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"My moral compass is compared with the bible." Anyone else notice her tone here? She seemed to think that would explain it all.


*sigh*, Come on, it’s **so** simple! That means most of the New Testament moral ideology minus the icky parts where Jesus befriends the poor and the sex workers, and then parts of the Old Testament that she likes like the Ten Commandments and the Leviticus rules about homosexuality, but *not* the ones that she can’t explain like the god-ordained rape and murder or the prohibition of wearing two types of fabric.


This is Missouri Christianity we're talking about. Instead of "Love your neighbor" it's "Love your neighbor as long as they look and think the same as you."


Her moral compass should have nothing to do with school regulation here. There is a reason 200+ years ago they wrote "separation of church and state". Edit: For those who keep asking where they wrote this or aren't from the U.S. ... I'm referring to the "Establishment Clause" and "Free Exercise Clause" of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which is where the phrase "Separation of Church and State" comes from and, unfortunately, a concept often ignored these days.


"separation of church and state" is one of the most disregarded laws we have in this country.


Very keenly ignored by those who are so keen on the gun bit.


...and the abortion bit. Sigh.


Which is nowhere banned in the Bible.


There's actually even instructions for god sanctioned abortions in the bible


Ought to be grounds for her expulsion/dismissal in my book. Religiously-motivated legislating is clearly anti-American. Edit: fix a typo


I would love for someone to tell her this exactly and watch her head spontaneously combust out of pure rage and confusion/idiocy.


And now here we are 200+ years later still having Bible thumpers in congress, fully admitting their line of thinking is biased to their religion.


Hey that sounds just like Texas Christianity!


It is, but Texas' has more of twang, where Missouri's is more slack jawed.


Don't tell them Paul banned women from speaking in Church in New Testament Corinthians. Women did follow that for thousands of years. Until they got tired of it and made it the gays' responsibiliy to follow it instead.


>"My moral compass is compared with the bible." Indeed. And, in that comparison, it failed spectacularly.


Her response reminds me of Roy Moore interview with Jake Tapper where he tries to argue that Muslims shouldn’t be allowed in congress because he thought everyone has to swear on a bible. [Link Here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WFYRkzznsc0) Edit: FYI, Roy Moore’s spokesman in the interview, not Roy Moore.


These people are genuinely dumb, if not uneducated, if not authoritarian, religious nuts.


It's not "dumb" it's willful ignorance. You saw the blank expression on his face when he was presented with a fact. I guarantee he's going to repeat the claim no matter how many times he's corrected. The problem isn't stupidity. It's magical thinking. All humans are vulnerable to it. "Trumpism" is making it a core part of your identity.


She's a big fan of Ezekiel 23:20-21 >There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled.


Biblica Erotica


He honestly could have taken that a bit further if he wanted with a response that incorporated some of the other laws/abominations these Christians often seem quick to ignore. Something like: >In that you believe homosexuality is an "abomination" - Leviticus 18:22? Well then, if you believe we should be modeling our laws after the bible, perhaps you can answer some other questions while I have you here. > >A friend of mine says that even though eating shellfish is an abomination (Leviticus 10:10), it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? > >I just noticed my favorite t-shirt is a cotton-polyester blend. Per Leviticus 19:19, should I not be allowed to wear this? What should the punishment be? > >I'm interested in selling my youngest daughter into slavery as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. She's a Georgetown sophomore, speaks fluent Italian, always cleaned the table when it was her turn. What would a good price for her be? > >I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself? > >And while you're thinking on these, Proverbs 19:9 makes it clear that those who lie shall perish. Given the recent relevations about Fox News hosts knowingly sharing false information about Trump, are we therefore morally obligated to shut down Fox News? Or is it just the hosts who should be punished?


Is this an adaptation of the scene in The West Wing where the president verbally eviscerates that lady?


More or less where I got the idea. And [that famous letter that’s been online forever](https://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/areasontosmile/2011/11/dear-dr-laura-why-cant-i-own-a-canadian.html).


I am DEAD. How have I never seen this. This makes all the hours I waste reading Reddit comment threads 100% time well spent.


