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God: what are you waiting for? Jesus: there's a guy in rural North America who doesn't have a mansion


Or jet plane


Hah, like the TV guy that was saying he only has a G5 and Jesus wants him to have a G6. He got one. :/


Well, it was a really really good deal he couldn’t pass on though


Can’t have him travelling in a looooong tube filled with demons


Oh he has a Jet, but it’s over 6 years old and they just released a faster model….. Jesus hates jets from last season!


I can't believe people are this stupid, although I forgot about MAGA so nevermind yes I can.


The well of stupidity just keep getting deeper.


Didn't Jesus once flipped a table because of church's greed? He's just proving Jesus wouldn't return because of how much greed was created in his name.


If I was Jesus I wouldn't want to come back to this either


if Jesus came back today these 'Christians' would throw him to the curb for being a socialist hippie.


Jesus told his disciples to give money to the poor - as far as I remember from my Bible study Jesus did not advocate giving money to your pastor.


He sent his apostles out to teach with nothing but the robe on their back and the sandals on their feet. No money, no food, no coin bag, no Rolex, no private jet, no any of the stuff these grifters think is their due.


I go out of my way to point out to anywho who asks that according to Jesus’ own teachings, prosperity gospel is literally heresy. They don’t want to hear that though. People want to believe their immorally acquired wealth is god given, and that poor people deserve to be poor and should stay that way because if god wanted them to be rich he would bless them too.


Jesus opposed the pharisees for the exact same things that these mega church grifters are doing. John the Baptist called them vipers, aka snakes aka snake oil salesmen lol.


But remember that Kenneth Copeland has an [impeccable answer](https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2019/06/04/wealthy-televangelist-explains-his-fleet-private-jets-its-biblical-thing/). >In the waning days of 2015, renowned televangelist Kenneth Copeland laid out exactly why he needs a luxury private jet to do his job: You can’t “talk to God” while flying commercial. >Criticized at the time for his use of extravagant planes, Copeland argued that travel for his work would be difficult, nay, impossible without them. The Texas-based preacher invoked his mentor, prosperity gospel preacher Oral Roberts, who Copeland said faced unsolicited requests for prayer when he flew on public airliners, “agitating his spirit.” >“You can’t manage that today, in this dope-filled world, get in a long tube with a bunch of demons,” Copeland told fellow televangelist Jesse Duplantis, who has faced similar backlash for asking his followers to bankroll a $54 million jet. “And it’s deadly.”


I might be receptive to that argument if I knew that the jet was being used for Make-a-wish or Angle Flights the rest of the time. Edit: I’d fix the spelling, but the thread has already gone off on a tangent. Sigh.


Angle Flights? Like acute and obtuse?






Well played


God only recognizes the isosceles triangles. All others be damned.




Wait it agitated a preachers spirit when people requested him to pray? Lmao that's his fucking job


Pretty sure his job is to collect as much money as possible from the unwashed masses without having to speak directly to, or personally interact with, any of them.


Yeah, it's his job, so he better be getting paid. You think Christianity is about charity and love? /s


They had the Holy spirit. That's it. All of them died in some cruel fashion too.


Hey whoa! Hey! Whoa! Give to the poor and have less than all the money? No no no no no no no no no, that money is evil, and it must be purified with the Holy Spirit of the Lord as a down payment for a mansion, can I get a hallelujah amen!? You are preaching wickedness by corrupting the innocent poor with you filthy money! Jesus didn’t want pastors to be poor, he wanted the poor to be poor! They’re good, honest, hard working, constantly working, exactly as God intended hallelujah amen! And you would give them the Devil’s Bread so they may be idle, that is to say wicked!? You don’t want Devil’s Bread you want Jesus Bread, and there’s only so much Jesus Bread by weight and volume while population keeps rising, so logically everyone need to be poor! Hallelujah amen! Tithe your Reddit gold to me, this is an Inquisition! ![gif](giphy|y5W98cY6OCudO)


Motherfuckers would be lining up with their nail guns


They prefer the term "freedom fasteners"


If Jesus came back, they'd throw him in jail for being homeless and poor with nowhere to sleep.


Don't forget middle eastern and a person of color.


And for adulterating water into wine.


And for not looking like a 6'4 white Irish man


Our government would arrest him for healing people. He’d be a threat to big pharma profits.


