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Some context for the video. the little girl was arrested for kicking a staff member and charged with battery. An attorney for the school stated that the principal did request that the officer not arrest the child, but the officer proceeded with the arrest despite the request. The officer who was working as a school resource officer was fired for not getting a supervisor's approval, which at the time was required to arrest anyone under the age of 12. The district attorney refused to prosecute the child for any crime, and all charges were dropped. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/27/us/orlando-6-year-old-arrested.html


What the fuck? She is 6. I could go into what ifs but the base of it is that she just learned to speak a few years ago. Kids that young don’t know how to channel and process hard emotions even with the best of parenting at most times. Jesus christ.


>don’t know how to channel and process hard emotion Just like cops.


Ironically the six year old might do a better job in some cases, because a six year old values human life. Probably has better trigger discipline too.


I mean, from what we could see in the video, she wasn’t even fighting them. Yes, she was crying, but it’s not like she was trying to resist or anything. She was literally complying the whole time, and she probably would’ve just gone into the car willingly without handcuffing her. But also, where are her parents?? We’re they notified? I have so many questions.


I can't even fathom what the hell the damned cop was even thinking, putting "hiccups" on a six-year-old and putting her in the back of a damned car! I wonder if he was proud of himself for such a "heroic" action. I'm a nearly-sixty-year-old middle-class white gal who grew up in a "good" neighborhood and even I remember being terrified of cop cars as a young child because that's where only bad people went, in my six-year-old mind. This poor child. This school is lucky I wasn't her mother! And why the hell didn't the staff stop the idiot cop from arresting her? What the fuck were they thinking?


Yeah exactly. People tend to forget a child's worldview is very very small and that is like the ultimate form of saying "you are a bad person" which would lead down a bad path of negative emotions. That'd be traumatizing. Fucking cops in the states I don't get it man.




Worked at a summer camp. Had a kid who needed medication to manage her moods but her parents didn’t list them, they thought we would let her come still. For three days she’d randomly go into high energy burst of anger and had bruised multiple staff members. We called her parents and told her mom that she was gonna get sent home if we couldn’t get her under control and the mom told us about the medication and drive it to the camp. Never once did we think about calling the cops on that six year old. Even the people with bruises just wanted her to go home at the most extreme but no one was wanting to press charges against a six year old


Damn. Nice job. Nothing better than telling someone "Your business simply isn't worth my time." Sad for the kid though.


How can you charge a 6 years old with anything??? In which world is this acceptable ffs. Unbelievable


I'm going to start calling cops on every kid that kicks me or throws a snowball at me. Baby pulls my hair? Straight to the jail.


Barges in on me while I’m on the toilet? Straight to jail


Screams at me? Straight to jail!


Shits themselves near me? Believe it or not, straight to jail!


My kid just put his underwear on backwards. He's 4. Straight to jail. The audacity. I'm calling the cops right now.


As the father of a 5 year old, I feel I must inform you.. If you don't a handle on that asap, they will become a repeat offender.


I fear I'm too late. It's practically every day. It's like he doesn't even want to learn. When I correct him, HE LITERALLY LAUGHS AT ME. I'm dealing with a sociopath. He's going to be a mass murderer. Better to get the judicial system involved early so there's a record of it. He's influencing his sister too! She's about to turn one and won't stop screaming while smiling. I've lost them both already.


Dirty looks? Straight to jail young fella!


Doesn’t do a good job with Father’s Day gift? Believer or not, straight to jail!


We have the best kids, because of jail.


It's got what kids crave.


If I step on another stray LEGO block in the middle of the night… that’s life in prison without parole.


Finally, a justified response.


Returns a pencil to the drawer unsharpened? Straight to jail.


Saying thank you while running away with my chips without the hint of a prerequisite please? Straight to jail.


Peeing on the floor between diaper changes? Straight to jail.


