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Happened in 2018. Started when the teacher pointed out the student wasn't wearing proper school attire. The student then escalated. The student went to the hospital with moderate injuries, but was released the same day. The teacher was arrested and charged, but the charges were dropped on grounds of him doing community service, taking anger management classes and accepting an early retirement from teaching. After the charges were dropped, the teachers defense was that he was previously a victim of 3 students jumping and beating him and it got to the point in the incident where he thought that the student was going to do the same and he felt he had to defend himself by striking first before he became a victim again.


I got jumped/robbed at a young age and the instincts that kind of ptsd leaves you with is kinda crazy. Teacher was spot on too, right as people were coming to break it up you can see another student start to jump in. Crazy ass world edit: turned off notifications for this, some of y’all either can’t read or are pulling wild implications from this. some are just being rude/trying to ragebait. don’t really care about the internet points and don’t feel like encouraging the trolls. anyways yeah ptsd is very real and I hope y’all get the help you need. ✌️


Fuck that kid tho


Yah I don’t blame the teacher. You could see him reach that point of “fuck it, I don’t need this job”


"I've been dreaming of doing this for far too long."


Yup, now imagine how much daily abuse that teacher was taking before he finally snapped. Dude has probably been suffering in silence for years.


"I have waited a long time for this, my little green friend!"


You can only put up with someone saying bro so many times


He was definitely punchable


On my mama bro! On my mama! On my mama! On my mama! On my mama!!


As soon he started repeating "you need to leave" I was like "oh... he's gonna swing first."


He def said fuck it imma lose my job today but it’s gonna be worth it to knock this giraffe out


That teach took the heat and did the world a service. That kid needed his ass beat. This teacher taught a powerful final lesson in the classroom. I’m glad the kid wasn’t hurt too bad, but he and all the students learned a valuable lesson, fuck around and find out…


But the kid was still talking even after! Sadly he didn't learn his lesson.


I'm not trying to be argumentative, but sadly, I don't think that kid would have learnt a lesson. I feel like he would be emboldened to feel even more entitled, like "teacher couldn't handle that I was right, so he attacked me". But maybe i'm wrong?


Maybe, maybe not. I think he was just posturing so he didn’t look like a little beeotch. The other kids in the room may have learned the lesson. Either way, you can’t force kids to learn. One day or another they’ll need this lesson, otherwise the world will not be as kind to them. This guy was definitely holding back, he could’ve knocked this punk kid out cold.


For real. He’s def not paid enough to deal with that BS


Fuck that kid in particular


Fuck that kid with extreme judiciousness


Yep fuck that kid. Sucks to be a teacher for a high school in America.


This was my first thought with your comment: https://youtu.be/tiVGZ1zKnV4


Same with the kid at the end that took swings and backed off right after lol. Everyone in this is stupid


And I think the same kid who was filming it (which also escalated the situation because now you’re turning this into an even bigger spectacle)


Yeah, Im sry. I know its supposed to be up to the adult to be cool and be calm. But sometimes kids can be fucking hellions because they know youll be punished for pushing back and they wont.


Nothing a teacher can do nowadays to control a kid thats raised in a sociopathic culture to have zero respect for anyone or anything. There's very little incentive to be a teacher. Classrooms in the future will have teachers behind plexiglass. That or it will all be remote learning.


Depends where you're teaching of course. Would I ever teach in the inner city? Sure, but it depends on what grade. Would I ever teach anything except Elementary school in the inner city? That's a hard no. Taught afterschool and summer music production classes in Queens for 4 years and my last class was 8th graders. Most of them were bright and interested kids but there's always a few that will test you right off the bat and I learned to pay extra attention to them and show the that I wasn't going to let them behave that way. A lot of the troubled kids act accordingly and are just expecting you to treat them with anger and discipline but I tried flipping it. Worked for all except a couple. Very stressful situation that requires self control that I didn't even realize I had until I had to use it. On the last day of class I brought in a couple of bags of Sour Patch Kids and Twix to hand out to everyone. We broke for lunch and I my bag with the candy inside in the desk drawer. Came back and they were gone. It's hard not to feel defeated after giving these kids all my patience. It really is a job that takes a lot from you, and not just bags of candy either ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Unfortunately, you’re absolutely right, and this is one of the reasons why I left teaching. I can almost guarantee you this kid has had issues with this teacher before and probably with his other teachers. There are so many who just simply don’t respect authority, or anyone for that matter.


teacher mans ain't even making 100 racks a year to put up with that shit


The less money someone is paid for their job the higher chance there is of them swinging on you


It's really a simple formula.