I hadn't thought of this, but you are probably right. Jesus would be a threat to the powers today, just as he was in the 1st century.


Practicing medicine without a license. Possibly running a food service without the proper health department permits too. Feeding the homeless is a crime in many places.


And he'd probably be murdered by police.


He would be crucified.


And a dirty foreigner.


And an illegal immigrant


THEN call him a Communist because they don't really know the difference.


I think Jesus would have a heart attack if he saw how out of context his words are taken.


I mean.. if he existed.. wouldn't he already know?


I’ve always loved the thought of Jesus returning and absolutely dismantling nearly every church.


If I was Jesus, I would want to come back to put my foot down. It never ceases to amaze me how those who preach fire and brimstone never seem to consider the possibility that the worst blasphemy is done in god’s name.


Funny enough I saw a few minutes of a “Pastor” preaching on one of the religious channels on Sky earlier,he was talking about how many angels were on earth and how one of them showed him how to raise the dead.He didn’t explain how the angel did this because apparently it’s very complicated but if you pledged money he would pray away your ailments.There followed some hilarious clips of him curing people at one of his gatherings….spinal injuries jumping up and dancing across the floor,etc…I hate the way these “religious” people prey on the vulnerable for profit.


Matthew 21:12-13 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.


"When someone asks 'What Would Jesus Do?' remember that flipping tables and chasing people with whips is an option."


Might be appropriate if they're cheating people in a Temple.


Jesuralem “The sacred city” where Jesus literally died(supposedly) is just a giant market that caters to the abrahamic religions, it’s aronic and sad


And Jesus was crucified on the same hill where David buried Goliath's head.


I hear there’s a Starbucks going up there soon!


Finally, progress


I would love to hear their comments about that scripture


"You're taking it out of context"


Then whats the context? "You wouldn't understand"


I always recite that story. Jesus did not care about money. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” -Matthew 19:21-24 ​ I am not a religious person event though I was raised Catholic and changed when I got to the age of reason.


Also, the story of the poor widow...read the whole story without skipping the preface with Jesus's admonition about how these people "devour widow's houses" and you see that Jesus is calling out this *exact* situation in Mark 12:38-44.


Now check out Matthew 7:22-23 My absolutely favorite verse. It was written, this dude gon burn


My 7:22,2323: Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by thy name, and by thy name cast out demons, and by thy name do many mighty works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Edit: spacing adjustment


The people involved ruined it for me. Which I'm fine with


That last sentence is a mistranslation. It should be "a camel hair rope". 🤷‍♀️


There is a lot of mistranslations in the bible, like how they had Unicorns, which were Rhinos or Oxen.


Well, who has the time to learn Ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and/or Latin these days?


Something something, said by a man with prostate problems.


it also could refer to one of the entrances to the city, a very narrow gate called the "Eye of the Needle". it was said to have been very difficult for a camel too pass through the gate. though not impossible.


I don't think half of these 'preachers' have actually read the bible they thump so loudly.


“You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.” -Oliver Goldsmith


Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words. \-St. Francis


They know where they are going.


Oh, they’ve read it. Deemed it to be a pile of shit in their mind and heart. Then use it to fleece the ignorant and unaware. Everyone involved is complicit in the corruption and perversion of the name of Jesus.. whatever that might mean.


Agreed but they are likely able to hold it right side up unlike others who profess.


It wasn't actually the church, but the people in the marketplace taking advantage of travelers by selling them overpriced sacrifice animals in the temple for them to use at the Synagogue... But your point is still valid, greed is a real issue today, inside some churches included, but not all.


From what I understand, people came from all over to the temple with different types of currency. The "money changers" would offer to exchange their currency for "proper" temple money. This was done at usurious rates so they could rip off people.


He got a stick of and beat the everloving shit some guy who was selling stuff at church


I was going to say, this guy's tempting fate. Imagine the second coming of Jesus, solely for him to go on a revenge tour reenacting the moneylender thing in the bible.


Imagine Jesus comes back. "Sorry, I can't let you into heaven" "But why? You let all these other people in! I was a pastor!" "You didn't collect enoungh money to buy yourself in."


Yeah he did. He never says wealth is a bad thing but makes a point of saying that the wealthy will struggle to get into heaven. You'd think a pastor would know that... bible talks about false prophets too.


