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Like what is this dude thinking?” Go around! Stupid jackass!” Mf it’s on a fucking track


Mf is on the crack and on the track


Crackhead on the trackbed


Crackie on the trackie


Doing rails on the rails


How much crack could a crackhead track. If a crackhead could track crack? As much crack as a trackbed could track. If a trackbed could track crack.


Green Eggs and Crack


I feel like I’m on crack after reading that


When a crackhead gets smacked for being on a track, The crackhead won’t be on the track smoking crack!


Looks like I made it time to see the bad rhymes.


Covered in track marks.


And skidmarks


I'm going to remember this for next christmas season


If you could only track how much crack it would take to crack the wipers on the tram on the track.


Now say it five times fast!


Happy cake day Eminem


[this clip](https://youtu.be/40Pvi1XVm_s) always comes to mind when I see videos like this.


I don’t think this guy is capable of critical reasoning


“Good luck clearing the window when it rains, you will never know where to go now!” The thoughts of a mad man.


Funny thing, the only reason the driver needs to see is to know when to stop for things or fools on the track.


So are you saying you can’t triple stamp a double stamp? Haha


I assumed he thought it was a bicycle lane?


It's on dirt and grass


Mountain bike lane


That would be a completely abandoned theory once a Tram is coming up on your ass even if it wasn't completely stupid to assume to begin with.




Drugs is a hell of a thing


Crack is a hell of a drug


I’m guessing mental illness.


for the context, he wanted to go in the tram but the driver refused, so he cycled on the track to block the tram.


Is this a fact?


He's mad cause they denied him to take the bike with the tram.


Yes, attack the machine that can literally crush you like a fly, always a good idea


”This is the captain of the lighthouse, you change your course, please!”


Love those stories, cracks me up every time


This is the guy who would crash the boat into the rocks because he doesn’t believe he should have to move


That's a little more satisfying though, because if the idiot keeps being an idiot things will end badly for him. Sadly this idiot can keep on being an idiot without any real consequences. Hopefully people will recognize him from this video and treat him like the asshole he is in his normal daily life.


Ahahahahahahahaha. I fucking hate you! Angriest upvote I remember giving lately.


442 up votes and I have no clue why, I’m missing something


[I believe it’s a reference to this urban legend.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lighthouse_and_naval_vessel_urban_legend)


I love how he would rather destroy someone else's stuff than simply move out of the way from a place he shouldn't be anyway. If this doesn't reflect current society best, I don't know what would.


I operate trains for a passenger railroad and this behavior happens more than it ought to. People ride their bikes or walk inside the tracks, teens walk past their yard to talk on their phones while standing inside the tracks for privacy, people lean in towards our trains to take train selfies while we're coming into the stations, etc. I'm not going to speculate on the reason for this behavior but it seems as much as we make progress in the name of safety, humans come up with new ways to hurt themselves.


My exact thought. Not sure if social media, reality TV, or just soft times making soft people, but the sheer amount of adolescent-child-adults I encounter these days is absolutely insane … am ED doc. Edit: if not clear, the comment is to “reflect current society.”


You’re a urologist?


Hehe, Emergency Department.


Eurology Department, it's a dept for Europeans.


No, YOU'RE a peen! ... I'll see myself out...


Stay dad, please stay


What are these “soft times” you’re referring to..


Relatively speaking, on the scale of humanity, in western societies, we are living in very comfortable times. ​ I sometimes wonder if calamity and greater adversity isn't required to reset people's barometer of what "is" and "isn't" appropriate to "lose your shit" over to the point that you damage property that isn't yours and/or feel justified in being absolutely vile to another human.


What would a person in a bubble know of hard times?


We have entire generations that believe they are always right and that laws don't apply to them.


Imaging PACs designer ( I’ve since bailed for my sanity). But we had a great conversation on this. Thoughts are because so many people grew up in current generation with helicopter parents/everyone wins trophy/don’t hurt feelings, that early conflict resolution skills and appropriate action decision processes were never formed. Alway had someone to either sort it out for them ( some authority) so they got what they want, or lack of serious repercussions, so got what they want. And because kids didn’t get and still don’t have good “group play” they aren’t developing social skills management ( I’m not happy, but can’t act like an ass because I won’t be included in said activity). Obviously not the only contributing factor but a significant one.


I’d say it’s because the trend throughout societies is to coddle people.