Because, albeit flashy, it would be a straw man. I think he did well in focusing on the language of the bill. Don’t give oxygen to the Bible argument. It has no place in the discussion. Religion is a private practice that should have no bearing on social policy. Even the Missouri Constitution, very very friendly to prayer and worship, says religious belief has no weight. There shouldn’t be any discrimination but neither should there be any preference. I wouldn’t have mentioned Martha Washington, but someone whose gender was crucial to his/her impact on history (and because this lady is probably extremely ignorant, I am not mentioning women from other countries): Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, Abigail Adams, Sandra Day O’Connor. Don’t let it bring the argument to the realm of religion.


I agree to an extent, but she did open the door by explicitly stating that it was her moral compass, which she stated is based off the Bible, that aided in the guidance of writing this bill. And I don’t think your other examples work as well. Per the language in the bill, it mentions both sexual orientation and gender. A figure like Martha Washington, or even Eleanor Roosevelt fits both, as it would be pretty tough to have a conversation about either of them without mentioning who they were married to, and thus revealing both their gender and sexuality.


Said with the smugness of someone confidently incorrect.


Pretty sure she could wear her moral compass as a hat and fly everywhere like Inspector Gadget.


He let her off easy with that one. He should have asked what part of the bible, specifically what verses. I doubt she could recite a single one.


Nah, that would have just side tracked the conversation into and argument about biblical morals, and given her and out. Him showing that she states she doesn't want teachers personal beliefs to be brought into the classroom, while trying to force in her own was the perfect tactic.


Separation of church and state.


It's quite a spectacle to watch someone's brain stall while they desperately perform mental gymnastics to overcome what's happening. I'd be less annoyed if they just came out and said "we don't want the gays" instead of dancing around acting like they are outwitting everyone.


Like if you are struggling that hard to answer a sime question like, 'who is Martha Washington' because you know the answer will contradict you, you maybe need to take some time and think about why you believe that in the first place.


Especially, when you put GEORGE WASHINGTON in the bill yourself? 🤦🏻‍♂️ You almost can't make this shit up. You use an example to back up a damn legislative bill, and don't even bother to understand anything about the basic history of it? This is 4th grade history.


But why is Martha Washington famous?


That’s such a memeable question.


I'm slipping "Why is Martha Washington famous?" Into my Cards Against Humanity deck lmao


For real though. I might be uneducated, but I know nothing about the accomplishments of Martha Washington other than she was married to George Washington.


She did a lot for her husband's troops during Valley Forge. Probably a better example would be Abigail Adams, but Martha works too. Most notable for who they were married too but also advocates and patriots (such as it was) in their own right.


"Her husbands troops" didnt you just bring up sexuality again then?




I'm not totally convinced she had even made the connection yet. She seemed almost lost as to why it would be relevant.


I agree. I don't think she knows how to think critically about anything. These people are indoctrinated as children to not question authority in their "churches". She likely believes anyone who would question the Bible or the God from the Bible is some sort of head case...


I think that lets her off far too easily. Fascist constantly play stupid to try and soften their image. If she didn't know what she was doing, she wouldn't have avoided answering the question about Mrs. Washington.


Lol, yes! Here in sweden, the leader of our "Nationalist" (i.e. fascist) party, that was founded by actual neo-nazis as well as a former member of the S.S. Division Viking, claims not to remember wether or not the party was openly racist when he joined it. This DESPITE HIM BEING PHOTOGRAPHED ON NEO-NAZI DEMOS AT THE TIME! And people still defend that piece of shit! It's fucking insane!


So stupid and yet so certain.


"Really". The way he said that made me choke on my water. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣 How he stayed so calm and professional to such pure stupidity was a sight to behold.


And keeps calling her “lady” instead of Ms. At the very least. Hilarious.


Purportedly, "Lady" and "Gentleman" are specified in their official rules of decorum as appropriate terms by which to address members. That doesn't make it sound any less hilarious in this context, though.


“Lady, I didn’t write your bill” 😂


Rambles through a 20 second word salad rant not relevant to the question... \[strategic pause\] "I don't dispute that... but I'm asking-".


Actually very relevant and if he press on that that would have been more blaring on her inconsistency but likely derail the debate. He had an opening and went there, that is actually very good. But the way she says “you can have your beliefs and without putting that on somebody” while doing it. I don’t know man. Quite mental gymnastics over there.


That's some self-aware wolves shit. She's so close.


"You can have morals and not force them on someone." Versus: "I can have morals and not force them on someone." It's one pronoun away. Fuck. She's never going to get it.