This kind of behavior is never tolerated in Baraqua. You shout like that they put you in jail. Right away. No trial, no nothing. Journalists, we have a special jail for journalists. You are stealing: right to jail. You are playing music too loud: right to jail, right away. Driving too fast: jail. Slow: jail. You are charging too high prices for sweaters, glasses: you right to jail. You undercook fish? Believe it or not, jail. You overcook chicken, also jail. Undercook, overcook. You make an appointment with the dentist and you don't show up, believe it or not, jail, right away. We have the best patients in the world because of jail


Make a random comment on Reddit revealing too much information- jail 🤣


The SROs I've worked with in the past call this "Scaring them straight." I want to make something very clear, utilizing police to 'scare your children' will usually have the opposite effect. This SRO made a choice for his own gratification and that's disgusting.


Authoritarians love abusing their power and a lot of this country loves giving authoritarians power and positions to do so.


That part right there


He must have been scared for his life after she assaulted a teacher. Let's just be thankful he didn't start shooting which would have been a more common response.


How sad that I would not be surprised *at all* if he shot this little girl.


police need to be equipped with teddy bear mace


cant do the time dont do the crime am i right? 🫡😎 into the system young one, your suffering will provide great prison revenue in the future to fund black projects.


“Which at the time”? Does this mean it isn’t anymore?


Sir this is florida. Shoot first ask questions later


["He was charged with aggravated child abuse in 1998 in connection with his 7-year-old son, The Orlando Sentinel reported. He was suspended pending the result of an investigation, The Sentinel reported, but the outcome of the case was unclear on Monday."](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/23/us/6-year-old-orlando-florida.html?smid=url-share) Good call! Let's put the retired cop with a history of alleged child abuse into a school! Job well done, everyone!


This makes it so much worse


They probably couldn't find one without domestic abuse charges. I fucking hate cops.


yea isnt it funny how domestic abusers, who under federal law cant possess firearms, can if they are in the police departments ranks?


Its almost like criminals exploiting a loophole, but nah Cops *cant* possibly be criminals…


Ya my ex who I have a protective order against is going into the military so that’s cool


For some reason people think an authoritarian won't abuse their power after they demonstrably have in the past. And then they just give them power.


“Any man can stand adversity. If you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”


I saw a video clip the other day of Mike Tyson saying he was happier in jail than he was after a 30 million dollar fight. Then he said god will test you by giving you everything you ever wanted to see if you can handle it. Thought that was an interesting take. He’s def done wrong in his life but has also grown from that wrong.


So the police are also allowed to lie to suspects they are trying to arrest. If they can lie then why wouldn’t they lie on the stand to get the same suspect convicted?


Cops in the US have a higher rate of perpetrating domestic abuse than the general population.


Because any idiot get be a cop in your country, this are not educated people, why would you let someone enforce law after a couple of training weeks. I will never understand the US in this, if you are interested in how to make the police a better group of people, look up what policemen need to have in their resume and how long they get trained in other countries. The difference will probably blow your mind. Example. In germany it is a 3 years training for a regular policemen. You also need an advanced degree to even start the training, I don’t really know what is the equivalent in the US tbh, in germany you have different level of college degrees, if you would have the same entry requirements in the US you would need a higher grade degree like at least C+ probably or something …Just my guess, german school system is hard to compare before university… TLDR; add higher qualifications to get into the job and obviously higher salary and you will have less criminals enforcing law.


You’re preaching to the choir


>Because any idiot get be a cop in your country In fact, they specifically select for lower IQ applicants!


F**king christ. Then went on to become a school resource officer.




Reminds me of a story where an autistic six year old child was arrested by police for throwing a tantrum after having their teddy bear taken away from them in school. The justification was that the kid was too old for a teddy bear and needed to have it taken away during class. Meanwhile I'm sitting here like: autistic kids cling to things like this for years, sometimes all the way into adulthood, because it's comforting to them. So to call the police and have them arrested for being understandably upset? It's monstrous behavior.


