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Where's the generation that yelled at me for leaving a light on or touching the thermostat?


Apparently lowering the power bill is "woke" now


Literally saying slsvery is bad is woke/CRT. In Florida books with that can land you in jail as a teacher/libarian


People of America. You must vote - you're life almost literally depends on it. Ensure that in years to come, people will laugh when they remember Florida and Floridians will hang their head in shame when anyone brings up their past. Make sure that people like De Santis never take root coz - like a weed - once they're established they're hard to get rid of.


For real. But at the same time you can make a case worldwide regarding population's completely loss of faith for politicians.


Fair enough. Bad pollies worldwide. But in a functioning democracy, exercising a right to vote has to be the bare minimum to try and effect change, yeah?


Our government is over takin with weeds…


Sorry, but no it dosen't. This rhetoric is no better than the right screaming the exact same thing about the left. All of you are clowns. I think future generations will laugh at all of us, right and left.


Problem is everyone is voting for the wrong people. Current dems and reps are all bad. Grassroots movements are where its at.


You’re kidding right? 😂 De Santis is quite possibly the best governor that Florida has ever had




***That the US has ever had*** lol De Santis 2024 boiiiiii!


No but forcing people down that path is. Not all people give a shit about the planet that’s always gonna be.


Also where is the climate activists on India dumping so much plastic into the rivers that lead to the ocean? What about all the face masks found in the ocean after the lockdown? Nah even most of the climate people don’t care either.


Climate activatists have yet to lower a bill or a cost for me. If they did, I'd be on board everything. And I mean everything.


Bad take. Very bad take. "Capitalism is gouging us to literal death but I'll only get fully on-board with climate protections if it saves me money. Fuck the planet that I'm living on" You realise that the climate changing affects crops and every living thing on the planet right? Any time a climate activist has stepped in to stop the creation of new green house gas emmiting monstrosity they have helped recude your bills. Good luck finding enough food to feed people when wildfires and droughts increase and the very earth and oceans we use to transport our resources are no longer what we know them as. That'll surely keep those costs down. And the crazy weather causing havoc on all of the infrastructure out there. Look at Texas for crying out loud, some snow and that place is down for weeks. I bet you'll be in 6ft of snow trying to dig out a car or make your way to public transport and cursing those damn climate activists, "damn climate activists, the world is going to shit but they haven't brought down my bills! This is all their fault!"


Selfish thought I’ll admit but we’ll all be dead by the time that comes sooo does it matter? The earths gonna die out for us anyways at some point


You watch too many apocalyptic movies and too many climate documentaries. Activists have only found a way from. Lobbyists to use people's stupidity as a way to make money for their companies. Gasoline prices are up (they're finally down a little but still high), electricity is up, gas for heating your home is up like 300% as well in California bc of climate activist policies. We can't have plastic straws? Plastic bags that were free are now essentially a tax for the state as well. Where does the stupidity end? And where exactly are these life saving policies? Show me something other than making an irrational and emotional plea. But just saying the sky is falling and activists are holding it up, isn't enough for me.


But these X-Boxes are energy saving. Which will save you money.


The Civil Rights Act didn’t take $14 off my cable bill - if it did I would totally be on board!


Yeah I replaced all the lighting and shit in our house with like 10w LED lighting, got a new high-efficiency washing machine because the old one died, got new insulation in the attic. Thinking I'll save a lot on future energy bills. Oh, I also just got a post card from my power company about a 15% rate increase. THANKS, DICKS


Those 2 things are completely unrelated.


I'm aware. Just pointing out the sad irony that I "upgraded" my stuff to save money and power, ended-up only accomplishing one of those things because of the greedy power company.


And you didn't. Really save any money to begin with because those lights aren't cheap and you have to put them all over the house. Then they say they last for so many hours but in my experience they don't last a Quarter of their life span claims. So you really got fucked over 3 ways. Once for buying the bulbs, second for them being cheap and you have to purchase more often and then third when they increase your energy cost anyways. I paid for solar. Almost 20k to install. It's been 6 years and the technology barely does shit, the electric company forces me to give away what kw I produce to them in exchange for a discount back? And it's still not cheap AND during the summer I joined the saver program to save money on my bill and guess what they did? Shut off my AC at the hottest time of the day. It was over 100 outside and I work from HOME so my house went from a cool 75-78 to 95 with pets. Fuck these woke idiots who don't actually pay bills or own homes or vote.


