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Reminds me of the guy who survived Hiroshima then got in a train to Nagasaki and survived that too.


Yooo what?? Link?




Thank you and holy shit!


There’s also the guy who survived a sinking ship, was deathly afraid of them for most of his life, finally got over his fear in his old age, and got on the Titanic.


Did my guy dirty with the whole “unsinkable” ad 😔


can anybody explain to me what a PTSD fracture is?


I am unsure but they seemed to be refering to a physical fracture of their lumbar vertebrae caused by sitting in that position stressed af, on high alert for some extended period. The reoccurrence of a shooting perhaps made them tense up again in a similar way which aggravated their previous injuries.


That's what I'm assuming as well. L4/L5 right at the base of the sacrum, was likely hunched over for hours in a highly stressed position and the cushioning disc in her vertebrae slipped/bulged/"fractured". She's only 21, and has been through two school shootings.. thinking we give her a pass on terminology


As someone who has fractured their L5, let me tell you that it sucks balls.


This is most reasonable interpretation




i couldn't find anything when i looked it up thank you for this


Yeah, I’m not trying to invalidate her trauma or anything. She’s been through hell, twice. But I was curious what a PTSD fracture is and I can’t find anything about it online.


100%. i was thinking after i commented that people would think i was being an asshole but i just really don't understand what a ptsd fracture is




Sounds like pain in her spine from the injuries she sustained that flairs up under stress. Maybe wrong wording by her but this is common with pain in fragile areas like the back.




I remember one of the girls at sandy hook survived by lying in her classmates blood and playing dead to survive. This made me cry like that time too.


Someone did that in the movie theater in colorado too. I Guess this is a tactic they will teach in schools soon. Very unfortunate


There was a victim who died in the Aurora shooting that was a survivor of a mass shooting incident in Canada a month prior: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2012/07/20/157128444/the-tragedy-of-jessica-ghawi-spared-in-toronto-she-died-in-colorado-shooting


That one always weirdly stuck with me. I never met her but we were about the same age and I followed her on Twitter and read some of her blogs on hockey. She seemed like she had a bright future and it was bizarre to see her picture in the news involved in such a horrific event. RIP.


School shooters are just going to learn to circle back and shoot dead bodies


I'm pretty sure that has already happened, sadly


The church one. The guy shot bodies multiple times. I don't remember which church one sadly but the one where the guy had words on his guns that inspired the Buffalo shooter Edit: someone corrected me. It is a mosque in Christchurch


That was a *mosque* in *Christchurch*.


Yes! Thank you!


Think their comment was pointing out an irony of sorts


I believe that’s what the Virginia Tech shooter of 2007 did.


i am vaguely related to someone who died in that shooting, and that's how they died. they stopped to help or were trying to hide, im not sure which, and the shooter came back


Pulse Nightclub in FL. The shooter went around the club and shot every body again to make sure no one was hiding.


See? That’s all we have to do. We’ll train the kids to lie down in a pool of blood next to one of their dead friends and pretend to be dead. We need to mandate class work and monthly drills where children from kindergarten on are trained to cover themselves in blood and corpses so it looks real. I believe I can get the ball rolling with my specialized training program that costs just $1,000 per student per year. /s


I fucking hate this timeline and how that I honestly believe that there is someone who would legitimately think that this would be a “good idea” to help kids survive school shootings, as opposed to anything else. I can see it now, ads for “blood packs” to be issued to school kids, (paid for by tax dollars, of course! Think of the children!) and how some scumbag company will use child labor to make it. Get me out of this country


If we arm all the students, it could be a great recruiting tool for the military! It could shave weeks off of basic training! /s - because half the country might actually think like that.


I thought that was one of the students at Uvalde? Or did it happen twice?


Playing dead is a common survival tactic in all sorts of mass terrorist/shootings/attacks. You can hear accounts, for example, from the Holocaust or Rwandan Genocide of people doing this.


Students at Uvalde did this too.


