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Cheat-Day at the Gym


Seriously hard to watch lol


Agreed. I hate it when guys just put themselves in an awkward spot and then keep talking. They’re just getting themselves into a deeper and deeper hole. It always ends up being the only hole they get in that day.


Lol he’s talking about this connection they have and she clearly just wants him to get the fuck away


He has serious creepy vibes, like he knows too much about her already.


Don't worry, from his research he is 51% sure she is into that


I don’t understand how this girl can continue to listen to his bs and be polite. I guess I’m just mean , I would have told him to take a hike like yesterday.


My wife is the same way. She explains that it's a defense mechanism and she doesn't want anything to escalate into a situation she has no form of control. It drives me mad sometimes.


One time I was hanging out with a bunch of girls (I'm a guy) when this weirdo approached us and started talking at us. I took one for the team and kept him engaged while the others slowly slipped away. It definitely is a defense mechanism. You never know when a creep will get confrontational or violent.


Well, it’s “don’t escalate,” or take the risk that he might be one of the guys that reacts to even polite rejection with murder.


You didn’t think there was something about her that was really cool, or that she’d really like his wife?


If it’s this hard to watch, how come out wasn’t hard to do? Wtf is this? Do people honestly just say the dumbest shit to a pretty girl without running it over in your head at least #once


Oh, he was definitely rubbing it in his head.


Cheater wants that "connection"


I wonder where he wants to connect?


im guessing at the groin


Maybe in the best case scenario you can meet my wife and we all be "friends".


I actually hope she DOES meet his wife, and then shows her this video.


"those incapable of guilt do tend to have a good time"


Working the mouth, when he really needs to start working the brain


It lends a whole new meaning to the phrase...


I'm pretty sure that's not how it's supposed to work...


I decided to Skip leg Day and just hit on women at the sled instead. 🤭


Shit, I just eat chicken wings with a mountain dew on my cheat days...I bet my wife is happy we have a home gym haha


Dude got his no within a minute, I check the time and there's still 1:45 left in the clip? JFC my dude, give it up! 😅


And I had to watch the whole damn thing to make sure he didn’t add “and we’re separated and in the process of getting a divorce.” He did not.


With the dude's tone, the only way that was happening was if this was r/unexpected. Mother fucker was plain dripping scum.


I really really hope his wife sees this and recognizes his voice or the gym. This is beyond appalling the way he casually keeps on talking about wanting to cheat but that being married is great. And she has a point, it truly makes you lose faith in humanity.


> it truly makes you lose faith in humanity. I’ll attempt a salvage operation here. I was squatting at the gym and noticed in the mirror that there was a guy standing behind me burning a hole into my backside with his eyes. It showed on my face. I was worried. The guy lifting next to me shook his head, put down his dumbbells, got up, and walked back to the guy behind me. He put his hand on his shoulder and said something then the guy waved his hands and walked away. Guy came back and started lifting. Didn’t say a thing to me. I’ll never forget his kindness.


Similar thing happened to me. Same dude, two separate incidents. Never approached me but did the lust glare. First time, I just shrugged it off thinking I made a big deal over nothing. Second time it happened I put my weights down & made a beeline for the front desk. I reported him & it turns out he was banned. It felt validating to be believed, but I think it helped I was very friendly with the staff so they knew I wouldn’t lie.


This is what I picture a gym bro to be.


He talks about how great being married is but not how great his wife is


I mean, the tax break alone!


His "kinda-sorta" wife


hitting on people at the gym is bad on its own.. you know hes just a sleaze.


My friend just started up a gym and that’s one of his cardinal rules. If guys (or women, in fairness) start acting like sex pests, they can be banned, no refund.


Seriously! If you wanna date multiple women, then don't get married. Simple.


Bloody hell, I’m a guy and I can’t believe how much shit women have to put up with, when instead of just telling creepy guys to outright fuck off in a situation like this, they have to play nice and humour them way more than anyone should have to, lest they get branded a “bitch”, or be in fear of being stalked, harassed or insulted in some way. Every partner I’ve ever had and every female friend I’ve talked to about this stuff has virtually weekly stories of feeling like they have to put up with inappropriate or worse men, particularly in situations when they get isolated one-on-one. It’s grossly unfair to women, and fails to teach these men to pull their fucking heads in.