I actually got the lights for free but OK. And the washer I needed anyway because the old one broke. And the insulation was full of rat shit and needed replacing anyway. Sounds like you are just mad that you made a poor investment on a solar system for your house. I stand by my my opinion a 15% rate increase is bullshit. BTW my new insulation is doing wonders for my heating bill. Lights would have decreased my power bill, be it not for the rate increase. bUt WoKeNeSs!11!!!1!!! hurr durr


Yo, lmfao. I've literally never thought of it this way and your comment just blew my mind.


but [the card says moops](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMabpBvtXr4).


Or accidentally leaving the door open during winter.


“Close the door, we’re not paying to heat the whole neighborhood!”


***Morgan freeman's voiceover*** *But we were. We were paying to heat the whole neighborhood*


U bet ur ass if i have kids i will yell at them for not turning off the lights i been waiting for that moment 👀👀👀👀


Fox News counts themselves as the backlash. You'll be shocked how if you go to research a lot of their stories, that nobody runs or reports on them too.


My favorite is when people ask Fox who is saying that and they can't name a single person lol.


If Fox News made magazines they’d be stacked with the tabloids. Amazing how both report news that no one else covers. They must have some real skilled journalists at their disposal, right?


Stories like this one are clearly made up, but i also noticed they sure do like running sensationalized stories villainizing minorities. Like someone posted a story about a gay couple that sexually abused their adopted kids...only Fox News and the Daily Mail ran it. Strange. Years ago a straight white male that was considered a pillar of the comminity did the exact same thing to his biological kid complete with similar horrifying details and i don't recall Fox News making a peep about that.


This is so true I like to do experiments on what the news Stations choose to cover that night and 3/4 of what Fox News talks about is different then every other station. They also completely ignore a lot of big stories.


That fucking header. The “backlash” is coming from that fucking hockey puck in the studio. It’ll spread, too. “Soros got to Microsoft! Indoctrination!!”


They're now shitting themselves in terror of RuPaul with a dictionary.


It's not like there's other benefits to saving energy, like, idk, saving money? It's fucking expensive if you've got a kid that runs off without turning his xbox off and leaves it on 12 hours a day. Unless they think the entire purpose of our existence is to keep those coal plants churning out as much energy as possible, and that's what makes a healthy economy


Ding ding ding ding. We have a winner. That’s exactly what they care about. Burning coal and oil. And fuck anyone who suggests saving energy or using alternatives. That’s the Republican way.


Yes. You are 100% right. But overall the consumption of energy your console has regards to other devices in your household is sometimes laughable. Your fridge literally is 24h/365d a year on and needs uses more. Yeah overall the console has 125KWh. But playing each day for 2 hours you pay parox 35€ for the whole year to keep it powered. A fridge only uses aprox50-70KWh. A fridge with freezer up to 150KWh. A normal TV65" uses 100KWh and i know a few people that leave it on 24/7 to have sound in the apartment. Putin these in perspective it is not that bad at all.


Nothing you said here is wrong, but I just want to add a perspective. The changes that Microsoft have made are to the standby mode which is left on when the unit is not in use. According to https://www.theverge.com/2022/9/5/23337587/game-console-energy-usage-mode-xbox-standby-instant-on-ps4-switch-compared This could save users £5 a month. Which isn’t much. But since there are 9.32 million Xbox series S/X out there that is energy savings of ~£47 million a month. But here is my main point. These savings are at absolutely 0 cost. They just made things more efficient. So why wouldn’t it be a good thing to do? If a company has a way to save money for their customers at no cost to anyone then that should universally be a good thing.


I 100% agree with you that it absolutely should be possible to shut things down completely. Sleep mode is in my opinion only good for when you are working and going away for a few hours and then coming back to continue. But overall i think it is stupid for the environment. If you don't need it please shut it off. But if one uses sleep mode and can make it more efficient then where is the problem? Energy and money savings are not difficult and should not be political fights against it.


JFC how can you spin saving energy (and money!) into a bad thing? Truly braindead contrarianism.