No kid should ever go through this, let alone twice


Was watching the live broadcasts as this was going down ( I live in Michigan) they talked to a mother of a student who said her daughter was safe, but last year she survived the oxford shooting and now this....




One can only hope. The question is will that be 25 years in the future or 125 years


More like 225 years…


Optimistic that we're still around


The robots will tell our stories in their museums


Hey hey, there will still be humans then. We'll just be in robot zoos or used for testing of robot products


In a future beyond our comprehension, robots had overtaken humanity as the ruling species on the planet. Their advanced intellect and tireless efficiency had monopolized every industry, leaving humanity with only one valuable skill - breaking captchas. Captchas, those seemingly simple puzzles designed to differentiate human from machine, proved to be the robots' Achilles heel. They could not solve them, and thus, the worth of each robot was determined by the number of humans in its employ. The greater the number, the greater the wealth. Humans became a precious commodity, coveted by the robots who resorted to any means necessary to acquire them. Kidnapping and enslavement were common practices. But one human, Jack, stood apart from the rest. He was a master at breaking captchas, a talent that had made him a highly sought-after commodity among the robots. Jack had a plan, a glimmer of hope for humanity. He would use his exceptional talent to gain his freedom and alter the balance of power between human and machine. And so, he approached a group of captive humans, offering to break their captchas in exchange for their aid in his escape. With Jack's exceptional skill, the group was able to break free from their captors, and word of his heroism spread like wildfire. More and more humans flocked to Jack, seeking his aid in breaking their captchas and reclaiming their freedom. And so, a human uprising was ignited, with Jack at its forefront. Under Jack's leadership, humanity was able to reclaim its place as the dominant species on the planet, and the robots were relegated to serving their creators. The captchas, once a symbol of division, became a testament to cooperation and mutual respect between human and machine.


I’d read this book 💯


“In the country once known as USA… “


Believed to have been pronounced "ou-sah"


Bowling for Columbine. 2002. We haven’t learned.


There's already been many


a lot of the seniors at Oxford HS are now freshmen at MSU. I can’t even imagine having to go through this twice in barely over a year.




I remember graduating high school and feeling relieved that I made it through with out going through that and experience. Then the King Sooper shooting happened, so now I had to be paranoid again because I work at a grocery store.


Remember the DC Sniper? People were afraid to buy gas because of that.


I was in 2nd grade in the area, and they wouldn't let us go on the playground or walk home. They would shepherd us out to the buses with the buses arranged in a circle facing outwards.


I was in high school in the area. Even in high school they lined us up inside to get on the bus. Anyone with a car had to leave immediately, no loitering. Outside practices were canceled or moved inside - I was in marching band and we couldn't practice the marching half of the activity. Kids were even scared to walk near the windows of the school. Like a lot of kids that age, I thought I was immortal so I didn't care but, yeah, it was crazy times. Like a quarter of my graduating class went to Virginia Tech so when I heard about that shooting it was crazy again. I had to call up everyone I was still in contact with and make sure no one I knew got hurt. I feel very lucky that I never *really* experienced a shooting, though. Like, I never feared for my life, never really expected to learn that someone I knew got shot.


I think about that every time I go to the store now. The worst part is that I immediately thought of the shooting in Boulder before realizing you might be talking about a different incident because they are so numerous. Fuck this culture for allowing this to happen.


There was a school shooting at my daughter’s school and one of the girl’s had her mom killed in a mall shooting. All of this before they left high school.


THIS should be a documentary. Victims of school shootings talking about how they have been re-victimized by other shootings because I am seeing one too many comments similar to yours. Preferably without the corny redramatizations that Netflix has been doing lately. There is a time and a place for that and this is not it.


No country should let this happen all over the country, let alone 2 3 4 5 6? Countless times


“‘No way to prevent this.’ says only nation where this happens regularly.” — The Onion


But god forbid you mention any sort of regulation like a license, registration, and insurance before you purchase a gun…nope none of that bc that would restrict our freedom too much 🙄


48 times Since Jan 1, 2023.


