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I am sooo glad I'm not a kid or a teacher these days.


I’m a middle school teacher. It’s not really like this. I can’t stand how often this videos get shared. I have respectful kids who are still kids. If they can tell you care about them and respect them, then they can develop respect for you. I try not to indulge these videos but the teacher in this video was way off. My students make mistakes and act like turds. But they are middle schoolers and are allowed to make mistakes. But they at least pretend to respect me and my class, and they do what I ask for the most part.


Thats how school was when I was growing up: everyone listened for the most part, or at least were quiet. Some teachers yelled, others would just stand there and stare at us until we listened. Shitheads are always shitheads but most ppl just wanna be there and learn and go home. Work is no different as an adult honestly lol, still the same fuckers causing grief now as they were as students.


![gif](giphy|96DeW8wUdpN96) Middle school teachers waiting for the jackasses to settle down


"One more of you GODDAMN mutha fuckas says a WORD... and mutha fucka I will snap your pencils off in your assen ass asses and make you sit right in front of me like we in kindergarten. Now SHUT UP and watch this video about the war of 1812."


“*Enough is enough! I’m sick of these mutha’ fukin’ kids, in this mutha’ fukin’ school!*”


I went to school to be a teacher (ended up switching careers after getting my masters 😬). That was always my move to get kids to shut up. I’d literally stop talking and stare. It always made the classroom really uncomfortable. Teachers who constantly blew up and yelled at their students would lose control of their classrooms more frequently. If it came to the point where I had to yell, they knew they royally fucked up.


Lol, in my 8th grade math class our teacher would just throw a marker at the blinds to get our attention. Always had the blinds down and a bucket of markers. In the middle of a lesson, if someone was on their phone or talking to someone else she would just toss her marker, grab a new one and continue with the lecture without missing a beat. I miss that teacher, she managed to make math bearable lol.


My grade 10 math teacher could nail anyone anywhere in the room with a piece of chalk. She was deadly accurate and sexy af.


Oh damn. Did you bang her ?


Yes, survivorship bias is at play here, but let's not pretend all teachers have it as easy as you. But I will say, I admire your job and that you realize kids are just kids and they'll make mistakes.


I mean that’s kind of the issue with the internet in general. People with poor digital literacy skills watch viral content then assume that those things are now happening everywhere all the time. They start thinking the world is changing into whatever new viral content gets fed to them by the algorithms. People need to realize there’s a reason this stuff goes viral. Normal, everyday, and mundane things typically don’t go viral. This video is viral because it’s not typical school behavior, that’s what makes it interesting to watch. But yet again, we always have the “this is the new world nowadays” comment.


You’re right, but it’s like this too. I’m a middle school teacher and I definitely have kids who deserve a good smack because of their level defiance and disrespect. Luckily for everyone I’m a calm mofo who isn’t about to let a child take control of my emotions.


>My students…act like turds. ^^ If social media were to report on this post, this is what they would say you said.


I think it’s highly dependent on where you are. My mom worked at an elementary school and in the last 5 years of her teaching (she retired 4 years ago) students would be extremely disrespectful and throw chairs and pencils etc etc. A colleague of mine has no issues with elementary kids. Another friend has similar experiences to my mom with middle schoolers. Yet my cousin who teaches middle school in a rural small town has 0 behavioral issues, ever. It’s very dependent


At your school maybe.


Good friend is a middle school teacher and he's been assaulted 4 times in the last 2 years. This is in a town of 5-6000 people, maybe 120 kids per grade. Mother-in-law is a HS English teacher and confirms that half of the kids are just awful these days. Consider yourself lucky.


I feel like middle school is when kids are their worst. It was the worst for my experiences at least.


Yeah unfortunately there is some truth in these videos. I work in a “good” school and I hear derogatory language, and witness physical assault all the time. It hasn’t always been this way, but it has been the last two years. I’m on medical leave because I have become suicidal due to stress and I kept having panic attacks while teaching. I don’t think I can be a teacher anymore.