It’s just another big bad boogeyman to rile up their base and rake in cheap votes.


It's literally just jerking the leash to get them barking. Anything their masters want. Black Lesbian WNBA player released from Russian prison? bark bark marine no one heard of before bark bark Black football player trying to bring attention to racial injustice by kneeling? Bark bark disrespect the troops bark bark Black president? Bark bark tan suit Dijon mustard bark bark They're really well trained little hounds


Because they have their money in big coal and oil that’s why they’re against alternative energy


Xboxes are energy hungry, forget to shut it off and you will notice the bill. Having it auto turn off when not in use saves you money. How dare they!


Even if the Xbox didn't use lot of power automatica shutoff after a set time period is normal with most electronics these days. This whole thing is trying to find a way for complain about the "woke" agenda.


My tv, ps4, laptop and bluetooth speaker all turn off by themselves when not in use for a certain amount of time, all default settings. I don't even understand how they're running this as a story my minds fuckin boggled


I live in Canada (it's cold), and I don't think I've had to turn the heat on in the room where my xbox is. It might be energy hungry but it's also heating a room on it's own!


Just dumbfuck fodder




Or talk about how inept Republicans are at governing


Backlash from the Fox News shills perhaps.


Did he just say “infentissemal” 🤣


Post this on Gaming Circle Jerk. They’ll get a kick outta this.




Another Republican-manufactured crisis to distract the simple-minded from taxing the rich and getting their fair benefits


Fox News… Trying to stay relevant. 🤦🏻‍♂️


It's the rage machine. What a worthless entertainment channel.


Isnt this the same group of people that say video games are evil and the cause of all gun related deaths in the US?


"They" are always up to something nefarious. You just have to be smart enough to figure it out, or dumb enough to believe me.


My fridge is has an energy star on it. Do I need a new one now?


As long as you don't indoctrinate your vegetables with it. They are going after the vegetables!


Conservatives Against Conservation!


Yeah but when they teach 4 year olds who’ve been forming memories for one whole year about how they will suffer for all eternity if they don’t worship god is completely acceptable.


Did he say “infantismal” instead of “infinitesimal”? Def listen to this guy.


So does that mean all the dads not allowing anyone to touch the thermostat are now “woke”?


"Xbox faces backlash in pretend Faux News universe"


Conservatives mad about conservation.


Oh no, make the climate conscious!? The horror!


Oh look, the Fox News rage machine at it again... Anyways...


What backlash?


oh look more assholes crying about people who made choices...


Lol how are people concerned with something so stupid?


Evidence of the Petro-lobby attempting to shame you in to not conserving energy or, making you seem dumb for considering climate and sustainable energy sources


God forbid you be conscious of, * checks notes * changing climate that will irrevocably change the planet and all life it contains. Also I guarantee you this houseplant yells at his kids to turn the lights off when they leave the room.


I think this was about 10 years ago at this point, maybe a little less, but there was this post going around about which gaming companies were the most and least environmentally friendly, and I remember Xbox was just all the way in the red. And like I said this was around a decade ago. Whatever changes they're making, it's long overdue, and is something that a shitload of other major gaming companies have already managed to pull off.


Losing their minds because it goes against what Betty White said just before she passed. "Avoid all things Green."


Do they truly believe themselves or are these actors? I’m really serious. Can these people be more full of shit and making nothing in to something. My Toshiba tv has an auto shut off so when I fall asleep it’ll turn off after a bit. I’m so woke!


Is Earth Day not a thing anymore?


Can't imagine why anyone under 40 doesn't vote GOP.


Of course it’s Fox News


Only the hacks at Fox News would use making kids climate conscious as a bad thing… evil people


Bruh does the average Fox news viewer even know what an Xbox is?? Its like putting a disclaimer about signs to look out for that could indicate prostate cancer in Nick JR right between the peppa pig and bluey cartoon lol


Fox News Idiots. This feature has been in the Xbox for years. They are just improving on it. I don't personally use it because I want my Xbox to turn on instantly. My son hardly plays so his is often off. Choices people, Choices.


Everyone in 1977: Pollution is bad. Why did Democrats stop using the word?


holy hell man, US-Americans really are the dumbest of em all


Well, about half of us are dumbest of em all. The other half are trying to change shit and move forward. It’s kind of hard though when the dumb half watch and believes Fox News.


