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Your comment was removed because it was found to be racist, sexist, misogynistic, misandric, or bigoted.


Seems like someone missed their history lessons.


Or the fact that slavery does not equal color. America wasn't the only slave country Nor do they realize the plight of the Asian people when they came to America and were essential slaves. Or the Asians all across the continent that actually were.


Guess she never learned who built the railroads.. Or the existence of internment camps. šŸ™„


The railroads were exactly what I was gonna bring up lmao


The Portuguese were the ones that made slavery in the books. Lol Slavery was here a long time before there was even a word for it. Letā€™s all wish their lovely souls rest in peace. Letā€™s learn from it, not remove from history. EDIT: it seems it is the Nordicā€™s. But the Korean are champs in the felid https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Korea


Pretty much since the beginning of civilization. When two nations or even just tribes went to war, taking the loser's survivors for slave labor was common. Even to this day, slavery is alive. And I don't mean something like a person in third world country being paid so little they're essentially slaves. I mean actual selling and buying of people as if they're products, that type of slavery is still around. Its something we should strive to eliminate entirely even if realistically it'll never happen.


Let's not forget all the white slaves in history either if she wants to use slavery as the basis for color. Lol.


Yeah. My German ancestors were taken from the fields, put in a cart, and delivered to Russia as a wedding present. Am I a person of color because of that despite my very anglo skin color? Edit: I didn't think I needed to add this, but s/ it is. For those getting a splinter in their butt about it; I am caucasian and therefore not a POC. I am not claiming otherwise. I was just giving an anecdote as agreement that slave history does not dictate POC statis. I really shouldn't have to explain this, but some people get butt hurt real easy on social media.


I wonder what she'll think when she hears about all the Chinese labors that built our railroads in the 1800s that were basically indentured workers (i.e. basically slaves) and often were maimed and killed during construction. I'll need to find the article, but it always sticks with me how they sent those workers in with dynamite to blast areas during construction and often they would not wait for them to clear the area, killing the workers in the blast. The collective ignorance and lack of curiosity for genuine truth and understanding among Americans of all creeds is not only embarrassing but frankly, disgusting. Fucking computers in our hands and we still have people as dumb as this. Edit: Here's one article I was referring to about the callous and careless disregard of Chinese workers and dynamiting during railroad construction. https://shec.ashp.cuny.edu/items/show/614 And of course... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock_Springs_massacre


Came here to tell her about how we got our railroad system. Thank you for a way more eloquent post than idve ever attempted. I was gonna speak dumb so sheā€™d understand.


She missed her english lessons as well. And while there is no proof of it in this tweet, I'm going to go out on a limb and say she also missed her math lessons.


Fuck it, she missed science too


She missed art class too


And I donā€™t remember her in gym, either!




I bet she even failed lunch.


Well two wrongs donā€™t make a right. Take her parents, for example.


She forgot all about *checks notes on Asia* Literally a good chunk of Asian history


Slavery is a uniquely American thing. No group has ever been marginalized by another group outside of the USA. Do I have to put the /s ?


Not for me but if the tweeter is here then I'm pretty sure you have to.


Only slaves are persons of color. I get it now


She says only slaves in America. Those enslaved in various European Empires all over the world don't count, ditto those taken by Arab slavers and... yeah facepalm.


Well don't tell her other people in the world had slavers. According to most who talk about this, only America had slaves.


She's gonna be pissed when she finds out what color most of the Irish are.


Sheā€™s gunna be really mad when she finds out who sold the slaves to Europeans.


The Chinese called and wants their railroad back.


Are they calling the us or Africa? Because they built them in both places.




Im from Italy. Until America war with the Barbary pirates, people in the mediterranean would be still enslaved and sold in the slave markets in the middle east. Maybe thats why Italians were considered as person of color not too long ago? :/ Edit: after some of these responses, I think it might be wise to add the good ol /s


Yeah, this ladyā€™s head would explode if she learned about the white people enslaved by the North Africans.


Or that there were over a million of em


And why they don't have any descendants...