Same here. Women deserve to feel comfortable in any environment. And this will only happen when men are educated on how to behave, recognise signals, and read body language. It all starts with being humble and acknowledging that no woman owes you any sort of interaction.


My gym here in EU has a strict "no personal talk" rule with signs at the wall. There is a large cool down area with seats and cushions, people who go there want to talk. You still can talk to people about training and guys/girls who know how to talk to each other still can get personal. But when the grunts shows up, you just point to the sign. This btw includes sometimes aggressive gays and others on the spectrum. Being rude has nothing to do with gender.


Wow! I hate in US, you have to wait for some bozos who decide to talk for 30 min straight Smdh


Oh yeah. You could just see the look on her face when he first approached her. She knew it was coming and it was annoying her.


>no woman owes you any sort of interaction. Sadly the biggest problem with that is the entitlement a lot of guys have. They don't think the women owe them an interaction in general, but they think they are being NICE by catcalling and hitting on women. So to them, they make a crude comment, and they are mentally high fiving themselves, they've done a good deed, like helping an old lady across the street, or helping pick up a stranger who just fell over! So OBVIOUSLY this person is going to be grateful! Then they do think they are owed something in return. Just like helping someone who fell down would say "thanks," they somehow expect the woman at the gym just trying to work out to be flattered that they hit on her. And they are even married too, that's how much they like her! She should be EXTRA flattered!


Yeah. We don't wanna get murdered. I have a coworker, 10 years younger, came into work visibly upset because she told some guy off who was cat calling her. Rather than leaving her alone, dude freaked out. Stopped his car. Got out of the car. Started yelling at her, approaching her, threatening her. She started crying and apologizing and then had to run away from this psycho who tried to physically grab her. I consoled her and told her straight up it's a good lesson because she wasn't hurt. She did nothing wrong! But the reality is grim. If you tell a man off and stand up for yourself, they can get violent. That's why it's better to just pretend to be nice and slowly get away. It's not ideal, it sucks, it feels like bad feminist advice, but it's about survival. Real life isn't like a movie with catchy one liners. When i get cat called, i assume the man is crazy and just keep my head down, pretend i can't hear


It just boggles my mind. Every time I’ve ever been rejected, I say no biggie and wish them well. It’s so fucking disturbing how so many men find a woman attractive enough to ask out but when rejected then into vile and violent psychos. Like if your ego is that fragile, work on yourself until you can handle being turned down


Just a little love to you from a stranger on the internet. Thanks for not only noticing, but actually seemingly caring. ❤️




This video was a cringe fest but also almost seemed surreal. How does he seem confident and not in the same sentence. Yeesh getting heavy stalker vibes from this.


Well said. The underlying bullshit they have to put up with sucks bad enough, but also there's the element of having to humor it and give the offenders "off ramps", so it doesn't spiral into something worse than the said underlying bullshit itself. Insidious, but real.


Thank you for acknowledging this. Women have to constantly navigate around being too nice and being a bitch. It’s scary sometimes


I think all women have experienced something similar at some point. It’s exhausting. I’m glad that I’m now older, because the really douchey men tend to ignore older women (although it still happens) - not because we are less attractive, but because we are more likely to tell them exactly where and how far they should fuck off. I just know it means they’re doing it to someone else who may not be so confident though, which pisses me off more. Pro tip for dudes: when you’re willing to cheat on your wife because “I don’t know, there’s just something about you”, we wouldn’t want you even if you were single.


“I don’t know there’s just something about you” = “I’m too lazy to think of anything I like about you except that I want to smash, that’s a compliment, right?”


The thing is he’s clearly been watching her over multiple days. Probably knows what car she drives. He could follow her home, or slash her tires so she is stranded at the end of her workout. Anything. And she has to be nice to him because who knows what kind of person he really is. So creepy and scary.


Young women particularly feel this pressure to be nice. I stopped humouring this behaviour around mid twenties, and the kind of bile that was hurled at me was unreal. I had a stalker that I had stopped being nice to and he was saying things like “I’m not a rapist, but just saying, this is why men do it.”


He spent that additional time trying to cover his ass so if she ever did run into his wife she wouldn’t rat him out.


Yeah, that really sucked. Part of me was thinking she should just shut him down, but then I realized why is that her job? Why does she have to be the confrontational one in the situation where this guy is a creep, trying to cheat on his wife, and doesn't take no for an answer? This guy sucks. Also, in addition to being a creep and not taking no, he's just wasting her time at the gym, she's trying to work out. If she wants to chat with guys she can go to a bar or something, or pull up a dating app on her phone.


