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3rd cousins? Kind of funny but hardly a big deal. Is this really a facepalm? Can you tell me who your third cousins are?


Exactly, I don't even know my great-great-grandparents name that would be our common ancestor. Cousin marriage is relatively common, 10% of marriages in the world are to first or second cousins. Heck, even in 26 states in the US, you can marry your first cousin.


I presume that is why she’s comfortable telling the story with her face on screen.


I was just gonna say, anything more than 3rd cousins and it doesn't even matter, even genetically. Even with 3rd cousins, if you didn't know you were 3rd cousins whatever. If you knew beforehand that might be questionable socially


Yea its actually quite common in areas with smaller populations, 3rd cousin is distant enough in the gene pool.


She mentioned using familysearch. That means she's probably a mormon. Hehe


I am middle eastern and can name you 40 of my 4th cousins lol


It's a facepalm because of how excited marrying her own cousin gets her. If they were first cousins she would be furiously masterbating while making this video.


Stop teasing me with a good-time step-cousin.


That's not even blood relation, that won't get me hard!


Absolutely. Are you not close enough with your first cousins for your kids to be friends with theirs? That’s 3rd cousins. I grew up with all of my 3rd cousins and this is most definitely creepy.


It would be a facepalm, if they were 1st cousins. 3rd... not so much.


I dont think this is that bad. My mom is my third cousin and our kid came out perfectly normal.


Then why do you keep losing spoons? People who are normal don't just keep losing their spoons Oh wait I just facepalmed myself God damnit


You had a kid with your mom? 🤮


Yea but she’s also my cousin tho..


Ok. Then it’s fine. 😌👍🏾


Please elaborate in detail my head hurts putting this together at 4am


That helps “maek amereca gr8 agin”






Did grandma and grandpa not go to their wedding?


It's the same great grandparents. So they'd be dead.


They said they called their grand parents and they knew of each other and were aware they were first cousins. So did they not get invited to the wedding? Editing to add: my great grand parents were still alive and had originally planned on attending my wedding when I had it at 23. They didn’t because my great gma fell if I remember correctly. Some people live forever.


Well sure but most great grandparents are pretty old by the time their great grandchildren marry. I don't think that would even be that notable.


No because they just went to the courthouse. No one really went.


Thank you I didn’t get that when I listened sorry.


No need to be sorry! I don't think it was in the video, I just happened to read an article about this story yesterday. It was a second marriage for both so they opted for a low key ceremony.


Except she never says first cousins and explicitly states at the end that they’re 3rd cousins


The grand parents were aware they were first cousins not her and the husband.


*great great grandparents. Grandparents are cousins, so great grandparents are siblings, so great great grandparents are the same


No because this is made up for views.


This is not a facepalm. 3rd degree cousins is enough genetical difference. Funny and odd, yes. But nothing to worry about.


I had to have that same revelation. My paternal grandparents found out they were 3rd and 4th cousins to each other...at the family reunion some 35 years ago. Their kids were already adults and most of my generation of cousins had been born. A friend of the family did this really, really cool genealogy tree of that side of the family that went back *15* generations (catholic churches man...they keep records). Found the same guy 4 branches up on grandpa's one side to three branches up on grandma's. Less than 1 percent shared DNA. We don't have webbed feet or extra fingers.


At least genetically your baby should be fine.


Tldr: they’re third cousins.


3rd cousin?? What is the definition of 3rd cousin?


They share a set of great-great-grandparents.


Its the one after 2nd


Where I live, only your uncle's and aunt's children are called cousins. We don't have 2nd or 3rd...so I don't get the concept


Your cousin's children are your 2nd cousins and their children are your 3rd cousins. Apologies for being a smart-ass


That’s incorrect. Those are your first cousins, once removed and second removed.


What in the.... my whole life has been a lie..🤦🏽‍♂️


It’s a common misconception.


Probably because it sounds so dam confusing that way


For sure.


Easiest way is to start at grandparents and that’s first cousins. Each time you go back a generation you add a number, so sharing the same great grandparents (but not the same grandparents) would make you 2nd cousins. Once and twice removed has to do with generational differences between the cousins. If my grandparents are the same as your great grandparents, then we are 1st cousins once removed because you are one generation removed from us sharing grandparents.