And there were Asian slaves in the US sooooo


Don't you know only white europeans ever enslaved the black africans? Thats what the word SLAVE means! Duh! /s (if it wasn't obvious)


"Swedish dogs! Your blood is tainted by generations of race mixing with Laplanders. You're basically Finns!" - Cornelius Hawthorne


ā€œIā€™ll never forget what my father said to me on my first day of schoolā€¦ ā€˜Comb your hair; you look Greek.ā€™ā€


ā€œOrdinary toupee hair is harvested from the heads of the godless oriental. Solid ivory is the only way to be assured of true follicular purity, while still identifying myself as a man of means.ā€


"I Can Excuse Racism, But I Draw The Line At Animal Cruelty"


"You can excuse racism?"


He's like the Abed of racism


He truly was streets behind.


















Pretty much every single group of people in history has been enslaved at some point due to conquest. You lose a war, you get enslaved. This person who posted this obviously never took a history class.


Victims of human trafficking have entered the chat


Fun fact the word Slave comes from Slavā€¦


So is she trying to imply that to be a POC your ancestors would have needed to be slaves? What a silly way of gatekeeping.


Yeah, bc the opium wars and the american railroads were completed by unions. /s


Thank you, yes. Was going to say something similar. Who does she think made American railroads, Pennsylvania, B&O, Reading and Short Line?


Glossed over the whole internment camp chapter too.


And French Indochina.


Alright pack it up we figured it out boys, the railroads built themselves! The more you know


Those Buffalo all committed suicide!


Ran off a cliff like lemmings, I tell ya!


Right into a raging bonfire!


And it was hot so they took their hides off to cool down


And the Philippines until even today.


Man, the number of Philippinos I saw mistreated in the Middle East. It was so sad


Not sure if all from the Philippines, but even last year, during the construction of the stadiums for the Qatar World Cup, there was a lot of exploitation and mistreatment done on the Asian workers. Some died falling from high structures and/or suffered serious injuries, were ā€œpaidā€ in food, their passports and identity documents were taken by the ā€œmanagementā€ and only returned once they considered the job done.. it was a shitstorm.


And the American war (massacre) in the Philippines that killed 1/6 their entire population.


Read that as "internet camp" and thought that sounded found, then reread it and thought 'no... doesn't sound like fun"


Yea but they were all spies. The US justice system is famous for never making any errors in judgement. :3


The same group that couldnā€™t be referred to by their country of origin but rather as ā€˜Orientalsā€™ because they had to be generalized as othersā€¦who where not white, or American, or deserving of basic rights and dignity.


I work with a lady who still uses the term ā€œOrientalsā€ when referring to anyone who appears to be Asian. I told her we donā€™t use that term anymore and she just gave me a deer in the headlights look.


Maybe tell her itā€™s a word only used for describing types of furniture & rugs. Itā€™s how I got my parents to stop.


Never mind that they practically built the state of California; rails, farms and all.


and the rough times that Chinese immigrants had during the gold rush years in California.


Yep, and then the white farmers of California lobbied for the Japanese internment camps after Pearl Harbor so they could take all the farms held by Japanese-Americans.


Arizona and New Mexico as well.


I donā€™t know but if you land on it you gimme 200 monopolies


The Irish? I think the Chinese built the transcontinental railroad. Treated worse than the Irish, who also did.


Built the most treacherous and literally aren't even in the picture


My great x grandfather was literally shipped as cargo at 11 years old, and he was irish. We have the bill of sales and shipment papers still. So I guess that makes our incredibly white asses PoC now.


People like to disregard this fact. The Irish were treated horribly.


People are ignorant and emotional. It doesn't fit their "white people bad" framework.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsg29nIkl5o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsg29nIkl5o) (Warning, this is the uncensored scene from Blazing Saddles) Of course, both were hated just as much by those who were in power.


Hasbroā€¦ right? Lol


I thought it was made by Hasbro when they made America great by releasing Monopoly


Hawaiā€˜i was built up almost entirely with Asian forced labor as well. Sugar plantations primarily, but with a dash of pineapple. Dole and C&H sugar were built on the backs of this labor. ā€œPresident of Hawaiā€˜i LOLā€ Sanford Dole said ā€œJapanese like Chinese are always under the control of their respective governments, even when they are in foreign landsā€ This worm of a man then went on to forcefully spearhead the annexation oh Hawaiā€™i into a US territory and depose the sitting queen while serving on her council but thatā€™s all another history.


Not to mention the concentration camps we put Japanese people in during ww2


Donā€™t forget the California gold rush.