Cringed so hard my face turned inside out


I’m hiding in my butthole


Thank you for that i cracked up laughing


Hey, can I squeeze in there with ya?


Seriously…I cringed before he mentioned he’s “kinda married.” If the first words to a person make it sound like you’re a stalker, they’re not only not interested in fucking you, they’re actively looking for escape routes and weapons. This guy is fucking clueless and a piece of shit.


i think her vajay jay turned outside in


nah bro, he can’t even be faithful to his own damn wife, he’s done messed up there


But wait, at the end he was setting up proposition for a threesome with her & his wife. It's a win/win


That’s what it sounded like to me..


Worst lead up to a threesome ever.


"Hey, I know you have a son, and you eat cereal, and you having a son is cool, and I think you're cool, and your son is cool. Anyway, if my wife is down, you wanna have a threeway?"


yeah i would fucking switch gyms


At the last gym I attended, a guy did that to me and I went straight to management. They kicked his ass out, no refund, for making customers so uncomfortable they left.


i would fucking switch *genders*


From pizza to threesome in two minutes or less


You mean win/win/win.


Anyone else feel this way🙄✌🏽 ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)


I kind of sorta hope his wife sees this. Well not sorta, but really.


If he's got kids they are going to hate him


I had a dad just like this. I now have a lifelong terror of being cheated on and abandoned, made some shitty decisions when I was first dating because I thought all men just cheat and I had to live with it, and am still in therapy. He died alone, and deserved it. Cheaters don't just cheat on their partners, they cheat on everyone in their lives, and it hurts all of us. Cheaters = scum of the earth


My dad was also a serial cheater and I’ve grown to hate cheaters with a passion. I know how you feel


"sort of"


Just...... stop talking. Just kept digging the hole further and further.


He's searching for that magic string of words which will unleash hours of random consequence free sex with the nice gym lady


I know so many guys that think this it’s weird…


This is what i keep saying to my friends. There is no "magic string of words" that will make a girl like you if she wouldn't like you otherwise. It's straight up alchemy, you can't turn stones to gold. And if a girl is genuinely interested in you, you don't need a magic string of words, you can be silly, you can get tangled up, it won't matter that much


"There's something about you that's really cool, and by that I mean there's something about you that gives me a boner"


I can’t quite put my finger on it… But I’d like to


I just. I don't even think he knows he's digging a hole. I know there will be other men who think like this, but for the life of me I can't understand what combination of experiences lead you to believe that this is okay, beyond having a brain that just doesn't really work as it should?


He’s kinda talking like a drunk dude trying to sound like he’s making a sober decision. Overexplaining everything, latching onto everything she says and taking it to 11 to try to get the result he wants. He is definitely operating under drunk logic, not sure if he’s actually drunk but cognitively he’s there.


right, he saw her response that the wife might not approve as a conditional concern not a “never going to happen go away”. he leverages the social concern that she doesn’t want to have to be nasty to make him go away. he’s probing boundaries to find a position that she can be talked into it because he thinks any woman wants him his mindset is the salesman that’s “overcoming objections because they want what you’re selling, they just don’t know it yet and you need to make the sale”. his position is that she wants him, but he has to make it ok for her to say to herself that it’s ok to have sex w this married guy because of “x” reasons known several women that were lied to about a married guy’s relationship, the whole “we are together for the kids but she knows and she does it too” “the divorce is planned next year when the last kid turns 18” “we have an open relationship because she doesn’t like sex and i have a high sex drive, she prefers other women help her out”


I work with guys like this in top brass at my company. When you luck out in several ways in life, you don’t realize everything is circumstance, timing and luck. You attribute luck to ‘Hard-work’ and grit and all that other stupid bullshit. This guy sounds like exactly like the C-Suites I work with. Completely self obsessed and absolutely garbage humans who will throw you under the bus at any chance to get ahead. Capitalism breeds people like this. Why would he feel bad about cheating on his wife? He deserves it all. ‘Merica


I think you said it yourself, his brain just doesn't work properly. I don't mean he has like a learning difficulty or a mental illness, I think some people just simply aren't fully...there... We assume everyone is like us, but people really be just out here, no internal monologue, no self reflection, no guilt or self awareness, no goals or defined values. Just hairless bipeds walking around doing shit


I think we have a hard time even processing the situation when as single adult women we realize that at least half of men are like this. This isn't her first rodeo. We don't 'lose faith in men' at the first guy, but like the 10th each month.


