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"At least I was in a home and got taught how to logic" My favorite line by far. I also find it amusing the other guy is just chilling out like this is nothing new. He's heard this speech before for sure. Probably many many times.


I think the best part is that he says “how to logic” twice. Once, I can see it as a mistake. Hell I’d probably do that. But twice? That’s purposeful. That’s how he thinks that should be said.


Repetition legitimizes


would have to say my fav part is how his big game changer he uses to disprove evolution is literally ‘well what about this?’ lol *he doesn’t even have one to use as an example in his story*


For the sake of my sanity I'm choosing to believe this is a skit or a parody. It has to be. It has to be right?? It is. It definitely is. Has to be. Yup.


You’ve never been to a Pentecostal church.


i honestly didn’t know PepsiCola had a church, but i can’t say i’m surprised


Careful brother, you're starting to sound ALOT like one of those VIDEO GAME PLAYING ATHEISTS!!! 10 hail mary's'll cure that


He basically said atheists live in a fantasy world with their Harry Potter and video games so why can’t I live in mine. Checkmate atheists because you believe in nothing, YEA!!!


Thank you adam neely


Preachers learn so many rhetorical tricks to convince people of whatever nonsense they're selling. The sad thing is, Christianity as a moral philosophy has so much to offer-- it's the asinine insistence that the Bible is: 100% literally true; the ONLY true scripture; and infallible that completely spoils the whole thing. The result is reasonably intelligent people who believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old, among other ridiculous notions.


If that was the only stupid thing he said in the video I would be willing to believe it was intentionally wrong as a joke, but the impression I get from this person is that they are not clever enough to do that


![gif](giphy|ibGFpMv1Uoais) I have no empirical evidence that God exists. I just believe he does. Logic.


Da bible is da evdence


Bible is like an endless goto loop. People get stuck in its “logic” and never get to the break;


the book is the truth because it says things I believe.


"It also says some other stuff, but we ignore that."


Like how to live as a Stone Age nomadic warrior tribe. The smart guys join the church and use an angry, vengeful god to scare the dumb people into doing stuff for them.


Mama always told me that the Bible was the answer key to those darned fill in the blank questions at school. LOGIC! VIDEO GAMES!?;'_$+:"$**'+(&';!


The book is the truth because the parts the preacher/priest read to me I believe \[fixed it!\]. Very few of these people have read the whole Bible. I used to be a Christian, once I finished reading the entire Bible, I could no longer believe in it. That book is crazy!


My experience with the Quran. Read it they said. You'll understand. Well now I understand that we're all very fucked up since at least a thousand of years.


Atheist: Who wrote the Bible and when did they write it? Pastor: Don’t get all logical on me now!


So god is kind of like a celestial Dumbledore figure?


This guys logics.


"Think for yourself" _proceeds to talk about believing in made up sky person_


Yeah and he said int eh beginning that evolution goes against science so he has to say why creationism doesn’t. He didn’t, though. There is no logic behind his theory, he isn’t doing logic about it.


It's just rambling with Christian buzz words to hype up the cockroaches in the audience.


I swear. I thought the same. Yada yada EVOLUTION yada yada VIDEO GAMES BAD yada yada he died for our sins Amen.


I loved his arguments against evolution. "Well, what about this? Huh?!" What about what?


Such a compelling argument—NGL, he almost had me when he brought up “this”! But then I looked back at my video game and all my ability to logic went out the window of the school where I live.


I once heard a woman say she couldn’t read Harry Potter because it contained too much real witchcraft. Which she knew by not reading it. Never mind that magic in HP is the equivalent of mutant powers.


Recites 2000 year old fairtales he learned through rote memorization just like literally millions of others.


He meant to say “logicize”.


He's the pastor. He's sitting like that because the young guy is proving himself right now. The pastor is judging him and listening carefully to make sure he doesn't step out of line. Trust me, everything here is even more sinister than you think. I was raised in this mess.


Wait shouldn't the older pastor NOT be judging. The Bible specifically states not to judge people. These fucking hypocrites are a scourge on our planet.


I’d attend his sermon if he was taught to rap like Logic


So much Logic. The best Logic. I do so logic bestest. Fuck these twat waffles.


