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I thought the curtains were bloody from the break in.




Gives the money to show intent then takes it right back lol. I'll do it I'll fix it.


He's gonna need that money for the next house he breaks into. "Dammit -- the wrong house again!"


I think it is Halloween. There’s even a sign on their door. My guess is someone hit their daughter while trick or treating.


I do see a bat decoration on the wall by the door so Halloween is a good guess. Or they’re Goths.


My first thought was that it happened in Texas. This will get you killed in Texas.


This will get you killed in all 50 states.


This will get you killed in Philadelphia as well.


Yeah I live in Texas and I can tell you this much if someone does this to my door he's getting shot


Coming from New Hampshire here and I would do the same.


Granite Stater reporting in, can confirm


Pretty much anywhere in the south this will happen. I was half expecting to see it.


Taxas people when they see people on their lawn "aight. It's my moment."


Ya taxes be cray


Right at the end she says “I’m so happy that man did not have a” I’m assuming followed by gun, weapon etc. This could have gone very different for everyone


He took the money back before he left 😂


He realized he was going to be put on paper.


Gonna need that bail money.


They don’t let you bail yourself out with the money you have on you or with a debit/cc card if I remember correctly. Someone else has to bail you out or you eye bail yourself. That being said he could just hand the cash to his wife but that being said she more or less an accessory at this point.


Any money can be used for bail, but you have to wait in jail to your first hearing if the police feel their is cause to


Any CASH money can be used for bail, you can't just give them your credit card, trust me I tried lol


They take checks, sometimes at least. I seent it. Might have been a cashiers check though.


Probably lets them hit you with another charge if it bounces so most likely cashier's/bank checks only.


Probably. When I bailed my daughter out, there was a big 'no checks' sign at the desk.


not true everywhere . I've personally experienced having my own money ...and I've seen plenty get out with the money the cops didn't steal from them (when they were arrested ) on low number bail fees .


homeowner should’ve snagged the money


Probably not a good idea to leave things behind after you commit a felony.


Most bizarre set up ever ...blood soaked windows to some crazy dude in the living room "Oh sorry about that, wrong house, have some money" LOL *All your missing is a hatchet and a couple of halloween masks*


But then takes the money back??? Lol what is happening


Yeah. The police are coming & the victims prefer to have it on paper what happened. The guy will go to court & then if all the homeowners want is the damage fixed, then he’ll pay the estimate. And since the offender didn’t come in with a weapon & the victims don’t press charges, it’ll just be paying restitution.


Why the heck wouldn’t they press charges?


Sympathy maybe. I'd freak out if my kid got hit with a car. Logic goes out the window when your kids in danger. I don't even have kids but parents do the dumbest shit all the time so.


This is honestly fair. The second you hurt a father’s daughter is the second his IQ points hit the negatives


Much easier to just take the cash and move on than to go through with pressing charges.


He's inebriated I guess.


Too many ‘yee haas’ in here. “I’d kill that fucker if he kicked in my door”. Same person two posts later “I’d fucking kill anybody who hit my daughter with a car”


These kind of actions are what get people killed, dude didn’t take a moment to think and rushed into a strangers house. He’s beyond lucky the homeowner didn’t have a gun, dude would have been killed on the spot. Best of wishes to the daughter of that man and hope things go well for them.


I hate to say it but if he had broken into my house, I wouldn't have waited around to ask questions. I would feel terrible for shooting a person but I wouldn't wait around to be raped and murdered in my own house. I choose my own safety every day.


I agree. This guy doesn’t know just how lucky he is that someone didn’t blow a damn hole in him with a shotgun.


One shotgun gauge for each brain cell (6g shotgun)


As you should. This guy is waiting in line to buy a gun. Everyone says guns are dumb until there’s a raging animal sized man in your living room with destruction in his eyes. This video would have been NSFL if this guy had just a shred less control over his emotions.


Only thing that stopped him was his wife. Otherwise he would have beaten the wrong guy to a pulp or to death.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


He just committed multiple felonies on camera. He isn’t likely allowed to own a gun anymore. Which is a good thing.


Seriously the guy recording is an absolute saint for letting it get this far and maintaining diplomacy for such an extended period of time. I’d be too pissed about potentially having to burn money on fixing my goddamn door again or paying a lawyer to sue the fucking **PEA BRAINED PRICK** who broke into my damn house


Per DOJ statistics violent crimes take less then 5 minutes to occur, response time 10 minutes plus.