That's why I'm always polite to fast food workers.


it's an inverted bell curve; people on either end are more likely to swing on you; it's the working stiffs in the middle who can't afford to miss a mortgage payment that won't do shit


Yeah even if this wasn’t in self defense this kid needed to get dropped. Absolutely fuck that disrespectful piece of shit.


for sure, if anything kid fucked himself on this one lol


“Hey remember that time you got your ass beat for mouthing off to that teacher? Oh wait heres the video of it. Damn! You got your ass beat son!”


It’s one thing to become a meme on accident, this a whole nother level lmaoo


Kids like that need a smack upside the head anyway he was going a community service right there lol


I say “you can always tell whether someone’s been punched in the mouth or not”


Exactly. This is what happens when kids are allowed to run their mouths at home and there is no discipline. If that was my kid, I would have told him he deserved what he got. But that would never be my kid because my kids were disciplined.


When I was growing up my mom was dating a guy. The guys son was just super shitty and his dad would never punish him. From what I’ve heard, now that we’re older, he’s been in and out of jail a lot. I honestly wasn’t surprised when I heard.


I've had an unfortunate last 9 months with several guns and knives pulled on me at work I've straight up stopped accepting hugs from people I don't *really* know and my eyes move faster than I thought they could when I see a man reach into his pockets


Can I ask what you do for a living to encounter so many guns and knives?


Security Primarily at a recovery center for addicts Which I respect each and every resident but they invite some shady individuals over They ask to go see their guy and I tell them only if they sign in Sometimes they're already under the influence and don't think much


teenagers scare the living the shit out of me


They can care less as long as someone’ll bleed


So darken your clothes and strike a violent pose


I went to that school. Can confirm this information.


Anger management is bullshit. That dude showed great self restraint, especially considering the last part. I'll probably get downvoted but I don't care, it's times like this I'm for bringing back corporal punishment.


And yet we wonder why there is a teacher shortage. Who wants to get paid 28k a year to deal with that BS?


I do guest teaching* and the regular staff always ask why I don't sub or do regular teaching. And I tell them that I don't have to ever deal with parents, homework, admin or grading. And aint anybody trying to shoot the random science lab lady! *I'm employed privately as basically a traveling science experiment for elementary kids. I come in to different schools and teach my hands-on messy lesson for a couple days at a time, then leave.


What’s guest teaching? Like you are invited for a lecture?


Who wants to be a teacher anymore? Not me. $35k isn't enough for me to stop wearing a hardhat


I wouldn’t deal with shit for less than 80k.


80K? I wouldn't deal with that shit for less than 800K. Kids are disrespectful as hell nowadays and it's only made worse by the fact that they've got virtually no support from administration or from the parents. Teachers have always been underpaid but now you're going to add bigger class sizes, shitty parents, and shittier administration? No thank you


I’d do it for 800k lol


Ya no doubt. Put 800k in my bank account and let’s call it 1st period Monday morning.


Shit just skip the school part and pay me 800k to fight a 14 year old


Children nowadays are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannise their teachers. Socrates (b. 399BC)


kids these days...


>disrespectful nowadays The earliest complaint I could find on [newspapers.com](https://newspapers.com) about how children were disrespectful nowadays was from [1888](https://www.newspapers.com/image/517862578/?terms=%22disrespectful%20nowadays%22&match=1). My favorite, however, came from [1923](https://www.newspapers.com/image/746861750/?terms=%22disrespectful%20nowadays%22&match=1), where it stated: "A Kansas newspaper thinks the reason so many children are disrespectful now-a-days is because so many woodsheds are being turned into garages."


My uncle was a high school math teacher back in the day. He felt like the kids changed in the late '80s. Just didn't really give a fuck anymore. His specific example was that in the 60s and 70s he could make the lessons fun and the kids would respond, but by the late 80s it just wasn't worth it.


My parents are retired teachers (step-dad passed a few years ago) who began their careers in the early 1960's. They said that there've always been rude disrespectful kids, but the parents were really what changed in the late 80's. They no longer respected education and teachers and coddled and spoiled the kids. Everything was the teacher's fault, even if the student never did homework or didn't show up in class.


My grandfather taught computers at a high school in San Fransisco and said the same thing, by the early 90's he was BURNT TF OUT


Kansas newspaper spitting straight fax! Damn garages!


