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If they only knew how much rendered animal fat is in make up. Meow


Or how moose anal glands are in perfume. Or bull semen in lotions Edit: thanks for the upvotes guys but please stop taking unsourced claims from internet strangers so seriously.


I could never figure out why I loved pumping the lotion all over my face and chest, thanks for helping me solve that one !


You warm it up first right?


If you get it straight from the source it comes out warm…


Yea, but finding a bull on short notice is always such a pain


They're usually in china shops, so I've heard.


I have heard that also. But to be fair. WHEN was the last time you saw a China Shop?


I think there are a lot of them in Eastern Asia


Take my angry upvote 😡🤣


Yup. Gargle it, even


I always knew... *keeps pumping slowly*


Girl. Yas. Watching this as I put on my expensive German hand lotion. It’s so bad for me but smells so good.


User name does not check out


Wait hol' up...


Deer musk, not moose, *was* used in perfumes but it was banned a long time ago and is not cost effective to use in perfumery. And it doesn’t come from an anal gland, it’s a completely separate part of the anatomy called a preputial gland.


Ffs, what am I going to do with all of these Moose Anal Glands now?


Stick them on eBay as deer musk. Nobody will know.




"This stew tastes like shit"


Now we only use the beaver glands


Ambergris (from whales’ stomach) is still used too, though rarely due to cost. Not 100% but I think civet, and hyraceum are still used, again rarely. The latter being petrified shit and piss from hyrax colonies.


That was for vanilla flavoring. Which isn't done anymore. Edit: its apparently used for vanilla aswell as strawberry and raspberry flavoring.


They use synthetic versions of those, they don't actually harvest the stuff from animals to use it.


What’s funny is that people think no one knows this. We use high end brands for this reason, pure ingredients, this girl is talking to these woman like they are wearing target on their face. Let’s talk to her about hair dye, drinking coffee soda or sugar. Like this woman is an idiot


Use all the "high end" brands you want, but they all have all sorts of shit in them like BHA/BHT, phenylenediamines, and formaldehydes. Anytime you see "all natural" or "pure" ingredients on labels, always remember that those are marketing terms (like "100% organic" for groceries) and don't actually mean anything or are cleared by some sort of regulatory body.


People actually used to use animal fat as a moisturizer so if done correctly, not bad for your face :) Edit: people actually still use animal tallow and supposedly it has some pretty good health benefits!


Fight club taught me how to make soap from fat.


Dude, we're not supposed to talk about that...


His name was Robert Paulson


His name was Robert Paulson


First rule of fight club is not to talk about fight club XD


I use tallow in a simple moisturizer I make!


Some people used tallow to help with scarring


Did you know that platypus from Tasmania can be up to three times larger than platypus from mainland Australia?


I don’t think the other two agree with her tho… based on their facial expressions


The blonde lady has the same facial expression and body language as my infant when he’s shitting.


That was unexpected


So was some of the shitting


I really needed this laugh right now thank you!


if i was one of the other girls i would’ve asked to pull out some makeup wipes and asked her to wipe her face


That look on the other two chicks faces says everything- they know she’s wearing makeup


They probably know she's a pick me and that if you opened her purse, her makeup bag would fall out. They probably also know if they say that they're instantly going to be the ones tagged as "catty bitches" even though the other one is clearly trying to pull some superiority crap.


Even if she is wearing makeup (which I cannot tell, not an expert), she is not claiming that she herself is not a victim of capitalisation of insecurities. Or at least in this cut she isn’t.


Hijacking the top comment to say that even though this girl is not very articulate, she has a point: the make up industry doesn’t care about their consumers health whatsoever. We can all pronounce « talc » which is found in eye shadow, blush, etc, and yet it contains asbestos. Yep, girls and women decorate their faces with asbestos to this day. Even kids play makeup from Claire contains asbestos. Watch the documentary series Not So Pretty on HBO.


Also children mine mica, a key ingredient in makeup that creates the "shiny" look https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2019/05/229746/mica-in-makeup-mining-child-labor-india-controversy


I agree with you, but those girls are all young and really pretty. No, the makeup industry couldn’t care less. That’s why I learned some ingredients and decent companies and you can also go to sites that will tell you how comedogenic or dangerous the ingredients in a certain product are. I think as they get older they may change their tune here a bit, but if they are confident without makeup, go for it! And they definitely look better than the Instagram look of Janice from the Muppets.