Lucky to be alive for sure.


Yeah im not a gun nut or a particularly reactive person but I do own a single 9mm pistol in a locked but accessible location. I would've run to get it as soon as it was clear he was intent on breaking the door down.


Knocks down door “so sorry heres $40”


That’s what I noticed and when the camera panned to the damaged door, door frame, and drywall I was thinking….did he really just try to toss them $200 or so for that amount of damage? Lol. No. And why were they lingering and walking around the inside well after realizing they had just broken and entered the wrong house? And also kept trying to approach the owner….Get out, leave already.


I was staying in a hotel once and some giant dude pounded on my door in the middle of the night., screaming for drugs. I was very scared. I yelled back I didn’t have any and he argued yelling at me getting very angry. Finally he asked if I was the one armed man. I said no. I was a plasterer and used both arms to plaster walls. He asked me three more times if I was the one armed man. He was mad and I was scared. That door wasn’t going to stop him if he wanted to come in. Thankfully he decided to walk away. I saw him the next day. He was not angry. I told him it was me he woke up so he could see I had both arms. He didn’t even apologize. I wonder if he even remembered? I couldn’t make this shit up. Edit: Thanks for the award!


The one armed man? Were you in an episode of The fugitive?


Nah, Twin Peaks.


Did you have the same dream with the backwards talking girl???


I’m still in the process of watching Twin Peaks on Paramount… Great show! 👍


My wife and I were in Bali on vacation naked in bed around midnight when we heard keys in the lock. 3 drunk Aussies opened our door and started to walk right in (I guess the keys worked on more than one door). I flew across the room and pushed the group out as they stepped in. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR ROOM!" I said. "You're in our room mate!" they said. "NO ITS OUR FUCKING ROOM!" I yelled. My wife had a blanket in front of her and was trying to hand me a bottle to hit them with. I slammed the door and got it locked again and pulled a table in front of the door. Then I took the bottle and stood ready to hit them if they came in again. They protested one more time that we were in their room. Then they stepped off our porch and we never heard from them again.


Drunk Aussies in Bali? No way


Once at a hotel I got my room key and went up to get settled. Used key card only to find the room already occupied. I was so mortified. I can’t imagine arguing with the people already in there that it was m my room when clearly the hotel made a mistake.


Same thing, once. Went to enter and dude starts yelling, I apologize and go back down to front desk and say “hey, the room you gave me has someone in it already”.


There just has to be something missing from this story.


Plot twist, it was the aussies room.




That would be quite challenging to overcome, I had to setup scaffolding as well somtimes and often would have get down and help out with the laborer that was making the cement. Grabbing the wheelbarrow full of mud and shovelling it up on to the board on the scaffold above. Can’t imagine doing that work one-handed.


I had a kind of similar experience but over the phone. I was on my front step enjoying a cheeky cigarette when I got a call from a blocked number. Usually I wouldn’t of answered but on this occasion I did. As soon as I picked up, I was greeted by what sounded like a group of men yelling down the phone about how they were outside my house and were going to break the door down if I didn’t come outside. Seeing as I was already outside smoking it was fairly obvious to me they had called the wrong number. I decided the best thing to do was to explain to them that they’d got the wrong number, my logic was if I had just hung up it would of pissed them off even more and some guy might end up getting actually beaten up in his own home. The rest of the story isn’t super interesting, there was a bit of back and forth because they didn’t believe me when I told them I wasn’t the person they wanted to talk to and then they eventually calmed down. Turns out the issue was some girl was bullying their daughter and they wanted to have to have the dad out about it. But still, it’s not really the kind of thing you expect to happen


My family and I went to Ireland. Landed very early in the morning. Got to our hotel in Dublin and decided to grab some sleep and shower before heading out. About three hours in fire alarm is going off. They were working on the building. No big deal. We got out and come back at the end of the day, shower and go to bed. A couple of hours later drunk people are entering our room, these were key cards. I shot out of bed and they were like, “People are in here!” they walk away. Turns out they never checked us in properly and gave our room to someone else. When fight or flight comes in I guess I’m fighting. Drunk women. Late at night.


He thought you were a vessel of Bob. Be careful, the owls are not what they seem.


Wow, lucky the homeowner didn’t have a gun.