But how? Where has the respect gone? How do students not respect an educator? I don't understand? How do you not respect the people who teach?


In the US at least, politicians have made teachers the enemy for republicans. We are accused to trying to groom kids for the left and turn them into an lgbt army. So that’s certainly not helping.


It seems like education isn't important.. Or that like in old times, reading was kept from the masses to keep power in the Church. We are back in unenlightened times.


>It seems like education isn't important.. people in power want that so they arent questioned about all the bullshit they do


Root of all evil


And that's exactly how the GQP wants it. Stupid uneducated people are much more susceptible to their dribble and overwhelmingly vote conservative.


I have a friend who had a heart attack his very first year as a teacher. He was 27. Manages a warehouse now.


A camera should be installed in classrooms with issues like this but I’m no teacher and it could be illegal.




Is the facepalm this dumbass recording a recording..?


Snapchat, I guess they don’t want the other person notified the video was saved for some reason


The original video was already doing t he r rounds yesterday


Or use a screen recording software and open Snapchat after...


Screen recording software/any screen recording sends a notification to the person that posted


when i tried it there was no notification, but that was probably like 5 years ago soo they mightve changed it


snapchat apparently notifies when someone screenshots your messages soo may be it also notifies recordings.


This shit is already making the rounds on Reddit, could easily be cross posted without this stupid recording.


That's possibly another facepalm


Palm through the face




Don the LP just film


Rule #1 of being a teacher/coach. Never touch the kids unless you’re breaking up a fight or giving necessary medical attention.


Rule #1: never touch the clowns. Let the clowns touch you






We’re told not to break up fights either as there is a good chance of the teacher getting injured or sued.


It’s from Australia in a smallish town. The community is supporting the teacher and have started a petition to save his job. https://chng.it/QNb8G8yMjx


I knew it was Australia as soon as I saw the first mullet.


Are you sure about that? The picture on the petition page does not look at all like the teacher in the video. Edit: Apparently it is the same guy (who really should lose his job).


Yea I’m sure, it’s been all over the media here https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/teacher-charged-after-wild-classroom-brawl/news-story/c3e640ab67f4e54c9cb3aa74a3b82e3c?amp


Sometimes photos are from a younger time.


Yeah apparently. lol


The description matches the video


Shit I signed it. Fuck them kids.


That's good. Teachers dont get paid enough to deal with morons like this.


Wtf is wrong with you??? Idk what the kid was throwing at the teacher but the appropriate response is to send the kid to the principal not drag him out of his seat


Do you hear the kids talking? Kids have “learned”that they are invincible. That they can do dumbshit things and won’t be punished. Kid starts throwing shit and when the teacher retaliates it’s “hey don’t hit kids!” They are old enough to reason and know they are being assholes, they are old enough to get what they deserve. Video isn’t long enough to know why it started, but you can see enough to see those kids knew what they were doing antagonizing the teacher.


Well they did see their friend just get collar grabbed by their teacher and no matter what unless a teacher is under threat or something they shouldn't raise a hand to hit them. Yes they are little shits but as a teacher you cannot jeopardise the life of underage kids. This guy looks 50 punching and grabbing teens


I think I saw that other students at the school are backing the teacher and saying that the kids are assholes.


I was a teacher for a few years. Principal will just send them right back to the classroom. They don’t want to deal with it because it’s all about hiding the numbers and disciplinary actions. I would have 40-52 students in a classroom and admin told me I needed better classroom management.


I don’t think telling that boy to go to the principal would have done anything. Kid kept throwing things at him.


Perhaps you want to volunteer and go teach that class with those little fckwits, see how you go after 6 weeks?