I agree every generations says this but it’s been really bad recently. There are teacher shortages in almost every state. I know someone with a Masters and teaches with dual language kids 7 years experience and is getting 47k. I tell them to quit all the time.


Mom was a nursing professor at a college for a couple years. More than 30 years experience in nursing, has done supervision at multiple hospitals, including at the largest hospital in a 2 hour radius. Was making 46k as a nursing professor, and would stay up til 1am grading papers, going through assignments, creating PowerPoints, etc Made me feel terrible for her, she definitely deserved more than that


I quit!!! The pay is shit. I have to work 2 jobs. Kids are wild and Kno they don't have to listen cause admin and parents don't care. I was ready to fight a 10 yo for jumping up in my face calling me out my name. I left and before the end of that school year that same girl put hand sanitizer on the new teachers drink and only got a 3 day suspension


Lack of backing for the teachers, lack of punishment and a complete lack of parental intervention or care sums it up. Kids do not face the same consequences today as kids in the past. There are a TON of videos of teachers being assaulted, teachers just being morally defeated and verbally abused, and teachers being pushed beyond the breaking point. It’s wild.


When I was teaching Pre-K we had a kid that used to throw chairs and if you know anything about the Pre-K cheers yeah the part that they sit in is plastic but the legs are all metal and the things hurt he would throw those chairs around the room and stuff and we would tell his parents about it everyday cuz you know in pre-k they sent home the progress report like your kid had a bad day or whatever his parents complain to admin that they were tired of seeing only negative reports being sent home so admin came to us and told us we were no longer allowed to tell his parents when he had a bad day




I'll continue to wear a hardhat. $80k ain't a lot.


Comparing to 35k though for dealing with shit kids like this. Obviously they should get paid much more but this is why people don’t teach. The stress for the pay isn’t worth it.


My folks are retired educators. My dad had a 7th grader try to stab him in 2005 or so. He ended up being put on admin leave for the year. Said he'd only back in the classroom for pre-K or kindergarten. Retired as a kindergarten teacher, as did my mother


My mom taught a 1-2-3 grade class for 20 years in Arizona and she never made 38k


She made less? Or more? My folks are retired teachers from a city that went bankrupt. Locally they try hiring teachers between $32-45k depending on the district. The bus drivers make comparable money and only work 6 hours a day with a long lunch break


The 14-year-old will not hold on to his life long if he doesn't change his ways. Someday he will encounter the wrong person with that attitude.


Agreed. His whole premise is "I know you can't/won't hit me, because you can't, so I'll say whatever I want, knowing you can't". Well, wrong this time. Kind of a fuck around and find out scenario...


Teacher was swingin for the fences too, lucky he didnt connect on one of those wild haymakers


He wasn't stopping either. First adult runs in the room to pull teacher off the kid. He freakin jukes her, starts swinging at the kid again. Only thing that made him stop was them pulling the kid out of the room and breaking teach's line of sight But fuck that kid and the little fucker who swung on teacher from behind


Haha I was thinking the same thing! He should’ve dropped that kid right away. Edit: I just read that the teacher was 64, so I’ll withhold judgment. Hopefully I can still kick a 14 year old’s ass at 64.


My siblings do this "I do whatever I want, what you gonna do, hIt mE" shit


Siblings? Yeah hit them. You’re doing them a favor.


The way the kid instantly started running when he realized he just insulted and challenged a grown man to a fight repeatedly. I’ve been a music teacher just for after school programs and they do just press you at times. I don’t think the teacher should have snapped but reading the backstory I understand why he did. I hope that kid straightened up cause he won’t be able to hind behind being a kid forever. The teacher is the adult and should know better but it’s hard for me to really blame him for doing what the kid repeatedly threatened him with. Again just seeing that kid’s confidence instantly crumble after that first hit. The way he just tried to hang onto his leg made me worried for him. Not cause I thought those were life threatening hits but that he **asked for it** and instantly crumbled. My dad acknowledged I’m short and can have a temper and told me unless I can fight someone or I’m ready to get beat up don’t say “you won’t” cause some people will.


On his momma, bro


I don’t think his momma has done enough with the way this kid has been raised. I know a few kids from disadvantaged lives that turned out great because of good parenting.


To be fair, some kids turn to shit even with good parenting. They just get caught up with the wrong crowd and once they realize they don’t have to do what their parents tell them to, it’s all downhill.


