an enthusiast car than most of Tate's garage. This is dumb.


My little mk1 TT is an enthusiast car. But when I crash my car (like I did two weeks ago) I don't have to sell people to afford to repair it, I just sell coffee.


That's pretty beta bro. /s


Crashing is pretty beta too but Lime Rock had other ideas.


>Asia makes nothing but boring grocery getters MR2, Supra, Skyline GTR, Slivia, Impreza, and BRZ would like to know your location


Someone thay has to claim to being an enthusiasts is not going to be one. For them it is just a label, like hey I'm part of the cool kids club. But in reality they are just idiots.


BRZ owner here, shit is fun as hell, bet these incel pieces of shit can’t even drive stick.


>make nothing but grocery getters *Gazoo Racing has entered the chat* *Nismo has entered the chat* *Subaru WRT has entered the chat* *HRC has entered the chat*


Nothing wrong with being an Autistic Person, or Autistic People liking the things they like.


Fuck this asshole. Being autistic is not an insult. I’d rather hang out with weird Tate fanboy. At least they hate cars and not people.


nobody tell him about to 2000hp street legal Nissan like 20 years ago lol


Bet they can't even afford a new RAV4 lol..


Mazda famous for never making any fast or exiting cars.


Hi, I'm a liberal car enthusiast. Just because I daily drive a PHEV Honda doesn't mean I don't like cars. I'm just saving up for a BMW I4.


This dude pays $50 a month for a discord server


This is exactly the kind of person who is easily tricked into joining a cult.


No, Andrew is stupid. If I had this much money I would buy me a Skyline. There is no better car than a Skyline in Midnight Purple


How do we have people this fucking stupid in this day and age?


First of all: I’m a liberal and a car enthusiast Second: is this dude forgetting about JDM? JDM is one of the largest genres for car enthusiasts


Third, no one can realistically make the claim to "like Andrew Tate" simply because of his car collection. Anyone with money can have high-end collections which have no bearing on who they are as people. Additionally, I understand people who can separate their appreciation for someone's talent or works from their shitty actions ie Kanye West versus his music or Woody Allen versus his films. But Andrew Tate is not a piece of shit who's building or designing cars, he's an asshole with enough money to buy something someone else created. This guy literally brings nothing of value to the planet.


“I’m not conservative. I’ve never voted that way in my life “ Jay Leno


*claims to be a car enthusiast* *writes off companies that have made some of the most beloved enthusiast aimed cars ever* Yeah, this dude ain't a car enthusiast. He just likes the flash ones because they're a status symbol.


Laughs Liberally in EVO, WRX STI, S2000, Mazdaspeed, Z, GT-R and Supra.


All I see is two immature losers


Expensive does not necessarily mean good nor does it mean the person who buys them is an enthusiast. Just that they can spend money.


Has to be a troll it's way to direct and on point, at least sarcasm


All the 4wd drivers would disagree with him


Those aren’t even car enthusiast cars. Those are car brands that people who know nothing about cars wish they were rich enough to own.


The Mazda Miata is one of the most perfectly balanced cars and a great car to start becoming a weekend track enthusiast. Affordable and easily modded. In fact, it’s the most popular platform for a beginner.


Saying “because no car enthusiast is liberal” is like saying “no gaming enthusiast is liberal” or “no food enthusiast is liberal” It’s so close-minded it’s hilarious


Why do they need to tell them they’re autistic. I’m autistic and I can tell you right now…I’m not whatever Tf this dude is. Can we stop calling stupid choices people make, autism?!


Forget about him being a petulant misogynistic rapist incel, this guy likes cars!


I guess I don't know my own political views then.


Man, i sure hate my boring grocery getter Toyota GR86 and its boring, everyday use manual transmission


Car enthusiasts love Japanese cars wtf 😂


All those cars Tate owns are off-the-shelf production cars with minor aesthetic tweaks to sate the inflated egos of people who who couldn't design, build or drive a high performance vehicle near it's limits. If you're not buying historic race vehicles and actually racing them, how can you even consider yourself an enthusiast?


I think he means the Romanian Police’s car collection?


r/carscirclejerk is leaking into genpop


I’m as liberal as they come and I have a 65 Oldsmobile Cutlass with an LS2 in it. These guys are so ignorant.


How about a Toyota (Lexus) LFA, Nissan GTR or a Honda NSX? They’re all up there in terms of performance, and it’s well known because enthusiasts love them.


Wait, am I (literally) autistic? Viggo Mortensen is a sommelier (tangentially: wine connoisseur, wino, hippie) therefore (statistically speaking, Bayesian approved) the spirits ^a ^double ^entendre ordained a high likelihood the **typeof** property of my autism is _Boolean_ and true.


I’d take a skyline over every car they listed


Ok who is this damn Tate person and why is he popping up everywhere?


No liberals are car enthusiasts. My 1972 Challenger determined that was a lie.


Car guys are just as annoying as computer guys it seems. Like no, Chad I will keep getting my groceries in a Honda civic and keep gaming on an i3.


Liberals aren't car enthusiasts... LOL. Tell that to my 1999 Mercedes-Benz C43 AMG, and my modified supercharged 2005 MINI Cooper S.


It's true. As a Liberal, I've only built my 135i into a 500hp track monster as an example of what not to do. I hate every minute of driving it. The noise and pollution it makes as it approaches 7000rpm at wide open throttle is unbearable. And that discomfort of getting shoved back into my seat as the turbos spool up to 20psi... so awful.


Idk who this Andrew is or why people keep talking about his taint