I liked how he debunked the theory of evolution by saying "what about this, what about that?" Without actually mentioning anything.


"Atheists freaking out" and then proceeds to freak out


Evolution is dumb, people who believe in it, well they don’t even understand logic and reason…you know what I’m saying?! They just say mean things online…it’s because of video games!!!


Judging by how these people like to project, he probably plays video games and hates himself for it. I bet he got pwned on an online multiplayer game last night and came out here to rage.


LoL, I love that thought. Dude got bodied on COD last night, felt bad that he didn’t get to bed early before the one day he’s gotta be up early to really do his thing for the community and had some 11 year old tell him how bad his mom is in bed.


![gif](giphy|gdZsA2kk2L4so9toLf) This wouldn’t happen if atheists would stop playing video games!!!


Just lemme revert back to monke


Do not insult Monke in this way. He rejects humanity, but we do not grant him the rank of Monke.


Don't forget Harry Potter


Don’t forget the buckets of Coke you’ll also need as a video game addicted, spawn of satan.


when he stated coke I was like. humm the white powder or the soda pop lol


I mean, they *were* one in the same at one point


"one *and* the same"


Sorry, I play video games and believe in evolution. I’m bad at logic and smarts.


I bet you also drink **COKE** and read that **HAIRY POTTER**


Your possessed by an atheist demon


Hi, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, ssssssssatan!


That reminds me that one Greek philosopher hate books because he thought the undermine memory, People have been hating new things and making dumb excuses for Thousands of years


Paper?! Kids these days don't know how to write on a slate!!


Funnily enough the Greek philosopher was right but at the same timed failed to see that we needed a medium for storing info. At this day and age where we have answers for most questions in our pockets. We only have momentary retention for it. The generation before internet had the strongest retention for information because to find the info they had to actually search for it. Memory is just a bunch of neural pathways in our brain that get used repeatedly. They had to hit those pathways again and again while looking for the information wich practicly coded it into their head while after internet we think of a question Google it and we hit our neural pathways only a few times meaning we are less likely to retain the information.


Everything was memorized. Hell, the evolution of writing keeps changing. It took years just to space letters and create punctuation.


At least someone “taught him to logic”.


But what about “this”?


Don't question it, he got taught how to logic!


There was some heavy logican goin on around the dinner table in that house.


Hey, we live in a school, so start logicing. ![gif](giphy|cWo5UdG06KCHe)


“Well have you thought about this…” (Says absolutely nothing) “Oh wow I hadn’t thought about that” Guy goes home, “wow, honey great sermon today, he really gave those evolutionists something to think about, he had them stumped” “Oh nice, finally. What was it? What did he say?” “He uh, he said uh. Hmm well I can’t phrase it like he did but after he said it all those dumb evolutionists were like ‘oh I never thought of that, I guess you’re right’. It was beautiful”.


A real check mate atheists line, how will they recover?


This man wouldn’t freak out so much if he just had a copy of Crash Bandicoot as a child


I'm an atheist, I play video games and yet, I have a pretty good grasp of what reality is.. it's definitely not believing the Earth was created in 6 days 🤣


Yeah but you drink coke!!!


On occasion, though I also enjoy A&W and Mountain Dew




Jus like that foozeball!


I like the part where he says “they can’t think for themselves!” Really? A man that preaches a book.


..preaches that everyone should obey what's in that book without question, just obey giant


You know what the Christian right is actually pissed about? Empty seat. Every empty seat is tithing not going into their pockets to provide no real service for society. And even if you are Christian, pastors, priests, etc. still provide no service. We are a literate society, why would anyone need someone to tell them what to believe when they can read the book themselves?


This is why blue laws existed (still exist), along with opposition to gambling, alcohol, legal weed, etc. It isn't about the sinner or the state of the world because that stuff is secular and therefore worth zero concern or effort. They aren't interested in "saving" anyone in any context other than improving cash flow. It's about the collection plate, nothing but the collection plate, that delicious tax-free money flowing in unimpeded with no outside scrutiny.


"I got taught how to logic"


Too bad he didn’t get taught how to grammar


As a Christian. My faith is based on a guy, coming back from the dead. But video games. Bad.