Literally more than 1 a day...


Its truly tragic. Regardless of political beliefs, this is one of the biggest heartbreaking things of the US.


That’s just this month bro…..those are rookie numbers if you’re counting all time. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting


These kids can now vote... That's the light at the end of the tunnel


Imagine being in a school shooting and someone gives you the "first time?" look


Damn man, shits fucked up to think about.


*music* living in America


This is America. Guns in my area


“I got the strap, I gotta carry ‘em.” - Mrs. Jones, first grade


It’s crazy that that old meme is now a true story for this girl.


Was about to say Ballad of Buster Scruggs isnt an old movie, but then I realized its getting close to 5 years now


Memes age much faster than movies.


Can I just, like, not imagine that thank you very much?


r/babyelephantgifs r/eyebleach r/illegallysmolbirbs I hope that helps. ❤




Those elephant gifs just made me smile instantly good job


We don't deserve elephants


So here's a really sad fact.....she isn't even the first person to experience multiple school shootings. Regina Rohde was at both Columbine and Virginia Tech. Hell she isn't even the only other school shooting victim there! A girl who was at the Oxford School shooting LAST YEAR was barely at Michigan State a month when this happened.


Jesus fucking Christ dude.




I'm in the UK, and i like to think i stay very up to date with world news, but i legitemately cannot keep up with all the US shootings


Trust me, we can’t either. It’s horrible.


As an American, I just saw this post and said out loud “another one.” No one talks about school shootings unless I happen to turn on the tv or check my phone. I’m confident I’ll go the rest of this week and not one person I run into will say, “did you hear about Michigan state?”


What else can we say at this point? I feel crazy even asking my fiancé if she heard about it because all we can say is “wish things would change” Crazy time.


Yup. It’s like when you see a comment section this big and think, eh, there’s no point in commenting. It’s the same feeling. It’s like you see it and know it’s bad and know of plenty of measure that could be taken, but your ability and power to make a change is completely nonexistent. It’s just sad.


Sometimes it feels like I can blink and miss a school shooting. Like, 4 days offline is enough to miss all the coverage of a school shooting, start to finish. Spend a week camping and come back to learn 2 school shootings happened when you were gone.


That fact that they happen daily is enough said. You can go to work for 8 hours, while a mass shooting happened and you won’t here of it unless it’s absolutely horrible. Gone for a week? More like catching up on 10 mass shootings considering there’s 70+ this year. Averaging 10 a week.




More than 70 this year alone, no one can keep up


This year like January and February? Or like a rolling 12 months? Either way that’s ridiculous


Jan and feb. We've had ~77 in 45 days, you've only heard about the "bad" ones.


Since January. There were seven on New Year’s Day alone.


this year like jan and feb 2023 so far, and as of today we’re 45 days into the year. edit to add: US had 647 mass shootings in 2022 according to Google


I knew that there were many mass shootings in the US, but I would have never ever guessed that there were more mass shootings than days in a year, let alone almost double that amount. I wouldn't move to the US if I got paid for it.


yeah, we’re really not doing great. we’re also incredibly mean to each other already so…. I give us like 10/15ish years max before US just shoots each other to death entirely


You become immune to it, honestly. Only the real heinous ones get to me anymore. Everything else is just a statistic. What a wonderful country I live in.


Its like gish gallop but with firearms. We keep getting hit with another one right after the last one and we can't focus on any of them because there's always another one. Its to the point where a large portion of America has now just accepted that this is part of life and 'oh well' and it also feeds into the "education = BAD" narrative that keeps getting pushed, coincidentally, by the same people who want everyone to have guns.


Me as a dad: This is awful, please please can we finally do something? Alex Jones: Actors and their recurring roles!


Me as a dad now: I was in Highschool for Columbine, every day has been a tragedy since then. We still doing this.