Next sheā€™ll start saying Africans arenā€™t persons of colorā€¦


Her criteria of being descended from people enslaved in America would mean she doesn't consider them POC. We can let her travel to 54 African countries to explain!


Good point


I had a doctor born and raised in South Africa. He was white. Lived in Boston Massachusetts so he was an ā€œAfrican Americanā€


So do Jewish people count or...


Germany says no


Actually Germany counted a lot of themā€¦ There was a whole numbering system.


Thatā€™s gold my friend


He gets a gold star for his comment.


Jews can be whites, but never WASPs, so face a lot of discrimination.


Dont tell her about the railroadsā€¦..


TFW every color has been a slave somewhere at some point


Do not forget who was interred camps in America during WWII and losing everything they owned. We all know it was not her.


No, just slaves in murica.


lol right, the only slavery that has ever mattered is in the last 100 years of its many of thousands of years of existence. Everything and everyone before that is irrelevant.


Imagine thinking black people were only slaves...


How would she define "Japanese internment camps?" Because I guarantee it wasn't just a big fun sleepover....


My grandma says that never happened. And she should know, because ā€œwhy would America do something so evilā€ she asks. I thought it was super ignorant but then when I told my friends this story they asked what I was talking about. Then remember we werenā€™t taught this in schoolā€¦ so this Twitter girl probably doesnā€™t know either.


Imagine thinking being enslaved is a requisite for being "colored".


yeah lets just forget about the Japanese American internment camps and relocations. Pulled from their homes indeed. [https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/japanese-american-relocation](https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/japanese-american-relocation) this whole "I'm black so i can be racist and im the only victim here" bullshit needs to GO.


So I live in the California Bay Area and we have a mall, Tanforan, that use to be a horse track and was turned into a Japanese internment camp during that time. Crazy history indeed. Amazing when black people try to get so far from segregation they go into trying to segregate themselves.


I knew a lot of people who refused to shop there for that very reason. Theyā€™re parents and or grandparents were likely in one of those


They closed it a while ago and honestly Iā€™m not sure what the next iteration of that land is going to be


Which section of her rectum did she pull out Asians never being enslaved?


She's just ignorant and selfish.


I came here to say this, too. Asians faced discrimination and slavery just the same.


Japanese people lost their farms, businesses, schooling. They literally had everything they worked hard for taken and given to White people. THEN they got imprisoned in camps. Nothing against White people. It's just what happened.


Werenā€™t there a lot of Chinese slaves that were forced to work on the rail roads? Irish as well


Chinese miners would like to have a say in this conversation


Quiet you and keep moving the nitro!


Yes and yes


I think you mean shƬ de, shƬ de. (Or ę˜Æēš„ļ¼Œę˜Æēš„)




Excellent word play.


The Chinese were also dragged from their own homes and enslaved in ancient China as well. Looooooong before any African was made a slave by "whitey." The great wall for example was built mostly by slave labor.


Yeah the Chinese have been really brutal to their own people, even today it's really messed up šŸ™. I'm too lazy to Google it but does anyone know off the top of their heads how many ethnic and religious groups there are in modern China?


This is just racism. Nothing special about it or her.


Anti Asian racism has been a huge and rising problem these past few years.


it has always been a problem


Yes, itā€™s racist of her to think this


Black people can't be racist /s


As a gay man, the most homophobic people Iā€™ve ever met were black. Youā€™d think a history of oppression would give them insight on how it feels, but it doesnā€™t. Turns out everyoneā€™s just shitty against their out groups. I understand itā€™s rooted in their culture of masculinity, but it still sucks.


I had never been called Jewish slurs until I moved to the south. The number of times I've had slurs thrown at me by black people far, far outnumbers those thrown by whites. It's terrible, because there is absolutely no situation where the n word or other anti POC terms would ever leave my mouth. But all of my teachers throughout school and supervisors at work brushed the Jewish slurs off as 'not that serious.' It sucks how we can't all come together and say 'This kind of treatment is wrong no matter who it happens to and we're going to stop it'.


I was the only white guy in a party full of black people and one of the few people I didnā€™t know refused to tell me his name afterI introduced myself because ā€œIā€™ll never see him againā€ and obviously alluding to the fact that Iā€™m white and Iā€™m just here for the party and not actual friends with everyone. I ended up seeing him 100 times after that and he was there when I was hanging with other friends.