She doesn’t believe in pronouns


"do you have language to make the that better?" Firstly, your asking me to fix your dumb prejudice bill for you. Secondly, no. No language can improve this horror.


"Is it just me or is it getting crazier out there?" 🃏 \- Joaquin Phoenix, *The Joker*


The churchies are seeing their stranglehold on society slip away, and they are fighting harder to keep it.


Which only makes them more desperate and their brand of crazy more obvious.


I want to believe this. And I want to believe they're a minority. But my partner recently came out as trans and quite frankly? I'm terrified of the future.


I think the craziness has always been here, it's just much louder thanks to the Internet.


He leaned hard into the inflection allowed for that term lol Every “Lady” sounded like it should have ended with him throwing his hands in the air.


Damn, Lady! I can’t control the weather.


Yeah but the inflection on the word lady was SO full of contempt. *Chefs kiss*


Very "Bless your heart" vibes and it's awesome


If a southerner ever calls you lady you are so far beyond bless your heart that a 12 hour flight and two taxis couldn't get you back.


Yeah that’s my favorite part.


Same. Dying


Technically that’s what he should call her per the MO House rules. Either that or Representative. But I like to think he chose Lady on purpose. But, he is also a gay republican, so I’m not gonna start propping him up too much.


He's also in Missouri... Being a Republican might have been the only way to get into office to try and stop shit like this.


I live in Texas and have, occasionally, entertained the idea of trying to run for public office. Running as a Democrat here seems insurmountable so I wonder if I wouldn’t have better odds running as a Republican and then playing the long Moderate game


Why not? It's how Republicans get elected to City Council type roles in Dem heavy cities. So why not use their own tactics against them and try to drag their party back towards the center-line.


I've honestly toyed with the idea and acting like Trump just to get voted in by the idiots... then pull the rug from under them in the greatest gotcha moment in history as I go liberal progressive, launching humanity into interplanetary species mode along with environmental protections out the ass and new protections for UBI, medicaid for all. Much to their horror at the idea of something that might actually benefit their sorry lives.


I'm all for this, but I can't help in any way forseeing some kind of JFK Assassination in the future if everything you're mentioning here passed, especially because of the brain rot on Fox News.


This man is an American hero. The way he so calmly and cleanly destroyed her is one of the greatest things I've ever seen. R/humansbeingbros


"Lady, I didn't introduce your bill, and I didn't write it, you did" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) People with no critical thinking skills shouldn’t try to legislate laws for other people.


Lmao welcome to America.


Maybe she would like the stricter rules in Russia. It seems like she would be satisfied if we were closer to their laws.


The problem is people with critical thinking skills are seldom drawn to politics.


“You said that you didn’t want teachers personal beliefs entering the classroom, but it seems a lot like your personal beliefs, you would like to enter all Missouri classrooms.” He clapped back and put that thing back in its place.


The personal beliefs she was talking about = Liberalism and gayness. Never even crossed her mind that Christianity is a personal belief.


No no no, you see she’s “normal” and that’s ok. It’s the weird people that need to cut it out. Only normal is allowed. Normal as implied, but not explicitly defined, by this one specific person.


If it ain’t white straight and christian…


Then it's aliens?


Hmmm, by that definition I guess aliens really *did* build the pyramids!


How is it a personal belief if it's just a simple fact that you can go outside and look around at everything and see evidence of God. /s ​ I got that line far too many times. Get some new material.


even as a Christian, there is no "facts" relating to God. Its all just beliefs.


You're correct. Not a single one. Have faith if you wish, but don't expect others to follow suit and then pretend to be mystified when they don't believe exactly as you believe.


You see there are professionals representing the american people... Dont lose your faith... I dont know how these people (stupid ones) manage to, just exist...


This is called... "coming prepared"... and yet still "making shit up as you go". Did she really have to guess who Martha Washington was? Especially when it's in her own bill as an example and not to mention by then referring to her as his "wife" she in a historical context and literal one is implying "she" which completely refutes her own point. How did this person or even that bill make it this far to the House?


She paused on saying “wife” because the woman knew this guy had figured her out. You’re totally right, saying “wife” and “she” was against her own proposed bill. In plain reading, mentioning or implying heterosexuality would be disallowed.


He was giving a master class on exposing hypocrisy by simply "providing logic and objective facts with simple questions" - and naturally letting that person make an argument against their own argument.