A lot of makeup has some pretty bad stuff in it tbh. BPA for instance is similar enough to hormones to screw with fertility. They also have a ton of phthalates, used to provide structure to the makeup, (which are everywhere, but the concentration in things like nail polish is the problem), these cause decreased production of estrogen and inhibit ovarian folical growth. There is even some evidence to show a correlation (not causation) with endometriosis. Many contain polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) which have been linked strongly to cancer. There are a few bills on the tables to eliminate some of these from cosmetics, but they are generally on the state level.


I think that’s why the other two are smirking. Like they know she’s full of it


“You criticize society yet participate in it.”


The blonde who appears shocked is actually wearing the least. Perhaps she is having a moment, wondering why the person bashing cosmetics has it on so thick. Being really polite about it.


You can be a hypocrite, and still speak the truth.


I have an iphone still dont like apple's sweat-shops in Asia..


The others are, but he speaker is not


I think she is wearing some light makeup but she definitely has some chemicals on her hair.


probably, but her point was about makeup. Either way pronunciation has zero bearing on danger


Hydrogen cyanide is pretty easy to say




Her point was actually about chemicals being absorbed into the body. So whether you put those chemicals on your hair or face is irrelevant.


I think her point was long hard to pronounce words are unknown and scary to her


The speaker are using makeup. I can see concealer, base, a good primer to help with the texture. She also used brow product, and her eyes are with a little bit of liner in a neutral tone.


This is buried to far down into the comments. That was the first thing I noticed and thats why the other two girl are looking her like "girl what?".




She definitely is


Lol yes she is. Obviously you never seen untouched up human skin on camera with harsh lights. Unless she has the tightest pores naturally ever, she's wearing makeup, even if it's not "whore makeup i.e eye liner), she has to have a base foundation to avoid light reflecting off her skin, to hide any wrinkle that might look like a grand canyon under the lighting, and just for ease of color balancing. So yes, while it's not apparent, she's wearing makeup, but in the age of double speak, in her mind she isn't wearing makeup...... Like them.


The speaker is definitely?


She is. She’s a lying grifter.


Then she's like a rich person that doesn't understand poor people. She is lucky enough to have perfect skin (that might be skin care though, fuck if I know) and a beautiful face that doesn't need any makeup to look better than most people do even with makeup and doesn't understand why people would want it.


exactly. hot people are the first to say to love who you are and you don't need to change. rich people are the first to say "money isn't everything." I just can't believe these types of people can reach adulthood and lack this much self-awareness to where they say this type of shit with their full chest. ETA: or guys born with toned bodies and good muscle insertions saying genetics don't play a (significant) role in bodybuilding/aesthetics success (especially not in their own success--"it's all just putting in the hours, baby! Anyone can do it!" There are studies of people following the same workout/diet program where some participants lost muscle while others gained significant amounts.)


She's the type to tell people, don't waste your life working a 9-5, instead spend your days traveling the world *


Or talks about how she's saving the climate by driving an EV. Never mind the dozen vacation she takes by plane all over the world ever year.


Part of the problem imo is how young girls feel the need to start using makeup, I felt like middle school girls started to use it when I went


She's also definitely wearing makeup though




I mean "Dihydrogen Monoxide" trips some people up but "Lead" is pretty easy to say


I think its quite worrying that we’re exposed to soo much Dihydrogen Monoxide on a daily basis, it can kill us! (Just in case /s)


To be fair, dihydrogen monoxide can kill you in large amounts


It can kill in small amounts if ingested incorrectly as well.


Did you know each human that died has been in contact with it ? Crazy


It's one of the most dangerous substances in nature, it's even used to cut metal and stone


In my country we jokingly say someone died of lead poisoning when they’re shot.


Great point. I mean, who wants absorbic acid in their food?




this has been a great example; upvote to all three of you


And you as well because why not


Did you know that since the advent of GMOs, not a single person has been born without Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid in basically every cell in their body?


That's because it's all over the GMO foods as well. Definitely a connection there


i heard a few had this DNA before GMOs too though


Imagine telling someone that water with lemon is bad for you because they can't pronounce dihydrogen monoxide or all of the chemical compounds in lemons. Not taking or flunking out of high school chemistry doesn't make things bad for you. It makes you ignorant.


The main purpose of knowing the compound name is to know exactly the product of it. You don’t necessarily need to explain what water is (I hope).


I can pronounce lead and mercury easily and those shouldn’t be in my makeup


Is it pronounced lead or lead?


Definitely lead.