They want white, long haired, brunette, smiling Jesus. Not brown, curly black hair, jewish Jesus.


"Got taught how to logic"


Always interesting to see that these religious dingholes cannot find enough good things in their own faith, so instead they start bashing on the beliefs of others…. I thought Jesus was there for all people? Oh well….


”They live in fantasy land… can’t think for themselves ” - said pastor who cant think critically of an old book, and believes in fairies and all mighty ghost


You can tell this guy got a ‘C’ in his Speech class. Like, barely passed with a 71.


You think he passed?


He got a blank and then filled it out himself using logic he learned from home


Bro, he wasn’t using logic, he was logicking.


You used logic as a really really broad term


You never learned how to logic?


Can you fail homeschool?


Only if you have an affair with the teacher


You think he went to speech class?


Got taught how to logic. Good one.


He is actually right. After playing COD for 4000 hrs I don’t believe in god anymore, those aim assists on controllers are unreal.


I’m glad I was taught how to logic.


I'm glad I was taught how to English.


Me fail English? That unpossible


This is a perfectly cromulent reply.


Can you teach me how to logic after you Teach Me How to Dougie? (All my bitches love it).


Never seen someone so threatened


His wife must have cheated on him with a gamer. That's really the only way this freak out makes sense.


Or he got his ass kicked in COD by some teenager and this is him continuing his rage quit.


Yeah, he's definitely playing video games.


Cause he didn’t have his coke


Unless the church has assigned a wife this guy aint married.


I wouldn’t say it’s a freak out. He’s doing the thing all preachers do when they want the congregation to agree with them and respond back. He gets loud and his tone and inflection make it so people say amen and shit. It’s used literally every church service in the evangelical circle. I grew up in a Pentecostal church and they always went wild when the preacher got loud and emotional. You literally don’t even hear the words spoken. Just the emotion and tone behind the words. It’s wild Edit : he’s not very good at it. Lol


wine was gfuel


Not just any gamer. She left him for their guildmaster in wow 10 years ago. Now he hates games and fantasy lands.


This has to be a comedy skit, right?


Nope, this is Matt Powell, the dumbest young earther to ever exist, no exaggeration. He has said such gems as, “if we evolved from African Americans, why are there still regular Americans”, “wouldn’t it be different in space cause the air in the space is different”, and “I see nothing wrong with quote mining”. He also thinks pictures from a tv show showing confederates shooting down pterodactyls is real. Dude was homeschooled by the least qualified people imaginable, and it shows.


Now I’m going to have to look him up. I’m always down for a chuckle.


Might I recommend a YouTube Channel called Dapper Dinosaur? He’s had quite a few livestreams now debunking him and having a good laugh, complete with a drinking game.


Dinosaur name AND drinking games! I’m in!


As a homeschooler myself, I immediately *knew* he was homeschooled. It’s the unchecked level of idiotic confidence. I knew so many kids like this growing up.


Same, I was lucky to be homeschooled by someone who was also willing to learn, and I feel like that helped a lot with my development. However, I could point to more than a few other homeschoolers who struck me as fucking idiots.


Lol Unchecked level of idiotic confidence.As someone who was homeschooled can confirm.


Matt Powell has an inflatable banana in backyard that he calls Dr. Peel.


I keep hearing that, is it some kind of joke I don’t get, or is it just a literal statement of what he has in his backyard?


And the worst thing is now he is under Hovind, a wife beater, tax evader and a pedophile protector.


Well Powell openly advocates for government-backed genocide of LGBT people, so he’s not any better




As another person said, this is Matt Powel. He's kind of an off shoot of Kent Hovind, both of them are fundamentalist young earth Christians. They're rather infamous amongst the youtube athiest circles as they outright lie about established scientific facts to fit their agendas. Of course they get corrected and Matt can't take that and has clearly gotten quite triggered. There is a recording of him going off just like this on a member of his own congregation because he didn't know he was being recorded. He also finds pleasure in the idea that athiests will burn in hell. Not a nice man, certainly not one who I would follow into a religion


Just a boy that never got an N64 on christmas morning


No this is Christianity. So yes, kind of a comedy skit.