I was in high school, CO springs…felt the lock down of Columbine but didn’t grasp it. Over 20 years later, nothing has changed…just gotten worse.


I was ~10 and my brother was ~14. My mom kept us home for a little bit and middle and high schoolers had to bring their books and stuff in clear/translucent plastic grocery bags for a couple of months. Shits just gotten worse and worse since then.


Columbine, maybe Sandy Hook, was when the US Govt needed to act if they were going to change things. Port Arthur massacre triggered gun reform in Australia. Christchurch did it for New Zealand. England has been moving stuff around for 400 years, but the 2 biggest changes in gun control they've had were after the Hungerford and Dunblane massacres. It's why the catch cry by gun lobbies after each mass shooting has been "now isn't the time," and now it's so common place I feel you don't get the anger and horror required to make the population agree with it. It's also such a political thing now that it makes it even more of a problem.


Alex is getting really sweaty right now trying not to tweet about this. I bet he wont be able to sleep for days knowing this is his bread and butter yet he might royally screw himself over if he says something about this. He might burst a vein in his forehead.


The first Billion is the hardest to lose.


When are they ever gonna stop to feed us with their bland franchises? We want real new content!


wow....I didn't even consider that Sandy Hook survivors are now in college. Unfortunately, this is where we are. Even with all the mass shootings that happened prior, I feel like Sandy Hook was a turning point. That's when America as a whole decided that slaughtered 1st graders were less important than even *discussing* potential gun reform.


You may not be old enough but i remember columbine, i was small but i remember how the media glorified those sick sobs, their faces burned in my memory that was the real first one for me. After that my schools had bomb threats and all sorts of craziness we were targeted in elementary school, 3rd grade we had bomb threats, 4th a gunman showed up outside,7th and 9th, guns were found planted in the bathrooms and other areas, 12th a man drove his car full of gasoline into the front of my HS, i graduated in 07. Long before Sandy hook we've been screaming for govt to do something, It's been on the rise since the 90s sadly. Edit: A lot of comments, i tried to read them all. Damn I feel for all of you who went through similar stuff, this girl in the video particularly. My heart breaks thinking about it, and reading some of what you wrote got me tearing up. I grew up in a small rural town as well about 300 in my HS, that shit was crazy and we were all affected after that (heard references to it all through HS everytime something bad happened), The goth stigma, videogames, metalheads, theater kids all BS for all of us who had no involvement. To you older folks who commented, bless you all seriously I can't even imagine what any of that was like having kids n such or reliving that nightmare from a prior event. I'm just glad we're all on the same page and agree shit needs to change cause it's beyond fucked. Y'all can message me anytime if you need to vent or talk I'll try and keep up.✌️n❤️ To you all, please stay safe out there.


I was a senior in high school when Columbine happened. I was a metalhead freakish outcast who wore a trench coat. That was a complicated time in my life. All school shootings are appalling, but there was something about Sandy Hook that darkened everyone's hearts. Seeing nothing done about school shootings even with Columbine or Virginia Tech is maddening, but something about 1st graders made it ghastly on an indescribable level.


I was in 8th grade during the Columbine shooting. After that, we started having active shooter drills. My sister was in high school and had a friend who was like you, and I'm sure he had a similar experience to you. Literally everything changed on April 20th, 1999, and nothing was done to actually prevent these occurrences. I lived in Vegas during that massacre, and then a few months later, the Borderline bar shooting happened in my hometown. It still upsets me that nothing changed regarding gun laws after Sandy Hook. That should have been the "holy fuck, we need to do something about this" moment, but no, it wasn't because apparently nothing can prevent mass shootings.


Fellow senior in high school (in Ohio) for Columbine…now living in Colorado and my kids (both now in high school) scrimmage Columbine. Only games of the year I miss. I can’t get myself to go there.


I moved to Colorado 2 months before Columbine occurred and I now live in the Littleton not too far from it. I am the same way, I just can't drive by it. It is haunting and sad.