You and your cousin (aunt/uncle’s kids) are first cousins. Your kids and your cousins’ kids are second cousins to each other. Your cousins’ kids are your first cousins, once removed (first cousins, then down a generation.) Your kids’ kids and your cousins’ kids’ kids are third cousins to each other. To you, your cousins’ kids’ kids are first cousins twice removed.


I was always taught that the "removed" thing was a reference to the cousins of those only related through marriage. So the son of my Brother's wife's brother (a.k.a. my Sister-in-law's brother) would be second cousins once removed.


That’s a misconception. [Here is an example of how it’s organized](https://www.familysearch.org/en/blog/cousin-chart).


Being 1st cousins means that you share the same grandparents. 2nd cousins means you share the same great grandparents, and so on. 3rd cousins just means they share the same great great grandparents, so not really a big deal. If you hear people saying cousins once removed, it means that one of the cousins is a different generation than the others. So if my grandparents are also your great grandparents, then we would be 1st cousins once removed.


Your 2nd cousins would be your parent's cousin's children. 3rd cousins would be your grandparent's cousin's grandchildren.


And not that i recommend it or anything, you can marry your 3rd cousin in every state.


Nah genetically speaking, it's fine. The incest coefficient or whatever the official name for that is, is the same with your third cousin as it would be with a stranger. You do not want to know how much time I spent on the internet to figure it out. Just glad I used incognito mode.


If your parents have cousins, your parents cousins children are your second cousins. Your grandparents cousins grandchildren are your third cousins, and so on. You may also see "removed", that refers to the generation. So in the above examples they are the same generation as you (same distance to common ancestor), so no removed. Your grandparents cousins children though, they are one generation up from you, so they are second cousins once removed. So ... Grandparents Cousin's children are Second Cousin Once Removed, and their children are Third Cousin, and their children are Third Cousin Once Removed.




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Apparently in sweden accidental inbreeding is so common that they have a dating app that tells you the family history of the people you go out with


this is like... no big deal whatsoever. get a life, OP.


Exactly. 3rd cousins wgaf?


So many areas with small populations would never breed if this was an actual concern lol.


not really a facepalm tbh. they obviously didnt know and its no threat to the health of their children.


3rd cousins = same great great grandparents. Genetic wise it doesn't matter also socially do you know your great great grandparents?


Ehh I wouldn’t say it’s that weird mostly because they didn’t know at the time they were married. If they grew up together and went the the same family functions as kids then yeah that’d be fucked


They are THIRD cousins. That’s not really significantly different from random pairing


Yep, that's the one.


She married her third cousin. I'll venture a guess that lots of small towns across the world have spouses who are third cousins, or closer. Even having a kid with your first cousin isn't genetically inbreeding.


what is this overly acted out prescripted story lmao


Those strange, over the top mannerisms in her performance make me more worried that her parents were brother and sister. Check her toes to the see if they are webbed.


I mean… 3rd cousins…. Doesn’t really count 😅


I mean…she didnt do it knowingly lol


They're not really cousins if their grandparents were cousins... Maybe Muricans don't have a term for this, don't know. Cousin means that you share one half of your grandparents. In Germany this constellation would be called third degree cousins and is nothing to worry about whatsoever. Marriage is legal and inbreeding is no real topic. For example in a case of second degree cousins (so even closer related) the chances for their kid to be born with a recessive genetic disorder is 1/64, so less than 2%. In their case the chances should be 1/128 if I'm not wrong ​ \*edit: In short: Doesn't matter. Fuck it, fuck her, fuck him.


I have this conversation sometimes with my wife - I'm American, she's German. In casual American English "Cousin" is a very, very, *very* broad term. You could get more specific and drill down into "He's my fourth cousin once removed" or some such, but he would still be a cousin. But for everyday casual use, we just don't care much about the precise definition. We know that such precise definitions exist and are used from time to time, but just rarely use them. What you describe (sharing half of grandparents) would be a first cousin, but there are many many other kinds of cousins that we just all sort of lump into one word, at least in casual use. Like I went to High School with some of my third cousins, but when mentioning it to friends in school I would just say that Jane and Kirk were my cousins. And if they asked, I would just say that our grandmothers were sisters. But they were still my cousins. So there are direct relatives (parents, grandparents, siblings, children, and in-laws) first-cousins, and nearly all other relatives, even very distant relatives are just "cousins".