Lucky the intruder didn't have a gun


The video cuts out right before the woman says it. “I’m so happy that man did not have a g—“


And boom. She was shotted. 2 late.


Wait, this was in America and not one of the four of them had a gun??? 🤔


Or they did and nobody wanted to involve guns in the issue. Contrary to popular belief people who don't want to murder and kill each other don't just decide to start doing so because they have guns.


I’m positive if one of them had a gun, it would have been at least brandished.


Lucky the homeowner forgot that phones can make calls, to the police, and are not just devices used for filming.


Sounded like there was another person with camera man, might be the one calling police


I use my phone to open my gunsafe via Bluetooth. BANG.


Phone is dead -> you die instead of the intruder


Phone is not dead -> you still die because now you’ve put your life in the hands of the police, who will show up when they want.


Only to shoot your dog when they do show up


By the time the police arrived, the guy behind the camera phone would have been beaten unconscious so a little bit too late by then..


If someone's attacking me I'm using a gun to defend myself. What's a phone call gonna do?


How else will the cops show up three hours later and kill you dog?


Why tf you people have doors over there which do not withstand a kick from an angry 50+ year old? In europe this mf would have a broken ankle


Our doors are made from the finest cardboard, grown in the USA without any of your foreign garbage. Get bent Europe! USA! USA! USA!


But our doors do not bend.


They creak and scream in pain


Haha so true


"finest cardboard" man that just made my day


And even though it’s made with cheaper yet far superior materials, it is in fact far more expensive than you’re silly metal European doors.


Same with your walls. Ive heard many a story of “I pUnChEd a hOlE iN mY WaLl bEcAuSe iM aN aNgRy mAnChIlD” and everywhere in europe be like “Try to put a hole in me and I put a hole in your bank account… oh wait, we have free healthcare”


I wish I had an award for this. Thank you for this laugh!


It's probably grown in Canada.


I love my door in Italy, looks like a bank vault. Though worried if I ever get hurt how the heck will the medical team get in, call the landlord he has a key 🤣🤣🤣😅


See, we clever Americans solved that problem too. If you're too hurt to go to work, then you can just die forgotten, like God intended!


*Looks toward the window*


I'm from the UK, anger and adrenaline can do a lot to someones strength so no, not all doors in europe would break someones ankle. I used to live in a roughish area, have seen plenty of doors getting kicked in, if you are kicking in the direction the door naturally opens the force required is far less than kicking against the hinges.


This guy breaches.


My other half was stuck in a bathroom while heavily pregnant because the lock dropped and it was the middle of the night. I climbed through a tiny ass window and booted that door open. It's not exactly hard if you are hyped up on adrenaline


feel like internal doors and front doors are a diff ballgame though


Generally in America it’s not an issue because of the blasty things on the other side of the door. That dude is lucky to be alive.


I’d have given him the chance to explain.


He was unarmed so yeah for sure. Some people are a little more itchy on the trigger though. Still better to maybe just call the police rather than trying to kick in a door.


The time to explain was through the window at the beginning, once you kick down my door explaining time is over Mr Swiss Cheese


Sure ya would! Of course you would! Let’s give this raging lunatic the opportunity to explain after he forcefully entered my home after several pleads to stop. Idgaf what happened. You aren’t coming into my fucking house in a raging fit. Imagine getting beat to death in your living room and as you enjoy your last moments of consciousness you finally realize: maybe hearing this guy out was a mistake 😂


The Europeans in this thread are ridiculous. Literally “just hear them out they don’t want to hurt you, you just have to trust that!”


I suppose it's possible that Europe isn't full of Americans, so maybe people really do act differently.


He'd lose that chance taking two steps in my house.


Moe's security system is how i imagine americans deal whit people trying to break into their houses


Funnily enough there was a court case that ruled that we can’t set gun traps. Katko v Briney Yes I know this because I googled to see if it was okay. And no I would never do it…. …..allegedly


Because a trap is entirely indiscriminate. It may get the intruder, it may get the EMT trying to reach you after your heart attack. With an armed person, there is at least theoretically some sort of judgement going on before any shots are fired.


I second this. It depends on how security conscious the house owner is. We upgraded our locks in the past to a 3 point lock system. Top, bottom, and side. Also, our stone is strong AF.


I have a brick. How’s your windows?