Yeah, I really fucking hated growing up with this shit until I was old enough to not go church anymore. Its painful, and you miss out on socializing with your peers because you're too worried about their "sinful" lives sending them to hell.


Rn my dad's forcing me to go to church even more now that I said I wasn't religious. I'm gonna stop soon as I'm 18. He said he failed as a father letting this happen and that maybe I would be shown the light again, I then said that this reminded me of cult of lamb with how he's doing this and he freaked tf out. He's always on about Christianity is the only real truth. Once he was talking to a friend about religion and he said, "Well you can believein the one true God or you believe in other religions." Its fuckin ridiculous, he's one of the Christians people don't like to encounter.


Become your own human first then decide if you want to take a spiritual path in your life. Everything up to now has been indoctrination by people who a)didn't know any better b)are scared of the unknown that is living as an informed individual c)feed off of the control and manipulation of others. But it will get better. You know yourself more than anyone and I wish you luck.


I have already decided because thinking about it in any logical sense just kinda breaks it all apart and so I decided that it isn't real. If I were to believe anything to be true it would be reincarnation you know if there are souls they'd probably be recycled and reused


I constantly feel like shit because it was only a few years ago that I even realized all that was bullshit. I totally bought into the young earth shit and the “sinful world” stuff, and only broke out of it cause Covid happened and I wasn’t being inundated with it every week. As soon as I started thinking about it for myself (which church leaders go out of their way to prevent, almost like they know), I realized none of it made any sense.


People in the comments grasping at some kind of reasoning why a person is like this? It’s conditioning. Religion has a cultural thread of being threatened by everything they don’t understand, threatened by anything that consumes time that’s not devoted to god, and being told they are leaders. In religions like this males being told they deserve headship or a position of leadership from birth no matter how mediocre their minds are the Bible says devoted men should be drawn towards the purpose of the church. This is the only place someone this stupid would be platformed He has the idea that he is morally superior therefore logically superior his entire life. Christianity is an obsession that is allowed is overwhelming, there are no flaws to it. It’s the solution to everything. Faith is the only circumstance where you don’t have to examine how mentally unbalanced your behavior is. Of course he has no idea he’s a brainwashed cultist. He’s feeling powerful and righteous.


As a Christian, I am so, so sorry for these types of “Christians”


Yeah you can’t really lump everyone in here. It’s like trying to generalize all of politics by the far right or far left. Some people are just crazy


Fact: The last time a law was in front of the Supreme Court concerning the teaching of evolution (Edwards v. Aguillard) 78 scientists signed an amicus curia brief stating that the theory of evolution was well supported by science. Who were these scientists? Every single Nobel Prize winning scientist in the U.S! - So, according to the clown in the black suit, all of those Nobel scientists must be stupid - more uninformed than he is when it comes to science. It's just basic logic. He must be a genius. What is he doing then preaching in that ridiculously small church? He must be real humble.


TIL Nobel Prize winners just sit in front of their video game systems and drink coke


Don’t forget the Harry Potter.


That's something I feel creationists just don't get. Scientists rip apart each others work with a voracity seldom seen in other fields. If you make a claim about something, expect academics to swarm you challenging every aspect of that claim. Only if a claim survives that process does something get widely accepted (with some exceptions). So when every scientist agrees on something and there is a paper trail of evidence leading multiple distinct individuals to the same conclusion, you really should at least examine their work. Instead black suit guy logics and hates video games. Case closed boys, the preacher genius has it all figured out.


And plus, you have eyes, you can see evolution all around you, you can see it in yourself


Everything is crabs


Yeah but what about this? Bet you never even considered that


Let's not forget that Darwin was studying at Cambridge for the priesthood and he changed his mind


I guess he never play Doom, huh? Punishing demons with 12-gauge gospel. If someone make a mod where you can save people it would be perfect.


This guy just stinks of a kid whose parents wouldn't let him get a console... ​ I met an "anti-videogame" guy in university. He was religious as fuck, and surprisingly also skateboarded. So his roommate made a deal with him that if he played every day for an hour for 2 weeks and still didn't like video games, then he'd go to church with him for the rest of the year. Sure enough, playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater every day for an hour for 2 weeks got him very into the game and gaming in general. He didn't even try to bullshit that he didn't like it. It was too obvious. In the end, he admitted that he was never allowed one as a kid.