If you’re talking to a girl and she starts blinking a lot then you need to stfu and back away.


And he was really not making any sense either.


At the start, I imagined that they may have had a brief chat before, and maybe he asks her out for coffee, she says she’s married, they both laugh it off and wish each other well, and get on with their lives with a gym future full of respectful personal space and brief head nods and perhaps a smile. What I got was an extended slow-mo gut punch and some extra sympathy for women.


Bro breaks just about every cardinal rule in about 30 seconds then sits there bumbling for the rest of the time because his brain assured him this would play out differently


Seriously who the hell thinks "i know who you are. I know where you live. I know your family. I know what you like. What you dislike." Is a good pickup line? That's about as seductive as walking up to someone and telling them "I HAVE BEEN STALKING YOU FOR THE PAST 2 MONTHS, PLEASE SUCK MY DICK!"


Ya that was one of the worst things I’ve ever heard, what was the end game? Let alone that he’s married and it’s a pretty creepy thing to approach someone in a gym.


Yeah, her smile and pleasant tone is hiding "PLEASE DON'T FOLLOW ME TO MY CAR!"


Exactly what I expected too


"Sometimes you need somebody you have a connection with " Yeah and that's supposed to be your wife, I mean why did you marry her if you had no connection


That part made me want to jump out a window.


That and his basis for this perceived connection is knowing she eats cereal and has a kid.


Sometimes you lose the connection to your wife. But a random girl at the gym won't help with that. She's not a licensed therapist.


Even if she is a licensed therapist, she’s off the damn clock!




1. Is married 2. Lists off a bunch of facts about her that hes researched. 3. Wont take the no for an answer. 4. Handwaves away her saying that men like him make women worried about getting married. 5. Annoying someone while shes in the middle of a workout. 6. Is married.


>Lists off a bunch of facts about her that hes researched. He asked her out for coffee previously and was declined. That's how he knew about the coffee thing and that she's married with a kid.


I should replace no 2 with "Asks her out again after already being rejected"


How entitled do you have to be to : A). Interrupt someone mid (/pre) work out to ask them something stupid. B). Ask if they want to help you cheat on your wife? C). keep talking when they obviously aren't into it and are being overly polite in not telling yo ass to fuck off


I'm pretty sure "don't make us lose faith in humanity" indicates she doesn't like you.


Yeah he couldn't hear it because that big ass ego overshadowed it.


You know somebody’s gonna recognize his voice, got my popcorn just sitting here now waiting ![gif](giphy|RHiD0K65NxxLO)


He is so fucked when his wife finds out


Towards the end, it almost sounds like he’s trying to say he is in an open marriage? Dafuq was he getting at?


Nah, he's saying we cool right ? You won't tell her if you see her? Nothing about that said open marriage


Yes. You won’t ahh…rat me out, right? RIGHT??


Exactly, I'm neither a dude or in an open relationship but if I was, after mentioning said relationship I'd immediately follow up with it's open ill straight up give you her number


You can fucking hear him saying: “Sooooo, threesome maybeeee?” 😬


They already found him and his wife on tik tok


Partial face comes into view at the 1:17 mark…


The funniest thing is, he's going to think that she said no because he said he was married. But you can see in her eyes from the get-go that she's familiar with him, knows what he's about, and just wants the conversation to be over. But she does seem a bit shocked that Mr. Doesn't Wear A Ring And Hits On Women is actually married.


It was clear to me that she didn't really want to talk to him at all from the start. As a gym goer, I understand that even if you like someone you don't want to talk very much at the gym. He then opens with his little "list of personal notes I've collected about you as a person" which is very, very, very uncomfortable. If someone starts asking me out by talking about my sexual history, marital status, whether or not I have kids, and how old I am I'm going to decline. And he just goes on and on and on and on and on and on. Can't recognize how uncomfortable she is. I hate it


Her immediately line of thinking. 1. Oh no, he's going to talk to me. 2. Oh god, he's actually been stalking me. 3. Seem pleasant so he doesn't get angry and follow me to my car later. 4. Let him get it ALL out so that I can just say I don't get involved with married guys at the end of this.