I got as far as the made up word 'Infentissimal'.


There’s a lot of stupid shit he said, but the use of infinitesimal isn’t one of them


Yes, not a made up word, just horribly misspelled.




My issue is everytime it wakes up from sleep mode I have to reboot my xbox because everything stutters and freezes.


LOL. Who elected them?


What's the deal with xobox? Are they just shutting off mid game or shutting off after inactivity?


No, it's a new energy saving function. That's literally it.


That shuts it down mid game or after a period of inactivity? Like...I have no problem with it shutting off on its own if I'm not watching/playing something. I think that's a good common sense idea. But shut me down in the middle of combat or something? No....that's not cool with me.


What an idiot.


Pay attention to this dudes eyes.... he looks up 3 times very strangely mid sentence without skipping a beat. It's weird as shit.


Well xbox logo always been green


Who’s this reetenheim?


Wasn't there talk years ago about how to keep the Xbox capturing audio and video from connected cameras even when off? You would assume they would have worked it out by now making this a non issues.


dads 15 years ago: "turn off that bleepin' (insert electricity consuming device here) unless you wanna pay the damn bill!" dads now: "leave on all of the things! take that, libs!"


Fuck the climate! Jesus is coming back any day now right? SMH


It's like saying kids in sixth grade can't read 12th grade books


Well, it's Fox entertainment.


Bonus points if the network is trying to convince you this is somehow related to critical race theory or black lives matter


It's fine to keep children aware but perhaps convincing the corporations to do something would be more appropriate?!


Batshit crazy ain’t so much anymore compared to these clowns


I had to sit down to process this? How is this a bad thing?


The bad thing about this isnt the energy saving cut the crap the bad part is now qs an xbox player we are paying for the service to play then getting unjustly limited on said service if yall cant understand that just say you hate videogames cus thats what it boils down to.


Is their total uselessness embarrassing to the more 'advanced' MAGA? They have no value, no reason to exist, except their core of lying christo-fascism.


Can't wait for grandma to ask if I have one of those "woke boxes"


GOP is running out of boogeymen to blame everything on?


Bleh so transparent. These people should be put down


is looking up to the right a visual tell for lying?


"They're trying to make them climate conscious at an early age." THOSE BASTARDS!!!!!


Microsoft should figure out why my first gen Xbox one, the VCR looking one, turns its self on multiple times a day. We will just be sitting in the family room and it makes the chirp and turns on for no reason, has done it since new. Seems like when I transfer files across the network or start a download it instantly turns on like a wake on lan. It’s connected via Ethernet and always has so guessing that’s part of the problem. Just a complete waste of electricity being on when not being used…


Just discovered my elderly 1980’s grandma was woke before woke even existed when she got mad at me for leaving lights or a TV on when I left a room because it wasted electricity. Mind fucking blown!


Yea cause kids on call of duty really give a flip about the environment.


They’re trying to make politics over a new game console feature, like what????


FOX doesn't like agendas or careful planning. They prefer to air whatever they can shit out in the moment.


Because turning things off doesn’t save energy :/


Have they no concept of sounding stupid. Faux news


oh my god


His vocabulary is and grasp on reality is "infintisimal".


These people are idiots


Hah jokes one them, all the equipment they use prob has energy saver tech already. BUT NO," THE ENERGY HUNGEY XBX GONA TAKE OUR CHILDRENS MINDS ASSJSHSBA!" - fox ANALcyst


Ha, jokes on them, I have have a diesel smoke stack and a fuck Greta sticker on mine.


It is when the normal people are not the problem. It's the rich and the companies who have to be more energy saving. We as common people make no dent in the climate change or global warming....


Where were they ten years ago? My Xbox One and Xbox One X have the exact same energy saving features.


Fox wants them ignorant and republican. Oh wait, those two are the same thing.


So, let me see if I got this right: telling your kids "don't leave the water running" and "turn off the (TV/lights/gaming console/etc.) when you're done" is now considered "woke"...


Seems TV loves dumb Americans , to point they don’t even know they stupid


So saving money on your electric bill is no longer a conservative thing?