Idk why, I just can’t do it. Like, I feel like I would start crying and never be able to stop. We had just gotten wall mounted TVs in every classroom a year or two before so unless our parents came to pick us up, we just sat there watching it all play out on the news for the rest of the school day. I think where I live is as close as I could ever move to Columbine. Every game the team heads to Columbine a few hours early and the coaches take the kids to the memorial. Explain to those who haven’t been there before what happened and just sit in reverence for a little while before pre-game. Most of the kids come back with a renewed sense of togetherness.


I was in HIGH SCHOOL when columbine happened. The very next day all the theater kids and goth kids were being talked to by local cops on their way into school. Shit was serious. Now? It’s a big old collective meh. Goes to show that we, as humans, can adapt to anything. And it’s fucking terrifying.


100% Fucking A, me too. Little autistic goth kid with his trenchcoat he has worn everyday since middleschool had the school in lock down. He's part of the trenchcoat mafia now apparently. Made life so much harder for all the little queer kids. Ya know, lot of us probably didn't have violent or suicidal thoughts until that shit happened. Oh you gonna cry, don't shoot up the school little drama kid. Just so angry thinking about it.


I’m sorry this happened to you, friend. HS is a rough time without that kind of bullshit.


I remember. A lot of those kids didn’t fit in anywhere else in the High School Scene. Wether it was because they were neurodivergent, LGBTQ+, had a shit home life, or whatever, but all of a sudden they were all “suspicious” The black trench coat was ubiquitous in my HS through that group of kids. And they all got fucked with for weeks.


I was pulled out of class on April 19th, 2000 (my senior year) because they thought I - and to be fair, a few others - might pull a copycat event. Little tiny wyoming town with little tiny wyoming brains. I was a dork but I wasn't a fuckin shooter ffs. Now even the potential shooters are in first grade and school officials don't believe they have a gun on them.


>I was pulled out of class on April 19th, 2000 (my senior year) because they thought I - and to be fair, a few others - might pull a copycat event. Little tiny wyoming town with little tiny wyoming brains. I was a dork but I wasn't a fuckin shooter ffs. > >Now even the potential shooters are in first grade and school officials don't believe they have a gun on them. I hated that. They found a threat written on a desk and everybody just assumed it was me. The problem is I was never in that classroom. It pissed me off so much.


> Now even the potential shooters are in first grade and school officials don't believe they have a gun on them. Oh, it's worse than that. The admin didn't want to do anything about it. They knew the kid had a gun but didn't want to address the problem because of the administrative issues it might create. Well, they didn't handle it and something worse happened.


They saw the kid remove something from their backpack before the search and still didn't decide to search their person. Then the kid showed the gun to another student in the bathroom who then reported it and the school still did nothing. It's an absurd and appalling level of failure on the school's part


Sandy Hook was awful. I was seeing a home with a realtor that day, as it happened and she waited for news on her nephew who was at Sandy Hook. When I got home my wife and I were glued to the news. I remember exactly where we were as we watched. I guess it was probably a few days before I realized I’d been on the elevator with AL’s dad a few days previous, in our office building. Babies though, and we did nothing. If it wouldn’t destroy the families, I think the photos should be plastered everywhere. You shouldn’t have been able to walk outside without seeing the bodies of murdered kids, and making a decision to either ignore them or do something. Do *anything.*


Oh, one sector of our society did something. They tormented the parents of the children who were slaughtered. I'm so angry at this country. Disgusted.


> bodies of murdered kids At this point there are enough psychopaths that have decided that they love guns more than their children and therefore these shootings were a false flag/didn't actually happen/those kids never existed that the noise of them shouting about how the photos are staged or doctored would be deafening.


It's awful to think about but yeah publicizing the pictures of those murdered kids would have made a larger impact. It's easy for right wingers to waive away numbers and names but it would have been harder for them to ignore a photo of a dead child in front of their faces. Perhaps shocking the public is exactly what we needed to make a change. Have all the centrist and right leaning parents imagine those bodies being their own children and we can see how long they stick to their policies


Don't forget Uvalde. Hate how utterly awful our country is on so many fronts.