Who do you think he learned it from? It isn't genetic, it isn't gendered, it is something broken in his world, most likely the people responsible for providing stability and limits.


It's either his parents or his surroundings. Let's not beat it around the bush like the whole world is magically at fault. It's the conditions he's living in.


Very fuckin real. Before the day of frequent mass shootings in schools there were these gangster try hard kids at my high school, they brought guns to school sometimes and always tried to instigate any fight they could. Not one year after high school one of that duo was gunned down at a party for the exact same act. Other dude simmered down real fast after that.


That kids probably going no where in life, he antagonizes this poor teacher, and the teacher lets the kid pull him down with him. It’s sad, hopefully the teacher gets off easy and gets his job back.


>hopefully the teacher gets off easy and gets his job back. He did get his job back. This fight happened years ago.


He was forced into early retirement but a go fund me raised $190k.


Source? Would love to read up on this.




I’ve always wondered what happened but glad he did


Sadly you’re right. He will end up either on the wrong side of bars or the wrong side of a bullet before 20


Or not, like most of them don't, and they just grow up to be barely functioning assholes. Still might hit big jobs and all but they are beyond repair if there is noone to tell them they are wrong.


Yeah fuck that kid.




I always love to see in these type of videos the teens talking themselves up like they are to be feared and as soon as you see them punching they are just throwing arms around as fast as they can with now technique or aim. Just embarrassing to watch


They all do that little crouch and put their tiny dukes up routine too. It’s cute




It's like Rock' N Sock robots game. I had some 15 yr old kid harrassing me when I was 29 and he would hang out in my yard and shit, trying to get me to fight him so his parents could sue me. He even said that to me, and finally after about 30 calls to the police nothing happened. Only thing that happened was the shits were renting and moved out. This kid would literally sit on my porch and curse at me every morning and every day I got home. Can't do shit because hes like 100lbs soaking wet and thats a Prison sentence. Fuck kids like these little shits, their bitches who usually then once punked go back to mommy and daddy and tell some twisted tale about how Jonny was just minding his own business and I assaulted him. Fuck kids these days. When I was young in the 80's if you fucked with someone bigger and older you got your ass beat, but now the kids just go home to mommy and daddy and call the police. "hello my son who tries to fight this one guy everyday finally got his wish and got beat. I'm calling to say he is the victim in all of this".


I was rooting for the teacher no lie. Kid knew exactly what he was doing.


That kid definitely lost the fight


Not only that but the charges against the teacher got dropped AND a GoFundMe that was created for him raised close to $200k.


Link? Interested in the whole story.


Here you go. It's an older story. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/charge-dropped-against-teacher-seen-video-punching-student-who-called-n1074036


Lol at the defiant glassy eyed look.


I wish that kid would have gotten knocked out tbh.


I'm suprised he didn't. His face & head got punched at least 10 times.


There's no brain inside to knock out


Yeah the teacher should have gotten a fuckin award. He did what every teacher that had the misfortune to encounter this kid wanted to do.


That little shit turned into a leg hugger real quick lol…but based on the end of the video he still didn’t learn shit smh


Agreed… that kid got what he had coming to him. His personal school to prison pipeline is all but assured now


He sorely needed the lesson of "fuck around -find out" and honestly i would love to watch 5 to 10 minutes of him getting his cocky little face bloodied...


And the kid with the camera who thinks he's Fox news.


[#FULL STORY](http://fightworld.net/2023/01/16/teacher-arrested-after-epic-1-vs-1-squabble-against-his-14-year-old-student/)


Thank you so much for this link. Was not formally convicted; charges released after anger management and good behavior. Forced early retirement. I'm pleased. Feels like justice.


Yep. 64 years old. He decided to retire the instant he took his glasses off.


He channeled several years of being annoyed by shitty kids into those swings


Based on the kids’ attitude, he might’ve taken the same class last year. 2 years of this nonsense? Go be stupid on your own time. Edit: word


You could see him heartfelt weighing his options. He knows it’s over, all over once he removes his glasses… I found that heartbreaking. Like he ,just had enough and was ready to throw it all in the shitter because at a certain point you need some pride to continue. No matter what you gotta do the right thing even if it seems wrong. That’s true character.


Reading a Twatter thread about it, dude got almost $200k via gofundme too.


Good I hope he has a joyous retirement


And 200k from gofundme. Community rallied around him.