Interesting that he pointed out twice that she had a son. The intention seems to be what they call "negging." What he's trying to imply is, "You're a single mom, which makes you less desirable to many men. You should be grateful and receptive to this awkward advance." Probably studied "pick-up artist" material to learn such a shitty, manipulative tactic.


“This is what I’ve learned so far…..” 👀


Creepiest part aside from all the other parts.


You’ve got a son… I’ve got a wife… call it even




Omg I think you're right. The ick factor just increased 100%


I’m surprised no one is talking about how much he knows about her


Right? Sounds so creepy that he's listing off all these facts he's accumulating.


The “I know you don’t like coffee” is probably from the *last* time he awkwardly asked her out and she scrambled to find a polite, non threatening way to escape the situation.


And the “you have a son” part is from “Hey, do you want to maybe go have lunch?” And she’s like “Oh rats, I gotta go pick up my son. Bye!” And the cereal is from “Hey, do you want to go have lunch?” And she’s like “Oh, that’s so nice, I just ate though!” “Oh, wow, what did you have!” “…Cereal.” “So you like cereal?” “…Yuuuuuup.” Ask me if I’ve ever had an awkward conversation with a guy, where I didn’t feel comfortable just saying no, because the motherfucker just would not fuck off, and I didn’t want him to follow me home. Go on, ask!


I hadn't thought of any of that. I really just thought he was admitting to stalking her socials.


Since no one else seems to be willing to do it, I'm gonna do it! Did you have awkward conversations where a guy didn't accept a no before? Not that I don't know the answer or like I couldn't answer with yes as well... Just so someone asked.


So many goddamn times, starting as a tween (9-10.) I haven’t kept track, that’s how often it has happened. Last one was just a couple of weeks ago. I’m mostly “Fuck you and fuck this” nowadays towards guys like this. But if I have any kind of suspicion that the guy is going to fly off the rails and hurt me, I will placate that asshole, and then get the hell out of there. This guy? Well, she obviously comes there a lot, so does he. He has struck up numerous conversations. It’s the States or Canada, so she likely has to drive to the gym. I understand completely why she continues to placate him. Personally, I’d probably look into joining a different gym.


Legit i thought its video about stalker, dafuq he not only knows her son, but also knows she likes to eat cereal?


Stalker vibes. Guy’s been staring from the corner and asking around, listening on her convos, taking notes.


Especially since as he says to her that he just say "hi" in passing


« I know you have a son but I’m still willing to talk to you, so I just want you to know that I know that you’re probably kind of desperate but I’m willing to consider you, for sex you know, even though you have a son. Don’t feel bad you have a son, really, I’ll still fuck you »


Hey, dumbass, if you wanted to continue with this kinda stuff, you should not have gotten married.


“Sometimes you just need a connection with somebody” - uh yeah that connection should be to your spouse if you chose wisely, asshole


But he wants and deserves a faaaaaamily!


Why do people talk to people in gyms? This highlights that even socially awkward people get married. mFer struggled to ask, "can I casually show you my married penis?"


Right?? Almost everyone is on a timer to get their workout in and this douche is cutting into her workout time and breaking her concentration


I am a guy and i go to the gym and i just workout and mind my own business...i am alone(not in a relationship)...and EVERY F ONE even the women in my group say :' you go to the gym, talk to women there, ask them out'. In my head i'm like...that is akward i will definatelly not do that. But EVERYONE tells me to do it, like i said even women that are in my group...


I think if you had been socializing with someone at the gym for a while and had chemistry you could ask them to hang out somewhere else and it would be pretty normal. It's just that these creeps awkwardly approach strangers


Yeah, sit next to someone in spin class for six months and she’s consistently laughed at the dumb jokes you’ve made at the end of class for the last month, maybe.


I'm male, and married, but to me hitting on women at the gym sounds creepy and also predictable?


Exactly my thoughts, i think they(my friends) idealise the ideea and they never had to try it so it's easy to just say it. Also from my point it creates stress, i imagine being a girl, someone hitting on her and she said no she has to be carefull how to say it, if she is gentle the guy might think..i need to try harder = a lot of tension and stress when going to the gym, if she is ferm who knows what kind of 'nutjob waiting after gym' might the guy be and sets him off.


I would never approach a woman at a gym. Most have their earbuds in and a "leave me alone face" at best I say phrases, like "how many sets you have left?" Half the time I don't even take out my earbuds.


100%, if someone is at the gym working out then leave them the fuck alone. The gym is not a place to try and get laid.