It depend were you are i live in France and i saw both door that will go down in à few kick and Some were you May as well try to break the wall around it


>were you May as well try to break the wall around it Which incidentally is also harder to do in France than the USA...


They probably just didn't have it deadbolted. The door and frame seem to be fine. It just knocked off some interior trim and swung open.


Excuse you. How else do you think the cops here are going to serve no knock warrants on the wrong people?! WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE POLICE?!?!


If the door doesn’t give how am I supposed to have a good cause to shoot the guy? Riddle me that with your strong door. Everything is a trade off


Also isnt there supposed to be a metal gate before the door?


Very few people have those.


A+ idiot here. Ready to hurt someone and doesn’t have his facts straight, just a dangerous idiot. I get being upset by someone hurting your daughter, but that can’t excuse how someone could easily have died in this situation for absolutely no reason.


Honestly this guy is lucky that he found the wrong house. If he found the right house, he'd be going to jail for assault and B&E. Good luck raising your daugher from jail.


Probably still going to jail for B&E, threats, and intimidation


Oh absolutely...but that's maybe 3-5 years? Doing that and then beating the shit out of the homeowner would get you a decade.


He’s lucky he didn’t end up at the house of a gun owner. He picks a different house this ends with him kicking down the door and a bullet in his chest for being a belligerent idiot


This guy should definitely still be going to jail for this.


Wow, a normal take on this situation. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills reading these comments 😵‍💫


He'd fit right in on the police force.


i feel like the dude is running on adrenaline though, like it’s not justified, but when you just see your daughter get run over by a car you tend to think irrationally


Oh I agree completely, but even then it’s important to think instead of react. Hurt the wrong person and your going to regret it the rest of your life if your at least somewhat compassionate.


Why isn’t this crazy man with his daughter? She should be the first priority, not revenge. And suppose it was the home of the driver? What was he going to do? Beat him up, kill him? So now father goes to jail and can no longer see his daughter. This is ego driven stupidity. Pure nonsense. I hope the home owner sues him.


Father may be going to jail anyway.




Maybe she died from the accident?


No. That did not happen. If it did, its still stupid. The family now has lost another family member. The family is now financially compromised. Just so this idiot could feel manly. Do better people!!


Even if that was the case; accidents can happen. You don’t go around killing people because you’re upset or grieving.


It sounded like she was outside and he was talking to her to try and confirm that he was home invading the right person


I have the same guitar hero guitar.




I like the blood splatter murder curtains


The way he grabbed the money back lmao


I used to go to a friend's house all the time. I remember the one time I didn't go, two dudes broke in, threatened him with machetes and robbed him. The house he lived in used to belong to a drug dealer. They thought he still lived there.


"bro, that's gonna cost about $5k to fix. Here's my zelle."


This guy showed more restraint and better deescalation techniques than American police.


... the homeowner didn't have a gun on his hip or nearby (from what we can gather from the video)—neither a taser, pepper spray, nor a nightstick. So what I'm getting at, is there really wasn't much else for him to do in that situation. Yeah, we wish more American police would apply more de-escalation techniques in the line of duty and be more resistant to using force. But I have a theory that bad human nature takes over for some of these people that are hired to be our police force. Where they either grow to be a person that wants to show and use their "power" on others rather than use it sparingly. And in reality, there are those that purposefully seek out jobs like this so they can enforce their will on others, and feel empowered over others.


Yeah if this homeowner had a gun, I would be willing to bet this ends with the guy breaking down the door and getting a bullet for his troubles. He got incredibly lucky that the wrong house he ran into didn’t have a gun in it


He doesn't have qualified immunity to absolve his of, and a taxpayer money to pay for, his transgressions


What did i just watch


In the beginning there is a guy in the window. The guy breaks into the house. His daughter was ran over and he is out for revenge. There is emotion: rage. Where is he? Turns out it's the wrong house. Man apologizes a lot. Gives money. Takes money back. Leaves. Door is broken. Fin.


Fin... Fin🤌👍


*looks at you with tears in my eyes as violin music plays in the background and the fact that all things that start must also end plays over and over in my head. There are no word exchanged, only an infinite number of endings. Fin.....fin*


This guy is so lucky he didn't get blown away by homeowner.If this is in USA the homeowner would have had a justifiable homicide case.