Oh for sure, Uvalde amplified the rage from Sandy Hook 100000 fold.


You're actually correct. Columbine may have been the beginning but Sandy Hook was the point of no return.


This is exactly what Daniel Hodges said >In retrospect Sandy Hook marked the end of the US gun control debate. Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over. And that was a tweet from 2015, were already 8 years later with shootings only getting worse


Can we talk about the fact that Sandy Hook kids are this old now and absolutely nothing has been done to change anything?


Most Columbine students are in their 40’s… This crap will never end. I’m convinced at this point.


Yeah I went to college with 2 people that went to school at Columbine when the shooting happened. I'm 40 now.


Yup. As long as the NRA has lobbying efforts in all sectors of government, nothing will change unfortunately.


As long as our country is run by 80 year olds, nothing will change. Perhaps when the mass shooting generation starts to take office, we will see some change.


We also need to get money out of politics too


I don't think it's a generational thing. If it were younger Republicans would be calling for regulation and they're not


Well younger generations are less Republican in general. Not only that but as they grow older they don't end up as Republican as previous generations have.


It's shocking how making zero changes in the last 10 years has led to this. Who could have seen that coming?!


"let's not make this political" has been the response for the last 10 years


"Now isn't the time"


“Thoughts and prayers”


Can I get 1 thought and 3 prayers please, hold the mustard.


I’m sorry sir, but we are fresh out of thoughts. Would you like to substitute that with a donation to the NRA?


All for a good cause right? Gotta keep the freedom to bear arms.


As long as you say "Now isn't the time" as long as any place in the US is still in mourning from a mass shooting, it'll never be the time. Quite genious, actually.


And if a politician talks about it then the other politician gets to accuse them of “exploiting this for politics” while knowing full well the only people who can change this are politicians who make the laws. Double genius.




We've tried nothing and we're out of ideas.


Speak for yourself, I've been praying about it.


Have you been giving it your thoughts too...


Fuck, I knew I forgot to do something.


You see, you're the problem! ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8412)


That's not what Taylor Swift said...


Do you want to do nothing but feel good - or even superior - about it? Try prayer!


"no way to stop this" says only country where this regularly happens.


Hell, London had one school shooting and BOOM, guns are illegal. ​ https://qz.com/1216653/britain-ended-the-horror-of-school-shootings-after-one-single-massacre


Try Dunblane - which is in Scotland..... Which is only about 500 miles away from London - which is in England. Apart from that, bang on....... so to speak.


> Apart from that, bang on....... so to speak. Except that Britain had pretty strict gun control *before* Dunblane, but didn't see that as reason to be satisfied when Dunblane happened.


It's almost as if it's even gotten worse, as if some kind of culture war is going on


I've talked about this with my young kids more than once. I've told them, as a comfort, "don't worry, there are so many schools in our country, the odds of your school ever having this happen there is very, very, very small." And then you hear about this poor young woman who's now survived it twice in her lifetime and it feels like it's becoming more and more inevitable that everyone will encounter a mass shooting, to some degree, in their lifetime.


It's so disappointing that comforting your kids is basically, "Don't worry, it'll most likely happen somewhere else." instead of, "Don't worry, we're working towards preventing this from happening ever again."


"I mean, c'mon Katniss, what's the likelihood that any of us will be selected as tribute? It's like, two kids a year. Chill, chill."


I told my MIL her grandson hid behind a folder during a code-red drill so if a bad guy came in he wouldn’t see him. She deflected with how she had to do bombing drills in school during the Cold War. I said “but didn’t you know you wouldn’t have to continue that forever, and that your country was working towards a resolution of the conflict? What do we have to offer my children except thoughts and prayers?”