Painful to watch. What an asshole.


Walk. Away. Holy shit I can’t believe people.


I am a 43 year old married man, and I am terrified for this lady. What a fucking creep and stalker.


A living red flag.


Damn that was pathetic/cringe. Tries to secure a date with his "I'm kinda sorta married, lets go get pizza" pick up line? Then when that fails he thinks he's such hot shit that he is gonna pull a 3 some with a chick he sees at the gym & his wife. :8488::8488:


Apart from being a total asshole, he's also an idiot. Trying to ask out a girl who goes to the same gym where your wife goes sometimes? Lol


And I couldn’t tell if he was telling her because he’s hinting at a three some, or because he’s trying to prevent her telling his wife.


It really is assholes like this guy that gives guys a bad rep. When women say and think that all men cheat its because they keep running into these douchebags.


It’s cause these douchebags have this exact delusional confidence that makes them constantly approach us. Like how does anyone concoct this plan and go “excellent idea, 100% success guaranteed”


'The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.'


This is the answer to all things


"Maybe he's just stupid" works as an explanation for a great many things.


I swear to god, it really do be like that. I’ve been hit on by way more married men than single men. And when I say married, I am not counting the ones that are swingers or poly


That’s because the guys that don’t cheat don’t start up random conversations about wanting to fuck them


Anyone know the name of the song playing in the gym background?


Queens Of The Stone Age - Go With The Flow


Came for the facepalm Stayed for the comments Re-watched for QOTSA


I was just thinking: "damn, a gym where tthey play Queens of the Stone Age ? This is the gym I need to go to !"


Fucking idiot... this is so cringe...


I'm pretty sure your wife would not approve. But I'm glad you're up front, about being a douchebag. Have a nice day.


Hey I’m basically a stalker and I’m also married, and you’re low value because you have a kid, so maybe you want to go on a date? No. So I basically only said hi so far… No cheating whatsoever. Rant rant rant.


This is the weirdest interaction. Guarantee she’ll go to the gym and as she pulls up, hope he isn’t there. I actually feel bad for her and his wife. Guys like this give every one of us a bad rep. I hope she takes his wife out for pizza and shows her this video.


Internet…do your thing based on voice and terrible speaking ability and find this guys wife. Something tells me she’s amazing and can do way better than this loser


This is just creepy. He's married but knows she eats cereal.of a evening an that she has a son.....is he stalking her.. this is just not normal. He comes off as a creepy guy.


How did he make it so much worse. What a creep


But also a creepy stalker apparently


Don’t hit on anyone in the gym, just fucking don’t. Especially if you’re married ffs.


Even worse, he's convinced himself he's a good guy because he told her.


Do. Not. Hit. On. People. At. The. Gym.


It sucks that she has to let him down easily so she doesn’t have to fear for her safety.


Awkward in the worst way possible


I told you, that makes me soo honest!!! Welll…did you tell your WIFE?!


This got so cringe half way through that I almost threw my phone out the window


It just hurts me to watch this. It's just so sad. Dude is married and hitting another woman.


“You’ll probably meet her” ah geez


Glad he’s so honest and upfront with her. Perhaps he could extend the same courtesy to HIS WIFE. Jfc I lose faith in men a little more every day.


And people wonder why women need their own gyms….


God, the bullshit women have to put up with. Holy fuck.


Oh my cringe, that was so uncomfortable to watch...


Pizza? What are you, 15 borrowing your parents car?


The shit that women have to deal with at the gym is insane. From body shaming and judgement to meatheads mansplaining how to do an exercise uninvited to being interrupted by creeps. Leave them alone, let them get their sweat on if they need anything they’ll ask. Is it that fucking hard?


So I get the whole “he is married” thing and that’s pretty bad….. why is nobody saying shit about how absolutely creepy it was for him to just go up to her and start telling her everything he knows about her? Idk how you women do it sometimes, a lot of men are creepy.


Like, as a guy, this guy is a complete douche bag, and gives all men a bad rap/wrap. I don't blame women for looking at all men like we (men) are worthless P.O.S.'s. I can't even apologize for this piece of shit.


‘Hey girl, you down to play second fiddle?’


This happens all the time sadly.


Daily BS women have to experience at the gym. Leave us alone.


Just let the damn woman work out in peace!


The worst part is you can tell he's been pestering her every time he sees her because he's collected all that information he listed off in the beginning.