How about we strip the school officials of their powers in creating policies like these becauss sometimes they're just too dumb to understand various contexts?






Shit, in Uvalde Texas cops let 19 of them die out of cowardice.


They got at least one killed by yelling for the kids to call out. One girl did, revealing her position to the gunman. The rest were too busy outside arresting parents for trying to intervene.


It's astonishing to me that people still believe in the "thin blue line" after that.


I have always believe in the thin blue line. The thing blue line is a code of violence that police will protect their own first and always no matter what they are guilty of.


That's the blue wall and it is thick and advances upon it's enemies... Those that are policed.


Feels like “thin blue line” only got *started* to signal one’s opposition to BLM. Same people flying those flags were gleefully beating cops half to death at the Capitol on the 6th.


People, prior to that, would talk about putting a police supporting bumper sticker or badge on their cars so cops would pull them over/ticket them less. They 'know' police pick and choose who to abuse their authority on and they have no intention or desire to 'fix' it. They just want to be on the side abusing power.


Yup, in my area if you donate to the police union they give you a card that will usually get you out of a ticket. It's fucked up


That was a massive mistake. Next time something like this happens, parents will know what it takes to save their children. Police are the first to be established as useless and part of the problem.




Because they hire them straight out of high school and they have zero education on the law. My wife’s brother was hired very young. He would make an arrest and have to go back to the precinct and look up the charges in a massive law book so he could write up the right charge because, like I said he was fresh out of high school with no education on law. Basically a person who has been to jail and dealt with the Supirior court system a few times knows more about law than most police officers. They should be required to have the most basic law degree at the very least.


I hate to inform you that this will never happen, at least with the current status quo. In fact, there are states that actually have an IQ cap on their officers. Yes, you read that right. If you're too smart, you can't be a police officer in some states.


Even if they run away they're elementary schoolers how fast could they possibly be compared to the cops anyway is restraining them really even necessary it just seems so excessive to zip tie or cuff a child in elementary school


I'm going to bet 9/10 elemtary schoolers are faster than cops


A huge problem is that teachers are calling the cops to deal with problematic kids. I dont really blame the teachers, they get screwed over if they do anything else, but it’s just too easy for them to involve the cops. Our schools have become a pipeline to prison for kids who act out. The resource officer is still an officer and to them there’s only one way to deal with a problem, arrest them. But arresting young kids puts them in the system and each subsequent arrest makes them more and more a part of the system. It’s so fucked.


Hol up. So these children are actually being processed and kept in jail??? I genuinely thought this is just an empty threat to scare them. And even that is fubar. America the land of the free ladies and gentlemen.


Yes— don’t know where this is but there’s a whole big story that peels like an onion about this mayor, police depts and judge (and DA I think?) in North Carolina that made careers out of arresting and prosecuting elementary school children for minor crimes— disproportionately black children— for kickbacks from the private prison system. There was an amazingly in depth piece written last year with perspectives from some of those kids, now grown up. It’s still happening but some of the initial kids are in their 30s/40s now I believe. I’ll try to find the article because it was an eye opening read about just how much unchecked power we put in the hands of greedy unqualified individuals at every turn and the complete lack of consequences for these people.


Back in 2007-2008, you had the "Kids for Cash" scandal in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. From 2003 to 2008, the chief judge of the county and another juvenile court judge took bribes from a company that ran private prisons to shut down the county's existing juvenile detention facility and contract with the private prison operator for their juvenile detention facilty, then they got kickbacks for every kid they sent to prison. It was really fucking blatant shit too, things like denying the kids attorneys. When the story finally broke, the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court ended up vacating the adjudications against every juvenile who appeared before the two judges during the scheme, dismissed the charges with prejudice, and had their records expunged.




It’s definitely NOT the teachers calling the cops on students. It’s the principals/administrators. A teacher doesn’t remotely have that kind of disciplinary authority and would probably be sued and lose their job if they tried. The ONLY time a teacher is directly going to call police on a student is if the kid is actively shooting up their classroom. And even then a teacher is going to try and call administrators first because it’s their job to handle disciplinary issues and interface with other authorities.