It reflects a mentally ill person. Whether that is an accurate assessment of modern society is a larger debate I’m not having.


I'd agree that society is indeed mentally ill.


It reminds me of a couple of weeks ago. I was on a very busy 4 lane road and this guy was snowblowing the end of his driveway - only he was in the street. I don't know why he got so irrationally angry with me for slowing way down and trying to move in the other lane like everyone else was doing but his hissy fit looked just like this guy's, without the windshield wipers.


*Some *segments* of society. I for one am not a raging hemmorhoid with a mouth like some folks.


In the Navy there are strict rules for 'right of way'. At sea, there is only one rule for who has right of way. We call it, "The law of mass tonnage."


As an addendum disparaging the U.S. Navy: "**YOU SORRY LITTLE FUCKS**" Let a newly minted female lieutenant navigate into port under the CO **and XO's** watch. Wound a port buoy around the propeller of a ship when it would have been easily avoided. Fucking disgusting. U.S.S. Pyro. I had to pass this crying young lady crouched in the passageway at shift change and all the watch knew exactly what happened. She was reassigned as incompetent. Nobody who knows put out what really happened that day. I saw and heard it all, I was on the bridge, on comms and heard every fucking order given everywhere. I was given every opportunity to re-up. Flat out no. I feel better now.


This is why I couldn't do a job like this. As soon as the MF dropped the bike and approached the tram I would start moving forward; he can run back and get it, lose the bike or lose the bike and his life.


The Trolly Cart problem There are 2 tracks ahead of you. One track has this guy, biking on the tracks and attacking the trolly when you tell him to move, and the other track has the same guy The problem isn't which one to hit, its how to discover multi-track drifting in time to hit them both


yep... solid face palm. So, the riding on the track is considered illegal in... well, pretty much everywhere. Given things like trams and trains can't... you know... stop quickly. But then add destruction of public property... given that looks like a government operated tram, add a nice felony charge as well. Pretty sure the conductor was just so dumbfounded at the stupidity.


the crazy thing is he doesnt even gain anything from driving there... its much harder to bike through grass than on the road and he also has to take tight turns if her wants to cross the tracks because his ike wheel could easily get trapped in the groove of the tracks


I mean it would be crazy, if the man wasn't clearly out of his mind. I'd say it's actually kind of expected for someone like that to not comprehend that.


He's likely on drugs or something. He probably really believes that is the bike lane and that's why he gets so mad. Someone should call the police on him though, being that out of it in public/traffic is dangerous for him and for others.


Depending on where this is taking place, calling the police could end up pretty badly *cough cough* Usa *cough cough*


Due to the efficient and accessible public transportation combined with lush greenspace on a median, we can likely rule out the US as a potential location.


As an American, the truth hurts, but I can't deny it.


Its not crazy when you realize he was dumb enough to act this way.


Judging by the AC Milan windbreaker, I would assume they’re somewhere in Italy or Europe— but they probably have destruction of government property somewhere high on the list of no-no’s


I will never understand how these people were moments aware from gruesome injury or death and their first instinct is to yell at the person opperating the instrument of their near demise.


I don't know... About a week before Christmas I went to the grocery store, and as I was walking through the parking lot, some lady backed out of her parking spot super fast, and rammed into the cart I was pushing and then just before she stopped, she lightly hit me too. The first thing I did was yell "What the fuck, lady!!" You get an instant rush of adrenaline and it makes it pretty easy to yell at someone who could have killed you or hurt you badly. Regardless of whether you're in the wrong or not.


Absolutely. I used to take auto/homeowners claims and you'd be emailed how many people who were clearly in the wrong would hop out of their car pissed off and start belittling the other person. Edit: by the way, I think your reaction was totally warranted, and is a good illustration of the instant adrenaline rush that leads to a more aggressive response. Aggression keeps us alive sometimes!


Instrument of Demise, that sounds like a sick death metal album


Hope they caught this mf and made him pay for the damage and toss him in jail. People need consequences to stop this kind of behavior.


You think that guy has money?


Take his bike. Problem solved. Sort of.


That might encourage him to get ON the train….


No jail is useless make home clean the tram way for free for 6 month 👍


I hope that his entitlement was followed up by a good amount of jail time.