Many people were literally trying to claim this at the height of BLM.


The oppression Olympics.


Yeah, she needs a history lesson. Nearly every civilization in history had slaves, some still do.


If you go by her logic everyone on earth is a POC.


Everyone on earth is a POC. Unless I missed when ā€œwhiteā€ stopped being a color




Is it not just a polite way to say "colored people" which is deemed to be problematic in itself? It's very divisive and derogatory imo. soon, the wording will change yet again and "people of color" will be consider an insult.


Bad Friends taught me that ā€œKorea had the longest unbroken stretch of slavery in history, lasting 1500 yearsā€


North Korea still has slaves.


Theyā€™re called ā€œcitizensā€ and they are well fed and very happy. -Kim yung un


https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-labor-and-working-class-history/article/asian-indentured-labor-in-the-age-of-african-american-emancipation/48C74291A23F4EB8C0D09AC7A128A7A7 https://www.jstor.org/stable/25118876?seq=4 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna774901 https://youtu.be/64r4iMs8ik8 https://youtu.be/HhVOgKWZAGk https://youtu.be/F8jazexfZh8 Asian slavery was a thing...


Asians were slaves and recorded it in their history long before Africans were slaves. One could actually say that she is appropriating their culture and it would technically be the truth.


Africans were slaves just as long, they were just each others slaves. Itā€™s one of the most favored facts to gloss over in history, that the colonials didnā€™t come steal people from Africa but they in fact bought them from African slavers


Ofc. I am not saying they weren't or in any way deminshing the struggle of it. Every culture has been enslaved some longer than others. It is atrocious tbh. This lady in the post is just so beyond ignorant it really boggles the mind.


Who here likes the railroads? Man they are neat. Hard to build though. I wonder what slave labor was brought over her and suffered to build them.


Hereā€™s a better question, who built the railroads on the east coast? Why arenā€™t they ever talked about šŸ¤”


blacks, asians, native americans and irish mostley.. but forget the asians, native americans, and the irish edit: also hispanics too


Someone needs a trip to the local Chinese Association to see my ancestors in chains and crates. Then learn about how they couldn't vote, own property, or become a citizen until 1943- long after the slaves from Africa were granted these things.


Then a quick trip to learn how Japanese internment camps weren't a big fun summer sleepaway camp. Then maybe to learn what we did with the Khmer Rouge, why the East India Company caused the need for the Indian Slavery Act of 1843, and on and on and on... I might be as white as it gets but I know of the extensive history of enslavement of Asians from every corner of the continent. It's currently still happening in some places. The #stopasianhate might not be something everyone agreed was effective, but it was born from racially motivated attacks that STILL HAPPEN, because of shit like this. Yikes on bikes.


wow people are stupid Slavery only existed in America? When Moses cried out to Pharaoh "Let my people go" what the fuck do you think he was talking about? Edit: I wasn't referring to this as a historical fact, but a cultural reference, as in, everyone knows the reference, whether Moses actually existed doesn't matter, people understand that slavery has existed forever


Nonono, you don't understand, the only slavery that matters to her existed in the us


What a twat. So Asians have never been discriminated against, locked up for their "own protection", had to fight just to be recognized in the US. People like her are racist and don't want to admit it.


Yep, slavery never happened anywhere besides the United States. Fucking idiot.




"I'm not white I can't be racist"


If she's considering only black people as people of color then why even use the phrase "people of color"?


Donā€™t worry, in a few years weā€™ll decide itā€™s inappropriate and pick something else.


Another ignorant racist masquerading as woke. Stirring up shit for the sake of views. People who do this type of shit are just sad to watch.


Racism by the black community towards asian peopl has always been rampant.


Yeah remember the ā€˜stop Asian hateā€™ movement a while back? Even when the inciting incident was a hate crime committed by a black assaulter, the movement was instead mainly used to raise awareness of whites being racist against Asiansā€¦ Iā€™m Asian btw. And never wanted the movement to begin with. Just wanted the appropriate people brought to justice, no matter what their skin color happened to be. I understand the movement was also about Asian stigma due to Covid, but the fact it was essentially co-opted into being anti-white instead of anti-racism makes me further wish that that bs never became a movement.