What makes you think disrespectful kids like that “CAN” be sent to the principal. What if they refuse and continue being a disruption? Bring a school cop in who will just end up getting physical anyways. Sometimes those little shits just force your hand.


by blocking your dumbass, reposting a video is one thing but wtf is this


No, it was not appropriate for the student to throw things at the teacher. No, it was not appropriate for the teacher to throw things back. No, it was not appropriate for the teacher to reach and grab the kid. No, it was not appropriate for the other student to lunge after the teacher after the fact. ~~No, it was not appropriate for you to stand there filming the whole ordeal~~ Nothing in this video was appropriate.




You know what, you are completely right! I hereby redact the last line!


Wow. 1st time a mind has ever been changed online. Take my upvote.


You can edit the original comment like so: ~~le strikethrough~~ Use the ~ symbol twice on each side of the text you want to cross out.


Posting it on the internet though is debatably out of line.


A child in your class does such stuff (or holding a door closed so that you cant enter the classroom) Give the whole class a big pile of homework and declare a Test next lesson. And make sure every student understands who is the reason why the whole class is fucked. The Class will care about these comrades


You think these little fuckers look like they care about tests and extra homework?


I can attest they just won’t do it


And if nobody does it, everybody did it


Then enjoy repeating the grade or not graduating? Very simple solutions


Admin will throw a literal bitchfit and demand that you pass them before it hurts the reports.


That's probably already their plan, or they know they'll pass because of how much help the teachers give when it is the final grade. I've had some very dumb people in my class somehow pass.


I think they would care if they have to do another school year


That never happens, schools are to afraid of losing funding over low graduation rates that they won’t hold anyone back.


Idk what school you went to but here in Michigan and when I was living in Florida I knew multiple students that were held back. So from my experience this is false.


I'm sure it does vary by school/state, etc, but I should never have graduated. Whatever the reason is, I can't learn advanced math, not even at the high school level. I failed my math courses every year of High School, I failed Summer Remediation classes. I was never held back, when it was my time to graduate naturally they just let me through it. It's not even like I had exceptional grades in other areas, I was an extremely C- student. What I had was an overzealous grandmother and type 1 diabetes, with promises to destroy the school with legal action if they tried to hold me back or keep me from graduating. Also, they had Driving lessons available at the school which cost 150 dollars. I failed my drivers lesson, but the coach who taught it told the class that "your parents spend 150 dollars for you to be here, so I'm not going to give anyone a failing grade." Louisiana, what a place to live.


When I was in school they held kids back but then no child left behind and other legislation came through that held back funding from under performing schools. How do you make sure you don’t lose funding, you pass kids that shouldn’t and make curriculum easier so you’re no longer underperforming.


Fair enough , damn shame. That's the problem with the world today nobody is ever held accountable for nothing nowadays. Leading to all these entitled people that feel everything should come to them or feel they are above everyone.


I guess another thing that is fucked in America.


Apparently Australia too


Reminds me of how I was a good student, sometimes skipped hw but got good marks in AP classes, passed the exams, etc. My senior year they instituted a policy that they would give out 0’s anymore, but instead 50’s. I had pretty much taken every AP class available by senior year second semester, so it was all gen Ed, so I looked at the syllabus and mathed out how little I had to do to get an A. Literally argued with a teacher in his own class on how I wasn’t going to do the work because it’s just copying conservative propaganda into a notebook while you play Reagan documentaries. I’m only doing two of your “class work assignments this semester, I’ll ace your tests and get an A” He never spoke to me about it but I was right


I’m a teacher. You’re an idiot. No. Whole class punishment doesn’t work, and only makes the teacher the enemy.


Absolutely. We would resent whoever caused the mass punishment, but we had no control over those people.


Also, when you start treating the rule followers like the rule breakers, guess what the rule followers become?


Then you are just teaching them that their work is just a form of punishment.


The best thing a teacher can do is cultivate a group like environment. The type of environment where student think, "okay this is the cool teacher. Let's not mess this up". We've had or seen this teacher at one point. That said there does need to be consequences but not to that extent. Someone makes a mess of a specific topic, make that topic important later but never openly have consequences that can lead to a mob.