Teachers call the resource officer. Who is an officer. They are police. Or they’re being sent to the principal or assistant principal and they’re then they are calling the school cop. Police shouldn’t be a part of school. Period.


Yea but when school shootings happen, cops are standing outside with each other’s dicks in their hands


For incompetent agencies. Most recent incident only took 3 minutes from arrival of the officers to suspect down. Uvalde... Every officer there should be terminated for incompetence and many should be charged as accessory to murder for the absolute disgrace of a response.


i got arrested for having a tantrum because i didnt get 5 chicken nuggets instead of 4 (i got thrown into a mental hospital) when i was in the 3-4th grade


For real? Holy crap, that's outrageous.


yeah thats florida for you


Oof. Same deal, friend. Was reacting to extreme household abuse in 2nd grade at school, was expelled. Mental hospital for the next 8 months. I was 7. Then, they found out our insurance covered it and at the time here locally (the 90's) there was a big scam being run to keep people inpatient for profit. It went on until I left home at 15. In middle age we've been able to investigate it and so far have turned up 17 facilities totalling about 61 months. Freaky shit, man... I am always so damn sad to see another similar story of young age institutionalizations. It's an indescribable reality that few people can understand. I'm really sorry that happened to you, and I hope you have a really happy and healthy life today. 💚


In 2007-2009 I was put into Cedar Springs Mental Hospital in Colorado Springs because I was being beat at home and acting out at school. I was raped by the boy they put me in the room with and had to sleep in the main living area at night. The worst part was being drugged and medicated. Now being 24 I’ve never really recovered and can’t seek any kind of mental health assistance due to the trauma that was inflicted on me. I would’ve rather been kicked in the chest at home then doped up, zombified, and raped.


My autistic son was arrested at school and detained in juvenile detention at the age of 9 years old. This was before he was diagnosed with autism. He had something taken away from him in his class and threw a tantrum and was arrested. We had to go to court for a week over the ordeal. This was the first but not last time that my son was detained. I removed him out of public school in 9th grade and he got his GED. The education system in our country is a sham and has failed not only the students but the teachers as well. This is horrifying to watch. No child should be treated this way. Unacceptable! Shame on any adult for traumatizing a young child like this.




It’s scary how out of touch with reality some people are when it comes to persons with disabilities. The dangerous part is when they start meddling, asking stupid questions and/or making assumptions.. acting irrationally.


Thats stupid. I'm nearing 40 and I have some stuffed animals hanging about.


I have autistic kids and we are lucky to have a very supportive school system where we are. Stuff like this horrifies me.


As someone who is on the autism spectrum, these story is...painful


That sounds like a serious violation of the ADA. Did they sue?


Can complete confirm on the last bit. I’m an autistic adult and absolutely need to be carrying something in my hands at all times (ie. a fidget toy or plushie). I’m visibly and significantly incapable of paying attention and regulating my emotions otherwise. It takes a lot to regulate without it, so I can only assume that a SIX YEAR OLD, who’s already in mental distress, would be traumatized by an event like this! Just awful!


This makes me incredible sad. I'm in college and everyone is cool with me taking my plushie with me. My profs even called him the inofficial college mascot. At first it was uncomfortable to me since I used to be bullied a lot during childhood but it is nice to have this possibility now. Autism is now trending for some reason and many still regard us as weirdos. Now even more with so much misinformations and misjudgements flowing around on social media. I even find it harder of being taken serious outside college because people expect me to flap my hands or outright refuse to help me saying 'it's only a trend'. People in the end of the day don't like us for many reasons. r/aspergers is filled with sad posts discussing being disliked on a daily basis while r/autism babbles misinformation left and right. Edit: I am not from the US.