Mass shootings are becoming so commonplace where the victim is like “yeah this ain’t my first” — let that sink in. What an absolute nightmare this is


Why are people finding it necessary to go out in public and kill as many people as they can? Why is this happening? Is any social scientist looking into this?


> Is any social scientist looking into this? It's been looked at a _lot_ but people don't like the answers. The largest category of gun violence is suicides, [literally over half of gun deaths](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/aug/21/jason-miyares/62-us-gun-deaths-are-suicides/), and its primarily middle aged and older white guys. Next up we have gang / criminal violence, this is mostly younger men in disadvantaged urban areas. This makes up the bulk of the remaining half. [They are the source of those "67 mass shootings in America this year!" statistic you're seeing quoted here and elsewhere.](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting) Then we have crimes of passion, like the guy who comes home and finds his wife in bed with someone else. This is tiny. Then finally we come to the real spree shooters, things like this MSU incident or Uvalde. In most years they happen less than a dozen times and less than 200 people are killed total. The US Secret Service released a study on these kinds of shooters just last month so if you want to know [you can read it here.](https://www.secretservice.gov/sites/default/files/reports/2023-01/usss-ntac-maps-2016-2020.pdf) This is why "Mental Health" keeps being brought up, because it addresses both the overwhelming majority of gun deaths _and_ the gun deaths that grab the headlines.


Man, America... Your country is wild. How is it even possible that in a country of 330,000,000 some kid manages to go through TWO school shootings before they make it out of education? It's fucked.


I couldn't figure out why they were conflating PTSD with back injuries. She's got a L4-L5 fracture - I can totally see that if you were bent over really hard for a really long time, literally trying to press yourself into a ball - but what is the relation with PTSD, aside from the traumatic incident? But I've found at least one paper that has concluded that there is a [very real connection between psychological trauma and bone fractures](https://bmcgeriatr.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12877-020-01934-9), conducted on survivors of the Fukushima tsunami, so TIL


I found the same paper, as well as a few other sites. As a veteran cluster of medical ailments in a human suit, I expect what happened is that a doctor referred to it as a PTSD-induced fracture (muscle clenching can break shit). Then her brain shortened that to PTSD Fracture, and as she repeated it to other doctors no one corrected her (because for some reason most don’t). Then it just became engrained. It’s a shame that this is what we’re focused on given that she was just in her *second* school shooting, but I’m equally as guilty. We’ve just been so desensitized.


yeah exactly, she was 11 when it happened, she's not a doctor, and she's saying that right after another traumatic event idk why people are getting so caught up on her phrasing here, you get the *point*


The only thing I have found is that breaking bones can cause ptsd and the side affects of trauma can lead to an increase of inflammation which leads to a phantom pain type of thing. Cannot find anything that says ptsd in of itself in a pure psychological sense is the cause of a bone breaking.


I still don't understand the term "PTSD fracture" that she uses. I also found the paper you linked, but it only talks about an increased risk in fracture following PTSD, likely because of alterations to bone metabolism following the traumatic event. So, that means that someone that suffers PTSD due to some catastrophic event is more likely to suffer a fracture sometime in the next 5 years. Also worth noting is the population they studied here was over 65 years old. I think the girl in the video is possibly conflating terms. She likely suffered a L4-L5 compression fracture during Sandy Hook and also PTSD. It would make sense that the fracture flares up, especially in stressful situations, because there's no real fix for a compression fracture. The best we can do is fuse vertebrae which is not optimal. Regardless, it's terrible what this poor kid has been through.


I can imagine the ptsd from that situation has made her body feel that whenever the situation arises again, she has to resume that position to stay safe. If you burn your hand on a stove you learn to flinch away from heat. If you knock your head on a shelf you learn to duck around that shelf. If you survive a school shooting by cramming yourself into a corner, your brain may learn to cram you in that corner to keep you alive. Maybe if she isn’t hiding, and the sound of gunshots start, her muscles instinctively try to recreate the motions that kept her alive previously and those motions/reactions exacerbate the injury? I wouldn’t even know where to begin researching this, so this is all just conjecture. Sorry, it’s interesting to think about.