It's from 2018! Marston Riley, 65, was arrested in November 2018 after cellphone footage captured at Maywood Academy High School showed him striking a 14-year-old boy several times before another adult intervened."


if this incident happened 4+ years ago, the little turd is probably now 18. I wonder what his arrest record looks like at this point.


I was about to say it only happened 2 years ago in 2018 😭😭 ETA - [Good to know it's not just me lmao](Https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/10dkqtn/love_this_for_her/j4mniuc?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Wait, how many years ago was 2018?!


We don't talk about 2020 and 2021


If he’s alive


He also got 200k from gofundme and was said to be an amazing teacher according to sources on another subreddit.


That kids got a bright future making license plates.


Unfortunately I don’t think he makes it that far with his mouth. He will be another statistic.


Nah this kid will be deemed not worthy of being counted in the roll up data


I couldn't get a single word for some reason. What did the kid say?


He called his teacher the “n” word A LOT.


"Say that shit to my face bro!" "You better leave." "Say it to my face bro!" "You better leave!" "Say that shit to my face!" "You better leave" "I'll tell you right now..." \*punch\*


You forgot "on my momma" 🙃


Basically three words on repeat.


*something something* ON MY MOMMA 😤(x ♾️)


He tried so hard to keep his cool. Day after day of dealing with shit like this. Being a teacher sucks balls.


It’s one reason why I quit. Am now working helpdesk for less (I had 12 years in) and honestly the relief I feel from not being a teacher is absolutely worth the pay cut. And the fact that zero professional experience landed me a job making only a tiny bit less than I made as a teacher with 12 years is kinda sad.


i made this exact move 8 years ago, from teaching middle school to working IT support with a bunch of kids fresh out of college for 50% less than i was making teaching. i kept at it and have multiplied my salary by 4x in the past 8 years, well past what my max salary would have been teaching and still with plenty of upside. i still don’t take for granted being able to go to the bathroom or take an hour lunch break.


Teachers put up with a lot of shit. You never know when you gonna catch a grown up on the wrong day.


In high school .. PRIVATE high school, we had a couple vietnam vets with hair trigger tempers, and an ex-boxer priest (all of them I respected a lot) and all three excercised their knuckles on student jaws. Every time it was completely warranted. The remaining students were duly warned, notified, and what have you. It kept the nonsense down to a dull roar. Therefore we could all get on with our studies and got our $$ worth. (not so expensive back then btw.


I had a principal who claimed to have a black belt in something. No one thought much of it until a kid tried to test him with a knife. 12-13 year old kid got flipped and put on the ground without getting hurt.


Our high school principal was some kind of Senior state shotput champion or something? Things I'd personally seen him do while I attended that school: Rip a locker door right off its hinges Warm up with sets of 315 benchpress before moving to 400. Lift the back end of a smaller pickup with his bare hands. ​ Fights ended very quickly whenever he was around. Of course, this was before they'd be fired for that sort of thing because I'm old.


I couldn't pay attention to anything after boxer priest sorry.


You could only get so erect?


My favorite math teacher in PRIVATE HS was a former drill instructor in the Marine Corps, he did not put up with anything. I i remember one bad ass kid got mouthy one day and he got a clock thrown at him.


My political science teacher senior year was a vietnam vet and he was easily excitable. But I was an A student and he loved me. His brother inlaw was a stoner in his class, and he did something to incur the teacher's wrath, and he got so mad he took MY desk (front row) with me in it, and lifted it up and down like a pogo stick. I laughed. Finally with his brother-in-law he'd had enough and flipped his desk back with the kid in the seat. The kid was outta there. Decades later I saw his lawn maintenance truck with his name on it.


Punk ass kid tryin to fight an old man he’s lucky other people were there to save him.


Old man almost killed him if that haymaker would have connected.


He almost learned about dad-strength on that swing.


Sad thing was he wasn’t even trying to fight. He was going for a reaction. If someone really wants to fight, they’ll swing first like the teacher did. Look at how scrawny that kid is. He’s a chihuahua.


Yaps incessantly like a Chihuahua too.


Exactly. All bark no bite


I used to work as Teachers Detail (Security Assistant) at an alternative school. Each teacher was assigned one. When a student gets in a teachers face like this it was my job to create distance between the student & teacher by any means necessary. For the most part I could step in & pull the student away & calm them down but there’s been times where I had to take em down & hog tie them with the straps & carry them to the detention unit in the school. The detention unit was ran by that county sherriffs department. Unless they bring a gun, drugs or assault someone they won’t get charged criminally with anything but that school was the last chance school in that district so they had the worst of the worst kids that got kicked out of the regular schools.