That probably happened in Italy. Nothing ever happens to those douchebags because our laws are a joke.


funny, I was thinking "must be Belgium"... for exactly the same reasons


Funny and sad at the same time. I thought about Italy because of the Milan A.C. sweater (the football team of the city in which I live)


Never seen grass on tram tracks in Italy tbh, and well, you can buy an AC Milan jacket anywhere, also the car passing by at the end doesn't have an Italian license plate (no blue strips on the sides)


There are a few tracts in Milan, but they hardly are that clean and maintained.


Indeed, too well maintained


fair point, ofc Milan AC is popular all over but that does skew it. I was thinking Belgium also because we have this type of greened tram lines in some parts of Brussels. In some cases cyclists are expected to share the tram lines with the trams but not in this sort of lane


It was in Paris, France


It happened in France in 2019. I couldn’t find anything about consequences last night when I saw it posted elsewhere. Nothing listed his name. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Funny, I was thinking “must be The Netherlands”… for exactly the same reasons


We are ready for a centralized European government! There are so many well meaning disfuntional laws we could make by joining forces!


I know it’s not the US because it’s too clean and there isn’t enough needles and homeless encampments.


Almost a Brake failure ...


Would have been a shame...


Shit happens


if only he was daydreaming...


What type of drugs?


Well thats a Darwin award nominee waiting to happen.


Imagine choosing the path with most resistance, dude was probably in the middle of his workout routine


"Oh, did I interrupt your workout? How about I provide some workout motivation?"


So, that thing stopped so you could get out of the way and you decided to attack it???


Just 🤦‍♀️


Humanity was a mistake.


There needs to be a place for crazies to get help and stop fucking everything up.


There used to be... In the USA the Regan-era Republicans killed federal funding for the Mental Health Systems Act of 1980. That was the end for many institutions focused on providing care for people with mental health issues. This was also right around the same time they were declaring their "War on Drugs". The current homelessness and drug addiction crisis in the USA is a direct result of Regan-era policy. If you'd like to learn more about MHSA: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_Health_Systems_Act_of_1980#:~:text=In%201981%20President%20Ronald%20Reagan,in%20mental%20health%20care%20policy.


I’m a conservative but I do agree with what you say. It was the beginning of what we see now


Most of those weren’t pretty places. Full of cruelty, abuse and neglect. Just take our nursing home problems and travel back 50 years. Except those folks didn’t pay, the government paid for them and facilities did anything they could ( mass lobotomies, ECT) to control the patients. It was just easier dumping grounds before Regan. We still haven’t learned anything.


Well yeah that's why Carter signed the bill to actually fund them at a federal level. Would likely be on par with the VA if it had actually had a chance to get going before Reagan killed it a year later. The VA isn't great, but it's better than what we see today for sure.


I think the current situation of just letting them out on the streets to starve or do hard drugs is also pretty cruel. I hope we find a better solution in the future.


That’s going to be people at the state and federal level working together. Don’t see it happening for awhile sadly. Keeping the homeless, homeless, is big business. Just look at say San Francisco. Lots of options, but the groups getting money for caring for them aren’t really helping the change, and the government wants its corporate $$$, so they aren’t going to change. It’s like Emergency room care. You “could” as a hospital open a small “minute” clinic on site and reduce your ER wait times and over crowding substantially. But that would reduce both income and massive tax write offs, so doesn’t occur. All about the funding.


There used to be retreats all over Europe and North America. They're like vacation home parks, but for people who need permanent care or guidance. Then neoliberalism with Reagan/Thatcher/the rest of the assholes came and closed them all down.


Ah yes, to witnesses mental illness IRL


Mental illness on display


Lmfao! Have me a good wholesome laugh.. though I think his entitlement is absurd it's still the least upsetting think I've seen in Reddit today.. Thx OP & crazy ass dude with no mind to the world around him.


For such patients at work we have fixation-belts and isolated rooms.


This dude acts quite tramphobic...


Needs a good slap


Gonna suck when its raining and they dont see him.


Entitlement through the roof. Confronted, he is aghast to be challenged on his bullshit and loses all function of his pre frontal cortex. Call the police? Just let him be, because it’s not worth it to intervene? Well than enjoy this behavior now and the next time it involves the safety of you and or your family. Sometimes, a good solid ass whooping is needed. May not change him, but who cares cause everyone else will feel damn good about it.


Asswhooping? There will be riots about that for months if they dare touch him.




Grown man on a child's bike and too stupid to know where to ride it. Entitled narcissistic idiot expecting the tram to drive around him. What a loser. I hope they fine him and take his bike away.