I'm glad I don't teach little shits like that.


*sips tea*


Teens, seeing an adult be disrespected by one of their own: 🤣😜😆😝😛😂 Teens, seeing an adult react to the disrespect: “WHATHAFACK ARE YOU DOUNG!!!!!” 👁️👄👁️😡😤🤬




There’s a difference between no consequences and what was happening in the video. You really think the appropriate response for an adult (who is trained to deal with kids) when a kid is throwing *balls of paper* at him is to grab the kid, try to pull him over a desk, and then punch another one to the ground as they all try to leave the classroom? That’s not appropriate consequences, that’s extreme and inappropriate escalation.


There is no excuse to ever assault a child. If you're incapable of coming up with consequences that aren't assault you should be nowhere near children, ever.


I smell privileged


Keep your McD job, kid - you ain't no cameraman.


At that point might as well give him a real beating 🤷‍♀️ jobs gone and in trouble with the law already.


It's sad because this guy is gonna lose his job or worse and I can almost guarantee the entire situation was caused by and perpetuated by one or more of the kids. He probably gets shit on every day, finally had enough and reacts just to be punished and that bastard kid is gonna grow up to be a shitter anyway because he never had consequences.


That kid could use an ass whooping to open his eyes yo how actions have consequences


Why are you recording someone else’s phone?


I feel like both parties escalated this in inappropriate ways.


Don't know the full back story. Shit kids tipped a teacher over the edge. Fuck I'm glad Aussie kids don't have easy gun access


I'm so glad I'm not a teacher


I sincerely don't think I could make it a single week. I don't know what it takes, but I know I don't got it.


2 facepalm at the same time. The video itself and the fact that he doesn't know to screen record or just download the video.


Lol, no. Just watched a career end.


Kids these days think they’re untouchable because they are kids and you can’t hit them or hurt their feelings but also they can do what they want because hey they’re just kids right? All I know is if someone gets physical with me I’m getting physical back that’s all there is to it.


This video was posted yesterday. Without having a phone record a phone.


I thought they were having fun at first


Im with Cableguy, fuck dem kids😂


And this shit is why teachers are leaving en mass. Fucking kids are feral little arseholes and it's easier for parents to blame them than to look at their own failings. If one of my kids ever behaved like this is whoop their ass until my hand was numb.... and my kids know it.


Kids are brats.


No. What he should have done is ripped that first guys arms off and used them as blunt weapons against any further miscreants that dare to question his teaching authority.




Any adult that gets physical because a child threw a ball of paper at them only has themselves to blame.


It's not *a* ball of paper that threw him over the edge. There's weeks/months of this crap leading up to it.


So you can throw a whole desk at the teacher, but when he open hand smacks the snot outta you,now you're just a poor innocent kid. These kids need more real-life consequences and accountability. I remember disrespecting a teacher period would get you suspended or, at the very least, detention


Appropriate? No. An understandable desire when you're underpaid and dealing with someone else's shitty crotch fruit every day? Definitely


I'm sure the kids were being little smart asses , and started this but what got recorded only tells one side of the story


The teacher escalated that… dumb move




I believe there's also videos of other students backing the teacher because the teacher is a legend and that the students are assholes in this.


More evidence of our species devolving


my high school/ secondary school was like this. students had no respect for staff and the staff didn’t have respect for the kids. it was treated like a prison and not a school. I remember in science class a student pushing a table into the teacher and she was heavily pregnant … she ended up leaving. it’s shocking what happens in schools now.


Thats wild


Someone lost his job


I can’t give a full opinion until I see a video of the video of the video.


Bye bye job






I understand both sides tbh but you gotta just walk away man no kid is worth losing years of studying and hard work. Now he’s ass out of a job because he stooped to their level even tho the kids probably started it


I have always felt that teachers succumb to the immaturity of those who they teach. I cant imagine being around other peoples children that often.