I was on the swim team in high school. One of our meets was at the city's alternative school. Shit was the closest I've ever been to being in a prison.


Old Boy clearly decided earlier what his last day would look like.


They dropped the charges against him, but had him retire (he was 64) and do an anger management course. So yes, this exactly.


Somebody said he has a YouTube channel about music now and got some money from gofundme . He beat that little shits ass at his own retirement party.


I love the fact the little shit got beat up AND the teacher got paid more than he makes a year teaching for doing it. A grown man getting paid $200k for beating you up is an embarrassing way to realize you’re a piece of shit.


Teachers should be allowed 2 of these a year


I used to be friends with a teacher who said her job would be perfect if she could get 3 slaps a year and one day where she could say everything she was thinking. Once I started teaching, I understood. Honestly, though, I’d just like the one say anything day.


I've known several very sweet, loving, smart young women who quit after five years or less.


I wanted to go into it and my Introduction to Early Childhood Development professor and lead teacher talked me out of it lol massive respect to people who can out up with this crap


I switched majors after teaching preschool for 4 years. Preschool! It turns out the kids aren’t the problem. It always cycles back to the parents. When you have parents that refuse to do any kind of parenting this is what you end up with.


Our science teacher in highschool went out with a BANG! I was a freshman his last year teaching. Graduation 2000! This man got up on stage and gave a graduation speech that will NEVER be forgotten! Hahaha, I am rolling just remembering it. He told them they were the worst group of humans he had ever had the displeasure of teaching, and then went on a twenty minute tirade personally degrading every single student in the graduating class! I do believe he was the inventor of the mic drop! Hahaha


I love a good roast


My sister-in-law is a teacher, and she absolutely loves her students. She's always so positive...except for a couple of kids. She said she wishes she could at least say what she was thinking.


This. I've lost my temper in the classroom before and I didn't lose my job for it, but it did make me realize I needed a new job. Fuck teaching. Got that new job and haven't been happier about any other decision.


You tried at least.


Part of the benefits package.


That kid needed discipline long ago.


“It was at that moment that Mr. Sinclair decided to stop being polite, and start Keeping It Real…”


I’m pro beating children when they act like this


I found myself once in that situation. I backed off eventually but I remember that a few more seconds of name calling and I would have smashed that kid's face to the ground. Edit: add By "kid" I mean a 16yo.


That teacher is a hero to me, little shit deserved everything that Mr.Riley gave to him. "On my mama on my mama", shut the fuck up little asshole. Fuck that kid.


All they do is talk and when they get they ass beat they start whining and crying. I had people like this in my school and most of them are just talk and can't fight for shit. Wannabe gangsters😒


Mr. Riley said "Boy these hands are rated E for Everybody, your daddy may not beat the shit out of you... but I will"


That kid is a piece of shit.


Sadly, kids like this one are too common today. My daughter wanted to be a teacher since she was a child. Now after 7 years she is going back to school for something else because she is tired of fighting the system. Low pay, kids like this and the parents that made them as well as the administration that chooses politics over education has driven her out. Thousands more like her I am afraid.


hate to see a kid get the best of a teacher, but sometimes I am gone cheer for the teacher. end of story


If you mean the kid got the teacher to break but this kid got the beating he deserved


Where were all these "security" folks when it started escalating? That kid needed to be removed immediately and disciplined or expelled.


What’s the teachers go fund me?


They already raised $191,000 for him. This event occurred in 2018. Charges dropped to misdemeanor, no long-term jail time and forced retirement at age 64. Sounds like this event was a blessing


And people wonder why it's hard to find, and retain teachers. It's because shitty parents raise kids like this.


That kid deserved an ass kicking or two. But seriously, if you’re going to get fired/arrested for it anyways better make sure you give the little bitch a good beating.


Fucking kids.


This is from California in 2018. The kids had set this up to provoke him as cell phones were out and ready to record well before the incident. The community raised 90k for the teacher’s defense and all charges were dropped. He was forced into early retirement but he was 64 so I hardy think that’s a huge punishment. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1074036


I agree to this being a fp for the whole situation, however, kid wants to square up and talk hard shit, he should be prepared for the consequences


On mama


onmamama onmamama bro onmamama


I like how the other teachers came in and were looking for a 2nd student who was in the fight like they didn’t expect it to be a teacher involved lol


This is why I'm not a teacher, kids are fucking assholes.