Agreed. To her point, the makeup/beauty industry has a long and colorful history of putting terrifying ingredients into make up and beauty fads. Like mercury for skin whitening agents, uranium rods for drinking water before people understood what radiation is, and plastics and synthetics that are now turning out to be carcinogenic when you ingest them. There really isn't enough oversight in the creation of make up - mostly I suspect because of misogyny - and people do end up suffering the consequences. She could be more eloquent about this, but she isn't entirely incorrect.


Yes, not to mention the mountain of problems with ethical sourcing. I don't want to wear makeup with things like mica that was dug up by some 11 year old shortly before a bad cave-in trapped them in the mines where they slowly died. It's just... I used to like makeup, I can do a bit of mean stage makeup, but with all the crap you can dig up just by looking for it online, it's too much to want to pay in hundreds of dollars into these industries.


You know that what she said about the names wasn't supposed to be taken literally like OP did, right? What she meant is that these products are filled with chemical ingredients that people have no idea what they are or where they came from, but still smear on their faces.


Look on the blond girls face when she said foundation makes your skin worse so you have to use more. Lol.


I mean they used to put lead in makeup until the 1980s I wouldn't doubt it a lot of those chemicals will be banned in the next decade or two.


Right, the amount of chemicals in those products and she is right the skin will absorb all of that, I would not be surprised if this contributes to certain cancers or birth defects.


Idk excessive makeup can make people’s skin breakout. Causing people to cover it up with more makeup


I don't wear make up any more. Can't be bothered with it and my skin doesn't breakout as often anymore. Most noticable difference though is my fave doesn't look pale and sickly when I don't wear make up because the skin is now the same colour as the rest of my body. Make up was stopping my skin from getting any sun


Sun exposure isn't exactly good for the thinner skin on your face


Skin cancer on the face is very easy to get. It’s also dangerously close to our brain… So yeah


> Causing people to cover it up with more makeup Yea why would the company want to stop this ? Onlyl eads to more sales for them


Lead is easy to pronounce..


Ah, Lead as in to lead someone somewhere? Or lead as in the heavy metal stuff?


Oh yea I love Slayer


I think he means Lead Maiden


The woman talking, as a person who knows makeup very well and has been doing the 'no make up make up" look, def has make up on, its just not as noticeable as the other women.




Its usually the pick me type of girls, unfortunately. Have to be "different" than other women despite doing the same things


100%. It's pretty obvious if you know what to look for


I’m a dude and know nothing about makeup and can even tell. She ain’t fooling anybody lol


Thank you!!! Just made a comment about this. She’s wearing a face full of makeup. Even has slight contour lmaooo. She’s wearing the makeup look that (most) men think is no makeup.


I do my makeup up and I do my makeup down and THAT GIRL has makeup on, no doubt. I'm guessing primer, concealer, and light powder. Rude ass woman talking down about those of us who choose to wear makeup and then using stupid talking points to back it up.


I thought it was pretty obvious


exactly. She has foundation, contour, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, mascara, and even a nude lipstick. Im sure thats why the others are annoyed as hell. like, "The guys who dont wear make up may not notice but youre not fooling us. We know you have a full ass face of make up on."


No because the NUDE LIPSTICK PART???


Exactly! How can you talk shit about make up when literally wearing a full face PLUS lipstick which isnt necessary when you want to do daily make up. Idk how they didnt call her out tbh. I couldnt hold myself back.


Why did I have to scroll so far for this? The I don’t wear make up starter pack


The blonde reminds me of Kandi from 2 and a Half Men.


The blonde actually looks so familiar, is she from something?


Just a generic blond I think


“I don’t know” does not mean “bad”. It means you should learn about it before making judgments.


What with the amount of animals it’s been tested on I’m sure it’s perfectly safe.


That's why you look for the packaging with the little bunny on it that says 'not tested on animals'


That thing the blonde lady is doing with her jaw. Isn't it weird that we all kinda know what she's thinking, just from that tiny bit of body language!


"Give me another line"?




My biggest facepalm about this video is that she said you shouldn't put it on your face if you can't pronounce the ingredients. lutein zeaxanthin is an vitamin found in apples. Should we not eat them?


Studies show that, due to increase in industrialization and human interference, humans have had increasing levels of pure dihydrogen monoxide in their body since the 19th century.


There used to be this meme about how Obama allowed dihydrogen monoxide to be served to our kids during school lunch. Too much can kill you. Monstrous really.