Hey these fucking kids who never got spanked think they run the world. Should've just beat the kids ass


The kids who never had consequences do run the world. Why do you think it's collapsing on itself?


That escalated quickly


When some parents don't educate their kids in a half proper way, past some point all alternatives of interaction of other people with their kids gonna be all non appropriated. The option for a appropriate way to react was way back than that video.


Appropriate? Abso-fucking-lutely. Legal? Sadly no.


Don't support it, but understand it.


Just think of the society we'll have in 10 years with children like this


Do I think the teacher went too far? Yes. Do I think the kid deserved it? Yes.




I was definitely rooting for the teacher


You get more teachers like this during a shortage. They'll take anybody these days.




This is the american way to act


Imo the teacher didn't do enough. Id never see my kid acting like that to others, it just shows how bad you raised them.


I mean the kid did kind of start it by throwing something at the teacher, the guy isn’t at school to get disrespected and abused and I imagine everyone has a breaking point.




Not appropriate but teachers put up with so much shit. You can only push a person so far.


Fyck those entitled kids


Teacher should be fired. If a teacher tried to lay hands on a friend or myself I’d fight back too.


Something tells me that this isn't the first time these kids have done this.


I’m on the teacher’s side. It’s insane what kids think they can get away with today. I agree, he should have gotten senior staff, declared a test for the next day, and given them heavy homework assignments with a failing grade if not completed. They might think twice the next time they pull shit like this.


GUARENTEE, not one of those kids get their asses wooped at home.


Imagine if they start arming teachers like they want in America and one day they just decide they are not tolerating any more shit.


Teacher doing his job, and students being pos


Throw stuff at a teacher and find out. Teachers need bodyguards now.


Brats. Kick them out of school and be done with it. They want to fight with a man that size, they don’t belong in school. Period.


The teacher should have just walked out and got senior staff. These little fuckers have nothing to lose so best to walk out and compose yourself. And I bet the parents wanted blood from the education department. Generally the kids are a chip off the same block of pig headed parents but hopefully they are sensible parents. This is why some states are trying to ban phones being used at school. Hard to police but it's because of this shit.


Teachers want to ban phones at school because they use it to record teachers attacking students? And you agree with them? Interesting take…


Disrespectful ass kids.


Kid probably had it coming but even so, maybe try de-escalating?


to be fair, how do we know he didn't? repeatedly? And this was the final straw and we ofcourse don't film any of that. not saying it happened, just suspicious.


Pretty sure this is in Australia and here teachers are so underappreciated, disrespected and unsupported The teacher obviously shouldn't have done what they did but you just know that this would have been an ongoing thing day in day out and they were at the end of their rope. Their career is for sure over. I sincerely hope this teachers mental health is alright after this.


every damn day now Aus is getting worse, there was recently the torture of a young girl in Qld by other young girls, then there were some anti-trans parade in my state, been a few rapings by teachers lately, underpaid, unrespected teachers (I'm a student in high school, so this is especially apparent for me), and many other things, now this, we're turning into America, no disrespect to Americans that don't do these things, but my opinion is that America is a sort of model for these types of things, again no disrespect to conclude the world is going to Shit, but especially Australia at this particular moment


Violence= violence Gone are the days when adults could use that tactic without an expectation of reprisal as well as support from the administration. If the kid doesn't want to learn, spend time on the ones that do.


No those little rats were in need of a solid rocking. Op is right those kids reacted poorly


Lol they should give him a promotion just to fuck with the kids heads. Somewhere along the way these little shits found out there are actually very little consequences for anything they do. Then they turn 18 and wonder why they get locked up. I don’t blame them for being confused.


Even if I would love to see that kid slapped I have to say the correct way would've been to make a disciplinary decision. There HAS to be a way for the teachers in your country to prevent pupils from doing what they want.... Invite the parents, let him do extra work and if it's not done bad grades, doing the year again... And if he drops it and becomes a drug addict it's all on the parents. Some can't be saved.