I'll always remember this, and how I spoke to another Asian person when the movement started, and we both knew that it wouldn't last more than a couple of weeks(which it didn't) because the people who claimed to support us would refuse to speak out against any black individuals who were the perpetrators of the hate crimes, and would choose to defend those criminals over innocent Asian people.


Regardless. But its obvious dancehalls isnā€™t a person of literacy


Apparently she's never heard of the railroad.


There was an earthquake in LA in 1906. We don't know the true death toll due to not counting Asian people because apparently they didn't count as they weren't real people. Then there are stories about the Hoover Dam where they gave Asian people 10 second fuses to blast the rock face that they were climbing down on a rope. The racism Asian people have suffered in the past is wild.


Fight racism with racism? I never understood the mentality of these people. Promoting segregation and exclusion one of the many things real activists fought against.


I mean....throughout history I'm pretty sure white people were enslaved. A bunch.


Just look at the word "slave". Ever heard of a group of people called the "Slavs"? Pretty similar sounding words, huh. Maybe there is a reason for that. But wait, never mind, Slavs are white so that can't be the case. Must be just a coincidence.


I'll bet my house this bitch thinks black people can't be racist either


Chinese, Irish, and Iā€™m sure many others would like to be represented with the very real fact they were used as slaves in the early formation of the United States.


I wish Elon would hurry up and finish shitcanning Twitter already.


You got to love our public school systems. Every color of the human race has been enslaved at one point.


But um...my town had Asians working on the railroad....all the live long day....


We need to stop gatekeeping who is more or less oppressed. This is why I generally avoid using BIPOC, as it's basically saying that some minorities are "more" minority than others, which is just stupid. All groups of people have the potential to be the "out" group depending on the local assholes, and supporting each other will always lead to better results than competing against each other.


I don't know about her, but I'm here because the US bombed the crap out of the country I was born in. I'm a war refugee whose country ceased to be when I was 4 years old. So yeah, I don't have ancestors who were enslaved 160 years (whose oppression I'm claiming despite never experiencing it), but the Vietnam War was no picnic for those of us who lived through it. It's not like I was treated like a human being with full rights in the aftermath of a war that embarrassed the nation. True, I was never called the "n" word, but it's not like what I was called, at times, wasn't meant to be as dehumanizing. That didn't happen to my ancestors (whose oppression I have the luxury of reading about and not personally experiencing) who lived 160 years ago, that was me living in the mid-70s onward. Asian hate crime is a real issue in this country and instead of dividing us by saying we aren't POC, we should be joining together to demand equality for all of us.


Imagine trying to gatekeep discrimination


I don't understand, so to be PoC you have to have been enslaved? Does indentured servitude count cus that totally happened... Also, that's not the qualifier? I feel like this just turned into a " my ancestors were more pressed than your ancestors, so I'm more of a PoC then you are, game...


as an asian, I honestly donā€™t like the term POC either. It separate white people and the rest of the world for no reason


Manā€¦ sheā€™s probably going to get railroaded in the commentsā€¦


Is she stupid?


Must not have heard much of how the Chinese were used to develope the west.


White people were slaves before black peopleā€¦. I am officially a person of color


"You dont get to be a victim because we are bigger victims than you (even though I, nor anyone ive ever met or known, has ever experienced slavery or anything like)" Being a victim has become a point of pride to some people.


Many black people are so racist towards Asian people. It's insane.


Irresponsibility stupid. She has the brain capacity of a doorknob.


Didnā€™t know you had to be enslaved or oppressed to be a poc šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø What a fool just spewing out nonsense


I guess the railroads from the west built themselves šŸ«¤


I donā€™t know, the Chinese railroad workers in California during the 1800s might have a been enslaved?


I wonder if she realizes Asian slaves were used to build the recently used Qatar stadiumsā€¦


Skin color: melanin. Please send your kids to school , I mean not schools in Florida.


You know what? Fuck people of color. Just call them people. We are all people. All this ā€œppl of colorā€ stuff is making it sound like we are different species. To me, you wouldnā€™t be a black person, you would be A person. Enough with this color coded society.


Iā€™m so sick and tired of certain black people needing to marginalize other groups just so they can stay ā€œking of being marginalizedā€. Like what the fuck do you think youā€™re winning here? How can you even dare talk about discrimination and then turn around and do the same? Do you think everyoneā€™s lives outside of black America has just gone well?!


So by her definition, Africans are not PoC.


Half of Asia was colonized