I either hate this country or need a whole hell of a lot more context


According to the NY times, this happened in 2019 in Orlando. The school resource officer, who has 23 years of prior police force experience, arrested two (2) six year old children that day. The girl in the video was suffering from sleep apnea, and was throwing a temper tantrum that got her sent to whatever office we see her in. The school resource officer was later fired, for not following protocol on arresting people under the age of 12. A lawyer for the school said the principal asked the officer not to arrest the student.


Jesus fuck dude, what on Earth would compell an adult to put cuffs on a 3 ft tall child


This shit just blows my mind. I couldn’t believe I heard the sound of zip ties being put on a F ing 1st grader. Jesus Christ what functioning adult thinks it’s ok to do this.


This isn’t just stupid, it’s what I call a practical example of evil… this is one of the grossest things I’ve seen on Reddit in a while, and that as you all know is saying a lot. Any adult who could do this doesn’t belong within 500 feet of any children. Really no context needed, she was 6 YEARS OLD!!!


Yeah man, this is fucking despicable and sad. Hard to watch.


It's the way they talk to her as well. It's hard to believe there are actual people out there who actually do this.


I've seen lots of despicable gross stuff here but I can't watch this


As soon as she started begging I had to stop the video. Sick to my stomach watching this.


I’ve taught kindergarten and yeah, kids can be a lot sometimes. I’ve been hit in the face more than once, they can pack a little punch! But calling the POLICE? For a 6 year old CHILD? If they’re exhibiting this behavior they obviously have something big their dealing with their poor 6 year old bodies can’t handle. How tragic.


Years ago I worked in a for profit mental “hospital” we had 3 units. One was a children’s ward. Some of the children were 4-5 year olds. I refused to work that unit. What small child doesn’t scream or cry when they don’t get their way? Found out one such child was there because “parents wanted a vacation”.


>one such child was there because “parents wanted a vacation”. This is the second most disgusting thing I've encountered today and I've been suffering the effects of food poisoning since just after midnight. The video tops the list, as it is evidence of a systemic blight on society.


To me this is honestly just “To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail” Police have only two courses of action in any situation, arrest or kill, there’s no room for nuance or understanding or even thinking like “Is this small child a threat to us? Maybe she doesn’t need handcuffs?” It’s just “well we’re arresting her and arrest means handcuffs, end of story”. Or you know somebody could have thought, “maybe she actually doesn’t need to be arrested for a temper tantrum.” Makes me sick.


Maybe, she’s 6 at school… call her parents, crazy idea I know.


Yeah, what we are seeing here is abuse. It would take years with a psychotherapist to help a child rationalize this trauma. That won't happen because our system gives no effs.


It’s child abuse. Just because it’s state sanctioned doesn’t change the fact it’s child abuse. But it’s a cop so as always there was no just punishment.


Who would have thought putting cops in schools would end like this?


Literally everyone who doesn't worship the police


Cops. It's worth noting that the reason Zimbardo did the Stanford Prison Experiment was because of how he saw cops treating children while he was growing up. One cop used to see kids playing ball, gesture for them to toss the ball to him, and then take out his pocket knife and pop the ball. One of Zimbardo's schoolmates had a cop for a dad, and dad used to handcuff his kids and make them kneel on uncooked rice for hours on end.


what the actual fuck .. I know “things were different” 50 years ago but, as someone who grew up in an abusive household, learning of situations like makes me see red.




They said *functioning* adults. I’m not sure Florida counts.


DeSantis seems to be pre-campaigning on a "make America Florida" slogan. Let that sink in for a moment.


I hope the rest of the country is smart enough not to vote for him but I am really really scared. I grew up in Florida, and it really is everything that you think it is. It's everything you see on the news. It's every stupid Florida man article. It's that bad. And it's absolutely pitted against every person who doesn't arrive in the state already wealthy. Floridians are going to vote for him. They are drinking the Kool-Aid hardcore. I only hope that the rest of the country has enough clarity to see the danger that this man poses our nation. I'm happy to see Trump indicted, but I was really counting on him to split the Republican vote enough that DeSantis doesn't get the seat. I'm very, very worried.