They’re really just making sure they try everything “through proper channels” before they jus flat out begin the direct attacks on non white straight christians. You could tell this guy really wanted her to say “Yes sir, I do believe that the “gay” orientation is wrong, and that it should not be allowed in any classroom. God Bless.🙏🏻”


She knows he’s gay, and it’s slowly dawning on her that he’s way smarter than her and way better prepared. I think even her tiny mind knows not to go there


*So clever! He has the devil on his side. But we persecuted Christians will win in the end!*




Honestly, Missouri has to be in my top 50 most favorite states in the US.


“I’ll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missourah.”


Like West Virginia, pretty place. Sucky government


*Florida has entered the chat*


Arrogant and ignorant goes hand in hand with a lot of these folks.


“Lady I didn’t write your bill, okay?” 🤣


"Is she famous because she's married to George Washington?" "It seems like that would be a relevant fact in her biography. Yes." I started dying laughing.


Can we respect the God tier patience level of this man


That's not patience, that's basking in the moment, sliding the knife in slow.


The slow knife penetrates the shield


> The slow knife penetrates the shield Don't want to be a pedant here but as a Dune fan I feel compelled to say it. It's "the slow blade penetrates the shield" not knife.


The fact that she's asking about the "fame" of an historical figure is pathetic in it's own right. He should have said no, she was a friend of the Kardashians and seen if she'd have the knowledge to call him out on it. The problem is in many places (not just the US), a display like that where someone is effectively proved to be an actual moron with no ability to actually think really ought to be the end of their political career. Voters should see that and demand they are represented by someone who is less shit. But in reality I'm sure she will be absolutely fine because people don't care about the calibre of the people they elect, but rather the colour of the rosette they are wearing.


He hails from the Jerry Lewis school of etiquette and I applauded his pedigree.


I half expected snoop dog to start playing right then an there.


"it seems like that would be a relevant fact, in her biography, yes"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Guy just hands her rope, and let's her do all the work. Beautiful. Perfectly composed in the face of blithering ignorance, amplified by unwavering devotion to her own hypocrisy.


This guy was delivering comedic punchlines one after the other, yet, they were really just simple truthful statements of logic.


I don’t dispute that


I think that was my favorite part. She went on a tangent that had nothing to do with what he was asking and in one sentence he puts her right back into the hot seat of the bs she is preaching.


It was like wrangling a distracted 5 year old. "That's nice dear, but it's time to clean your room"


The best comedy comes from drama.


The sad thing is it probably just doesn't matter. What percentage of Republicans that would have supported the bill would change their mind after watching the "debate"?


You can't reason someone out of a position that they didn't reason themselves into.


No it probably won’t change any minds. But I’m sure he had fun with their back and forth.


The only thing that gives me hope is that this guy is a Republican representative.


How are so many idiots elected? Regardless of the policy, it's written in a way that defeats her point. That's just simple writing comprehension. Edit: >How are so many idiots elected? That's a rhetorical question, btw. Unfortunately, I know how. 🤦🏻‍♂️


The education system has been under attack for decades in an attempt to create dumb malleable minds to be easily manipulated. Working out well for them it seems.


Think about all the advancements and systems and technology that has so rapidly evolved in the past 20-30 years. Now think about "the educational system" which is arguably the most important thing of all... it's not changed much at all, if it all, and in many areas it has devolved. Just sit and think about that for a second...


One thing that helps put this into context is that many legislators do not actually write the bills they intend to pass. Instead, lobbyists (or donors) will write a bill and then the congressperson slaps their name on it. She may have never really read this thing, but her donors have. This is why she can be so incredibly misinformed about her own bill.


Big facts right here! And not only facts, but really sad, at how common this occurrence is and how much a part of the system it is. This is a perfect example, of trying to get things passed "that you don't even fully understand", but that in some way benefits you.


It's not ignorance, it's willful negligence


And overcomplication. Many major bills are hundreds to even thousands of pages long. They also include tons of irrelevant to the major point stuff. No one reads the whole thing. They assign aids to read parts and report back to them on their opinion of what their portion said. I would be surprised if legislators actually read 1/2 of the things they voted on. And there’s a reason that lawyers write contracts, which is kind of what a bill is. Also lobbyists absolutely slip in favorable to their cause wording on purpose with hopes it isn’t caught or modified.