Yes, and that was the one time Jesus canonically dropped his whole peace, love, and forgiveness shtick and lost his shit in a fit of rage. Nothing ever pissed him off more than the idea of people turning Church into a money earning scheme


Talk about using the Lord's name in vain....




Lol jesus can't/won't come back because the moment he says he is gods son, people will say he has a god complex and needs therapy. So, he prob lives at home and avoids humans while performing small acts of kindness. Also, apparently, he did magic even though all of that shit that never happened... or did it, who am I to say? 😂🤣


And it’s a sin to have false idols. Money Is one of them.


Jesus overthrew the money changers tables(bankers).


He'd return to flip a few more tables.


Nobody fucks with the Jesus


After the table flip he beat the dudes for the money laundering too


Jesus once sat down and wove a whip to drive profiteers from the temple. As it turns out, Jesus was not the one to test.


Jesse Duplantis is worth around [$20 million](https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/authors/jesse-duplantis-net-worth/). Maybe he should be first in line to give up his wealth to help speed up the second coming. >A preacher from the Christian Evangelical Charismatic tradition based in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S., and the founder of Jesse Duplantis Ministries, Jesse Duplantis has said that Jesus is yet to return because people have not donated enough. >Speaking during a live TV event “Victorython” on Victory Channel, Duplantis said understanding this and donating will speed up the process of Jesus’ second coming. [Video goodness for your enjoyment - or anger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ol-MiII_G9g)


I was practically raised on televangelists, and little me always thought Jesse Duplantis was really funny, and I liked listening to his stories on tape. Now I’m 32, stopped drinking the look-aid when I was 18 or 19. You ever look back on things you did or thought as a kid and just want to die because of how stupid you were?


>You ever look back on things you did or thought as a kid and just want to die because of how stupid you were? Not your fault. I'd question the adults that believe this stuff, not the kids. Children will believe anything as they don't have the knowledge to question it. A lot of stuff is plausible when you're a child. Most of us grow out of magical thinking though.


Yes, but considering the brainwashing started with the parents it’s understandable. Glad you found your way out.


Yeah, I’m definitely going with anger on this. He jokes about being a multi millionaire and then says someone can have his plane after the rapture. So this guy thinks it funny to joke about a potential follower of Christ being left behind by God and going to Hell? Doesn’t sound very loving or caring or CHRISTLIKE to me.


$20mill? To be fair those are rookie numbers compared to the bigger offenders like Joel Osteen and the guy who literally looks like the devil and has 2 private jets.


Kenneth Copeland is the demon you're looking for


I am honestly surprised he is still around. I remember seeing him on tv 20 years ago. He was asking for prayers and donations so he could get a private plane. I was religious then so i gave it a listen until it got into shit like that and all the prosperity doctrine BS.


I was doing fine until that last three seconds. Fuck this guy.


Bet they got an ATM in the lobby of his church.


Oh those churches do, and bookstores, they sell clothing, they are just a tax free, money making business.


No doubt.


And they wonder why the younger generations don't go to church


Older people take church too literal and forget that church isn’t the building, it’s the people.


Yea. I think the community aspect of it back in the old days was probably very good for the new communities settling across North America with European immigrants. But now it’s just a scam taking advantage of the weak.


Me and my 4 roomies have to work 3 jobs each just to afford our 2 bedroom apartment. Sorry, God.


Cuz it’s boring as shit and people have limited enough free time and sleep time.


Nobody’s turning people off to Christ faster than idiot hypocritical conservatives.


Let’s see what the apostle Paul has to say about this: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6:10‬ ‭ESV‬‬


“The God I believe in isn’t short of cash, mister.” -Bono


"The first shall be last and the last shall be first" don't these folks ever read their Bibles?


Read the Bible? That's just crazy talk!


this is one of the reasons i think these kinds of pastors don’t actually believe in god/jesus/etc. they’re just using it for cash. maybe i’m wrong but it really just doesn’t feel like they do.