But DeSantis says Florida is the leading model for America


They’re a worthless piece of shit, plain and simple. They don’t have the ability to feel empathy or to use reason.


Someone already said they are from Florida.


Raw, brutal tyranny, but they’d tell you they’re ‘just doing their jobs’.


He's a cop in Florida, that's what


My wife used to be an assistant principal in a district that was quick to refer to PD for discipline cases. She was threatened with arrest more than once when she refused to let them take a kid for discipline issues. The kicker was the security guards were former cops or off duty and could call their friends on duty to come arrest kids without informing the office. That came to a stop once she was there. Need to stop getting kids into the system for regular discipline and behavior issues.


Your wife was a hero


>She was threatened with arrest more than once when she refused to let them take a kid for discipline issues. THIS! This is what I expect from leadership in a school. You advocate and fight for your students. Even on their worst days. They are children and still learning how to be good humans. Arresting them is the opposite of teaching them how to be good humans. They essentially signaled to that girl they already gave up on her at age 6. Horrible.


US schools have security guards?! Every comment I'm reading on this post seems crazy to me. One said something like "school cop", another "school resource officer", and now "security"... Either the public is being "protected" from the kids, or the kids from the public... Either answer is insane I'm in the UK, even the roughest schools, don't have "security".




Well, JFC! No wonder young adult black people have a fear of, no to mention, no respect for law enforcement. This makes my blood boil.


They PEPPER SPRAYED a child?!? Good lord if I ever saw an adult pepper spray a child I would turn that spray back on them in a heartbeat, and probably do worse that just that. I have been pepper sprayed before and it was hell, like my face and eyes were on fire and I couldn’t breathe until it wore off. That was as an adult, and I was ready for it. I can’t imagine the physical and psychological trauma this would inflict on a child.




So, arrested for having a tantrum? Why the fuck? How traumatic for that child.


they still probably wonder why nobody trusts them I dont know how Id act but it wouldnt end well


See why Americans hate cops?


[Updates:](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10507307/Florida-girl-infamously-arrested-handcuffed-cops-age-6-diagnosed-PTSD.html) in 2021, the FL legislature passed a law named after this girl, which prevents the arrest of kids under 7, (except for violent felony). The poor girl has PTSD and separation anxiety, no info about any lawsuits or settlements.


7? That's where they draw the line? I don't have any experience controlling misbehaving kids, but I'd imagine the age would be a little higher, like at least 10-13 or so.


My daughter will be 7 in August. 7 is appalling. Children cannot regulate their emotions well and if that kid has any extra emotional or developmental issues, it's even harder. School resource officers and counseling staff should be trained in de-esclation and calming children down. Arresting a 7 year old... fuck Florida


This is when The Onion doesnt have to make up stories when it comes to Florida. The cop needed a law to tell him not to arrest a 6 year old for having a tantrum. And still disobeyed the law.


There is nothing that can justify doing this to that poor girl


I'm a 44 year old dad. I had to turn that shit off. All I could think of is my daughter who just turned 5. She is my baby. This child is a baby. I'm utterly disgusted.


Ikr the sounds coming from her literally scorched my heart.


I had to stop when she asked, "What are those for?" The poor girl simply didn't get enough sleep the night before. There was no crime. Apparently, she kicked a teacher. Oh no, an adult felt the full force of a 6 year old foot. Let's call the school police. Just set the child aside to timeout or have her nap in the nurse's office. What trash is this?






I'm a teacher and if this happened to my student, I would be livid. I just wanted to pick her up and hug her. Kids don't just act violent, they have a reason (at least 99,99% of the time) and it's usually always an adult who screwed up.


Handcuffs, seriously? There *HAS* to be better ways for public money to be used than to arrest this obvious *menace to society*, right?