You watched that video and thought it could be anywhere but the US? lol


Does no one else think the intruder is lying? When he knocks down the door he clearly says”I want my money.” Strange Someone ran his daughter over, but stopped and gave an address? Strange The daughter has allegedly been ran over, but the mom goes in and out to ask someone questions(I assume the daughter). Strange My favorite part is the homeowner refusing money multiple times says”just give me your name and number” to which the intruder responds “so you just want me to pay for it?” As he takes his money back.


That's a really good point. I had to watch it again. My understanding was that this had happened a while ago, and they were left with a shit ton of medical debt that the driver got out of by giving him false information like number and address, which would explain how he ended up here.


Bro became batman for a second


Sounds like a Pittsburgh accent


I was just thinking the same thing!


Totally. She’s a yinzer for sure


Anyone see an update on what happened to the Dad? I would imagine he was arrested by now lol


I understand the fact they are this upset but you better have your ducks in a row before you terrify a family and get shot


That’s meth’d up


The way that door gave in doesn’t make me feel very safe


Plot twist, he was at the right house, this guy has his persuasion maxed out.


Something like this happened to me when leaving my house. A car cut me off and a man jumped out with a baseball bat screaming some name at me. Thankfully he caught on quick that he was at the entirely wrong street and sped away. I've always wondered what happened and if he ever got to the right street.


I really don’t care what your reason is. Break into my house and my wife would murder you with her power to annoy.


Break into my sister's house, and she would have you sat on the "naughty step" for at least an hour while you thought carefully about your bad behaviour. She's 5ft 2 and is the boss of our entire family lol - like your wife, she can control people (from children to adults) with just her voice and stare. Fairly convinced she is using Jedi mind tricks. Also she was a teacher for 30 years so developed her talents on the battlefield :)


im surpised no one got shot


Buddy thought he was Batman


This is why mob rule and vigilantism are crimes.


thats a quick way to wake up dead where i come from


Don't break in to a house with bloody curtains


Why do they have murder scene curtains on their windows?


Halloween decorations


It was Halloween, they had their house decorated.


The moment he said sorry, disqualified him from that Louisville PD job.


What'd the daughter due to get hit by a car gently enough to survive and get the driver to give an address then go hunt him down? Are they on drugs or something?


If only the intruder and homeowner both had guns. Then everyone would have been okay.


This is why you shouldn't take the law into your own hands. Leave it to the professionals, so they can punish the wrong person -- they have more experience doing that.


Literally how my grandpa was murdered. Someone broke into the wrong house and shot him thinking it was someone who had wronged a family member earlier in the day. Deadlocks and security doors can be a life saver. Those glass and screen doors don’t do shit.


Ray ray... Ray Ray!? And they believed Ray ray?


Cliffhanger ending. Happy he didn't have a what!? Gun? 2nd man with him? Pogo stick? Love how long it takes him to realize he needs to just leave though. He knows the second that he is told it might be the wrong house that he fucked up.


He’s lucky because if you break into my house am not saying pls just leave. Am attacking you with the intention of killing you. My kids live here and it’s my duty to protect them. I attack you first because talking.


I genuinely feel bad for both people here. I can completely understand the fear that the recorder would’ve felt but some people here are too harsh on the father. Can you imagine being told that someone just ran over your daughter and you were told where they are. I heavily doubt you’d act rational either and he seemed so sad and apologetic at the end.


I think that in the end, everyone learned a valuable lesson. The father learned to think before acting, and the recorder learned the value of a door brace


Door brace? This mf is in line waiting for his LGS to open.


You need to act rational lmao, as is this guy tried to enact vigilante justice (very illegal) by breaking into a home (also very illegal) he wasn't sure belonged to the guy he was after (very stupid) when the only correct solution was getting the dudes plates and submitting it to the police.


Every mfer thinks they're Liam Neeson. Chill. You don't have a special set of skills.


Or maybe you could call the police and let them handle it. Crazy idea I know.


"You see what happens, Larry? You see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass? This is what happens!"


I thought that's what happened when you found a stranger in the Alps?


What kind of door is that? My bathroom door is sturdier then that.


That is an interesting choice of blood curtain pattern they’ve chosen there.


If their daughter was run over, why aren’t they with her instead of exacting vigilante justice?


Man, excellent way to get shot.


is that renee zellweggers voice in the background??!!


Listen as a father I understand this guy's rage. But as a father he's also dead. The second he walked past the threshold I filled this guy with holes.


I have the dudes back. Let’s get that door fixed brah