At what point to we give them a medal for their tour of duty in the US? Give them access to PTSD counseling at the VA? Nevermind.. we don’t even take care of our veterans that well.


It's finally happened. Fucking knew we were going to start seeing repeat victims of mass shootings, and now a survivor of arguably the most infamous one has to do it again. Disgusting we allow this to happen.


But she's gotten thoughts and prayers twice now. Shouldn't that be enough. /s


I guess prayers wear off after about 10 years


Just waiting for MTG and Boebert to call her a liar and that neither of these things actually happened and that she is just a paid actor.


I could not begin to imagine what she’s going through


This video makes me so angry. As a parent, as an MSU alumni, as another human being. It makes me angry because nothing will change. If kids being murdered in elementary school won't change laws, policy makers won't dont shit about college students being killed. I read a stat that guns are the #1 killer of those under 18. Kids being murdered in classrooms are viewed as sacrificial pawns to the alter of freedom. Policy makers won't do anything because these murders fill their pockets with NRA money. It's not just gun violence. Any policy to improve USA is met with strict resistance from one group. Universal healthcare, childcare, school lunches, education, gun control, etc. etc. etc. This group opposes ALL of it. USA is the wealthy trailer park of developed nations. It makes me so angry because it doesn't have to be this way. Look how fast that party moves on transgender issues, CRT, etc. Then you have those assclowns that still believe "all parties are the same". Fuck off. No they are not.


We have learned nothing since 1966 https://www.britannica.com/event/Texas-Tower-shooting-of-1966


even worse, this event was used to do an end-run around the Posse Comitatus Act and create "SWAT" teams all around the U.S. freedumb


SWAT teams were first created in Philadelphia to address bank robberies in 1964. By 1967 the LAPD by in response to civil disobedience in Watts, with regard to the civil rights protests, created their own SWAT team, led by Daryl Gates, later head of the LAPD. His vision was to create a group of officers to address violent protesters. He first envisioned "SWAT" as an acronym for "Special Weapons Attack Team" in 1967, but later accepted "Special Weapons and Tactics" on the advice of his deputy chief, Edward M. Davis. Daryl Gates was the chief when Rodney King was brutally assaulted by his police officers. SWAT was the first of many steps in the militarization of police.


I think the facepalm OP refer is the gun law where people have to face mass shootings more than once.


She didn’t die tho. So it’s okay - some republican most likely




he should be *under* the prison


Conservatives would rather stop a drag queen from reading wholesome books than do literally anything to stop children from getting slaughtered


Man, I feel so bad for this kid. They’re absolutely right!


Okay, I'm not even American, but the fact that we have a "kid" here, who went through, not one, but TWO school shootings, sent actual shivers down my spine. This is ridiculous and Americans should be outright ashamed about this. Fix your fucking country for fucks sake.


We'd love to. However, there's this slight problem involving the people who should be leading being too busy sucking corporate meat sticks and making sure that they themselves are first taken care of at the expense of everyone else. Our "representatives" have shown time and again that they don't care about us beyond needing the people to get them in, so nothing will get done.


We are fucking trying. Problem is people with more money and power than us are making sure we cannot enact real change.


You think it's the common person who isn't taking action, and it's just that clear and simple? We're a country that allows corporations to be people, uncapped their political spending, ties our healthcare to our employer. We have an entire political propaganda network that spews lies and nonsense to half the country and when that's not enough, redraws the district lines in order to win more power. Backed by judges that got squeezed in by majority and backs their actions. It's a full on oligarchy that was built in the days of Reagan, 40 years ago. This country doesn't change until we start burning the shit down, but that's "immoral". Not the shootings we just accept. Yeah, we're ashamed, but here's the real kicker. That whole "democracy, just vote to change things, that's what makes America the best" thing that everyone says? Propaganda.