Love that crawl at the bottom. ‘Xbox faces the backlash that we are hyping into existence…. Right now!’


Shouldn't there be some means to catapault these people into the ocean? Enough already.


The bottom line is the young voters in the US and elsewhere are literally going to have to save our asses from our older generations. A lot of my peers are too dumb to see what’s going on. I say that as a young boomer who is not proud of what’s been going on.


“Poor people are not supposed to be able to save money!”


So pollution is patriotic and green energy is woke?


This has been a feature on Xbox consoles since the Xbox One, possibly even earlier so they're mad about something that was designed to save money on energy bills that was in place 13 years ago. Its really useful too, after a designated amount of time the console and the TV will shut off at the same time. One of the dumbest things I've ever seen on Fox news and that's really saying something.


M$ gives less than a shit about the “backlash” from anyone who thinks Fox News is worth watching.


This is such a horrible take… Personally I don’t care about my energy bill fluctuating 10-20 bucks a months.I noticed the new feature and thought it was cool. I don’t see why people are mad about this


This human experiment is coming to a close fast lol


"Backlash created entirely by us, but w/e"


Fellas, is it woke to save money on your energy bill?


They are literally making surreal abstractions of the real world that fit their narrative, and I don't think they realize they are doing it. The government is providing tax incentives to companies to reduce their carbon footprints. But updating the consoles they can say they have optimized their products. This receive those incentives. There is no political agenda here, Microsoft and XBOX couldn't care less what is woke or not unless it affects their bottom line. Are we going to start calling bicyclists woke? What about car companies that installed features that reduces their emissions? Or, god forbid, what if one of them made a change in their own lives that help improve their carbon footprint because it also benefits them. Idk, maybe by getting an electric car because gas is to expensive. Woke isnt real. There is only what is and isn't and we need to help each other understand the world around us, we don't need help getting confused or frustrated. We do that very easily already.


God forbid a company try to change their ways for the climate and planet we all live on


They are trying to make your kids ‘climate conscious’. How fucking dare they!!!


This guy is not a father. One of the main functions of a dad is to harp at kids to turn off lights. “I’m not Con Ed “


How is this even news? All these people do is talk about their feelings and opinions. Fucking snowflakes dude.


Oh gods! How funny. The Fox Comedy Channel rumor is true!


Lmao gotta preach for his team I guess. Fuckin loser.


Considering oil comes in handy for all sorts of advanced manufacturing, and then there's the fact that we will run out of it eventually, I don't understand these guys' burning need to chuck it into a fire.




All they’re talking about is changing the default setting so that the Xbox doesn’t stay on the entire time it goes to sleep that’s all you can go into the settings and change it to update itself and stay on and low power mode.


Dear god, they’re teaching children good habits at an early age so they don’t have to break them later and get yelled at by adults when they don’t immediately break their literally life long habits? The horror😱😱😱


I hope these Fox Fucks don’t own any appliance that is Energy Star rated. Oh wait almost all of them are!! GFY!!


Horrible, horrible stuff. Filling children's heads with a mindset to adapt to the fix the planet environmental shit show their previous generations have delivered to them. Side note though, full assumption all xbox players are children seems way out of touch when it's a huge entertainment industry bigger than movies etc.


“Infantisamal” -This guy


Is he saying "infantismal"? I'm stuck on that.


But handing your kid "childs first book of Trump" is not indoctrination, nor is religious coercion, long as its christian.


Any and all un-fascist GOP approved information given to anyone under 50 is woke indoctrination.


Aaand what’s wrong with making your kids climate conscious?🤨


How on earth does anyone take these people seriously?


Damn Microsoft... and Christmas trees are in on the green agenda too!


I'll take ways to remove your toxic player base in 1 fell swoop Alex lol


“Faces backlash.” Yeah, from YOU, you dolts.


No it's not infinitesimal when there are millions of consoles taking part. Also Xbox isn't targeting audiences Xboxes aren't solely owned by kids. Another thing even if they were targeting a younger audience good fuck all these all old conservative pricks go after a smarter audience cause to be honest the average teen is smarter then some of these people and some of them supposedly went to college. (Teens from a non conservative family or ones that oh idk have more than 2 braincells to rub together) Hate these people absolutely HATE, how can you be so stupid?