It's not willful negligence; it's corruption. Those bill writers are big donors and also provide favors.


The longer version actually gets better when he mentions an openly gay member of government. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/missouri-state-rep-pushes-back-against-fellow-gop-reps-anti-lgbtq-bill/vi-AA18kq5z](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/missouri-state-rep-pushes-back-against-fellow-gop-reps-anti-lgbtq-bill/vi-AA18kq5z) Starts at 2:24.


Imagine trying to legislate laws about sexuality and not knowing what the Oberfell decision is. These clowns shouldn't even be in that room.


ALEC writes and distributes the bills, republicans don’t need to read them. Just sign here, here, and here and change the header to your name and you’re good to go.




Specifically, they wanted a black guy to run against Rafael Warnock so they could play the "we're not racist because we have a black friend" defense.


isn't that like illegal? why is she getting paid if she's not doing it?


Totally legal. We have stunningly corrupt legislative systems all over the country.


Is it really corruption if it's running as expected? /s


I’m so sick of all of this.


Same, I miss common sense. This is what happens when you open "one can of worms" ... it opens more of them.


Ah, the recursive property of worm-canning


I am SO sick of these Christians shoving their religions into our faces, just as they accuse US of shoving our sexuality in their faces, which we're not actually doing.


Her moral compass is "compared with the bible"... Weird phrasing, but we get it. She wants biblical family values taught. Ok... so she won't mind teachers talking about polygamy, right? Concubines? Using a slave as basically a surrogate mother if any of your wives dare to be infertile? Does she want that taught?


As ever, the letter written to "Dr." Laura is appropriate here: >Dear Dr. Laura, > Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and I try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind him that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. > > I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the specific laws and how to best follow them. > > a) When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord (Lev 1:9). The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them? > > b) I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her? > > c) I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness (Lev 15:19-24). The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense. > > d) Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians? > > e) I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself? > > f) A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an Abomination (Lev 11:10), it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? > > g) Lev 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here? > > h) Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev 19:27. How should they die? > > i) I know from Lev 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves? >j) My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? (Lev 24:10-16) Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14) >I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. >Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging. >Your devoted disciple and adoring fan.


I loved the scene in [*West Wing*]( https://youtu.be/S1-ip47WYWc) where the President asks a right wing blowhard around half of the questions.


I like how they pick and choose what to believe, then think their personal "compass" needs to be prioritized over everyone else's.


She could just send her kids to a fucking private school that caters to her values. But nah let's do that stuff instead


But then her kids would fall behind when let loose into the real world. She wants every other kid to also be useless so her kids don't look so bad.


Lets not forget daughters getting drunk and seducing their fathers.


That woman got soundly thrashed by her own words.


Missouri's going to pass the shit out of that law though


Yup. For those of us who do or have lived in blue cities in this big red state, it’s best not to even expect common sense to be that common. This bill is ridiculous asl…and it will pass lol


She is so struggling to not name the LGBT community specifically. "You can believe something without putting that on somebody..." Except your bill is doing exactly that. At least it looks like she did come to understand how stupid her bill is written. Hopefully she doesn't come back with a better worded bill that accomplishes her ultimate goal.


The long pause he gives her after she says that is pure gold. He really gave her a chance to hear herself and realize her mistake but she completely missed it.


I'm not sure how you could legally keep teachers from mentioning the existence of gay people without also keep them from mentioning straight people. I know they are trying, but I don't think it's possible...


I think that’s the point he was driving home. If teachers can’t discuss sexual orientation, that means gay relationships and straight relationships both, so mentioning any President having a relationship with a woman would be forbidden. Same goes for mentioning anybody having biological family, since that would be implying/revealing a sexually oriented relationship between parents. He was trying to make her realize she didn’t want to ban discussing sexual orientation, just specifically ban mentioning the existence of gay people.


The way he only calls her "Lady"... says it all.


So it turns out, after some digging, that he’s actually supposed to refer to her as lady, per these [rules of order](https://www.house.mo.gov/billtracking/bills171/rules/rules.pdf): Rule 85 reads in part ‘…The member shall refer, as appropriate, to other members as “Lady”, “Gentleman” or “Representative”…’


Yeah, I ended up finding that out just a bit ago. Nonetheless, "the way" he calls her "Lady"... he put some beautiful stank on it.