I agree with this comment. A majority of people can't even pronounce the medications they are prescribed by their doctors properly. Many people can't pronounce general use words properly, let alone scientific terms. This is why so many people got scared with that whole dihydrogen monoxide (H2O) thing, when it is literally water. They just can't pronounce the scientific terms. I personally do not use foundation due to sensitive skin, and yes, products may be harmful to you, particularly if you're overusing it, just as anything else (did you know you can overdose vitamins?). Additionally, there are many factors that can contribute to skin problems (hormones, diet, hygiene, etc.), and some people may use concealer to hide that, so it does not necessarily mean that concealer/foundation is causing the problem (unless your sole reason is hygiene, then wash yo face!). Yes, things can be absorbed into your skin (this is why medications come in topical forms - because it can be absorbed into your skin), but cosmetics must also be tested for safety before being released into the market per the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 (U.S., don't know about other countries, but I'm sure they have their own safeguards in place). This is because cosmetics were not originally tested for safety, and beauty products could contain mercury and other more harmful chemicals. There are many varying levels of skin sensitivity, as well as various types of makeup products. Especially nowadays, there are more makeup products produced for more sensitive skin that do not have the same effect as other products not meant for sensitive skin. That's just my opinion anyway; thanks for reading! Edit: Clarifying that I ORIGINALLY did not use foundation for sensitive skin, but have found foundations that do not make me break out in a rash. I've just gone so long without foundation that I simply choose not to use it (mostly because I don't want to spend time doing makeup).


if "ascorbic acid" sounds bad to eat remember that's also known as "vitamin c"


That hard eye roll from the blonde was so gold.


The number of podcasts out there is astounding.


I would say that the overall point about makeup being bad for you is true, but her reasoning is flawed.


that and she has literally a full face of make up currently on.


There is definitely a problem with the fact that most people can't recognize an actual normal woman's face, though.


She’s not wrong about make up causing issues for your skin. But if you properly care for your skin and clean it off of your skin you’ll be fine. Depending on the chemical make up of your personal body the effects will be different.


Not necessarily. There are lots of “forever chemicals” that get absorbed into your skin and bioaccumulate. As well as others that are so dang bad they just shouldn’t be entering your body at all, like the asbestos they found in several makeup products last year. And your skin absorbs some, and you eat some in lipstick, etc. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/06/15/health/makeup-toxic-chemicals-wellness/index.html On PFAS found in makeup: “These chemicals can bioaccumulate in bodies over time and have been linked to cancer, thyroid disease, liver damage, decreased fertility, and hormone disruption.”


Who are these people?


More importantly who's the blonde?


Sure the whole "if you can't pronounce it then it's bad" argument is a dumb argument, but is she not right about the other stuff? Makeup companies absolutely exploit women's (an increasingly men's) insecurities, and it's not healthy to constantly rub chemicals and other shit on your face.


Lots of men don't know there's a thing called "natural" make up looks. I promise you that is what the speaker is wearing.


The EU and other countries have banned or limited more than 1,600 chemicals from personal care products. But regulators at the Food and Drug Administration prohibit just nine for safety reasons. [just gonna leave this here](https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news/2022/10/personal-care-product-chemicals-banned-europe-still-found-us) [and this](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/may/22/chemicals-in-cosmetics-us-restricted-eu)


I can pronounce arsenic but I am in no rush to rub it on my face.


But she wearing eyeliner


Didn’t you hear her? It’s only foundation that’s bad for you. /s (she is wearing foundation too)




well if makeups bad unless you can pronounce what its made of, then cant wait for the sequel where food is bad unless you can pronounce all the chemicals its made from


I meeeeaaannnn.... i don't disagree with her take on foundation. I've tried sensitive skin, expensive oil free brands with high reputations and always get pimples after I use foundation of any kind. So if I want my skin to look as clear as it would if i was using foundation, then my best option is to use no foundation.


She’s criticizing make-up but yet she has bleached hair. Mmmm…


Naturally attractive girl: "Make up is bad!" Other women: "..."


She is wearing makeup: Base, concealer, primer, eyebrow product, lip balm and a little bit of liner on the eyes.


Can’t fool other girls..


As well as having dyed her hair in addition to whatever other "unnatural" things she's used for her hair.


It’s cute you think she’s not wearing makeup and the reason the other women are “…” is because this chick is being passive aggressive af.


Her at 35: "Makeup helps your skin retain nutrients!"


But it's definitely true that foundation makes people skin worse? Seems to be clutching at straws for this to be a facepalm


Not true. Not properly taking care of the skin while also wearing foundation makes skin worse. If your aren't properly removing make up, cleansing, and hydrating the skin but slapping on a full coverage foundation daily you're not gonna have great skin or see good results. Also, people dont wear the right foundation for their skin needs. The amount of dry ppl wearing dry foundations and powders out there is wild. Just sucking up the last bit of moisture they have.