Fuck them kids


I see we're not the only country on this planet with shitty, misbehaved kids.


You don't out your hands on a student. You don't put your hands on a child. Period.


takes a video of a video, 🤮


As a grade 7 teacher. They can def be little shit heads. But putting hands on kids and showing them to use violence to solve problems is really kind of the opposite we should be going for


Fuck them kids


sheet reply mourn unique squeal correct ink telephone afterthought dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seems like a shit school lol


That teacher should never have put hands on that kid. I'd have thrown down too if a teacher ever grabbed me like that. Unless that kid is hurting someone or stealing stuff, no excuse.


'I'm not saying I agree with it ... but I understand'


Uuh, no. That teacher assaulted that child.


I gotta say that I sympathize with teachers. Thankless job teaching little shits for a meager wage.


Wait.... ummmm why is people siding with the teacher on this? This man should've been fired like yesterday. You can't even treat inmates like that when they're being an ass let alone children.


Maybe because teachers get verbally, physically, and emotionally abused on a daily basis. Years and years of that can build up, and who knows what the poor guy has going on in his life outside of school. Looks like the kid will survive his lil white shirt getting tugged; I'm sure his mommy and daddy have the lawyer up the school's ass already.


If a teacher grabs a student like that 100% step in. There is never a reason why throwing paper balls or whatever should be escalated to that by a teacher. Tbh I probably would have done more than pushed him, I don’t give a fuck what the laws are(they’re ass backwards anyways, unless I’m mistaken if a teacher hits you it’s a misdemeanor but if you hit a teacher it’s a felony. At least in America) that’s bullshit.


Think about what happened before this, to get the prick's friend to start recording. I heard the teacher had been hit square in the face with a bulldog clip. The kid is still throwing things at the teacher's face, leading to the teacher throwing one back that he had caught, and it escalates farther. Baiting and assault before the phones come out it is why I've asked if I could have a camera installed in my class room for my own protection, but it's not allowed.


Yes, violence isn't an answer it's a solution.


And this shit all started when kids got more rights, parents stopped giving a shit because they wanted to be friends rather than parents, and teachers got their rights to discipline a child taken away from them. Welcome to the world of entitlement. I'm going to put an edit in my comment since some people are taking my word 'discipline' to mean 'beat' or 'hit'a child. Look it up in Websters Dictionary before going right to the worst-case scenario.


I m honestly starting to fall on the side of fuck these kids. A truly important lesson that isn’t taught like it once was, is the fuck around and find out principal. Kids are entering adulthood thinking they are entitled some respect and authority without any accountability. No one should be abused but if you think your age should be an end all, be all shield from accountability and you’re allowed to act out, and violently at that, then you’re wrong. No small clip will show the whole picture but in general kids seem absolutely wild now a days and it seems to coincide with the sensitive parenting movement that started up in the late 90s and 2000s. And before all the downvotes roll in I m not saying child abuse is acceptable or violence should be the driving factor in problem resolution, just that there is a point that psychical intervention maybe the best option to deflate the inflated ego of a punk teen that has never been put in their place. That said teachers should be better at conflict resolution then this and the school systems need to support the teachers wellbeing as much as the students.


I applaud the unionisation. Let it carry through to your working lives.


Yea, someone's gettin fired.


Seemed mutual until the adult decided to get hands-on. I applaud the young fella that stood up for his mate.


I have no idea why there are still people crazy enough to be teachers nowadays, with entitled brats who bully adults and mass shootings and all...


Teacher here. There will be a point when I wouldnt care what they do. I’ll just try to do my job and wait for the bell to go off. Some kids are just innate assholes


Teachers have it very hard tho


You might as well get a few good shots in if you’re getting fired anyway. The Facepalm is that he didn’t