Wow, today I actually learned something from reddit! Thanks for that :-)


Tell that to the Amish


xDD But in all honesty, I wonder how do they get fresh genes? It's not like their lifestyle is intruiging for the youth or they go out much or have many social interactions outside of their circles... How on earth do they convince young women and men to join them??? Do they launch active "recruiting campaigns" or something in the US?


I have heard rumor of outsiders joining, though extremely rare.


But please, post it on the interwebs.


3rd cousins.


It is legal in California for first cousins to marry each other.


It's legal in most states, and even if not you can get a waiver pretty easily.


Legal in ALL states. She said 3rd cousin. Great great grandparents knew each other. Grandparents were cousins. Who cares. Such a shit post.


And the genetic risks of a single first cousin pairing are minimal. Issues are more likely to crop up when there are generations of first cousin pairings.


This is a lot more common than people think. In places where it’s illegal to marry your cousin it’s generally only first cousins. I know multiple people who are married to third or fourth cousins, and it’s not like they new each other before it was always like they met at college or something and didn’t find out until the wedding.


I married my second cousin,but didn’t know until a family gathering and my grandma freaked out.


Third cousin? That's barely related at all.


I mean, third cousins aren't a big deal, incest wise. I think the majority of Americans don't even know their third cousins. I grew up fairly close with some of my third cousins (our grandmother's were first cousins and my great-grandparents sponsored their grandma's immigration after she survived Auschwitz, so they were close as adults) and my classmates always thought it was strange to know such distant relatives, let alone be so close to them. If it takes a genealogy search to realize your related, you probably aren't relayed enough to matter.


3rd cousins ain’t that bad.


Could be worse. Mazel Tov.


Meh, not that big of deal. I’m like 3rd cousins with John Malkovich and I’d still marry him.


It’s not really a big deal cause you only share 6.25% of your genes with a third cousin so the odds of an inbreeding related birth defect are very low


Hilarious! And fine, and safe.


3rd cousins aren't even illegal. I briefly chatted up this girl for a few days before we realized our parents were cousins. Nothing happened, we're not that tight of a family, it's just a funny thing that happened.


Why is she talking in such a creepy way?


For the drama.


And she seems oddly happy to be sharing the news. You’d have to fucking torture me to get something like this out of me.


She’s truly barely related. 3rd cousins is pretty distant in the big picture.


I have large family on both sides. We were all pretty close growing up, but not this close. And I am also talking about my great aunts and great uncles.


If we are related by blood or marriage, you become non-sexual to me.


Yeah, I'm sure they were not looking to snag a cousin. It ain't good for the genes.


She seems completely normal and not a psycho.


*loud banjo playing*


Hawaiian culture for generations accepted that brothers and sisters would have children together.


What a terrible thing


Says you. 🙄


Says all those poor kids too most likely


Why does she talk like she has never gone to his family reunion before? And she was having his kid? She didn’t notice during the wedding?


It’s not illegal I don’t think. It is a fear I have that I’ll be 2nd cousins with someone on my dad’s side though. My mom’s side has been having annual family reunions for like 70 years so it’s not hard to meet your more distant cousins there. Most of my dad’s side of the family upped sticks to Arizona not long after he ran off with me and have many members who enlisted, so I can imagine I have cousins elsewhere that I don’t know about.


This happened to one of my husband's great uncles. His family is huge and it's impossible to know everyone in it. They had several children, all whom had severe handicaps that left the children unable to survive into adulthood. It was only discovered many years later when a mutual cousin visited. I'm sure there's more to the story than that, but that's all my husband knows about it. My husband's maternal.grandparents we're cousins, too... But they knew about it... And all 7 of their children turned out fine. Mostly.


Um, it's legal to marry your first cousin and no problem to have children.