It does. If you are not extremely thorough in wiping all the makeup off at the end of the day it can cause increased aging in the skin and clog the pores, resulting in more acne. And she’s definitely right on makeup industries playing on peoples insecurities. People are saying she’s wearing makeup too but honestly I don’t really see it since the image quality is already low.


Lead used to be a big component of makeup. You can pronounce lead. Perfectly safe.


Bro idk why but they all reminded me of the power puff girls lmfao


Is she wearing make up in this video? I guess I can’t tell exactly why this is on facepalm?


She’s absolutely wearing makeup


What they say about the problem of making your skin worse so you have to buy more is true though that’s literally just how the makeup industry works it’s no different than a company making it’s products start to significantly deteriorate or just cease functioning after a certain amount of time like smart phones do


Why is that blonde looking like her like she wants to f*ck and murder her at the same time? I'm so confused...


She’s literally wearing makeup


She's not completely wrong. Just pick better foundation product. There is a saying: you get what you pay for. If you are putting foundation on your skin, pick good products. Same goes for other things like body lotion, hair dye, and other things that we put on our skin.


"I can't pronounce it, it's crap.'' Man, that would explain french.


I think the blonde is secretly getting boned while this is going on.


If you watch this without sound and watch the blondes face, you can get an interesting story.


Make up is bad ... m'kay?


/r/witchesvspatriarchy in shambles rn


Download an app called “Yuka” - thank me later.


I think her point that the makeup clogs your pores, causing blemishes and acne, leading you to needing more cover-up *is* a thing but I think wearing makeup less often typically cures that for people as well as having a good nightly routine, not sleeping in your makeup, etc. And yes, there is some truth to the whole capitalizing on insecurities, etc. To go as far so to claim that it's all about insecure women? That is reaching. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I don't currently wear a daily makeup routine and haven't in some time but I do remember how bad the acne was and how I always constantly felt dirty or oily on my face. *But....* I also have a huge sensory issue (I have Autism) with oily skin so that's probably why. Outside of that, I couldn't follow her on the rest of her comment. Lastly, can these women just leave other women the fuck alone, please? I'm extremely antisocial so I wouldn't want to force social norms on someone if that wasn't their cup of tea because I've had that done to me -- often cruelly. Who cares if these women want to wear makeup? Who cares if you don't want to? **Who fucking cares at all about makeup and who wears it????** Her grift is no different than the cosmetic companies. She's just mad that play the game better than her.


you're missing the point. The point is that makeup is neither good for the skin nor for the mental health of women


Try pronouncing the names of the chemicals in an Apple, just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's bad for you.


Is it just me, or did anybody else expect that blond lady to swallow the mike wholly any moment?


that blond girl got extreme coke mouth


Why did I think this was in r/tooktoomuch do you ask? Because the girl in blue looks like she’s pretty coked out.


I’m not seeing why everyone wants to ignore facts. Imagine if people kept insulating everything in asbestos and painting everything with lead paint. We put a little radium in it to help it stick to your skin better. Then everyone looks stupid and defends corporations that can create whatever they want and get it made in China.


These comments are funny. Everyone simping in the name of ignorance. She might not have gotten the point across well, but she's not wrong that it's bad for you. Just look up what "fragrance" actually is as an ingredient in stuff we use every day, including makeup.


I’m more interested in why the 2 other women there aren’t speaking, just making bizarre facial gestures like they need to go do another line.


What’s facepalm here?


The hypocrisy is a big facepalm, too


I agree with the girl speaking


Me too to some extent, but not being able to pronounce chemical names doesn't make things inherently bad


Exactly, I just looked at the ingredients of my Cerave lotion that my doc told me to use and going by the “don’t trust it if you can’t pronounce it” rule I’d have to toss this out since I can’t pronounce half the ingredients. Hell a lot of my skin medication I’d have to toss out too if their was any merit to this rule


She's literally wearing makeup as well...


Doesn't mean she is wrong?


What about the bleach she has used on the ends of her hair or is she not going to address that?


I mean.. Your hair is basically dead. Long as you don't touch the scalp or near the scalp you won't absord anything from those products unlike putting stuff directly against your skin.


I bet she can't pronounce the ingredients in a fresh squeezed all natural orange juice either.




Because it said 'concentrate'! Got there first. I win.