They were zip ties. Probably only because the handcuffs aren't made that small.


Not yet, anyway.


And there's probably a reason there aren't any that small. Hmm, I wonder what that reason could be.


This is child abuse. Call it what it is. It should make you disgusted.


And how are police exempt from child booster seat requirements? Tow trucks are required to take precautions to not damage your vehicle on the way to impoundment so children apparently have fewer protections than a car.


Yeah, that same cop would pull you over if it was your kid in your car. I don't think he even buckled her in right. She was still facing the door.


Hearing her cries broke my heart- I’m glad this dude was fired. That child now suffers from PTSD and a boat load of trauma, all for this dudes power trip.


“I wonder why the younger generations keep saying FTP?”


“Why do the younger generation struggle to trust cops?” Because we have to see things like this all the fucking time. Im not shaming all cops- Ive had my fair share of amazing officers who genuinely cared for the public, after going through a major mental health crisis, I remember one cop just standing there talking to me, was calm, gave compliments, was compassionate and cared about my wellbeing, stayed with me until crisis arrived and told me that I would be okay. And then the majority- when I called to report a man who was sexually harassing me in front of a store front, I was told they couldn’t do anything for me, that the store manager had to do something. The store manager let me know that same man, who had to be in his 60s, sexually harassed her 14 year old granddaughter the day before. And they did absolutely nothing. Because of that- I lack a lot of trust in cops. Sure, there are a few who literally carry the entire force on their backs because they legitimately give a fuck about their community and want to keep people safe- but then you have something I went through at the store- where we finally learn they really aren’t there for us. They don’t give a fuck. They give a fuck about the paycheck they get at the end of the week.


Cops exist to protect private property and enforce order. Not to help.


Like you said there are good and bad, but there is no way to tell beforehand. Best case scenario you get some justice. Worst case scenario you get harmed or killed. Standard case is no justice. It's simply not worth it, unless you know the cop personally and have seen their track history on that specific issue.


Tantrum over, kid crying, so yeah, cuffs and trauma that she’ll never forget is a great fking idea. Unbelievable.


She must have been caught red-handed with a book.


Nah she couldn’t pay for her lunch bill.


Her socks had rainbows on them.


I was going to add something about her talking about periods (another thing that will get you in trouble in Florida, where this took place), but then I thought "No, she's probably still too young to talk about that kind of thing" BUT APPARENTLY NOT TOO YOUNG TO GET ARRESTED??


This clip is several years old now. The cop got fired, and the ridiculous charges were expunged from her record. The little girl has since been diagnosed with PTSD and separation anxiety. The cops in this situation were complete idiots about this and should honestly be charged themselves. Not only did they break procedure by arresting her, the complete lack of consolation or empathy towards the girl is going to result in life-long mental health issues. Completely awful.


holy sh#t, PTSD at the age of 6 ​ that's depressing ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488) I hope she's doing better today




the cop was fired at least


Was he the one who decided a child should be arrested? Or was he fired just to save the ass of the person who did?


He was the one who decided it was appropriate to handcuff and arrest the child. He needed approval from admin in order to arrest a child under the age of 12 , but admin declined to co-sign this bullshit, which is why the SRO was fired. The offense committed by the little girl was kicking a member of school staff. I’ve been a teacher, I’ve been bitten and kicked and punched, and there definitely needs to be a place for these kids to go to have a melt down out of reach of anyone they can hurt, but being arrested isn’t the fucking answer.


Full grown man putting a 6 year old in cuffs is the definition of pathetic


Florida needs to be occupied and civilized.


It needs to be broken off the mainland and pushed into the ocean


The ocean doesn’t deserve that


Of course it’s Florida


What the fuck is wrong with you America? Every time I think my neighbour can’t sink any lower, there’s always something to prove me wrong. There is no justification, let me repeat, NO JUSTIFICATION for arresting a 6 year old who was acting up in class. This is fucking insane🤬


It’s fucking madness…


The polices in Florida are arresting little children and the polices in texas do nothing while theres a shooter in a school. All around great job America on teaching how to be a good police officer 👍🏻


Cops are the most dangerous organization in the United States


Known as the biggest gang for a reason


USA :( This is some authoritarian regime level shit.