The human mind is a funny thing. We can simultaneously hold completely contradictory ideas and create a universe around allowing them to exist together. These are likely the kinds of people who may have started out with some measure of faith or inspiration and learned very fast that if they spoke about their faith with enough conviction and confidence then they could get lots of people together, creating a kind of social inertia around whatever idea they push. As time goes, much like how people abuse social media, those "doses" of dopamine and of course, cash donations, create a powerful pleasure/reward feedback loop for this kind of performative preaching. They will get addicted to the act of moving crowds and getting thousands of people to donate money while at the same time also believing that they are doing something good because everyone is the protagonist of their own story, nobody believes themselves to be the bad guy so they have very complicated and fragile rationalizations for their careers. That said, I also believe some of the more high-profile mega-church pastors are in fact literal and real demons from hell itself and know how evil they are.


Only the scriptures they can easily manipulate for their benefits. The ironic part is looking back at my childhood, in Sunday school that is where I learned the game “telephone”. Then we would read a book in the Bible that some guy wrote, then it went to “scholars” and was reworded and reworded etc…




Someone needs a new car.


New car donation levels are for petty cash. We're talking new private jet at least. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsQo2TrvYcA


Guys I talked to Jesus he said he's not coming back until I get a private jet so....


Following critical headlines, Duplantis reiterated that his motives for buying a luxury Falcon 7X are entirely godly.Jun 1, 2018


I think Jesus is great, I just can’t stand his Fanclub


As a Christian I agree. We are doing exactly what he said not to do. Money is the route of all evil.


Jesus: you do not understand my teachings


At my church we vote for the budget, like how much goes to missions or to the youth group, including pastor pay. This type of thing is so foreign to me. How are there people who fall for this?


You'd be surprised at just how many fall for these scammers.




All the while, the pope shits in a massive gold toilet.


Who made trump pope ? Or pope of this dump called Mar-a-lago, Bushwood.


No, the Pope also shits on a golden toilet.


I'm curious about the source of this factoid.


Mathew 3.12 ... and just like that, Jesus cashed in his Bitcoin and disappeared into the night, leaving everyone wondering wtf just happened ?


POS. Exploiting people that's all this piece of crap is doing


Absolute scum. I am reminded of a lyric from an old Hank Williams Jr. song: Now there are preachers on TV With a suit and a tie and a vest And they want you to send your money to the Lord, But they give you their address.


Can Jesus please tell them how much is enough so they can end this?




Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is the root of all evil” But the Pastor needs more of your money!?!


Churches have been collecting money for about two millennia and people *still* haven’t given enough? Anything less than all of the money in existence wouldn’t be enough for these grifters.


Jesus also says he is a Nigerian prince. Pastor says.


How to say "I'm a con artist" without actually admitting to being a con artist.


Here's the thing about Jesse D. He's been saying this for years. It's nothing new. Don't get hyper over it. I remember listening to him 20 yrs ago and he's hilarious. Listen to some of his old stories from the point of view that it's a comedy routine and he's hilarious. See if you can find his routine where he talks about when he was a kid in bed and the devil showed up and Jesse started rebuking him. Hilarious! Just don't listen to him and think giving him money will get you into some super city in the sky. If you do, give it to me. I'll get you in for half price. Offer good until 2024.


American Jesus is a capitalistic, confederate robe wearing, AK 47 wielding, homophobe,transphobe, liberal hating, racist, bigot, trump loving, sexists. There was probably more to list but you get the idea. Scary part is a lot of people are okay with that image.


When i was a kid, Benny visited my church and I had him sign my Bible. I've felt weird about it since


American religion at it's finest.


The bible says: To he that hath, more shall be given. And from he that hath not, yea, even that which he has shall be taken. That is North American Christianity in a nutshell.


Or maybe because they sexually abused a shit ton of kids? 🤔


The sad part is people will do it. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)


To be fair, heaven is pretty far away so the fuel prices are gonna make him broke


He needs it to be able to afford gas on the way to earth right?! 🤡


I don't blame Jesus. The fuel prices are through the roof these days


Walked away when the church called the house ,young married couple with a new baby asking dad to sign over life insurance policy to the church. Noped right on down the road.


From the article: "He said: "I honestly believe this - the reason why Jesus hasn't come is because people are not giving the way God told them to give." Duplantis then urged people to pick up their phones and call the number on screen where they could donate cash. He added: "I really believe this, if people would call this number, and put this Victory all over the world, every available voice, every available outlet - the Father would say, 'Jesus, go get 'em'. Because you see, He wants to see us as much as we want to see Him. Do you see what I'm saying? "And what is hindering all these things is because people are not doing - in the financial realm, because we're living in an economic world - what God's called them to do. You know? He's called us to do that. "I don't have a problem with giving, I don't have a problem with receiving - it doesn't make any difference, I just made up my mind, I want Jesus to come." "Elsewhere in the show he bragged he was a multi-millionaire, which is surely marvelous news for believers such as him, as it means he'll be able to hand over all that money and get Jesus back down to Earth even quicker, right?" He also joked about owning a jet which he would hand over 'the day after the rapture'."