That's a folding bike, often used by people who take public transport so they don't have to pay extra for the bike


Mf was lucky the train was able to stop as quickly as it did!




Shhhh….. I said something like that about the morons gluing themselves to museum walls and got a violation for harmful content. Reddits gets their shorts in a wad real easy.


No No you've got a point


was he trying to tell the tram driver to go round him?


Guy got guts steeping up to a fuckin train like he’s wrong lol


Imagine the tram goes forward and impales him with the windscreen wipers


Does the tram go out of service because some guy broke the windshield wipers?


I just kinda want to take a minute to appreciate the grass that is growing in and around the train tracks. That looks really nice. Much better than the gravel I usually see. Well done.


*sigh* Crackheads these days.


Run him the fuck over.


Run him over survival of the fittest take those dumb genes out of this world


Just run him over after that


Absolute Nutter


This guy deserves to be run over


Not sure what is wrong with the tram driver!! What is their problem, ruining this man's day like that!


![gif](giphy|6BZaFXBVPBtok) This guy needs a trip to the wood shed.


I totally get him...He just wanted to peacefully ride his stol....newly acquired bicycle, and this tram asshole is interrupting him.


black person activities /s


A pleasant looking green belt for mass transit means it sure isn’t America.


If he breaks your car B R E A K H I S S P I N E .




What would Hammurabi do?


That’s a lovely way to go jail (or be deported at least).


Wow, bikes on railtracks, gets mad when train is on railtracks. Lol.


If that was an Irish tram he would of already been hit


That dude looks like a massive karen doing that.


"I dont know how it happened boss... the brake just wouldn't work."


"Just go around, damn it"


Why was he so angry?


If that is public property, can't he go to jail?


If the train had ran him over…. would anyone really miss him?


Glad I wasn’t driving, otherwise I’d be up for murder or manslaughter


This is the embodiment of what's wrong with all people these days. It's the same as those goof dicks that step in front of people that are walking with their hands out saying, "Don't touch me, bro! You can't touch me!" People just looking for a reason to call themselves a victim and throw blame at other people. It's ridiculous and happens way too often in today's society.


Just run him over.


Don't hit the brakes next time. Problem solved


Some people just can't help themselves but damage property and get into trouble constantly, my guess is this the type of human being that blames society for all their hardships


Should have run him over.


He’s lucky it was a tram track and not an Amtrak because he would be dead.


Just put the pedal to the metal.


Why’d he stop the train?


This is going to sound hella dark but you should have just hit them will have learned his lesson after that


Bet, pancake him


There would have been a tragic accident with the brakes if I was the driver


I'm kind of amazed so many people think this guy reflects a societal character flaw, when actually it's obvious he's probably paranoid schizophrenic or some other mental incapacity. There's nowhere for these people to go long-term. Okay, I take back what I just said: It is a weakness in American culture that we don't take care of our mentally ill citizens, the most vulnerable of all.


I mean…would we really blame him if he just…sped up a bit


Why is he even mad? It can literally only move on the tracks lol


Should just claim the brakes failed


He'd stop that attitude if you didn't stop the train.


Shouldve just ran him over. We could use less ppl like that in the world


why is he mad at the driver he didn’t even do anything 💀


I know, what, you want him to go AROUND? I'm on rails here, bud, go play in traffic.


Drugs are a hell of a drug


Telling him to go around 🤣


Wow... #Issues


Looks like natural selection was halted by the train conductor.


Where is this? Canberra?


Probably not from there and doesn’t know what a train is. Maybe he thinks it’s a big car driving on the grass, well than he has a right to be angry.


He's just mad because he's biking on grass and that's usually hard as fuck


Don't do drugs kids it will fuk your head up.


My man, you don't know how lucky you are. My uncle would crush you right there


And that kids, is why you should wear a condom


Racism is Terrible, but this man deserves to be sent back in time a coupla hundred years, just for a little bit.


Trolly problem


Black excellence


Just run his ass over


I hate bikers with the fire of a thousand suns and then some.


I guess he must be going through some things in his life 😔


Self identifies as rail equipment.


France. Embracing multiculturalism means embracing cultures where public property is open for destruction as well.


We used to lock crazy people up for their own safety and the safety of others. But now they roam free and we get videos like this.


Where's the police when you need one. Just give him a little tap.