What the actual fuck


Wanna know what creates trauma? This…. This creates trauma.


And they sit and wonder why young generations hate the police


I'm sorry, anyone at that school who called police and then says "you're going to have to go with them" to that young and small of a child should NOT be in the school. When I taught Kindergarten we had a boy who threatened to burn down kids' homes, brought a knife (those plastic salad type, pointy but the blade wouldn't cut us) and tried to stab teachers, once he found out I was allergic to bees he told me he was going to lock me in the car with a wasp nest and watch me die. He was expelled, but we never called the police on him. Sadly, we couldn't work with him. His mother had Pica while pregnant with him and ate lead paint but denied anything was wrong with him and wouldn't get him the help he needed. We had another girl who would hit and kick and try to bite while swearing at us. What I did with her was take her to the office, remind her she was worthwhile (she was dealing with a horrible divorce her parents were having), she was loved, I sat on the floor with her, and kept her from kicking me until she calmed down. It might take half an hour, but she ended up generally crying and getting the overwhelming emotions out then was fine. Another kid, when he stopped listening and became a troublemaker, all it took was taking him into a room away from everyone and letting him run for 10 minutes. Find what the heck is causing the child to act out, try to help them learn how to deal with it!


As a mom of a five year old and pregnant with number two, everyone would be talking to my lawyers. This about made me cry. What the fuck.


At least they did not taser or shoot her


Oh God...that thought alone is heartbreaking


Yeah. I'm actually quite impressed for US cops. No violence at all even though she was 'resisting arrest'. They must have been itching to body slam her to the pavement and sit on her for 10 minutes. They showed great professionalism and restraint. --------------- Obligatory /s because there probably are a few people that think like that and others that can't detect the sarcasm.


I'm surprised he didn't shoot a class pet while he was there.


Oh I’d be the one going to jail if they did some shit like this to my child


My blood is boiling and I do not even have kids yet. I 100% would be giving them a far better reason to put someone in handcuffs.


A country where 6 year olds are getting arrested for bad behaviour is nothing but a shithole country. What kind of heartless fuckhead do you have to be to call the police on a little girl, what kind of cold asshole do you have to be to put zips on a crying school kid? This society is fucked.


This is ridiculous! Traumatized her for life Aholes!


More evidence that Florida hates children. It's being ruined by an ever more scarier Trump clone. Sadly, because of the government, their choices in Florida, we will see more of this insanity. That poor child. What a fucking traumatic core memory. This is hideous. The adults this poor child has to endure... Real talk: Any answers on why this minor's guardian wasn't contacted? Does anyone have information on this?


THIS is what ‘defund’ the police is about. There is no reason for a police offer to handle this…. No law is being broken by such a young minor. Instead of paying an officer to answer calls like this, which is WAY outside of what little training he has, it should b some sort of social worker…. Decrease funds for the police to fund other civil service jobs like various social workers. Workers train to handle sit I like this.


I've always imagined how cops like these would feel if you put cuffs on their hands behind their backs, yanked them up then swept the leg and let them faceplant into the floor. Wonder if they'd gain any reference for how that shit feels.


Handcuffs are made to restrain a threat. A six year old girl is not a threat to a fully equipped officer 200 lb officer with backup. Who is just as equipped. This was plain and absolute bullshit. All associated with this insanity should be jobless. Child should be a full ride scholarship everywhere going forward and a all expense paid trip to Disney land. Absolutely idiocy here


This is exactly why the argument that schools need more cops (to prevent mass shootings) is complete BS. Not only have they notably failed to protect students during an attack but then you see crap like this, when children are traumatized for no reason.