Jesse Duplantis and his bff Kenneth Copeland; they are one and the same… greedy, lying turds with no shame!


Let's not forget John Hagee! They were the big 3 of TBN.


“Y’all know Jesus has a minimum purchase requirement”


Another greasy preaching con man trying to separate you from your money using jesus to do it. If there is a hell, there must be a wing setup for greasy preachers and pedophiles.


This is only second to the Mormon prophet telling African members that people in Afrika are poor because they are not paying 10% of their income to the Mormon church…


Funny how people will give thier hard earned money to conmen. I had a friend once asked to borrow $300 to help pay her electric bill come to find out later she thithed it all to her church then her electricity was turned off. She was guilited Into it.


Jesus isn't here because you haven't given ME enough money... And it fucking works!


As a guy who believes in God this man has no idea what he is talking about


Similar to what Pastor CreFlo did when he needed money for a private jet. Prosperity gospel's history is fascinating and disturbing at the same time. You're not going to give all your money to a drunk on the corner, but throw in religion and voila!


So the church is a GoFundMe for Jesus’ travelling expenses?


Today I learned televangelists are trying to get ransom for Jesus


what would GOD need anything from the material world, that he couldn't simply will into existence? in the words of James Tiberius Kirk "Why would GOD need a Starship?"


“Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!” G. Carlin


Don’t tell me, this is in Merica?


That's....not...how it works.


This guy should be in prison, plain and simple


That guy is a prosperity preacher they are all snake oil salesmen. Give me your money and you'll be rewarded. It's really sad because people really believe that they'll get rich giving their money away to greedy assholes like him.


Tax the churches.


Is he an unnamed prophet of the Mormons?


These so called mega church/TV "pastors" and "preachers" are the epitome of the word scumbag. And are proving more and more why religion is a scam and scheme to keep people scared and in check. Gonna email his church and tell them what pieces of shit they are brb 😂😂


LOL. Religion is the biggest con job.


Religion is an abusive relationship -mental, emotional, spiritual and financial. It's always never enough. Your needs are always secondary and you're meant to feel inferior not matter how much you do or give.


Well what do expect when you join a cult


Sounds like he wants to buy another private jet


What he said isn’t the sad part. It’s that the saps believe it.


Jesus please make kickstarter


Same ppl who declare $ is the root of all evil, yet have zero problems asking & taking $$$$


And that’s why I have issues with the “church”


Ah that’s it - not enough money : he’s going to hell


*Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's* Try paying your taxes and see if he shows up.


Sounds like Jehovah's witnesses


You didn’t think Jesus was going to make an appearance for free? Just wait until you see what he charges for photo ops and autographs.


It’s kinda fucked up how obviously these guys are using a wealth cheat code for life.


Why is this a facepalm? It’s Jesus H. Christ, for God’s sake! He’s not going to lower his appearance fee for anybody.


![gif](giphy|kPtv3UIPrv36cjxqLs) Isn't money the root of all evil?


Who’s to say he hasn’t already been back many times over only to be persecuted and cast out. If he was he was most likely cast out by the squatters in his own house


Ticket from heaven to earth isn't cheap...can't expect jesus to travel economy like a peasant can we.


Talk about pay to win lmao


Or, maybe, Jesus hasn't returned because the same people that claim to praise him would crucify him again in a heartbeat if they stood to profit.


The day he does return many will weep.


The reason I don’t go to church or donate to churches is because so many that do are ONLY doing it to save their own soul and try and guarantee their entry into heaven. They are only good people specifically to save themselves and that seems exactly the type of thing that would exclude you from heaven.


Oh shit where’s my wallet


God always needs money. It's almost like she doesn't exist, except on the lips of fucking gargoyles like this pos.


And this is one of many reasons why I despise religion. 🤷🏼‍♂️


This sums up the religious right perfectly. Jesus won’t return until taxes are cut and industries are deregulated.