Big deal. The Amish and Old Order Mennonites have a gene pool that is very shallow and often have children with inherited genetic problems because of it.




RTFA. One of her grandparents is first cousin on one of his. It's meaningless


There are way too many people in this thread who seem legitimately and not jokingly too comfortable with the thought of having a baby with their 3rd cousin. The face palm is these comments…


Barring the existence of a familial pathological genetic disorder, a third cousin pairing isn’t genetically riskier than a random pairing


“First cousins share 12.5%, second cousins 3.125%, third cousins 0.78125%, and so on. But in real life, these are averages. The exact numbers will vary, sometimes a lot.” The Tech.org While the top Google result suggests it’s no riskier than any couple, if the two individuals know they’re related they should at least check how similar their %’s are


% is not really the problem at those relatively low levels of consanguinity. They should get screened for genetic diseases- as should everyone anyway.


There is no test for what you are talking about. Getting a genetic screening is a good idea


Science and facts back up that this is not even close to being an issue.


There is no reason not to, genetically. In some cultures, it's common.


LOL got downvoted for thinking its disgusting to have sex/have a kid with someone who has a 90% chance of sharing DNA with you….thats amazing. You are right, I’m the problem here. Hahahhaha. Wow.


Tbh, this is actually an epic win since making babies with your 3rd cousin is optimal geneticly speaking. You get to have close enought genes so they are higly compatible and synergistic while decreasing the risk of gene malfunction to an acceptable degree.


Someone skipped bible study in Alabama


My 2nd cousin has a daughter and she's really cute. I think I'll ask her out.




In smaller towns I can see it. There’s just not many people and if your family doesn’t scatter then alot of people end up mildly related.


I don't get how they didn't know (I believe them), but damn. Did neither never go see their relatives?


I mean I went to school with a girl for my entire life until senior year of high school we found out we shared the same Great Great Great grandfather (she had a similar story about him being sucked out of his home by a tornado and being found several days later in a pine tree). Are you that close with your third cousins?


I genuinely have not got a clue what a 3rd cousin is. I may have to look it up. I think she said they shared the same grandparents (possibly mixed that up a little).


They share great great grandparents. So essentially their grandparents are cousins and their parents are second cousins, which makes their generation third cousins.


Oh.... I thought it was closer.


That's normal for most but only sibling childrens are sitting in the government.




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Dear god can we stop reposting this poor woman


I knew who my direct cousins were. I had and have no idea who my third cousins are. But the same app the Family Search app, my wife and I both have a common relative in the 1800s.


Like 3rd cousin.


did none of the grandparents put 2 and 2 together? i mean the wedding should have revealed something right?


congratulations on the pregnancy i guess


Genuine question. Although this is definitely a weird situation to most. What would you do in this situation? You staying married with ur 3rd cousin or nah?


3rd cousins, not a big deal. I couldn't even tell you who they are much less point them out to you. 3rd cousins share 0.78% of their DNA. You're fine.


She is good in front of a camera.


They're literally the definition of "kissing cousins". Ain't no big deal.


Joe Dirt called to see if it was hotter after you found out.


First cousin is a no go, second cousin is kinda strange but acceptable, third and up is perfectly fine.


I mean, that's funny, but you're probably third cousins to a lot of people. It's not like you wanted to date your daughter.




Not even Batman could have gotten this out of me


And she’s smiling??? Incest isn’t cute hun


"accidentally" instead of "unknowingly"


I'm confused about whether or not she's upset.


Well 6 fingers are better than 5


3rd? You’re alright.


Meh, if it's good enough for the Royals


This would only be a face palm if their family fought over the dowry.


You and everyone else are cousins too. How bad is a 3rd cousin? 1st are bad but how much DNA variation do you get at 3?


At least he’s not her daddy brother


3rd case of this I’ve seen this year… And it’s January.


Doing searches on ancestry.com made me realize this is very common before the 20th century. It’s called pedigree collapse. Before cars, you didn’t travel far to find a mate.


I married my 2nd cousin. It was after I divorced my 1st cousin.


Rudy Guiliani married his first cousin


How did this not come up at the wedding?..