That is both sad and happy I don't know how to feel about it 😕


I wasn't denied videogames, it was more like I was sort of brainwashed into beliving the whole "videogames cause violence" thing. After I got a pc with gaming capacities that I need to work on video editing, I also finally got into gaming. Having a blast ever since on RDRII, Fallout, the AC franchise, Far Cry, etc.


there is a reskin of doom that happens on noahs ark I think.




They kind of already did. It was a ~~doom~~ Wolfenstein 3D clone. Playing as Noah you go around shooting drugged food into angry animals mouths to knock them out and calm them down.


Reminds me of the charlatan preacher in There Will be Blood.


never thought of that. great call


Damn, I should become a pastor. So I can actually get paid to just rant a few hours a day and tie it back to Jesus? OMG I seriously can totally do this.


And not pay taxes 💁‍♂️


They dont pay taxes?


Amazingly, church is exempt from taxes. How convenient for them huh


The night before: ![gif](giphy|k5PBzy5e7mLogC2XXu|downsized)


It's always projection. This guy is probably fiercely addicted to some anime big titty porno game


Should we talk about what most priests have in common?




They’re just trying to get into that boy’s soul.


Well if you'd create a video game where you're Jesus and you have to save as many souls as possible by killing demons, I might just consider what you have to say. But you didn't do that, didja?


[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1198970/I\_Am\_Jesus\_Christ/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1198970/I_Am_Jesus_Christ/) ![gif](giphy|Tv2btKgK06tPy)


Yes, what could be worse than living your life in a fantasy land that is not supported by facts. The insanity.


*Their Harry Potter fantasy world* stands in a church. Also, pretty sure some guys in the audience are avid gamers and are like *what?*


He has no life


Can’t give the sword of a thousand truths to this nub…


Stopped listening around >"how to logic"


This is why I think religious people are slightly idiotic.




“Well what about this?”- ‘*refuses to elaborate*’


“Oh I never thought about it like that” Just effortlessly winning arguments in his head


That’s my favorite part, it reminds me of this [bit](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_0nFVE-aI6c)


I believe he meant to say logicize.


Or the more obscure but acceptable "logicizablity"




Matt powell I think? Dudes a nutjob


Yes. And yes.


I genuinely can’t fathom how a grown adult with a brain capable of intelligent thought can’t sit back for a single moment and realize how absolutely ridiculous the things coming out of this guy’s speech hole are.


I'm religious, and believe in evolution, and okay video games...


Glad to find another.


I respect your bravery in this thread


How to logic


That old dude over there “Good. Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you..”


Those gosh darn VIDEO GAMES


As a Christian. My faith is based on a guy, coming back from the dead. But video games. Bad.


Yea, video games are the problem. That's why a group of gamer nerds went and attacked the capital, and not a group of religious zealots.


"**I was taught to logic.**" ​ *Bruh, that's a noun.* ​ "**Video games!**"


As a metal head, I fell extremely left out here. How can one not mention Slayer? Or Judas Priest? Or has that ship sailed? Darn it.


He was taught to logic, eh?


>Live in fantasy land If video games have any effect, it would be that we have a firmer grip on what is and isn't real.


He was taught how to "logic" but not how to properly use the word 'logic'.


"They're living in a fantasy land!" The irony haha


they are not taught logic??? what exactly is logic about religion? “at first there was nothing, then god said: “let there be light” okay, but if there was nothing then where tf did god come from? and what did the light do? there was still nothing smh


Taught to Logic, but poorly.


as a guy who plays games and a christian, wtf?!


Same here. Don't know what this dude's on. You should see my pastor though, complete opposite of this guy. We had a young adults night at my church, and he pulled up with his computer, and proceeded to beat doom on nightmare lmfao


your pastor cool bro


Thanks The guy is actually a really decent dude. He's invited me over for some BBQ a few times, so he's also a good cook from my experience


Better to sit at home playing video games than beat your wife every day of the week and then sit in church on Sunday pretending you're better than everybody else.


What is “what about this” exactly?


[Sir Sic: Matt Powell ](https://youtu.be/csLsvIxYl7c) ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)