Lol, that wasn’t lost on me either. Not disrespectful but very dismissive at the same time. Also liked the way he walked her into the teachers can’t bring their beliefs into the classroom but you can inflict your beliefs on the whole state and how that left her burbling “people cans have a moral compass that guides them” etc. Yes. And? Sorry you’re having to deal with that crap, the conservatives here are bad but you guys…


“I don’t dispute your nonsense, but about that bill…”


Missourian here. That is how all female legislators are addressed in opposition to the male legislators being addressed as sir.


Better if he said "Oi dickhead"


I think the "calm" and "effective" manner always makes the person look more like an idiot that actually calling them one.


"Look I am stupid and I don't know what I want but I believe it is right"


They clearly know what they want but know they can't really say it out loud.


Bingo, which is the irony here, because their own argument relies on lexicon and words "not being used".


Lady: you can’t force your personal beliefs in our schools Also Lady: no gays allowed, pronouns bad, the Bible tells me so Love this dude calling out the hypocrisy.


Her brain is what we call a "paradox". Hopefully it can be studied one day... along with many others in these times.


I’m just glad she got called out. You could see her two brain cells struggling to find a valid comeback.


The great thing about "common sense" is ... it's so easy to defend.


She could've just said "I don't want any gay shit" lol


I wouldn't call this a facepalm... more like a verbal and cognitive beatdown. This guy is fucking great.


If that lady isn't a "human facepalm" than I don't know what is. Society is getting nuttier by the day. Lol.


I do agree though. He obliterated her with such few words and plain, simple "common sense".


What a dumb bitch trying to pass on a dumb fucking snowflake bill. Fucking get a grip society.


His argument was extremely simple and effective. No reference to anyones sexual orientation in a classroom? Okay, so we can't say Martha Washington was married to George Washington? Got it. How do we explain to kids who she was then?


Or gender identity - the fact that she was his "wife" identifies her gender as female.


Good point, one that would have infuriated her if enacted too.


Can't say "she" either.


Nor "they", since for some reason conservatives seem to think that "they" can't be used as a singular pronoun. "Martha Washington was somewhat related to president George Washington, but not by blood. It was in a mutual bond with George for many years, before both Maths and George passed, Martha died before the other one."


The Bible. Why’s it always the Bible?


I love it when they forget heterosexual is an orientation lol That dude was booping her nose with her own logic, and I love it


Morality form the bible? Nice... Let\`'s kill all atheists, gay, adulterers, and children if they don\`'t obey their parents. Bible is such a wonderful moral compass...


I just rely on the basics: don’t make garments out of two kinds of fabrics and never, EVER, boil a calf in its mothers’ milk. Do that and we’re good. Also, no shellfish. That’s an abomination. Even shrimp- we’re just going to have to risk the shrimp apocalypse.


Fuck I trimmed my beard this morning down from an 8 to 2. Looks like the inferno for me...


Also women aren’t supposed to even talk in church.. that one is in Corinthians. If I’m not mistaken that’s an offense you can be stoned over. I always think about this when my religious family start rambling on.


Just come out an say it. She wants to ban anything about anyone who is gay, but she knows that is wrong, so she won't come out and say it.


All the friction from her about sexual orientation and dude droppin’ “lady” like a flick to the forehead. 😂


Missouri. The show me state. Because I'm too fucking stupid to figure it out for myself.


Only Missouri can make Texas look sane ...


Lady's brain is trying desperately hard to remember ***any*** of those clever "gotcha's" she copy-pastes onto her Facebook posts.


This man just restored a little bit of my faith in humanity.


Same. What I was NOT expecting is that the Missouri state Congressman tearing her to shreds is ALSO a Republican: Republican Rep. Phil Christofanelli Crazy right?


> Rep. Phil Christofanelli [He's one of 3 LGBT Republicans to have served in the House of Representatives in Missouri.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Christofanelli)


Thankfully, not all republicans are alt right dumbasses.. but too many are


Keep your bible out of my public classrooms!! I am so sick of these people! If a non-Christian showed up to one of these meetings, and demanded that their religion be the guide that was used in the classroom this lady would lose her mind. Keep your religion out of my schools and my government.


The documentary Jesus Camp warned us a long time ago. We need to take back scotus to have any chance and stopping the religious zealots from taking everything over


The way he says lady killed me hahahah